April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Funny candy I was actually wondering earlier on about CIO, maybe you could answer my queries.

I assume not every baby needs sleep training? I know we are still very early, but Isabelle drops off to sleep pretty well most nights and doesn't cry when she wakes, and drops back to sleep after her feeds at night. I guess that means I feed her to sleep, so eventually when she doesn't need fed at night anymore will we need to do something like CIO to help her sleep?
Or is it just used when babies have been bad sleepers since the start? I want to try and teach her to self soothe early on so we don't need to get to CIO, but is it kind of inevitable that we eventually will?
^ We talked about it a few months back Candy, don't know if you remember. If my baby is just fussing because he is tired and is only a little whiny I let him go through it, all babies do it, mine does it even when he is breast fed and just tired/sleepy. But I will never leave an infant or a child turn blue from crying. I think CIO can be dangerous if misinterpreted. So does AP. Both "methods" should be used as a general guide and always use common sense.
AP doesn't mean being a slave to your kid, or spoiling it. It means using the kid's cues to know what he needs and response accordingly. I think the most important thing I learned from Dr Sears is that there has to be balance in the relationship.

As for night sleeping/ sleep training: my LO sleeps everywhere, in his crib, in his cradle, in his bouncer, etc... He doesn't really care. He doesn't wake up easily either, I wake up to feed him during the night once (around 3-4 am) he nurses in his sleep and that's it. He only whimpered through an entire night once, and it was his gassy stomach that caused it => I think it was more than natural to cry... If anything we cosleep because it is easier for me to feed him without getting out of bed, and I keep an eye on him as he is super small.
thank you Lily I understand better now :) xx I agree with you that CIO can be dangerous but I think that is when a child is left to cry without reassurance for hours on end. Some mums do it too early so the baby doesnt understand whats going on and some just shut the door and ignore the screaming which is a health risk. I like your style of parenting :) xx

Sarah not all babies need training. At the moment our babies are too young for CIO I done Connie at around 9 months old because she knew if she cried long enough I woukd take her for a walk across the farm in the buggy until she slept BUT after her dad left, walking at night around farm land alone with a 9 month old wasnt do~able anymore. I was told by her HV it was safe. She was a really good sleeper to begin with but I let her control the situation.. she cried and I gave in and let her stay up and play until she was tired but she took advantage and stayed up until 1am sometimes then was up again at 2am for her feed and again at 6am for the day lol.. I didnt just close the door on her and leave her to scream though I went back in after 10 secs then 20 secs then 40 secs and so on.. doubling the time that I went back to her so she knew I was still there and eventually she fell asleep.. I only had to do it for 2 nights.. on the third night she slept after 10 minutes roughly. As long as she was fed, clean and safe there was no reason to pick her up. I also let her self soothe too which helped a lot. xx

like I say its too early to CIO or self soothe now because babies at this age dont understand distance oir babies rhink we a part of them and that when we're gone we're not coming back.
Thank you both. Candy connie sounds like she was a tough little day at the beginning! Yet again I am in awe of how you brought up C&L by yourself in a foreign country. You are some momma lady!!

Lily, I cannot believe Dennis only wakes once a night to feed!!!! I'm so jealous :cry: can you post him to me so he can teach izzy his tips and tricks please??!

Ok, silly rant: but why are all baby groups on so early?! I'm looking at rhythm and rhyme groups and sadly most clash with my bf group, but any I can go to start at 10am. I know that isn't early, but we live 30mins from any populated area, so by the time you actor that in, along with getting us both up, washed and dressed its a rush since Isabelle generally gets up at 8am! And we prefer leisurely mornings...
I know Sarah, it's the same here, everything is on around 9:30am on wards, you would think being baby groups they would understand the importance of sleep and hassle of getting up and getting out and put them on in the afternoons too! It's why some mums struggle to get to the groups. We will be going to groups after Ben's jabs, it's much easier for me as we live on the same road as the groups and I'm already up and out on the school run around the time they start, so usually me and my friend will go to the cafe until the group opens then walk over lol.

