April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Hi girls - have been reading and running lately as being back at work def makes downtime a shortage! My little sweet pea is 3 months old today, and now I also have a two year old! Time is flying! I'll have to do a full update soon but I am crashed out on the couch with DH with both kiddies in bed and don't have the energy at the mo :haha:

Also having been busy making headbands for Scarlett - it's my new addiction!

Can I just say I think we have the cutest babies. Ever. Gorgeous.

Here are some of my creations :)


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Steph: everything that kirsty said! I would say that I wasn't fussed on pockets when I was researching but they work great. I have bought a few AIOs as well for convenience. But either pockets or AIOs should be easy enough for people to use on Grayson when you are at work.
Re: inserts. Pockets will all come with at least one insert (some come with two- a big and a small) Mostly the inserts you get are made of microfibre, which isn't the most absorbent. You can buy doublers to put in as well as that insert, bamboo is a good choice for better absorption. You can buy those separately.
Liners, I use washable ones, because disposable ones are papery and I feel that bf would just...sit on it like a puddle! I'll prob use flushable ones once we start real poop!

Sweetpea: love the headbands!!! Scarlett looks adorable!

Afm: that moment at 4am when your movement monitor alarm goes off because your baby hasn't breathed in 20 seconds :shock: it was horrific. Kudos to Simon, he was up and at her side before my eyes had even opened. Neither if us slept much after that. She's totally ok, but she was still on the sensor pad, so we know that she definitely it breathe for those 20 seconds.
Sweetpea, I'm gla everything is well and you are just very busy. I can only have te extra time, because I have so much downtime at work. I think I would be on here much less, if I was home with Grayson :haha:.
Those headbands are fabulous. You and Mommabrown have a real talent! I would almost be temptd to put one on Grayson lol :haha:

Sarah that is so scary!!! Thank god for the monitor?!? We have the Angelcare movement sensor one and have only had false alarms (because we would take Grayson out and not turn it off lol). I don't know what I would do if the alarm went off for real :wacko:. I'm glad that everything is ok!! :hugs:
Oh... One more question on CD:

So you need waterproof covers for all of them, except AIO?
I hear that AIO take forever to dry, is that right?
Sweetpea: adorable pics of Scarlett!! Those headbands are pretty intense... you should try selling some at craft shows! I'm sure they would do really well.

doggylover: That's pretty terrifying about the motion monitor going off! I think that's part of the reason we didn't get a movement one and just got the regular noise ones.... I'd be even more paranoid about that one going off and would never get any sleep!

Steph: It sounds like you're starting to get this CD thing figured out pretty good! Kudos to you!

Afm, last night we tried Peter in his own room in his full sized crib. He was having a fussy evening, so the first time we tried to put him down resulted in him babbling away to himself for almost an hour! :wacko: He wasn't upset or crying, just making weird little noises like he was talking to his Sleep Sheep or something. lol After his midnight feeding though he seemed to settle down and sleep properly, so I would say it was a success! He will certainly be going back there tonight and we'll see how it goes I guess!

Tonight I get another night out too!! I'm so excited for it. One of my friends has got a group of girls together to go out for karaoke. I don't know if I'll sing anything because Adam and I usually sing together, but it will be fun to watch other people and just enjoy some time away from the madness.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!! :flower:
Steph you only need a separate waterproof cover if you are using prefolds or fitteds. The Pockets are waterproof by themselves. So if you decide to just use pockets you don't need any covers. You might not even need doublers yet depending on how much Grayson pees. AIOs can be okay for the drying time if you are going to put them in the dryer but then the warerproof outer may not last as long, like maybe until Grayson is potty trained but probably not your second baby. Depends if that matters a lot to you or not. We haven't started cd'ing properly yet because we had been dealing with so much other stuff with our little terror but I am gearing up to start soon now that she is calming down.

Sarah that is terrifying about the breathing monitor!! We haven't been using ours just because annelise is right next to me still. I am her breathing monitor!

Such a beautiful day out today here! We are conspiring to put annelise in her stroller... That will be a real test of her ever expanding list of "likes"
Haha Kirsty as long as you don't start 'going off' in the middle of the night as annelise's monitor! How is she getting on now?

Steph, like kirsty said you don't need an outer wrap with pockets or all in ones. My general rule of thumb is if its pretty, it doesn't need a wrap!
If you want some AIO that dry quickly, I've heard good things about bumgenius AIOs. I don't have any myself (maybe my next purchase?!) but was reading up on them this week and they seem to get good reviews for drying quickly.
I assume from this line of questioning you are thinking of delving into the cd world?!

