April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Readytomum hope you have a lovely night on Sunday just in case I don't get on here by then! And hope your ok!!!

Candy happy 5th birthday to Lucas! Hope he gas a lovely day!
And hope benson is ok and it's not that!
Steph tummy time is to help strengthen the neck muscles and what not and the help them strengthen up to roll over etc, also to relieve pressure on the back of thier heads! James despises it with a passion but we do it for 15 mins a day to get him used to it as I don't want him getting flat head syndrome! As he has a specific side he likes to lay his head stubborn little man won't sleep any other way no matter how often I turn his head haha!
Liam's mom I'm jealous of how well jake sleeps!!!! I don't want to read your posts any more haha joking! That's great your getting that extra sleep and he is thriving!
Sarah I think James is going through his 6 week growth spurt maybe isabellevis too with extra feeds and wake time and being unsettled?!

Afm in regards to baby groups, I went to the breast feeding cafe this morning as mum has got Paige till tomorrow, and one of the mums that was there when I went with Paige still goes there!!! She is still bf her 2.5year old... I mean I want to bf for longer than I did with Paige but... Not that long! But was nice, met other new mums so hoping to make it a regular thing!
Also had James weighed! 2 weeks ago he weighed 10lb! Toddy 11lb 13oz !!!! Hebrides becoming a right little chunk!
It's Paige's birthday at the end of June, not really sure what we are going to do with her! Might go to the zoo or aquarium for the day, but I've practically finished all her birthday shopping! I've bought her a gorgeous pram and a new baby doll, and lots of books and puzzles. No where near as crazy as last year lol! Then tomorrow off to the cemetery to tidy up and visit my grandad as its his year anniversary, then to the harvester for a scrummy lunch with mum and dad nom nom! Been craving harvester since I was pregnant with James lol! Sorry if I've missed anyone xx
Ooh Candy! Congrats to Lucas on turning 5 and what I'm sure should be a blast at school. Good for you sending him with chocolates for the entire class. I can't wait until Liam gets to be that age and really starts making friends and socializing. He already loves to go out and see people every day, I can't imagine what it will be like when he's got school friends. Am I odd for being excited over my child growing up? Note: I don't want him to get any older after maybe 10. :winkwink: I would like to keep his child like innocence as long as possible.

Kealz: I'm jealous of how Jake sleeps too if that's any consolation. I'm awake all the time anticipating that he will pop awake randomly, so sleeping doesn't come that easy :winkwink: *and* 2.5 years old and still breastfeeding?! I shouldn't judge, but wow. Just trying to imagine having someone the size of Liam on my lap sucking on my boob seems downright scandalous!

ReadytoMum: I understand about the classes. Here, we dont get much of a choice as to where "classes" are held. :nope: I would be completely for baby and mom classes if they weren't so early and so "sterile". I think things like that, especially when the babies are new, should be casual and fun. Like you said, a coffee shop! That would be perfect! :thumbup:

Steph: Jackson was a big baby, he eats a ton and he's managed to get himself on a schedule similar to the one his brother was on at his age. I'm thinking they might be twins, just 3 years apart..
I hope you have a great night out. I love that you're making sure you've got that milk socked away for your little man. I think I have a gallon in our freezer at the moment, but I'm so hesitant to use the bottle even though he's a month old and everything is established.

AFM: We've just decided we're going to the Natural History museum in DC tomorrow with Jake and Liam. I will be forced to use the bottle this time, so its time to dust off the extra bottles and portable milk storage! I'm so looking forward to getting out as a family, but this will be our first attempt at a "day outting". That's what I get for having a spring baby though :haha:
Back from the doctors and thankfully my incision is NOT infected! :happydance:
It's just separating a little bit which she said is totally normal. So that's a relief!

For my night out I'll be going out for dinner somewhere I can get a beer and then going to see the movie Epic. I'm really looking forward to it. And DH is going out Friday night to see Star Trek Into Darkness.
Yay for no infection Readytomum! I hope you have an awesome night out on Sunday!I want to take the kids to watch Epic too! But Landon and Allen are pulling for Fast Six....boys!

