April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

doggylover: Sorry to hear about your routine getting messed up! It can be really hard to try and maintain things when you're away from home and there's other people in the mix to muddle things up! Even our short weekend trip we did to my parent a few weeks ago totally destroyed all sense of a schedule, and of course no one wants to put him down to have a proper nap, everyone just wants to cuddle all day! :wacko: Because heaven forbid the baby should lay down without being touched for an hour or two!

Liams_mom: Well done you for attempting the cloth diaper world! I can honestly say as cute as they look on, the extra effort of washing etc. is not even remotely tempting for me! lol Let us know how you get on with it if you decide to order some to test them out!!

Stmw: I hope Lexi's shots went well today! I have Peter's coming up in a few weeks and I'm totally NOT looking forward to them. When he got his heel prick blood test done at the hospital after he was born I had a total meltdown! (granted I was also exhausted, drugged up, and hormonal as hell!) So I hope this time will be a little better.

Afm, tomorrow Adam and I are taking Peter to the local library for a singing/rhymes circle thing for babies. It's a free program they offer, you just have to call to register. I wasn't sure if Peter would get much out of it being so young, but I was chatting with another mom about it whose little girl is a day older than Peter, and apparently they loved it! So we'll see what it's like. There's two moms going with their little ones who are both within a week or so of Peter's age. I met them last Friday at the coffee date, so I really hope the three of us will hit it off well since our babies are soooo close in age. It's bizzare really... wanting to make friends with someone based on my baby. :wacko: What a whole new world it is!
Lol ReadytoMum, it's weird basing new friend choices on the age of their offspring, isn't it?!? But I think that is our new life lol. We have a friend that is due in a few months and I can't wait. All my other friends have kids that are older already, so it will be nice to have someone to baby chat!
I hope all LOs do well with their shots coming up. Grayson had his last week and actually did really well. No fever or anything! Hopefully it will be the same for you girls!

AFM, Grayson has been a little fussy over the past 2 days. He doesn't know what he wants... Carrying, eating, swinging, etc. I have to change it up every few minutes :wacko:. He has also refused to sleep more then a few naps during the day. Hopefully it's just a phase. But the positive side to that... He slept for 5 hours last night :thumbup:
I have a pumping question. Not sure if anyone would know ( since it doesn't apply to most), but here it goes:
I feed at home at 6.30am then pump around 9.30am at work. I usually get 8oz from both breasts that pump. Then I pump again at 12pm and get another 3-4oz (crazy how much less from the first :shrug:). Then I get home and feed Grayson at 2ish (and continue to feed all afternoon). He normally only eats about 8oz while I'm gone. Sometimes he will want some more and have an extra 2oz. I keep 8oz fresh in the fridge and freeze the rest. Having done that for a while now, I have a good reserve in the freezer.
My question is, should I just skip the second pumping secession at work (since he usually only needs the 8oz) or will that mess with my supply??
Aw Sarah I wish I could say Emme did as well on our trip but it just isn't in the cards for us. She absolutely hates her carseat. She is never in it so my MIL said I need to take her out for longer trips each time. She screamed and cried the whole way to my BIL's house in Springfield. We were at his house for about 6 hours before we left to my MIL's as soon as I put her back in it the screaming was on! I know what you mean about routine being broken too. For 2 days all Emmaleigh did was scream and cry and as soon as we get home she is fast a sleep.

Steph Emme gets her shots next tuesday and Daddy is taking her to get them as I hate to see her cry! I hope Emme does well too. I have bought the Tylenol for her just in case though. Emme has been a hell cat lately but I think it is the leap. It shows she is in the leap now with the dark cloud and lighting bolt lol! I don't have any advice for not pumping. I wish I could help!

We are starting to make Emmaleigh stay in her crib all night now. I feed her in the am once anyways so I feed her and lay her back down as they say she will start picking up on a routine of being with us or in her crib now. She did great last night ...she feel a sleep watching her mobile and didn't fuss till her normal 4 am feed. Only ate 2 ozs then was out till 9:30 am!
Shell, 9.30??? Wow that's impressive!!!! Like you, I am trying to keep Grayson in his crib for the night. I now only take him out if he wakes around 4 or 5 for his feeding in bed... I have to be up for work at 5.30, so it's just easier to have him eat while I sleep the last hour :haha:.
I'm surprised that Emme doesn't like her carseat... They say that LO love the motion of the car :shrug:. Grayson rarely cries when he is in his... But then again, we use it a lot since we are dependent on the car to go anywhere.

