April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Kristabelle, Grayson does not really care for his paci either. I have to tap it very lightly, in order for him not to spit it out. He has becoming more and more fond of his thumb (or better yet.. Whole fist lol).
Mommabrown, rob is not happy about the thumb either. His solution: lets suspend the paci above Grayson's face, so he can fish for if whenever he wants :dohh:
O Kristabelle I know how you feel. I would love to blame it on colic but i can't it is just her deciding to be onry. According to The Wonder weeks app...she has 4 days till her change of her 6 week leap. Let's hope that is all it is with her because she has become a very need child these last few days. Emmaleigh has certainly realized when it is someone new holding her also and will be a bit fussy then once she is back in my arms is all smiles and coos.

Bahahahahhahahahaha Sarah I laughed so hard that i was crying with you! Poor Isabelle. Thank goodness you were close by. I haven't left Emme with anyone yet as I am way to scared they can't properly take care of her like i do. Bahahaha

Steph Emmaleigh has sucked her fingers since birth and I would often have to fight her those first days of BF because she wanted the boob and her fingers in her mouth at once. She is also sucking on the side of her wrist when i sit her up in my lap it is so cute. Allen gets mad at me for letting her suck her fingers or thumb and lectures me about how it is harder to break them from thumb sucking than the pacifier....imagine him lecturing me! HA. I usually pretend I am listening and nod my head yes as he is talking.
oh mommabrown it is awful isnt it! I was up til 4am the other night just running everythong round and round in my mind. Connie has been so nervous she hasnt eaten much these past few days and woukdnt go into school. She didnt even eat her school lunch. bless her. I cant wait for this to be over I hope we both get positive outcomes xxx
By the way I watched your daughters school poem video shes very good. I bet you were so proud of her! I cry at things like that Im shit lol xx

Doggylover you absolute nutter haha! bless you! xx

well I was meant to be doing my court papers. I sent Benny off with Aaron so I coukd donit in peace then I went in the bedroom to check on him and they were both out stone cold so I snapped a pic because they are so handsome I just had to do it.. then the flash woke them uo... now Aaron is on the xbox and Im stuck watching Benny who wont settle and I still have lots of work left to do!!! Bloody men!
oooh Kriatabelle Benson is doing this too.. hes just eating all day and sleeping.. hes only really awake properly when I actually want him to sleep lol xx
Shell, lmao at pretend listening!! :haha:
I can't even pretend to listen, when I don't agree... Cue fight lol

Candy, I was aweing over your fb pic! Super cute! I always sneak pics of my boys sleeping lol. I'm a creeper!!

Speaking of men an LO earlier... I feel bad... Rob made a comment tonight that Grayson doesn't like him :nope:. I told him that was nonsense but I think he really is bothered by the fact, that he doesn't have boobs! I wish he would just understand, that he should just pay more attention to LO when he has him. He likes to just sit on the couch with him plays on his phone. I walk around with him, talk to him, change him, etc.... Stupid men lol
Peter hates his pacifyer as well... we didn't really want to give him one anyway, so I guess it's just as well, but sometimes it would be nice to have the option.

Peter is however a champion hand-sucker! :haha: Since the get-go Peter has been a fist/finger sucker which is why he self soothes so well. I hope he doesn't grow into a thumb sucker, but for the moment I don't care if he sucks his hand if it makes him calm and happy! The girls need some sort of rest!!
Ha Steph Allen and Rob sound like they could be brothers at the moment. Emmaleigh has been so difficult that I can't get anthing done lately so I hand her off to Allen and cues the she only like you and here take her back I am not doing it right...then cues our arguements. Men!

Candy I cried when she read it. She put a lot of he heart into it. I feel so badly for Connie. Landon has not been eating either for the fact that we are all stressed out and he sees whats going on. I know how you feel a bout shit just running through your mind then you can't sleep...especially with a LO and you should be...makes it hard....speakingbof sleep that was a cute picture of Benson and Aaron!! I can't flash the camera eitheror shit hits the fan and Emme is wide awake and hell bent!
:rofl: Sarah... What a great visual.... Stripping as you run up to the door... Neighbors looking confused... Parents covering their children's eyes.. Bonanza music playing while your run becomes slow motion!!!
Ok ok... So maybe it wasn't like that, but that's what I heard :haha:.
It's amazing what kind of anxiety we can feel for something so silly :wacko:. I'm the same way, and I know with 100% certainty, that my chunker could easily go for some time, without eating lol

That's EXACTLY what it was like. My hair was billowing in the wind too, you forgot that bit! :haha:

Isabelle doesn't have a dummy/paci, but she has just decided her fist is super tasty this week! At first I thought it was a hunger cue (it was in the first few days and I thought she was telling me she wasn't getting enough boob time. Which I think is actually impossible...) but I now think its a comfort thing. I helped her get just the thumb in, but she spat it out immediately with a disgusted look!

