April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

what is that dohm thing?? :/

the Dohm is a white noise machine that keeps loud noises from being processed and keeps them alseep through rattling windows and thunderstorms (which we have both!) It was recommended to me by someone who lives across from dogs and has an old house with creaky windows and lots of wind and thunderstorms! We shall see if it helps with Liam's fear old loud thunderboombers!

Thank you Candy for the info on the diapering. I think I am going to go ahead and jump in to cloth diapering from now on :)
liams_mom that things sounds amazing! We live on a busy main road that has a pub almost opposite.. might have to seek one of those thingys out! :p x

Cloth diapering is really fun and easy, I always hear, oh it must be such a faff about with 3 kids?!, but it really isn't. xx
Omg ladies! Something happened to my terror baby last week, she has been replaced by a child that likes her sling, tolerates her car seat and has now slept in her swing instead of having to be held - it is a miracle!! I cannot believe it. She also does one long 4-5 hour stretch of sleep plus a second 3 hr one most nights. We are emerging from the newborn fog!! Yay!

Will write more later as the LO is just waking from a 2 hr nap in the sling and I know she is going to be starving and screaming in a few mins!
Oh and candy I friended u on FB but don't know how to find the group. I feel like I miss everything not being on it!
White noise machines are awesome!! We certainly love our Sleep Sheep! We also got a fancy one from Adam's boss that haven't we used yet... it does white noise, classical music, it projects images on the wall and you can turn it on constantly or it can be voice activated if baby wakes up! Peter is pretty good at self soothing right now, so we'll wait to use this one till he's a bit older and needs more help falling asleep.

Steph: I don't get it either! But when I tried putting his head back the regular direction last night after one of our feedings he was dry again! I wonder if the floor slopes downwards a little bit so that when he pees it was running down the diaper before it was able to all get absorbed??

Afm, our weigh-in today was AWESOME! Peter is now a whopping 9.7lbs!! He gained more than a pound in this last week! :happydance: The Dr. said he's playing catch-up so he'll gain pretty quickly for a little bit then slow down to a more steady rate. I'm so excited that he's finally getting bigger!! At this rate I'll have a chunky little monkey in no time as well. :winkwink:
I'm sounding the fool here, but Ive been online all day trying to figure out what cloth diaper would work best for me and Jake. I've settled on bumGenius One Size Pocket Diaper Package 4.0. NOW this is the tough part for me :dohh: How many of what inserts am I going to need? I know there are thick one's, average ones, super absorbent ones. Do I need something separate for poops that's disposable down the toilet? OMI. :cry: I am officially overwhelmed.
Liam's mom, just buy a few of the bumgenius at first to make sure they work. Each one should come with an absorbent insert that goes into the pocket. For Jackson that will probably be enough for now, but for later on you will need to add a booster (I think maybe called a doubler in USA!) as the inserts most nappies some with are microfibre which isn't massively absorbent.
You can order doublers/boosters separately, and they often come in packs of 10 which should be plenty for now (you can always order more again later). Try to order something like bamboo or hemp, as those are super absorbent because they are natural stuff, unlike the microfibre. Then you can slip one in with the insert that the nappy comes with.
Liners, at the minute you shouldn't need any because the poo should (in theory) just wash out, but I do use them. I use washable ones atm, and have about 20, but they dry very quickly so you don't need loads. When he is bigger and doing solid poo you can use flushable/disposable liners then.

So for now, I suggest ordering maybe 2 bumgenius (that way if you find they don't suit you haven't bought a whole load and wasted money, and if they do order more later!), some liners (https://www.kellyscloset.com/-Liners_c_578.html fleece are great,and I prefer hourglass shape) and maybe some boosters (https://www.kellyscloset.com/-Doublers_c_579.html)

Thanks candy for the flying info! I forgot you used to fly so much, I should have been on to you last week about it!

Readytomum well done Peter!!!!! What a champion! And well done you too momma!

Afm: well last night waiting for our flight Isabelle decided it would be super to show off what her lungs can do. So everyone is waiting at the gate and she starts SCREAMING (and oh boy, do I mean screaming!) you could see everyone looking at one another going "this kid better not do that the whole f***ing way!!!"
Well, she did not, thankfully! She ate for 45mins of the 1hr flight, and smiled for the other 15!!
She was exhausted when we arrived and slept the two hours in the car, then I put her straight into the cot when we got to the inlaws. I was worried she wouldn't like it, but she slept 4hrs straight, which was great.

