April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

doggylover: Sorry to hear Izzy is being a little monster right now! But thankfully it won't last long because they seem to be changing constantly at this point. Sadly that means the good phases don't last long either! :wacko: Peter has been in a funny mood the last few days which I'm guessing is the end of his first leap. One minute he's smiling and cooing away making all sorts of happy noises, and then a minute later he's screaming the house down and is inconsolable! I hate it when that happens because I don't know what to do for him... he's not wet, or hungry, he's being held and cuddled so that's not it either. :shrug: Thankfully it doesn't seem to last for too long before he flips to another mood again or I'd lose my mind!

Mommabrown: Your Father's Day gift sounds really sweet! I've booked a portrait appointment for Peter at Walmart this Thursday to get some baby pics done for my Father's Day gift. Adam doesn't know about it, so hopefully we'll get some nice ones and it will be a good surprise.

Afm, my night out on Saturday was good, but a little odd. I didn't end up getting to sing anything at Karaoke because they hadn't called my name yet by the time we had to leave. But Adam had a good evening home with Peter and I'm glad that they got some bonding time alone.

We've been stressing a little bit the last few days trying to get our godparents sorted out for Peter's baptism, but we've finally got that figured out. We have a cousin from each side to take on the roles, and we have our little info course tomorrow night when we get to select our date. Adam's family has a christening gown that's been used for every baby in their family for the last 80 years or something crazy... so it's a neat tradition to carry on.
Ok I will blame the leaps! We are meant to be in the middle of our second leap, so I guess that maybe is exactly it.

Shell, Isabelle is also sleeping like a newborn at the minute, and decided she wanted to get up nice and early today so I'm zombied! Send Laurynn round to me for a few hours?!

Readytomum, I'm glad you had good time, and I agree it's great for daddies to have that time alone with the LOs without us crazy mums hanging around (or maybe that's just me!) My mm has the christening gown we all wore as babies, and we'll be using that for Izzy's baptism. I'm not a huge fan of it, but its something that is very important to her, and when my nephew was christened my SIL hurt her feelings by saying she didn't want to use it, so I'm sucking it up and putting it on Izzy. My mm was so pleased when I asked for it.
we are in leap 2 at the moment as well.. Ben's been more vocal but more clingy to me, he doesn't let Aaron hold him long -.- He's sleeping more than usual and feeding like a newborn at night again too :(
Oh Readytomum I fantasize about being able to leave Emmaleigh with Allen and go out with the girl but an honest fact is I couldn't do it. He will let her cry out her fussiness and I soothe her instead. Truth of the matter is we have to different methods to parenting and disagree on lots of things. But he backs off and lets me do things my way and he says thats why I am the Mom. Lol I am so glad the boys get their bonding time while you are out.

Oh Sarah Emmaleigh is trying to eat anything and everything that comes near her mouth. Last night I had her sitting up in my lap with my hand on her chest holding her up straight and Emmaleigh starts chewing on the side of my thumb and then sucking it. She has been sucking her fists too and refusing her bottle. Amd as I type this we are laying in bed together because she decided she was going to wake up everytime I laid her down in her own bed lastnight. Oh and I will package her right up in a box and send her your way. She absolutely loves having Emmaleigh here. We have a promise jar that we put promises in at the end of each week and we read them together at the end of the month last month she wrote I promise to be the best big sister to Emmaleigh and let her wear Camo and teach her to hunt!! Bahahahaha crazy kid and I disagree on Camo and Hunting two things which I don't do or wear, but it was so cute and I teared up when I read it.
Oh Shell that is so sweet of her :kiss: what an angel!
Izzy tried to latch on to my boob the other day. Not the nipple part....the regular flesh bit. She had slipped off the nipple and decided to give the rest of the boob a try instead! What is with these babies!?
DL: Its so great that you respect your family traditions. I wish my family had more, but we're all so spread out and my grandmother has passed and the family has gotten so big that it doesn't have its own traditions any more :nope: I had Liam baptized in khakies and a sweater vest..poor munchkin. Not that he minded. He's very much a boy, so wearing a gown probably would have put him out quite a bit :haha: We probably won't baptize Jake until he's a bit older as well and can walk himself into the church.