Simon and I went to a friends engagement party last night, leaving izzy with my mum again. I put her to bed beforehand, and she usually sleeps until 12.30 at the earliest, usually more like 1-2am. So we left to get back before midnight and of course she had decided last night was an excellent night to wake up at 11.30. Luckily she happily took her bottle, but as my mum was heating up more milk we got home, so of course I boobed her and the milk had to then go own the sink :growlmad: I think I was a bit (read a LOT) rude to my mum though as I basically implied she had done something that must have woken izzy, the not taken care of her properly :blush: oops. So apology needed there today!
Oh DL they know when we leave. I think they have boob seeking sonar that emits through their sleeping eyes and when the sonar doesn't bounce off lactating boobs their eyes pop open. I left Anna with my DH's aunt while I went out to walk the dog and come home 10 mins later to her weeping inconsolably... sigh...
Oh dear I am never leaving Emmaleigh! That's it she goes every where I go...I can not bare to hear her cry at all. I want to punch Allen in the face sometimes because he will be holding her and wants her to just cry it out....OH the fury i feel towards him.

Bahahaha at the radar kristabelle...I do hope that they grow out of this phase!
thanks for the comments about the pic of Aaron and Benny asleep hehe they are so cute.

Mommabrown I feel so sorry for Landon too! I really hste how selfish our exes are to their LOs, Connie's been better for the past few days since they broke up from school for a week off, she's eating a bit more but she's made herself sick with worry, she's had low grade fevers every night since friday night. She gets them when she's stressed it's awful, she's also very clingy and tearful. I can't wait for all this to be over so our babies can get back to normal and feel more relaxed. People think it doesn't effect the kids but it certainly does!

Well Aaron has been baby wearing!! I didn't think he would like it, but he loves it! Yesterday he put the carrier on and you could visibly see the pride on his face! After he pretended to be pregnant he wore the carrier around for a good hour trying out different things, then took it off and complained about missing his bump hahahaha!! loon! Then today we come home from the MIL's and he put it on again and walked around with Benny in there talking about how much he likes it and how close they are and about how he's going to wear it out shopping, park, trips ect lol.

Talking about the MIL she come very close to the line today! She was having a cuddle with Ben and he started to cry, I told her he was due a feed but instead of giving him back she sat him up on her leg and his head was totally flopped forward, he had his chin on his chest and everything, it looked awful and then Aaron went over to take him back so I could feed him and she kept saying no you can't have the baby, he's my baby now. I know she was joking but after my Ex mother in law and the things she done to me I didn't really know how to feel. Then she said that Benson was a quarter hers and things like that, so i said errm no.. unless you pushed him out he's not yours! lol Aaron said to her that Ben is his baby not hers. I know she was just being funny so I took it lightly but my gosh she's lucky I wasn't amped up on hormones anymore! lol
Candy, I hate hate HATE when people don't give Isabelle back when she is crying, especially after the not so subtle "she needs fed" line :growlmad: it's lovely that your mil is so doting on Benson, but I know the horrors your ex mil put you through, and totally understand why you get annoyed and upset. And :thumbup: well done Aaron for totally backing you up on it all. Sometimes the men are too good at saying nothing, so well done him! And too cute about him wearing Ben! Simon loves wearing izzy when we take her out in the carrier. We fought over wearing her today :haha: I won because I had a coat in case it started to rain!

Kirstabelle, you're dead right about the radar. My beast never wakes at that time when I'm in the house, and both nights I've gone out she did!! They are evil little demons!
lol DL I can see me and Aaron arguing over who wears Benson too! I love your new profile picture you all look so lovely! You must be so proud. I see you have joined the annoying picture posting mothers group on Facebook, I'm a main member of that group hahaha, I love all the pics you upload and everyone elses of course only people who have a heart of stone would be annoyed at pictures of your gorgeous babies on their home pages xx

I love how Aaron backed me up he's such a diamond. Well most of the time anyway! :p x
My night out last night was lovely!! It was so nice to get out of the house baby-free for a few hours. My boobs were ROCK HARD by the time I got home though. Thankfully we had enough pumped that Adam could feed Peter a second time and I could pump off the extra so the little boy didn't need to chomp on them while they were so full! I didn't get any panicked messages while I was out, and he said Peter had a pretty good evening so that bodes well for future attempts at getting out.