Readytomum: enjoy your night out! Make the most of it and definitely sing! Is Adam on babysitting duty?
And well done Peter for sleeping in his own room. Even the fact that he was just chatting to himself, and not fussing and upset is a great sign! I have to say, I was very impressed with how Izzy slept in the 'big girls cot' at my inlaws, and it made me wonder if we should transfer her sooner than planned. That said,while she is still feeding in the night I'm too lazy to walk in to her!

Afm: we're home :) I hate unpacking after a trip though! Especially when I had to cart home a wet bag full of dirty nappies :sick: would have loved our big suitcase to be searched :haha: Isabelle was perfection on the plane again :thumbup: she sucked on her dummy (Ie me!) most of the way again.
Aw Sweetpea love love the headbands! I make Emme's too so I know how easy it is to get carried away. aking them!!
Sarah I know how terrified you must have been. Emme's one episode has us checking for belly movement all the time or I will wake up in the dead of night to check on her.

Afm, next weekend is Father's Day here in the US so I attempted to make a cute picture with Emme's feet...and do the wondeful Butterfly feet you see all over the internet....yeah thanks pintrest hers came out more like a smugged heart! Lol the older kids are amazing and I actually cried doing Laurynn's but hopefully next weekend we can finish making our frames for them and he can get them Sunday evening when he comes home.
Shell I saw Emmaleigh's footprints and thought they looked great!! Shows what I know about art :haha:
It's Father's Day next Sunday here too. What is everyone else doing? I know some of you aren't FTM so are old hands at this, but I have no idea what to get Simon. And I'm leaving it a little late!!

:( Isabelle is the opposite of how Emmaleigh acted on her trip. Isabelle went down perfectly every night when we were away, and slept beautifully. Well, we are home now and she's back to her refusing to settle in her crib at bedtime thing. It is warm here, warmer than in Norfolk, so I doubt that is helping her mood. I got really irate with her, and took her out to try and feed her to soothe her. Well, dread of all dread - she refused the boob :cry: and screamed like I was murdering her. When Simon eventually came to help, I was trying her on the boob again, and she refused again. I took her away and put her on the middle of the bed, a little roughly. Well Simon then accuses me of THROWING her down onto the bed, which just ridiculous. She was in my arms the whole time until she was actually supported by the bed. I said "don't be stupid I didn't throw her" and he just replied "hmmm" indicating that he doesn't agree.

So now I am very angry.
Sarah we made him poems with hand prints and foot prints this year. I usually buy him tools or something he is really into though.

Boy oh boy I can't believe he thinks you threw her down! Allen and I have had this arguement with Landon and it was difficult for me to think he thought I would hurt him like that. I am sorry Isabelle is being difficult tonight. Just take a breather from him and reapproach it in a bit when you aren't so angry. He views things differently and apparently over reacted majorly!
Its funny that fathers day is on the same day but mothers day is not:shrug:

Sarah, welcome to my world... where boob no longer fixes everything :cry:. Don't get me wrong, it still fixes most... but still! Very frustrating times :haha:

Simon is silly! Does he not understand that you spent 9 months making that baby and the last two feeding her like crazy?? What a waste of time it would be to throw her lol. Men! Silly!
Oh Sarah.. As for CD... I would really like to give it a try but I am ver unsure if it is worth the investment. I'm sure that Rob will refuse to use them and if there is so much as a mild smell (from the wetbag), he will freak out. So... I don't want to invest a lot of money and then end up not using them :shrug:
I have a friend, that just started making fitted CD and they look amazing! Since they were super cute, I was very disappointed to learn, that they need a cover :nope:. I'm going to keep an eye out for some good deals. After much review, I think the pre folds would be most suitable for what I need?!? I could only get a couple of covers (since they don't normally have to be washed right?!?) and then just wash the pre folds?? If I get any of the other ones, I will need to invest more I think??
steph Aaron refused point blank to use our CDs now he loves using them and even makes the cloth wipes when we run out. He even gets excited about new nappies :) bum genius dont need a cover.. I use pocket nappies all in ones and all in 2s and find them super easy my all in 1s dry in the same time as my other nappies :) xxx
well all pocket nappies and flip nappies sont need covers.. its only really prefolds that require a cover.

Sarah I cant believe Simon thought you threw Izzy!!! what a knoblet! Aaron also pissed me off yesterday.. Benny was irritable and Aaron wanted to give Infacol even though Benny was just squirming because he was having his routine morning poo.. I told him 5 times not to give him any as he doesnt need it, came back from the shower to find out thst he had given it! bloody men!