White noise: we have a machine, and I actually brought it with us to make it sound like home here. I dunno if it helps, but Isabelle has had it with her since birth and is a very good sleeper!
Kristabelle I was wondering who was adding me haha! I love your pic of you and Anna at the pub, she's adorable! I've added you to the facebook group now and put your name on the nickname-name list :) xx

Doggylover I saw your status this morning about Isabelle being a good girl on the flight! I'm glad she was well behaved for you and Simon :) I used to love flying with mine, they would just sleep for 2 hours and I could read my book :p xx

YAY Peter!! Readytomum that is great news! I'm glad Peter is finally putting it on! xx

Liams_mom I say buy the bum genius, we use about 6 a day, we use disposables at night still, you should only need one insert at the moment. I think 10-12 nappies plus 12-18 inserts should be a full set. They are quite expensive so if you look on eBay and other sites you can find pre-loved nappies at a third of the price and they are already pre-washed too :) I use nappy liners in Ben's nappies, they are flushable. You can buy a special poo sprayer. I use bold 2in1, just 2 big spoonfuls and 1 spoon of nappy sanitiser, I think vanish would work just as well if you can't find a specific nappy powder. Thats all you need really, plus the nappy pail. I have the bum genius thick inserts they are really for older babies, and I have the regular bum genius inserts which are the best IMO. xx
afm, I'm sending a form in to the council today to get £30 off my cloth nappies when I spend over £45 so now I know which ones I like I'm going to buy some nice new ones, I'm going for hook and loop fastening, one size, pocket nappies I will probably get a mix of AIO and AITs, bum genius, tots bots, fuzzibuns and charlie bananas <3 Bum genius have a cute new Einstein print I can't wait to get my hands on and tots bots have the pooper hero print! I can't wait for fluff post :D

Benson was sick yesterday and have a huge poo at the same time, then didn't pee for 2 hours despite draining both boobies, so I had to call the dr and as I'm on the phone he goes and pees and now he's fine! typical lol. Aaron had to run out at 11pm for SMA formula in case he wasn't getting enough breast milk. I didn't drink so much yesterday and it was hot so I didn't produce much, I'm drinking like a fish today!
White noise:
I just play this youtube video on my laptop and he is instantly soothed!
Kirstabelle I'm so happy that Annelise is showing her lovely self and letting you get some sleep and you time, what a wonderful girl!

Candy, I'm jealous, our councils don't run nappy incentives :( I love love LOVE my Charlie bananas. They fit Isabelle so well, as the legs adjust like a bra strap, so you get a perfect fit. The fuzzibuns I thought I would love, but although they are good (and survived a poo-splosion!) they legs aren't as adjustable. Check out the softbums on funky monkey pants. I got an echo shell and some inserts, and I LOVE it. It's an ai2 and is so trim. I think they only sell the omni shells now, but I still think you can use it as an ai2 as it still has the snaps. I'd highly recommend them!
Also, bambooty are having a Bogof offer on their night nappies at the minute. I read some reviews which said they are great, but some said only to use them for the day. Either way, I'll use it and one was free!
Oh also, Isabelle is showing her best side to her English relatives....

We took her to meet her great granny and she wailed the whole time, unless I let her rub her face against my shoulder. And when I say face I mean nose. Ie I am covered in the kids snot.

Her great granny still thought she was amazing, and laughed all the way through the screams. She must be more senile than we thought... :haha:
Oh man Liamsmom, I admire your bravery in entering into the CD world :wacko: . For a brief moment, I thought about trying as well... Then I tried to google some info on it and became completely overwhelmed!! I'm sure Candy and Sarah have given you some great information but unfortunately, it still sounds like a foreign language to me :haha:. Plus, I feel like Grayson will need adult size ones really soon (because he is growing at tremendous intervals lol) and therefore they most def will NOT fit under the clothes :haha:

Sarah, Izzy sounds adorable... Nuzzling your shoulder with her little batcave (that's what we call Grayson's nose, since he ALWAYS has a collection of bats (ie boogers) in his cave :rofl:).