Candy I loved all the photos you posted of Lucas's birthday! We only get to have a party at the school at the end of the month for all the kids. We can't do anything individually so I bet all the kids in his class are super stoked!

Steph Emmaleigh has always loved laying on her tummy from birth on. I lay down there on my belly too and shake rattles and just play with her and get her to cooing and it is fun for us both especially since she flashes her big beautiful smile at me all the time!

Liamsmom I know we are very outdoors people and we find that sometimes we are at a struggle to go or just stay home. I hope you all have a blast!

Kealz that sounds fabulous for Paige's birthday! I am a June Bug too! And HOLY COW I am all for BF but at 2.5 years old I don't think I would feel comfortable --but to each's own!

As for baby groups--we don't do them either. Here where I live people are overly rude with their opinions of what you should be doing and I don't feel like surrounding myself with people like that. So i just hang out with Miss Emme all day and go walking and cleand the house.

Afm, My BIL's GF had their baby by C-section yesterday 1 month early and she weigh 8 lbs 10 ozs and was 20inches long. She has Diabetes so they said the baby was already going to be big and if they let her go till her due date the baby she would have weigh close to 11 lbs. She is adorable. Laurynn has also recieved a Young Author's award for the 2nd time since being in school. She is so talented I only hope that she goes on to use her talent and not let it go to waste since her dad thinks she should only care about farming and nothing else.
Reasytomum, good news about your incision :thumbup:. So what did the doc tell you to do? Just keep it clean and dry I'm guessing?
Liamsmom, the museum sounds great. I know that some babies can have trouble switching but Grayson has been switching between boob, bottle and passy with no problem. I'm sure Jack will be the same. :hugs: . My question is: why can't you still BF while out and about? I use the nursing cover when I'm out and it works great. No flashing yet :haha:
Kealz, 2.5??? Hmmm not for me. Like everyone said, it's everyone's choice but.... If LO can walk up and ask for the boob, it's time to wean!! Rob and I talked about this and came up with this great visual: me cooking dinner with Grayson standing under my boob (latched on) and walking along while I cook :wacko::rofl:. Also note that I would expect my boobs to reach my knees after BF that long, so the hight would totally work :haha:

Thank you for the input on tummy time... The thing is.. Grayson will sleep on his belly (supervised). The only time he complains, is when it's exclusive belly time :shrug:. He has a strong neck already and switches his head position when sleeping.... But nevertheless, I need to start doing it I guess :nope:
Mommabrown: we are a completely outdoorsy fam as well, hikes, fishing, walks, museums, parks, everything! This is just our first with jake and Liam, so there's a bit of anxiety about keeping everyone together. I love living near DC for the culture, but it's a dangerous city. Liam will be wearing his monkey leash :winkwink:

Steph: I'll be bringing my cover as well, but unless I find the right bench/chair, it's difficult for me to sit and nurse. I'm 5'10 and I have to slouch AND use my nursing pillow at home. It'll be a true test of my BF skill set if I can nurse him on a DC bench! Also because of all of the tourists in the museums, I'm afraid I will offend someone. Don't get me wrong, around town I will whip it out anytime, but not sure how I will do in front of 1000's of people. :dohh:
Candy happy birthday to Lucas! All your babies have birthdays so close together! Yeah I know Isabelle won't get anything from the groups - they are all for me at the minute :haha: glad the check up went well.

Liam's mom, I am so jealous of that stretch of sleep you got from Jackson! What a brilliant boy! Hope you have a great time at the museum.

Steph: I actually just bought a tummy time roll this week for Isabelle. I had been doing it with just a rolled up towel, but felt it didn't support her enough. I only do it for a minute or so as she just face plants the whole time :haha: I've read that at this stage they won't tolerate it for long, so don't worry about Grayson hating it, just keep doing it on short bursts (even just on your chest) and he'll get more used to it and enjoy it eventually! Force him to like it!

Kealz: you are always so busy! Enjoy your meal out tomorrow, I love it when you've wanted something for ages then get to satisfy the craving...you'll want to get back ASAP though I'm sure!