Candy, we will be thinking of you for your court date tomorrow!!!! Fingers crossed that all goes well. Keep us updated!
We are starting to make Emmaleigh stay in her crib all night now. I feed her in the am once anyways so I feed her and lay her back down as they say she will start picking up on a routine of being with us or in her crib now. She did great last night ...she feel a sleep watching her mobile and didn't fuss till her normal 4 am feed. Only ate 2 ozs then was out till 9:30 am!

Good job!:thumbup:

we go to bed (all of us) at around 11pm, where I feed him: this is our last meal of the day.
At 3am I feed him and change a nappy, then another feed and nappy at around 6am. He sleeps until 9.30-10 after that.
I don't have any complains, as he is not awake once from 11 till 9-30, everything is done in his sleep. My only cue that he needs to eat is that he grunts. BUT I can't wait to wean the 3am feed :blush: I need my beauty sleep!

Hey I had my nails done yesterday lol :happydance:! last time I had them done was the days before baby was born!
Now if only I had the energy to get my hair blown too :haha:
Steph: I would say to continue pumping at 12.30 and keep freezing it. At Grayson grows he will (obviously!) need to eat more, so it will come in handy then. Maybe instead of pumping 3/4oz then you could limit it just to 2? That way you still having the stimulation for your supply of pumping, but not ending up with masses of milk in the freezer.

Mommabrown: sorry that Emmaleigh's trip wasn't quite a success. That must be awful to have her crying in the car, it must make the journey just fabulous :wacko:
I agree with trying to build up her time in the seat. Maybe even start in the house by putting her in it when she is settled, and keeping her occupied so she gets used to sitting in it?

Lily: take your tales of your marvellous baby away from me :rofl: I am so jealous! Not that Isabelle is bad, but there isn't anything as set in stone as your schedule. Mine is still all over the place. Can Dennis come and teach her how it's done?! Also, love the little bit at the bottom of your sig!

Afm: Isabelle was pretty great yesterday, getting poked and prodded by all the old women coming to see her! She fussed a few times (ok once she had an almighty FIT!) but nothing that the boob didnt sort! She didn't sleep very well last night - 4hrs, then 3hrs then 1hr, then 1hr in bed with me. I'm hoping its because we are away and the room is much warmer than at home and when we get back tomorrow she starts giving me some longer stretches again!!
Steph thats what I thought too about kids loving to ride in the car.:shrug: Emmaleigh and I do more walking than driving and if we do go out in the car it is usually a short 10 minute ride. I have decided to substitute her bouncy seat for her carseat and letting her get used to it for longer periods of time.

Lily I haven't pampered myself yet. . .I honestly haven't been away from Emmaleigh longer than taking a hot bath before. I love finally gettting Emme on a schedule and sleeping in her own bed she has taken very well to it. I wish she slept through like Dennis she willl wake up and move for a bit then start wimpering and eating her hands so I know it is time to feed.

Sarah Emme was the same way while we were gone. Two nights of non stop fussing and three days of screaming and crying. But once we were back she slept away. Emmaleigh and I are both hot natured so we like things a lot colder than Allen. So it was no surprise we are sweating sitting in my MILs house.

Nothing really new Emmaleigh is 2 months old today and I am still in those shocked days of I can't believe she is finally here and is our baby daze! It feels like yesterday we were just going to the hospital with me screaming my head off at Allen that I hated him for putting me in pain and begging the nurses to make my contractions stop.:dohh:
hi ladies Im just popping in quickly to update you all on court. William was there. He was angry that he wasnt offered more contact by the child services officer. We heard him shouting at his barrister. My solicitor pushed hard so luckily he didnt get everything he wanted but our hands were tied and he did get unsupervised contact. He has got an undertaking order meaning if he attempts to remove the children from England or Wales he will go to prison for two years. I feel like Ive let my kids down. He has told the court that after christmas he is going to push for contact unsupervised in Norway. I need a few days to sort myself out so I will be back on monday and catch up with you all then. Hope you are all fine and have a lovely weekend. Thank you all for the support I really appreciate it xxxxxxx
He has told the court that after christmas he is going to push for contact unsupervised in Norway.