Kristabelle, so glad to hear that Anna is giving you some space and turning into the lady you had hoped for!! :thumbup:

ReadytoMum, what a great growth spurt!! Yay for Peter!! Now you will be needed those size 1 diapers very soon!!!!

AFM, Grayson had his first episode of screaming, where the boob did not fix it :shrug:. That has NEVER happened, so I had to ask Rob what to do :haha:. His lack of a boob, has made him more creative in the soothing department then me lol. ... But in the end, it turned out that he DID want the boob... He just wanted me sitting in the glider and not the couch :dohh:.

I received an email offer for picture prints and decided, that we need to actually have hard copies of Grayson's pictures! Over the years, I have lost so many digital pictures (computer broke, computer replaced, accidentally deleted, etc) that I didn't want to risk it. When I ordered them on Snapfish.com, they had a 55% off special, so I only ended up paying $4 for 90 prints :happydance:. Today I received another email offer to get 100 prints for $10 (shipped)... So I just uploaded 100 more pictures and ordered them!! Needless to say, we had a family trip yesterday to buy an abundance of frames and photo albums... The house is now littered with pictures of Grayson :cloud9:
Hi everyone, finally got the times to reply on here about what's going on with me. Sorry about any typing errors I am on my phone. Lexi is really good and smiling so much now! I love seeing her little personality coming out! Doctor has prescribed me another three months of the antidepressants. He has said that he does want me to stop taking them after this though so that's good right?! We have Lexi's immunisations tomorrow so I'm not looking forward to them at all! I hate it when they are in pain, hope you're all good, will pop back on to catch up with everyone else soon XXX
AFM, Grayson had his first episode of screaming, where the boob did not fix it :shrug:. :

If this ever happens to me I'll die. Sometimes she's still screaming as I hold her open mouth over the nipple, a swift bit of stuffing the boob in sorts it out though! I'm glad to hear it all turned out ok, and that boob did in fact save the day!

I also need to order hard copies of izzys pics. Simon prints out the 'nice' ones, but I love all the ones from my phone which are just snapped quickly!
Am I thick? I still can't figure out how to find the facebook group??

I always want to write more on here and reply to things people have said etc but just can never get a chance!
Kirstabelle I think candy has to add you to the group as its a hidden group.

:growlmad: I am cross. We are away from home, so the only thing Isabelle has that is the same (apart from my boobs!) is her routine. Which is always 7.30pm start bedtime stuff. Well Simon and his parents decide at 6.45pm to take the dogs out and take Isabelle,thats ok as I assume they'll be back by 7.30pm. You know, since Simon knows that's when bedtime starts.
Well they weren't back until after 8.15, and she was asleep in her pram until well after 9. So now she is up, wide awake, when she should have been in bed over an hour ago.

And Simon doesn't understand why I'm pissed off with him. Oh maybe that's because it won't be him up at 3am with a baby who won't sleep because her routine is fucked. I'm FUMING.
Kristabelle I have added you to the group I will tag you in a status on there to help you find it

Sarah I can totally understand why youre pissed off.. I bet you were feeling really worried and impatient waiting for them to bring your baby back!! You think they wouldnt have been gone so long since she relys on you for food too! Silly Simon. Not one of his best moves! I hope she sleeps well and it hasn't muffed up her routine xxx
Ugh Sarah, I would be pissed too!! I swear, men just don't think sometimes.. And I think you're right about the night time feedings... They don't gave to deal with any consequences, so no problem there . I hope she surprises you and sleeps well?
It was eventually 10.45pm when she got to bed :shock: and since Simons family go to bed early as soon as I took her upstairs everyone disappeared off to bed, so once Isabelle was asleep I also went to bed, meaning my whole evening was spent worrying and cross. Not my favourite sort! She only slept three hours before getting up again, which is crap for her. I think she was genuinely v hungry as she didnt eat much at 10.45pm prob because she was so tired. And then this morning Simon is like "oh sorry about that" like its just a wee thing.


On the upside, she did fall to sleep straight away. Although I was kind of hoping for a scream fest at some point during the night to wake them all up to share in the pain :rofl: damn baby!

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