To be fair I don't know how I managed to raise 2 kids alone in Norway either haha.. I think I must have been on auto pilot! :p I love the pictures of Isabelle on Facebook today!! Her hair gets more amazing in every pic you upload! Have you tried putting clips in it? Connie didn't have any hair at all until she was 2!! I was so sad that I couldn't brush it or clip it up haha! x
Yes DL she still won't be put down. 15 mins is the longest she will stand her swing and 20-30 mins is the longest she will sleep in her little rocker cradle thing. When I last took her to the pediatrician she screamed so much in her car seat that she burst a blood vessel in her eye. She is just super sensitive. Definitely a high-needs baby. I have just accepted that for a while it is going to be really hard but that eventually she will turn a corner and things will get better. In the meantime I am pinned to the couch watching bad tv. And I am pretty sure this makes me an AP by default although I have always leaned more that way anyway. Whatever works for your family.
Kirstabelle I read that you mentioned her burst blood vessel, the poor little lady :( you must be absolutely exhausted. I was just about to have a moan about Isabelle taking ages to fall asleep tonight, but compared to how hard Annelise is making you work, it's nothing at all. As you said, this won't be forever, but that doesn't always make it easier now :hugs: is she smiling yet? Those little smiles will help you get through the tougher times I hope.

Candy funny we just got a headband as part of a present today. I'm not a huge fan of things in LOs hair (or my own!) so haven't tried anything in there yet. I'm not sure where I'd put it...it's all standing up on end! I despair of it! It needs to grow to weigh itself down a bit!!!
Hi all :) I'm reading with interest about CIO thanks ladies as I was a bit confused too!

Gosh candy I agree walking at that time was a no go!

Kristabel sorry about blood vessel poor thing :( just a thought Harrison likes a padded liner in his car seat he feels all snuggly in it...maybe worth a try?

Doggy lover her hair is gorgeous! Infact she is gorgeous!!

I also agree its bonkers all groups being so early!! I'm having to stay away from groups a while because we have we have a measles outbreak here and little ones can't have vaccine until 1yr old . It's extremely worrying!!

Thank you for all your responses on bed time routine! I'm pleased I'm not the only one who hasn't got it sorted! After this weekend I plan to be a bit more determined with it...we have a wedding so will go to pot if started early!

Hope everyone's ok! X
Hello Ladies,
I hope everyone is well and making it through the week.

As for meeting groups... I really wish, that I had sought out some group while I was home. That way, I would have some local mom friends to meet up with. The only problem is... Most of them are SAHM and that does not match up with my schedule :cry:.

I have a question for you ladies in regards to feeding while laying down/sleeping :haha:. Since being back to work, I find it easiest to get Grayson to bed by 9 (te usual) and then have him in his crib sleeping by 10 (as opposed to my arms lol). He will wake at 12.30 ish for a feeding, at which time I will take him to the other room and feed and change him. Then he will usually wake up around 3 again, at which time I just lay him in bed next to me. Now here is the odd part... I can't tell for sure if he actually eats lol :shrug:. I guess I fall asleep with my boob by his head. I woke up to my alarm at 5.30 this morning and he was sleeping next to me very content. Now I don't remember him feeding or fussing to feed. BUT.... My boob was not engorged :shrug:. Could he have been snaking all night without me noticing??? Don't get me wrong... It was awesome to be able to sleep a little more but I'm confused. Clearly my boob should have been engorged if he hadnt, right? He also seemed rather content and didn't want the boob (when I woke up and try to shove it in his mouth ... Thinking he must be starving :rofl:).

Sorry for any (and all the typos)... I shattered the screen on my phone and have to type through the broken screen :haha:.

Also... I miss sleeping in :cry:. Getting up at 5.30 while LO is all snuggled up with daddy is no fun lol.
He very well could have snacked away all night. I woke up the other night with Anna voraciously attacking my nip and figured she needed a "real feed" (because she is so small I still sit up for most of the feed and then just lie her down at the end to make sure she gets plenty) but when I got her situated she was passed out and wouldn't wake to eat. I guess she was sleep eating! They are maniacs!

Feel so bad for you getting up so early! You are a superstar!

DL she is smiling. Her fave move is to spend all night eating every two hours and then lie next to me in the morning all wide awake and content smiling away while I am zombified next to her!!!
Kristabelle... I think you are right... He must have enjoyed the all you can eat buffet all night :rofl:

Sorry to hear that you are not getting enough sleep but imagining her content little smile in the morning is making my uterus hurt!!! She sounds adorable!!!
You ladies crack me up... I'm sitting here laughing away like a maniac at the "all night buffet" comments. I've never tried to feed Peter lying down before, and I'm not really sure my girls are large enough to do that, even though they've gotten considerably larger than they were before!

