April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Doggy you may be hitting the 6 week growth spurt time - many babies are a complete bitch to get to sleep during them. We are entering the 12 week one right now and holy hell... pray for me! She was awake all night nursing then I dropped her at MILs at 730. Just heard from MIL (1030 now) and she's STILL asleep. At least she's getting a little sleep and not howling for boob the whole time though!
Steph I think she does want to see him but it has been almost 6 months since the last time and she was a bit worried about going with him alone, she was up this morning at 5am crying in my bed asking to stay home but she went in well and seems like she enjoyed herself so hopefully she'll find it easier tomorrow.

Sarah, Benson has been a lot like that too last week then the last few days he's been better, so hopefully its just a growth spurt like sweetpea said.. did you find your keys? xx

I'm having a horrible day, I'm in bed hiding under the covers as I type, having just ate a huge bag of cadbury dairy milk caramel thingies all to myself.. We went to get the kids from the center at 1pm and we were a bit earlier so I started talking to Aaron about me getting my tubes tied since he wasn't keen on getting his done and then we were reading about it online on my phone and the endless list of complications so Aaron said that I should settle with the coil, and I said or we could just both get ourselves done so there is no way of babies popping up unexpected, then he said.... what if we don't work out and I meet someone in the future and want to have babies with her?... I was so shocked. I didn't even consider being with anyone else, it's been hard for me to say yes to marrying Aaron because of my ex husband and I could have said all the what ifs there. I'm so hurt, I can't stop crying it feels awful that he would think that way and put me at risk of having another baby just because he might want one later in life. Then he got mad at me because I got upset. urgh I don't get him sometimes, why does he have to say things like that, he is so loving most of the time then he ruins it with stupid things like that! Things like that can't ever be unsaid :/
Oh my gosh candy!!! I cannot believe he said that. Good to know he is thinking positive thoughts about your future together.what a dick. Dd it all go ok for connie and Lucas today?

Sweetpea I can't believe Scarlett is almost 12 weeks! Where has that time gone?! Maybe t s a growth spurt, I hope it is anyway!

Steph, I wouldn't mind her being up all day if she didn't scream at me!! She's a madam when she gets tired!

Keys are located: I somehow left them at my parents house....even though the car is here. Begs the question: how did I get the car home?!?!

Our minister just came for a visit. I don't know how religious everyone is, but church is important to me and so we want to get Isabelle baptised. But our minister (we're pretty new to the church) is so awkward we find him hard to talk to so we didn't get anything sorted. :dohh:
I know Sarah, he doesn't think before he speaks! I mean I can understand what he means and I would never force him to do something that he wasn't happy with but did he really have to say that to me?? Seriously what did he think I would say or do?
That is so weird about your keys being at your parents house!! WTH happened there?? lol
Connie and Lucas had a good time with their dad, Connie told me she had to rub the butterfly a few times and he gave her 2 bits of chewing gum which she isn't allowed but over all it was good :) xx
What are you going to do about the minister now? Will he have to come again? lol xx
Hey everyone - im on here from my iphone so will be an active member of the forum from this point on! Hope your all well xxx
Welcome back stmw! If I couldn't get B and B on my phone I would never be on here!

Poor Connie!

DL for a week now it has been near impossible to get Anna sleeping more than 45 mins or an hour in the day. The second leap starts for us today and just tamed the beast after a big crying jag caused by nothing. Ugh!
doggylover: We are planning to get Peter baptized as well. We have our baptism course booked for June 10th and then we get to pick our date then.

Stmw: Welcome back!

Sweetpea: Wow! It's so hard to believe Scarlett is 12 weeks already! These babies grow so fast.

Afm, so Peter's weigh-in went as I expected. He has lost a little bit of weight and has not gained anything. Peter has grown in length and his head circumference has grown too, but he has not gained any weight. So after speaking with my doctor and her colleague that she called in for an extra opinion they told me that Peter isn't getting enough calories. When he was getting formula he was putting on weight fine, and with breast milk alone he wasn't. So we've been told that Peter is one of those babies who does not thrive on breastmilk, and we've been told to formula feed him from now on. :cry:

I was really upset about it earlier today... but I've started to calm down a little bit now. After all the headache and emotional roller-coaster we've had around breastfeeding so far, now that we've finally got the hang of it and it's going well, we learn that Peter still isn't thriving for whatever reason on breastmilk and we need to feed him formula anyway. :dohh:

So now I need to figure out how to wean him off the boob and onto the bottle full-time. We tried his first bottle tonight after a boob feed and he took it fine which is good.
Candy: That's no good! Can't believe he'd open his big mouth like that and say something so rude :growlmad: I've been very good about training Greg not to say anything that might hurt my feelings so as to avoid eating entire bags of chocolate :haha:

DL: Even though Greg and I aren't "church going", we wanted to do something formal to show our belief and gather the family and our friends together - so we had Liam baptized at 1 year old. We will most likely have Jake baptized as well. It brings everyone together and is just a nice experience for everyone involved.. except maybe the child, depending on if they like water or not. :dohh:

ReadytoMum: I'm sorry poor Peter isn't thriving on BF'ing, but at least you have things sorted out and you have a clear destination and a good idea of how to get there now. I'm sure that your doctor wouldn't disagree if you wanted to pump and add some BM to his formula feeds if you want to feel you're giving him something. Even though I stopped feeding Liam from the boob at 10 months, I continued to put BM in his milk for about 6 months after that. It just made me feel better.. :blush:

AFM: Been having a rough time with Liam and him acting up at times. I know its a phase and he'll get through it. He just turned 3 and his emotions are all there and he has so many words and thoughts and he can't quite get them all to go together yet which has to be so frustrating for a little guy. He's never an awful child to deal with, but when he gets frustrated he wants to hit or throw or run around and we've had to really lay down our ground rules now that Jake is in the house. We've always been laid back parents and I'd like to continue to be laid back, but he's really testing our limits. I really have to try and get out ahead of a situation that might start him going :nope: Poor guy.

Jake has done well today though. We're toughing out this leap by having a growth spurt at the same time which pauses the crying and adds lots of sleeping to the mix. I'm getting the hang of only feeding him when he's hungry and not assuming that because he's such a big guy that he's starving all of the time and shoving my boob in his face which can actually upset him more than being hungry :haha:. I feed him when I know he's looking for a boob, which isn't hard because he still roots like a madman. He just wants to sit and smile a lot of the time, so I put him on my knee or in his little monkey chair and he bounces or vibrates and smiles and squeals and coos. Its so pleasant :cloud9: Oh! and I've put him to bed twice today groggy, but still awake and he's gone down both times! I'm not counting my chickens, but I'm totally psyched about it for now. :)
Sounds like we have a lot of leap-y babies at the minute, love to all mommas touching that out!!!

Readytomum I am so sorry to hear about peters weight. Is there no option for you to combo feed? Say bf first thing in the morning and last at night, so you still have that time with him, especially after working so hard at it? I wouldn't give up on your bf altogether quite so quickly, you have fought so hard to get him here!

Liamsmom sorry to hear Liam is giving you a rough ride at the minute. But at least Jackson is treating you well! It's when they both start playing up at the same time that you'll have major issues!

Afm, looks like today is going to be another stinker :( she's already in a crap mood, and this is usually her best time of day.
Bright side: last night was her best ever! She went down at 9 and slept til 3, then slept again until 6.30. It was great! But I would like her not to be SO horrific during the day...
Hi ladies, wow sounds like everyone is super busy with their LO's having growth spurts etc at the mo!

We've had a bit of a tough week, my toddler got some flu like virus from his cousins last week (they came to visit all full of snot and looking really ill) which the baby also came down with 2 days later... so I've had two of them red hot, tired, crying and Snotting on everything poor little things! Vin has also had on/off projectile vomiting with it, lovely! Oh and DH has been seriously hitting the overtime (no choice as he's a chef and they had lots of functions booked) so I've been pretty much dealing with both ill babies on my own lol :dohh: talk about a test of stamina!!! :haha:

On the plus side, Vincent is growing like a mushroom despite the germs. I swear he looks bigger every morning!
I've just packed away his newborn and 0-3 clothes, he's in 3-6m now lol!!!
Grrrr can't believe Aaron said that. . .but I had been telling Allen the same and he got hurt by me telling him to get a vasectomy as what if he wants more children. I don't and after me going through a tubal reversal I am not tying my tubes again. I never really took his feelings in consideration because i don't want more kids. But with that being said he had been begging for another one already! Wtf if he had to go through childbirth he'd change his mind.I hope Connie and Lucas do good for you during their visits and all goes well.

DL we attend church too and i think that is awesome! And how is Miss Isabelle? Emmaleigh has been good I guess. She has her days but she really hates getting hot so usually if she starts pitching a fit it can be narrowed down pretty easily. Hopefully it is just the leap.

Readytomum I am so sorry for you. Maybe it is just Peter has a fast metabolism and can burn his calories fast. I hate that you had a plan and worked hard through all the difficulties just to have to bottle feed. It will get better for you both though.Hugs.