Sweetpea lovely headbands :) even lovelier baby :D

mommabrown I really love the foot print card. Do you mind if I copy? I thought the butterfly was really cute :) xx

Im feeling much better today. Me and Aaron are fighting less now the stresses of court are over for now at least but I know in March we're going back to fight over Norway and I can not afford to loose that fight :( bad times xx
Candy still away! I know how you feel. Ours is in July and I am so stressed out and fighting with Allen over stupid shit. I feel so heart broken and betrayed with everything that is going on. Tomorrow is my Birthday and my EX won't even let me keep the kids one extra day...his words are we have plans and I didn't get to see them that whole week they were gone! NOT MY PROBLEM DOUCHE YOU SHOULD HAVE WENT WITH THEM!! (sorry for the rant!)I hate him so much. I just keep praying to God that Brandon does the right thing and the court sees what a great mom I am to them and lets me have them back. I don't know if I can last another month!
Oh he's horrible!! He could at least let them be with you for your birthday, he obviously is a very bitter man and has to use the children and their contact time with you to hurt you, which isn't a healthy situation for your kids. They can never have a decent relationship with you if he's going to use them as weapons to hurt you so he shouldn't have them. It seems like he is a lot like my ex, only interested in winning rather than the best interests of the kids! The courts will see that. You have the advantage that your children are older so they get a voice in court too. They will only grow up resenting their dad for holding them away from you, especially your daughter who is going to need you over her teenage years.

Me and Aaron fight so much when we are going through court, over stupid shit and it just makes life extra difficult. It's all the pressure, worry and stress of the situation. You and Allen are strong though, don't let him ruin your relationship too xxx
Thanks Candy! I only hope it all works out. I never kept the kids from him and even shared them every weekend even though it was court ordered every other weekend. I know he is a vital piece in their life but he had made me resent him and his antics with the kids. I wasn't as emotional during my pregnancy and now I am dealing with all of those feelings and sometimes Allen can say the smallest thing like YOUR kids and I get really mad they are OUR children and we have raised them for 8 years together so I tend to blow shit all out of preportion. I am very thankful that the kids are older but I also feel like that is why my ex is doing this now is because the kids are more capable of taking care of themselves as he would never properly take care of them himself. They used to come home filthy stinky and not have brused hair or teeth.

Don't worry people always show their true colors and your Ex will get caught and he won't have a chance to see them without supervision let alone out of the country.
Simon is silly! Does he not understand that you spent 9 months making that baby and the last two feeding her like crazy?? What a waste of time it would be to throw her lol. Men! Silly!

:haha::haha: that made me laugh so much!
Yeah I find it strange that some brands/people make cute and colourful fitted nappies that you then need to stick a wrap over so you never see it! I use fitteds almost exclusively at the minute (and bought some cute wraps as mine are the boring sort!) and love them. I did buy some prefolds before Izzy arrived, but I'm yet to use them as a nappy - I stick them ind her bum when she is having nappy free time instead. I can't be bothered with the hassle of folding them. I'm way too lazy!
And yeah, our nappy bucket stinks - but only when it's opened! And it's not usually too bad tbh, it's not great at the minute because of the heat :sick:
Why don't you just get one or two and try them out? Then if you like them, add in some more, and if you don't, no big deal as not too much money is wasted. If you're worried about rob, maybe something like the pockets or all in ones would suit him best as they go on like a disposable. I know it's more difficult for you because you are at work as well, it's much easier for me as I'm home all day and do 90% of the changes.
And like Aaron, Simon is a total convert to cd! He loves it and can't understand why anyone wouldn't do it!

Candy and Shell :hugs::hugs: about your dickhead exes. Shell I can't believe he won't let you see them on your birthday, talk about playing power games. I know that things will go your way in court though.

Afm: I appear to have accidentally left my baby in England and brought THE DEVIL home to n.ireland! After her not settling last night she gave us(me!) I think the worst night yet. She was so squirmy and noisy, and even whimpered and almost cried a few times which she never ever does during the night. Today was my nephews 2nd bday party, so we were there all afternoon and she had only two modes - screaming her head off (while everyone else's children behaved like angels - ok so they were all much older but still!) or sucking me dry. I'm hoping she's exhausted herself and will sleep better tonight.
The weather here is glorious, but I don't like sitting out with her as I burn and I don't want her in the sun at all...so we sit on the back doorstep half in and half out!!
Sarah I blame the leap! Emmaleigh has been the same way since returning from my MILs and is sleeping like a NB again these last 3 nights. She is either eating all day screaming as soon as the bottle comes out or sleeping lightly. There are no in betweens. I am thanking heavens for Laurynn being here to hold her and feed her so I can attempt to get something accomplished!

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