April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Emmaleigh lovee her bath feed bedtime routine. I usually try to be in bed by 9 pm and she will sleep on a good night till around 2 am and then awake at 4 am and I will pull her in bed with me so I can get some extra shut eye.

Oh her poop face is funny. She sticks her tounge out and makes a scrunchy face and grunts!

So any of you other Ladies getting your girl's ears pierced? Allen and I have decided we are doing it while she is small and can't pull on her ears so after her 2 month shots we get to get them pierced.
Nimbec we started izzys bedtime routine when she was 12 days. We aim to start around 7.30 if she has woken from her previous nap, and do nappy free time then a bath (only every other night) then feed and into bed. Depending on how long her feed takes she is in bed anywhere between 8.30 and 9. As I type I am listening to her via the monitor squeaking away. She's been unsettled today and apparently that is translating to tonight.

She used to always feed to sleep at bedtime but hasn't the last week, so have been up and down to her more often, but she is starting to self settle more. Sometimes :haha:

The bf was nice. Izzy was weighed and is now 10pb 6oz (up from 7lb10 at birth) and it was nice to see some other people and have a little chat. A bit awkward as they all know one another pretty well, buy they were nice, and one girl was asking all about using cloth so at least I had plenty to say!

Mommabrown, we won't be getting izzys ears pierced yet. I wasn't allowed to get mine done until I was 13, and we'll probably do something similar for izzy. None of our schools let girls wear earrings during school, so until she is going out with friends more often there wouldn't be too much point.
Nimbec, good to hear that you have diagnosed poor Harrisons problems and haven gotten your "happy" baby back! :thumbup: with him being lactose intolerant, I can imagine how miserable he must have felt.

I TRY to stick with a bedtime routine, but it is rather flexible. We also do bath time every other night, followed by feeding and then off to bed (once he is passed out that is lol). Usually I try to get him in the bath by 7.30, so he should be asleep by 9. It really all depends on his eating pattern that day. Im trying to get him on the 12, 3, 6, 9,12 schedule but its hit or miss.
I find that the 3-4 hours between feeds usually only happen during the night. Daytime are more like 2-3 hours :wacko:. I really feel like its a bad habit (rather then hunger), but don't have the heart to make him wait to eat :shrug:. Anyone have advice? Should I be stretching the times between feedings and therefor refusing him food for a while?
Steph you could try distracting him and doing things to settle him for ten minutes, then feeding, so you stretch out the feeding by 10 mins every time, if that makes sense? Change his nappy etc just to distract him and fool him for a few minutes longer each time!

If its any comfort, Isabelle is the same. At night she can (doesn't mean she does...) go 5hrs without eating, but during the day it's maximum 3hrs. That said, we go the whole night without food but not the same during the day so maybe it's normal?

How was the first day back at work?
Sarah, good call on stretching the Time. I did that yesterday for two of the feedings, but he doesn't seem to remember for the next time, that we had gone 10min longer :haha:. Silly baby won't bother to check the time. :rofl:
It's funny, because he can make the 3-4 hour stretch, if we are out and about and busy... Just not when we are home and I can (and do lol) easily shove a boob in his mouth.

First day back was actually rather nice! Adult interaction, lots of baby bragging and home by 1.15pm! :thumbup:
My boss has a baby boy due in 3 months, do he is more then accommodating.

I really enjoyed my bf group and kinda wish I would have gone back to make some friends. :blush:. Will you be going again?
You ladies with your schedules are so impressive. Me and my nightmare baby have no schedule. I am just happy to get through a day without going insane.

Momma brown I wanted to get her ears pierced early and was vetoed by dh who would also like her to become nun or a lesbian so as to avoid her dating boys at all LOL
Hey Ladies, I hope everyone had a good weekend! We had a long holiday weekend here, and we went to Windsor to visit my parents and for Peter to meet his great grandma. It was also sooo nice to have DH home for all three days! That's pretty much unheard of!

We had a bit of a scare with Peter though while we were gone. He was having some tummy troubles and when we called the medical help-line they recommended we take him to Emergency. Of course he was perfectly fine, but it was stressful having them recommend we go immediately. His tummy issues seem to have worked themselves out, so I think it might have been something I ate that bothered him?

mommabrown: It's a tough call on the ears! They look super cute, but there's also something to be said for making it a special occasion that she can choose herself for a birthday or celebration reward etc. Thankfull that's not a decision we have to worry about this time!!

Steph: Peter's feeding is all over the map! Sometimes he'll sleep at night for only 2 hours at a time, and sometimes he'll sleep for 3 hours and on a very rare occasion 4. So for us night and daytime look very similar still. :wacko: There's no rest for the boob! I'm glad to hear that your first day back to work went well--that's great that your boss is willing to accomodate things for you.

ukgirl: Sorry to hear your household is feeling poorly again! You need to put those kids in a bubble! I hope everyone is feeling back to normal soon.

doggylover: Glad to hear that you enjoyed your group meetup!! I'm planning to head out for my first "mama meetup" on Wednesday. The local forum that I've mentioned before hosts several baby-mama event at various places around the city on different days of the week. So on Wednesday they have a Jazz coffee hour at a place quite close to me... so I figured we would go check it out. I'm not big into Jazz music, but I hope we'll meet some other mamas to chat with and enjoy a nice morning out of the house.
Hiya ladies, first of yay dl for your night out and a sleeping bubba (and daddy) when returning home! Also well done for going to a mummy/baby group! Sometimes it can be intimidating! But it's so good for you to have that interaction and Isabelle too!
As for ear piercing; I'm not 100% how I feel about it! Stephen insisted we get Paige's done when she was s year and I was not sure. She would not wouldbtn let any1 near her ears so she can decide when she is older and I'm happy with that. But I myself had then done at 16 months!