We have another weigh-in at the doctors tomrorow to see how Peter has been doing on EBF for the last two weeks. Sadly I don't have very high hopes it will go well.... :nope: He eats all the time and he's happy and healthy, but I don't think he's gaining any weight. We had to get him weighed at the hospital last week when we were there for his stomach troubles, and they weighed him with his diaper and clothes on, and when they weigh him at the doctors they weigh him totally naked. Well he was almost the exact same at the hospital as he was at the doctors and he was wearing all his clothes! So unless he's gained a whole lot this week I have a feeling we'll be back to formula again. Sigh. :nope:
Don't fret Readytomum. Emmaleigh only weighs 9lbs 6ozs as of yesterday and she is formula fed too.(she still wears Newborn clothes and diapers) I bet Peter has just eats like her enough to make him happy instead of sucking it all down. As long as he gains some weight is better than nothing.

We ran out of Newborn diapers today and had to out a size 1 on her and they are huge!!! We celebrate Memorial Day here today so we had a nice cook out with my family and I got an extra day with the kids also! Down side to it is I won't get them next weekend as their Stepmom is taking them on Vacation with her....go figure my ex would stay behind instead of spending time with the kids.
Oh Readytomum, let us know how Peter does at his weigh in. I've been meeting to ask how EBF was going. I agree with Mommabrown, if Peter is content after feeding, I'm sure your doing great!!

Mommabrown, I can't believe that Em is too little for size 1 and still fits into NB. I'm a little jealous ... Size 1 are getting really tight for us and so are clothes size 0-3. We have a doctors appointment on Thursday and I'm sure Grayson will weight around 13lbs :wacko:

Hopefully everyone had a great weekend and happy Memorial Day (for those in the US). We took Grayson to two pool parties over the weekend and he was an angel!! Not one cry!! So proud of him.
Candy, I hope Connie was able to relax over the weekend. Poor baby :hugs:
readytomum fingers crossed for babies next weigh in! I really hope he has put enough on. Im glad you had a nice night out and that Peter was well behaved for his sitter :) xxx

Happy Memorial day for you US ladies xxx

Steph today is the day they go to the contact center. Connie was a bit aad yesterday and qants me to wake her up when Aaron goes to work at 5am whoch is now.. I gave her my favorite necklace to wear it has a butterfly on it and told her it ia magic. I said if she feels sad or misses mummy she can rub the little butterfly which has magic power and will make her feel better. Good thing with kids is they buy all that shit lol. So she is looking a bit happier now xx That is brilliant that Grayson got to go party with you! I bet he stole the party! xxx
candy, poor Connie :cry:. I cant believe she has so much anxiety! All just because she doesnt want to see her dad? Or because she is just nervous? Either way... poor thing! Let us know, how it went!!
Good thing with kids is they buy all that shit lol.

I was reading that thinking "oh how sweet"...then got to this bit :haha: I also laughed so much at that pic of her hair on fb!! Hilarious! I hope all goes well for your LOs at the contact centre today :hugs:

Steph I love taking izzy out when she doesn't cry! Well done Grayson for showing everyone what an angel he is!

Readytomum I'm sure peters weigh in will go just fine! Keep us updated.

Afm: well firstly I have managed to lose my car keys. Totally lost. I know they must be in the house somewhere as the car is here (unlocked for two days...) but can't find them. So that's not great.
Secondly, is anyone else having a bitch of a time trying to get their demon to sleep during the day? Isabelle is great in the car, or in her pram, or when we are at someone else's house, but at our house she's a terror.
Eg. After an hour nap while we walked the dogs, came home and she woke so I changed her and we chatted, she ate. Then after about 45mins she was starting to get tired so I let her have a quick feed again to settle her and put her down. Took 25mins to get her to sleep (and she would only sleep in her bouncer) then she slept for 20mins before waking, but still exhausted. So for the last half hour I've been trying to get her back to sleep while she screams, absolutely knack erred but fighting it so much. She's now asleep again but I know it will only be for max 30mins. She used to nap no problem at home, for hours. I know her sleep time during the day is getting shorter, but for some reason at home she won't stay asleep at all.
Oh and she's awake. That was 6minutes....
Sarah, I noticed that nap times have drastically shortened. I really don't try to force him to sleep though, because he always seems in a good mood. If I really want him to nap, I have to lay on the couch with him and basically drown him in boob :haha:.... Then wait about 10min (to make sure he's asleep). That usually does the trick :shrug:. But I have to say, when he is up for most if the day, he sleeps longer intervals at night, so I don't mind it so much lol.

As for missing car keys... Have you checked IN the car? Since its unlocked, it seems that you may have left them there???

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