Readytomum: glad to hear you are ok and your incision is normal, I'm sure that's a relief!! I was so worried about not having enough milk for Isabelle last week when I went out, I pumped 10oz over several days and left it all frozen....she drank 2.5oz!!! I really hope you enjoy your night out.

Mommabrown: congrats to Laurynn! What a talented young lady you have there. I'm sure with your continued encouragement she will keep on using her talent. Where I teach, most families are all into farming too, and some of the kids kind of get caught in it, but they don't often get encouragement to do anything else. So keep up your enthusiasm for her other talents and it will negate his enthusiasm for farming.

Afm: well last night was much better. Isabelle did another 6hr stretch until 3am :thumbup: and today we went down to my school again and oh my gosh, did she draw a crowd! It was sports day, so everyone was just hanging out, and the kids (no joke) RAN at me when I pushed her pram into the playground! It took 10mins to get to the adults through the crowds of kids surrounding us! I felt like the pied piper!

Does anyone else ever feel annoyed with oh about how much time they spend with LO? I know that Simon is at work all day so that cancels out anytime between 8am and 5pm. But then I kind of expect him to come home and want to spend every second with her. Well tonight we were home from dinner late, and she was ready to go straight upstairs to get ready for bed. she was on her playmat having nappy free time, and Simon was complaining he hardly saw her at all today. So what does he do? Goes downstairs and does something else :huh:
doggylover: I have that same feeling towards Adam sometimes... he works LONG days. He leaves the house around 6:30am and teaches during the morning and sometimes picks up a supply for the afternoon, then has a horridly long commute back into town where he then tutors for a few hours. So Monday, Wednesday and Thursday and he's gone from 6:30am-8:30pm. He doesn't normally tutor on Tuesdays or Fridays, but sometimes he will if a kid wants an extra lesson or whatever. Usually Peter and I go to bed around 10:30, so after he gets home he has two hours to see Peter... and he'll spend most of it on his computer doing whatever the heck it is he does on there! It drives me crazy sometimes. But then other days he'll cuddle with him for quite a while watching TV or play with him and give me a bit of a break. But I never know which kind of day it's going to be! :dohh:

He has tomorrow off work and we were hoping to have a nice family day at the park for a bit--but the weather here had been horrid the last few days, so it looks like Mother Nature is going to destroy that plan. :wacko:
Sarah, I think it's a guy thing. They don't have boobs, so I think they feel pretty useless with LO at this age :shrug:. Rob does what Allen does... Comes home and plays on the computer. If I ask him to take Grayson, he will...but he never insistson holding him (which I would be doing). Tonight I asked if he wanted him and he said : he's just going to cry anyway :growlmad:. At first I was mad, but after I thought about it, I understood... Grayson likes to comfort suck, so we do lots of that! I think rob feels like there is nothing "special" he can only do, to settle LO.
Either way, your NOT alone.

Another question for you ladies: when do you get up to feed LO? First squeak, a few squeaks in, or do you wait for them to start crying?
So glad Simon is not the only one! Must be a lack of boob thing for sure!

Steph during the night it's as soon as she makes a noise and I wake. I've tried leaving her in case she is just going to go back to sleep, but she always wants fed so I try to do it ASAP and get her back to bed quickly.

During the day it varies as sometimes she will go from happy to full on screaming in 0.5seconds when she wants fed! But I try my best to get her before she is crying.
Yesterday she was so upset by the time I got to her I held her to my boob and she had nipple in her mouth, still managing to scream. All very pathetic as it was accompanied by little tears!
Another question for you ladies: when do you get up to feed LO? First squeak, a few squeaks in, or do you wait for them to start crying?

this is difficult for me to answer as Dennis is not showing hunger the "normal" way. Meaning he doesn't open his mouth searching for a boob, or chomping his hands etc, he goes from quiet to screaming, without anything in the middle...:shrug: So most of the time I will just shove a boob in his mouth to see if he will take it, or he will cry for the boob. I'm familiar with his hungry time now, so most times I shove the booby for a good reason. :winkwink:
Ok, good to know that I'm not alone :thumbup:. I sometimes wonder, if I should wait for him to cry, before taking him out of his crib. They say, that a lot of times LO are not really hungry yet at night and you could get a longer stretch of time, if you waited. I find it impossible to ignore his little kicks and squeaks, so I always end up getting him :shrug:
I would say I wait for a few squeaks. (partly depending how tired I am and how long it takes me to wake up and actually get up!) But I do try and wait a few seconds at least because Peter is really good at self soothing and will sometimes wake up, squeak a little bit, and then go back to bed so I want to make sure he's actually hungry and that I'm not interrupting his sleep.
Hi everyone, sorry I've not been around much, court is coming up and I've been hit with a huge file of shit I have to reply to :( not easy with Benny.