kealz: I hope the rice does the trick for your phone! I know it's been a lifesaver for several family/friends before, so it really does work. That would be horrible if you lost all your pics of LO. :nope:

doggylover: I totally agree 100% about the poor timing of mom/baby group meetings! The one I was planning to go to today started at 9:30. We don't normally wake up till that time!! I didn't end up going in the end because they're calling for rain all day and we don't have a plastic covering for the stroller yet. Which is just really a convenient excuse for being too nervous to go! I was looking at the profiles of the other moms who had RSVP that they were attending, and their LO's were all MUCH older than Peter... so that was a bit intimidating. I'm sure it would have been fine though... maybe we'll try again next week!

ukgirl: Good luck at your 6 week check-up! I hope everything is good. In terms of sleep training and CIO I'm hoping we won't have to deal with that too much. Peter is really good at self-soothing to sleep. He's a very chill baby really. I'll feed him, change him, and swaddle him up, have a few minutes of cuddles and put him down in his cradle--eyes wide open--turn out the light and go to bed, and he'll fall asleep on his own without crying. I don't know if this will last or not... but for the moment I'm trying to enjoy it!!

Afm, I wimped out on my mom/baby meeting today, so Peter and I are just having a quiet day at home. I've started to read my new book finally, and as suggested by one of my cousins I'm reading it out loud to Peter. It's working pretty good so far!

For those of you who had c-sections, did you have any spots of your incision that didn't heal over as well as the rest? I have three little spots (used to be just one) that keep getting caught on my underware band, or pant band etc. and so they're not fully scabbed over and bleed a little bit when my clothes press against it. I've tried to make sure I wear loose fitting clothes that come up above the incision line, but I can't seem to get those spots to heal over properly. Any suggestions??
Readytomum I also didn't go to my group this morning, because I was too tired after a busy night of feeding my animal child lol. So don't feel bad for wimping out on yours - better to stay dry :winkwink: we must both make a bigger effort next week!

Kirstabelle: I have this image of beautiful, dainty little Annelise savaging your boobs in the middle of the night, then grinning evilly at you the next morning! The little madam!

Afm: Isabelle is evil. After sleeping over six hours on Monday night and lulling my into a false sense of security, last night she was up at 1.30, 3.30, 5 and 6. That is many times. TOO many times for my liking. And of course at 6 even after she'd been fed she wouldn't settle. So I ended up standing in our room with her, staring daggers at Simon who took around 15mins to think "huh since she was up all night and I have to get up for work in 10mins anyway, maybe I should hold the baby for a few seconds"
He did take her then until half seven, and dropped her back up to me asleep, and so I slept from 7-8.15 but am exhausted today.

So, cue my thrilled-ness when Simon sent me a msg saying he'd come home early and take care of Isabelle for a few hours so I could do whatever I wanted. Since I was planning to be at my parents with my dad and nephew, he said he'd do it there with my dad.
The total amount of 'me' time I got in the end? ZERO. What he had actually meant was he would come to my parents and sort out some of his work stuff and my dad would look after her. Since my dad had my nephew I didn't feel that was fair, and since they were both then busy I ended up sitting all alone with her all afternoon. And of course......she spent all that time crying every time I tried to set her down.

I am not happy today.
ReadytoMum, it's not so much the size of my boobs, as the unfortunate droop at this point :cry:. It now allows me to "lay" the boob next to Grayson :rofl:. Not so much when engorged, but def deflated lol!

I had a section as well but not sure I have any advice :shrug:. My incision never bled. They had internal staples (which I can still feel) and tape from the outside. It took 3 weeks for the tape to come off and the scare had already closed. Maybe go back to the doc and see what's going on??

You should totally go to the baby group. Little Peter will have all the attention and you will make all the ladies super broody lol :thumbup:
Oh Sarah, sorry to hear that you had such a ruff day :hugs:. Hopefully izzy will sleep better tonight and you can rest up!
Ugh ladies sorry you are all having no sleep I can TOTALLY relate to this!! It's hard....and then you are totally shattered all day yup horrid!! Well Harrison fed at 10.30 2.30 5.30 8.30 today which was good for him I just wish he'd do 4hrs so I could get a 3hr block of sleep inbetween. If I'd realised at 10.30 he wasn't going to wake at 12 I'd have dived under the duvet lol!!

I never managed to feed lying down my boobs where never in the right position :(

I have a quick question when I hold Harrison under arms and rest his feet on my legs in a standing position (hardly talk g any weight literally resting) his legs shudder and he won't take any weight at all....is this normal? It's as soon as his foot touches the floor or my leg! Hoping on being a paranoid ftm!! X
Hi ladies hope all is going well with you all?