Steph yes I feel Emmaleigh is going to be like Allen's mom and mine just tiny little women. Seriously 0-3 swallows her whole and I have a few of them that sort of fit her ok but mostly all newborns still. I am glad Grayson did so well at the pool parties!

Sorry if i missed anyone....
Afm, Allen is already wanting another baby!!!!!!!!!!! He is crazy but with us trying for 2 years and having a MC i think and the journey of us getting Emmaleigh really made him think through how hard ttc really is. I asked him to wait for a while or at least till she is at least a year old or so and he agreed but said he would like it to be sooner if at all possible. I want to lose an extra 10lbs and let my body heal properly so he is going to have to wait.
Mommabrown I could not even possibly think of ttc right now. I said to dh I can see how some people only have one kid. Anna has just been such a handful that when I am preg with no 2 I will be hoping he/she is much more mellow than big sis!!

Ready to mum I am so sad to hear about your bf disappointment. I have been struggling with bf issues and weight gain worries too so really feel for you. You did everything you could and your hard work is really admirable I wish it had worked out for you. But at least once you make the switch you won't have to worry about his weight. Maybe for a little while you could still bf for comfort after his ff just until your supply is gone? Maybe it would make you feel better? Sounds like peter is making the transition well which is awesome. That will make it easier on you. Hugs to you both!
And dano hope your boys are feeling better soon! Poor you doing so much by yourself - good job mama! And I can't believe vinny is in 3-6 months! Annelise is still a wee peanut and fits into newborn stuff and some 0-3 stuff looks fine. It doesn't matter since we barely leave the house anyway so she could technically wear whatever. But picking out her clothes is one of my fave things. I hate when other people dress her and nothing matches. I like to have her all cutenessed out with matching socks and all lol

And I am going to go wild today and download a book to read as watching bad tv is getting a bit much. No more 16 and pregnant marathons lol
ah nooo Dan-o that sucks!! Are you all on the mend now? There is so much about at the moment. My kids have been more ill than usual so far this year. Summer really needs so move it.

Mommabrown the thought of having another baby so soon after Benny makes my uterus hurt lol. Ots cute that Allen wants another one but I have to side with you and say to wait atleast a year xx

Doggylover shes making up for her sleep during the night lol.. Benny is being difficult today too. He is super fussy Im trying to cook clean and do online shopping and he just wont settle not even with me holding him. So so soooo frustrating! x

Connie was happier with the contact center today. She went in well. After contact we took them to a nearby park they had been begging us to take them to for ages and as it was nice today we agreed. While we were there Aaron come up to me really close and said
. William (my ex husband) was standing at the park gate for a few minutes watching the kids play and tbat he bad just walked off.. I never even saw him. I didnt know he walked that way from the center as the footpath is a few hundred feet from the park over a big field. The fact that he stood there watching is a bit creepy but also I feel guilty that his kids were playing and he could only watch.
Candy maybe it will make him straighten his ass up for his kids. My ex is currently trying to take my weekend away to see the kids so i wouldn't get to see them for 2 weeks. So I called my lawyer the douche bag is in contempt of court for taking them on a court ordered visitation. I am so ready to get this over with....I dunno how my kids feel or where they want to live but for right now I have to work hard on clearing Allens name and focus on Landon and Emmaleigh. It makes me feel like a shit mom but I didn't choose this for us and when it is all said and done if they want to live with me they will.
Dan o hang in there hun, hope your boys get well soon, poor things...

Little Dennis is going through a growth spurt at the moment and wants a boob every 30 min.
And he has become quite the eclectic baby who only wants to listen to chopin... :p I swear I'm ok with Britney and Lana, but he will not settle with them.
what a jerk Mommabrown! He is just doing it to hurt you and not caring what it does to the kids. If they think the kids are at such a big risk with you then they wouldnt let you have unsupeecised contact. Its really hypocritical. I hope my ex will sort it out but I fear hes only stepping up during court. Im ready for court again next week but Im worried about my health. I think I have pnd from all the stress. I have to wait until next week to see my doctor though :( I really hope Allens name get cleared it is so unfair that one lie can ruin so much for you all. Liars always get caught out in the end though xxxxx
Awe candy and mommabrown hope this all gets sorted out soon. You have both been suffering for so long :( candy you can't feel guilty about your ex only being allowed to watch. It's his own actions that put him in that position and its what's best for Connie and Lucas. So sorry to hear you are so stressed and may have pnd is there a support number you can call? That's what they have here. Hope they take care of you properly and nip it in the bud so that you can enjoy your babies x
Lily annelise likes bob marley and Phish. Quite the little rocker she is lol

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