This boy of mine is trying to off me I think!! I'll be grey before I know it.. we had our doctors 6 week check for him today I had mine earlier in the week, it turns out that not only was he born with a clogged tear duct and tongue tie he also has a small umbillical hernia which has developed! gross! It will go away on it's own apparently before he's a year old and it's only a tiny one, if it balloons out he'll get an operation. Can you believe it?!!

Steph I wait for Ben to cry before I pick him up during the night but if we are co-sleeping I just shove my boob at him lol.

I'll pop in tomorrow and catch up properly, hope you are all well :) xx
oh quickly on the man subject.. Aaron is the same... he'll offer to have Ben while I go do my own thing for a while then he'll go on xbox and just lay Ben across his lap while he plays until Benny cries then he makes me move his player round for him so he doesnt get kicked from the game!! So I get freedom from Benny but then I have to play mass effect which is an utterly shite game!!
Sorry Candy about everything that seems to be hitting you all at once. I hope all goes well in court we have 8 weeks until court and I am already a mad woman!

Steph I let Emmaleigh wimper then I will get her. It isn't her usual yammering or crying just an inbetween.

Anyone else's LO just eating up a storm? I feel like that is all we are doing is feeding Emmaleigh 24/7.She eats sleeps for a bit wakes up and is back at eating more. This is our routine for the past couple of days. She is weaning herself away from the pacifier also. She doesn't take it all hardly anymore but she is still sucking on her thumb which Allen hates!
Mommabrown Anna is the same. She was eating every two hours again lsst night as though she was a week old again! She has been a maniac all this past week. I am hoping it is the 6 week growth spurt and not the new normal. Everyone has been telling me it gets easier after 6-8 weeks. OMG I hope so!!!! She has even started rejecting being held by other people even when I give her to them sleeping! She is trying to kill me!
And she won't take a paci either. Add it to the list of things she hates.

I forgot to say, for the ladies who are having a hard time side lying nursing you can try the way my LC taught me ie the cheaters way. You latch LO on like normal and then just flip them around and lower them down next to you attached. Even if they come unlatched in the process it is way easier to get them relatched as they are already lined right up. Hope that makes sense!
Kirstabelle I would do that sometimes and definitely do find it easier than trying to line LO up when we're already down.

Candy and mommabrown, will be thinking about you in the next few weeks coming up to the court dates, and praying that you wonderful mommas get the outcomes you deserve :hugs:

Afm: I left Isabelle with my mum today while I got my hair cut. I phoned her on my way home to say I was coming back, but had to stop off at my house. Mum said Isabelle was sleeping soundly. I arrive home, and get a call(literally 10mins after my first call) asking where on earth I'd put the expressed milk...all I could hear in the background was Isabelle SCREECHING. Luckily I only live 7mins away from my mum, and since it would take at least 5 to sort the milk out and Isabelle isn't good with a bottle, I said I'd just come straight over. Drove like a maniac, crying the whole way about my poor, screaming, half starved child. I get there and literally stripped as I ran through the door, sticking my boob in her mouth mid scream (hers not mine!) all very traumatic for me :haha:
:rofl: Sarah... What a great visual.... Stripping as you run up to the door... Neighbors looking confused... Parents covering their children's eyes.. Bonanza music playing while your run becomes slow motion!!!
Ok ok... So maybe it wasn't like that, but that's what I heard :haha:.
It's amazing what kind of anxiety we can feel for something so silly :wacko:. I'm the same way, and I know with 100% certainty, that my chunker could easily go for some time, without eating lol

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