Readytomum you must have the most chilled out baby!! If I turned the light out on Benny he would scream bloody murder! He has to be fully asleep for at least 15 minutes before I can lay him down :( xx

Nimbec, don't forget Harrison is a preemie so his development will be slower anyway. It can be normal for babies to do that. Before babies start crawling they don't have any knee caps. So it is hard for them to put much weigh on their legs. If you are worried you can ask to see a baby physiotherapist (I done that with Connie) They can do X-rays to check too. Benson's leg shudders sometimes too. It can be under developed nerves. I'm sure it's all fine hun. xx

Sarah was your night with Isabelle any better last night? Don't worry about missing the groups at this stage, babies are so tiny at the moment they don't really get it. xx

Afm.. Lucas is 5 today!! He should have been born on the 21st when my waters went!! But boys are difficult lol. He's gone to school today showing off his birthday boy badges with chocolate to share with his class.

Ben's 6 week check went well and I have been completely given the all clear, my BP is staying low still :) Benson may have a small umbilical hernia. We are going to the doctor on friday to get it double checked. His weight and length ect was all brilliant so I'm happy :)
Hi ladies, I'm giggling to myself about the sleep snacking. They all sound like true Americans snacking away all night and lying content in the early morning. :dohh: (Though I know 99% of them are not Americans) ;)

DL, ReadytoMum, Steph: I am totally anti baby group. I boycott them based on the fact that they would require me to wake up at 4AM to get there on time at 8-9AM :growlmad: I do well getting up to feed my baby at 4 and then put him back to sleep for a few hours, but not to feed him, dress him, drive in Northern Virginia morning work traffic then to brave the hospital wards for a class. I would be :sleep: before the class even started!

Nimbec: As for whether he should be bearing weight on his legs this soon, I don't think so. My husband (his stubborn butted self) tried to stand too soon as "baby" and he broke his femur and had to be in a huge leg cast at a few months old. These babies are still gaining control of their nervous systems, so I think the trembling is most likely perfectly normal. I haven't tried standing Jake up yet; not until he can hold his head up 100% of the time. Don't worry! I know it's hard, since that is what we are programmed to do right now :hugs:

AFM: Jake did a full on sleep from 8:30 through until 4:30 last night after lots of sleep yesterday. I think his leap is joined with a growth spurt causing him to sleep, eat, sleep eat, etc. He's definitely already more aware, but he goes from being "aware" to being asleep in about 10 seconds. He's completely passed out in his swing right now as I type. He's also over 14 lbs now! Probably more like 13lbs 12oz without a new diaper and his lightweight sleeper, but still! I feel like he's eating for a shorter periods of time, but I'm guessing he's just getting better at his job. :thumbup:

I hope all of you ladies are doing well. I love all of your FB pictures :)
liams mom: the groups I'm looking at aren't held at an institution and don't cost anything. They're just social events set up by local moms and they have an RSVP system for each one so they dont get too big since they're often held at a coffee shop etc. I organized a few "mom to be ones" actually, and they were quite fun.

ukgirl: Happy Birthday to Lucas!! Yeah Peter is quite relaxed: as long as he's swaddled up with a full tummy he'll just natter to himself for a minute and then he's off to dream land. When he wakes up to fed though he'll scream the house down if it takes more 30sec to get a boob in his mouth. :haha:

Afm, I'm sitting here having breakfast while pumping, and Peter is in his bouncy chair next to me. I get my first night out on Sunday, so I need to make sure I have enough pumped for two feeds, just in case.

Also I'm off to the Dr's today. I think my incision might be infected, so off to get that checked out. :wacko:
Ugh liamsmom, I'm so jealous of LO sleep! I'm always thrilled when he sleeps for 3.5 hours. :wacko:
Nimbec, I'm with the other ladies.. Harrison is probably too little to bare any weight on his legs.
Candy, happy 5th birthday to Lucas!!! :happydance:. I'm sure he is the king at school today... Having chocolate to share and all! I used to love school on my birthday!

ReadytoMum, what do you have planned for your night out?? I bet your excited to be free for a few hours!
Grayson is the same about his feeding! If I don't have a boob in his mouth within 10sec, he will let me have it :haha:.

Question about tummy time.... I don't do it with Grayson because he just starts to cry right away... I wonder, if it is something that you "have" to do??

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