Candy hope you and the family.get better.soon! That's the oonly thing about kids!!! Pick up all bugs and everything else.under the sun lol!

Reaffirming sorry peter had you worried. It.so.glad.he.is.ok and keeping you on.your toes lol!!!
Steph so glad your first.day back went.Well!!! Hope Grayson was a good boy.for.your mum lol!!!
Sorry if I've.
Missed anyone.on the late.night feed!
Just seen on the news about the huge tornado in Oklahoma!!!!thoughts to all those people and I hope none.of our lovely b&b mums were there!!!
And bit of a rant... first of Paige I still I'll an had to rust her up to hospital as she was dehydrated as she is refusing to drink! They sent us home saying just force her to drink! So today she has had diarrhoea and been very needy, James has been very fussy on the boon and crying out on it and I've had the urge to st I. A corner an rock back and forth !!! To make matters worse,sorry for all the mistakes but I'm on my kindle as Paige dropped my phone in the bath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't hear a thing through the speaker, and it keeps cutting out and I can't.figure out.how to.upload my pics to computer through iTunes And all my pictures s o James.from birth is.on there.and they r the only.ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm possibly starring.my period so that could be why James.has been fussy on boob!!
It's been a very crap weekend!! :(
Sorry for rant! :( x
morning everyone

omg readytomum Im glad to hear Peter is fine!! I hate it when drs make you worry for no reason.. like Bens baby rash.. we spent a day in hospital for that one! I found I can no longer eat garlic onions cows milk on its own and blue doritos.. otherwise Bens screaming at me for hours.

nimbec Im glad that Harrison is finally sorted out and feeling better bless him. I was thinking of you the other day. Glad to see you are back :)

Steph congrats for your first day back ay work. I cant remember where I read about the post pump walk of shame but it made me feel so sorry for you xx

Im not bothered about a bedtime routine for Ben yet.. hes too little to care right now. I will probably start at around 3 months.. but I know every niht with him is different. one night he will go down at 8 and the next he wont go down until maybe 10pm so Im not thinking of doing it until he has some form of regular down time.

Bloody illness!! its the stupid weather! one minute its hot the next its cold! Then you got kids getting cold and parents needing them to go to school so they can go to work and it spreads round the class and before you know it the house is ill too! I feel like utter shit this morning but theres no rest for me.. I have to get up and do the school run and then me and Ben have our 6 week check up. This is it now ftms.. now you are a mum there's no days off! lol xx

hope you all have a lovely day xx
Kealz have u heard the thing about putting your wet phone in uncooked rice? Google it! Apparently it works. Sorry your having such a bad time! We have been dealing with crying on the boob all weekend. It's so awful when ur one major comforter and crying stopper makes them cry!! And poor Paige hope she feels better ASAP. Hang in there mama! Hugs to u!
Oh and fussy on boob can also be a normal growth spurt thing. Hope u get a longer break from the witch!
Oh Kristy, keep us updated on Riley's ears! Fingers crossed that it will all resolve itself by the next check up

Thanks Steph I will. We had speech therapy yesterday and she is sure its not just his language and hearing thats delayed. We are about 99% sure he is autistic so besides having his ear fixed, there is more paediatric appointments, speech therapy, behavioural theray etc. I just have to keep telling myself he maybe different but at least he's happy and healthy!

I think Chelsea maybe having a growth spurt because all of a sudden she is waking every hour for the last two nights. She will be 5 weeks on thurs. Do they have a growth spurt now?

Oh and thanks to all the girls discussing the mirena. I have been considering it but wasn't to sure about it. Im glad some of you ladies have experience with it or at least know about it. My mum keeps trying to pursade me to have my tubes tied but I dont want to.

So glad everyones doing pretty well. It sounds like most of you have gotten into a routine. I haven't yet, lol. We just tend to go with the flow!

I really need to start trying to get on here more. I miss so many pages and probably responses because I can't always get on the computer so I am truly sorry if I ever miss anyone. :hugs:
silly baby won't bother to check the time. :rofl:

Well lets not be stupid...does he have a watch? If not how could he check the time?! I'm hoping to go to my bf group as often as possible. It's on every Monday, and I know if I just go every so often I'll never really make any friends, so will have to force ourselves out of bed on Mondays! Glad work wasn't too horrific.

Kirstabelle: :hugs: is Annelise still not letting you put her down?