Absolutely no way is that happening. Ever.
Sorry to hear it didn't all go your way, but I'm very glad to hear it didn't all go HIS way either. Enjoy the beautiful weather with your wonderful children this weekend.
Oh candy, I'm sorry to hear that!! At this point, I hope he continues on his path of unreliable and never makes it to England to see the kids. Keep fighting girl!!! You are doing everything you can and that's all anyone can ask for! Keep your head up, things will get easier. Can you try to request counseling for him? Ugh, I'm so sorry Hun!!! :hugs:
Sarah, I think I will just keep pumping away!! You are right, Grayson will no doubt require more as he grows, so it will be good to have extra and keep the supply up :thumbup:
I'm agree with Shell, izzy will surely be an angel when your home and sleep her normal pattern again! While I must say.. 4 - 3 - 1... That's not bad... I get that on good days lmao :haha:.

Chatted with Maybesoon this am... She is doing well and will pop back on here when she gets back to work in a week :thumbup:

Any update from Sweetpea? Or Littlespy?? I miss our ladies :cry:

AFM, it's Friday :happydance:. Can't wait for some sleeping in with Grayson cuddled up next to me :cloud9:. Every morning this week, I left the house with both of my boys snuggled up in bed :growlmad:... Ok... Rob was trying to be snuggled up, while Grayson was wide awake... Kicking and talking :rofl:. Is it bad, that I'm happy that Rob didn't get to sleep either?? :sleep:
Candy take all the time you need honey! You have been put through so much and it is hard to accept that you feel like you are letting them down. Stay strong like you said.. We are here if you need us at all.

Hahaha Steph I wouldn't feel bad! I love it when Emmaleigh gives Allen a good healthy dose of medicine of how difficult she can be! Granted I hate when she cries but it shuts him up about how easy taking care of a baby is!

Glad you heard from Maybesoon! How is little Mason doing? I am sure the rest of the ladies will pop in soon. I hope their Lo's are being good for them!
Nope it's normal to secretly enjoy when the babies give the menfolk a dose of our reality!!

Shell I loved that pic and the likes/dislikes of Emmaleigh on fb! Ad the wrong date made me laugh - at the airport on Tuesday the guy asked me what izzys dob is. I said 4/10/13 - which is right in America, but here it means 4th October 2013! Then I couldn't understand what the problem was!!
I seriously do not know how I messed her date up! But I left it and added the new one with the right date. It can be a silly story to tell her when she looks back through her scrapbook!
Ok CL ladies, I need some CL lingo lessons... And by lessons, I mean pictures and a description a 2 year old would understand :shock:!

What are the little diapers called that have little snap buttons (or velcrow) and have cute prints? Do you then need to put inserts in them? Can you buy disposable inserts (like mentrual pads), that you can throw away? Do you wash just the insert or the diaper as well?
Hey ladies, just popping in to catch up, glad everyone is doing well and enjoying their beautiful babies.
Lucas is 12 weeks old now and a baby and a toddler is mega hectic but on the whole a wonderful time for us.
He sleeps through the night in his own cot now from 9pm till 7am onwards, its so much easier having had sleep. All in all we are all doing great. Will try and pop in more often love to you all xx
Steph unfortunately most CD's look like that on the outside rgardless of the type :) The most popular kinds for people who want the least amount of work possible are All in Ones aka AIO's and Pocket diapers. The AIO's have everything sewn together so you put it on just like a disposable and then throw the whole thing in the wash. Pockets have an insert that you have to stuff in and unstuff and you wash the insert plus the cover every time. A benefit of pockets over AIO's is that they dry faster and you can adjust the absorbency depending on baby's needs. And then you can also buy covers and put inserts, prefolds or fitted diapers under those. But the covers look just the same on the outside as an AIO or Pocket but it is just the waterproof shell, so you can use that a couple of times and just change what ever the absorbent part you chose when its peed or pooped on.

HTH have to go... child is awakening... siiiiigh!
Kristy, thank you!! That makes sense... So it seems that pockets would be best for me. What are the inserts called? Are those the pre folds, or are pre folds for the covers only?
Some people use prefolds as inserts but every brand make their own inserts from all different materials and you can pick and choose but you always get at least one insert included when you buy them.

Good websites are cottonbabies, green mountaindiapers, nickisdiapers and kellys closet. Both Nickis and Kellys have trial programs so you can try a selection and return what you don't like or return everything if CD'ing turns out to be an epic fail!

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