Readytomum: glad our weekend was good (apart from the trip to the er!) it's so nice having dh home for me as well. He's off today, but we never seem to end up doing anything much. Sounds like there is a lot ping on for mums near you. We have the choice of breastfeeding group or mums and tots. The other things are more formal classes (like baby sign language...which I thought was random!) which are expensive and I don't want to start forking out loads in case we don't like something.

Kealz: I hope Paige is better soon. Gutting about all your pictures. If its an iPhone take it to the apple store as I heard they can retrieve pics off a phone even when it's pretty much dead.

Candy sorry to hear you're all sick. Hope you all feel better ASAP.

Oh as for boob not comforting, Isabelle has finally decided that she knows when she doesn't want to eat and therefore she can be screaming and ill offer her the boob...and she refuses. The nerve of her! :haha: so I'm having to resort to other comforting methods. I dislike it!!

Kristy: sorry to hear the uncertainty with Riley is still going on. I hope you get some firm diagnoses soon so that you can star to adjust to everything and start figuring out what plans to put in place to help him. I'm not surprised you have a less strict routine- with all those LOs I'd be lucky still to be getting up in the morning!!!

Afm: Isabelle slept for SIX HOURS AND FIFTEEN MINUTES last night :shock: I think she would have done a little longer but I heard her had a bum-splosion which didn't bother her, but I knew I had to change her incase she started to leak!! So that took us to 3.15am, and then she did a 2 hr stint to 5.30. She seems pretty flexible about times, except this 5.30 business, so I'm hoping eventually the earlier feed is dropped and she can go the whole way to 5.30!
wow Go Isabelle!!! I know that at around 6 weeks babies start to have a longer period of sleep during the night, you just have to make sure it's at the right time. Some babies get day and night reversed. xx

by the way what is attachment parenting?? :/
I believe attachment parenting has a lot of different ideas that come with it, but what I gather by it is that (and I don't mean this in a derogatory way) you literally never set our baby down, or only for a short second. I've read that people do everything while holding their baby, including eating (when I hold Isabelle and I eat I cover her in food!). I also have read that people who practice AP don't let their babies cry at all. So I would leave Isabelle for a few seconds if I'm in the middle of something, even if she's screaming like she's being murdered, but an AP parent wouldn't.

I'm sure there are lots of other things associated with it as well (eg co sleeping, baby wearing, extended bf, self weaning) and people most likely pick and choose what suits them, but those are the two main things I've read about which are what I think are different from more 'mainstream' parenting.
wow I could not do it lol not with my other 2 kids! Ben has to cry sometimes or we would never get to school on time.. Surely AP isn't good for babies? I thought it was good for babies lungs to cry a bit, it strengthens them and teaches baby he has a voice :/ I can't believe how many different views there are on parenting now since I had Lucas 5 years ago! Not to put down anyone who does AP of course.
Whoa I have read a lot about AP in he natural parenting forum and never thought about how people with more than one baba cope with it. You can only be in one place at once....
But maybe they amend their views, and adapt their parenting style once more come along. And probably not everyone who does AP does exactly what I described above, it's just what I gleaned from stuff I've read.

My aunt unintentionally AP with my cousin who is her oldest, and it meant nobody else could settle him. She has NEVER left her kids with anyone apart from their dad either. I don't think that's healthy as the kids aren't able to form good relationships with other people like their grandparents and its not good for her relationship with my uncle, as they are never alone together (we do often wonder how #2 and #3 even happened!) But each to their own.
I believe attachment parenting has a lot of different ideas that come with it, but what I gather by it is that (and I don't mean this in a derogatory way) you literally never set our baby down, or only for a short second. I've read that people do everything while holding their baby, including eating (when I hold Isabelle and I eat I cover her in food!). I also have read that people who practice AP don't let their babies cry at all. So I would leave Isabelle for a few seconds if I'm in the middle of something, even if she's screaming like she's being murdered, but an AP parent wouldn't.

I'm sure there are lots of other things associated with it as well (eg co sleeping, baby wearing, extended bf, self weaning) and people most likely pick and choose what suits them, but those are the two main things I've read about which are what I think are different from more 'mainstream' parenting.

I think Dr Sears first used this term, I like his webby very much.
Here is what AP is acording to him (and a video from his wife):

I'm 100% for AP, I do almost everything under the sun associated w/ AP, but trust me there is no way a parent can makes sure their baby never cries. :nope:
Sometimes I have to use the bathroom or take a shower, and almost always my baby will cry when I can't get to him asap. Murphy's law for babies I guess.

I think what they mean with "never let a baby cry" is that they don't let him cry it out at night when the baby sleeps separately from parents. Hence the co sleeping thing:winkwink:
That makes a lot more sense! :thumbup: and thanks for the link as well, interesting reading.

but honestly lily, you just need to hold your pee and stop popping off to the bathroom :rofl:
see /i dont want to start a debate or whatever but /i feel strongly that until you've had a baby that doesn't sleep at night without crying for 4 hours endlessly then you can't knock the CIO method. I had a very positive experience with CIO with both my kids. I also feel that babies need to learn patience after they have understood the world a bit better of course. I don't mean young babies lol. Personally AP isn't for me but well done to those who do it and find it works well for them :) xx

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