Candy: I'm glad things are sorting themselves out for you at the moment :thumbup: You work so hard for your LO's and it seems like your ex just wants to punish you and if they get caught in the crossfire, so what? I was talking to my hubby about it the other night in bed and we just wondered aloud how people achieve that level of idiocy. Is it bred? Were they raised in a similar household? Its just so foreign a concept to me, but I've seen it in so many men, whether its a friend's or family member's relationship. :shrug: It just angers me so deeply when I see them treated like that and the kids just tossed around in the middle like toys. Don't they look at their futures and wonder what their behavior is going to do to them in the long run? Gah. Oh, and Benny's dancing video cracked me up!

Shell: Emme sounds like a voracious little monster like Jake. He will nurse for 30 minutes straight on one boob and then switch to the next for his first AM feed. He is currently weighing in at 15lbs! I'm guessing that's about 1 stone for you ladies across the pond. :dohh: And Laurynn sounds like the best big sister ever! I wish Liam was old enough to make wishes and promises to Jake, but I think the best he could probably do at 3 yo is promise not to shove his toys in his face?

Kirstabelle: I'm so glad Annelise has finally decided to let you all breathe a little! You must be :cloud9:! I was talking to my mom about what a phenomenal mom you must be because I don't think I could have gotten through what your LO put you through without pulling out my hair and some of Greg's too, just for good measure! Did you end up taking her out for a stroll today? We're dealing with lots of thunderstorms here, so our afternoon walk is on hold for now :cry:

AFM: it seems like all the little ones are about to take a leap (or have already started)! Jake is coming off as a shining beacon of hope right now sleeping through the night in his own crib and giving me just enough face time and just enough down time to be a happy mom. I'm sure I will eat my words shortly as his leap is at least 3 days off. :dohh: I am going to be self deprecating and hope that wards off the demons! I am quite sure I will be running to you girls in a few days with horror stories of my baby that won't sleep and won't eat and is driving me to tears. In the meantime, I will enjoy the quiet and the rumbles of thunder in the distance. I hope you ladies are having a good night and a good afternoon wherever you are! xx

PS - I am still trying to decide on CD's. I'm extremely picky and want the best, if not necessarily the easiest. Jake pees a bunch but is down to about one poop a day or every 2 days, but I know that won't be forever.
haha Liams_mom I love Benson's dancing video! I know he's only wiggling but he was doing in time to the music hehe :p
Yeh I don't know what he is thinking really, it's totally unfair on Connie and Lucas to be put in the middle of things, I could hear him shouting at his lawyer over what is best for Connie and Luke and I wanted to just scream in his face that he has no idea what's best for them because he hasn't seen them in almost 2 years! His mum is a huuuuge control freak! She's really manipulative and oddly over concerned about vitamins lol, I think that is where he gets it from. weirdos!
During this leap Ben's been really sleepy, I find myself bored during the day now, he wakes up in the night more for milk but isn't more awake at night than normal, I guess it's all the brain development.
?Have you seen my CD blog? It might be helpful in helping you decide xx
Sam, I will let you know how I like the softbums Omni. I read they were good for Chubby big babies. I know Jack is on the bigger size as well... Grayson is over 14lbs now :wacko:. and hes a pretty heavy wetter

Sarah, I love the side boob latch :haha:. Remember when I was bragging about Grayson nursing in his sling?? Well last time he was doing it, I looked down, and found him attached to my side boob as well :haha:. I didn't even notice and he apparently didnt care :rofl:. Proof that he likes to comfort feed? Its only weird, when you have to explain to OH, why you have hickys on your boobs :winkwink::haha:

Candy, your blog mentioned disposable liners... Are they worth the money for BF poo? Does it still catch most of it? and are they soft enough? No point of going with cloth for baby comfort, and then adding an uncomfortable layer.
the liner feels super soft and Ben is happy with it. it catches the solid parts of bf poo. IMO they are well worth the money xx
His mum is a huuuuge control freak! She's really manipulative and oddly over concerned about vitamins lol, I think that is where he gets it from. weirdos!

How can you be oddly and overly concerned with vitamins?! So weird! Come to think of it, my mom takes quite a few vitamins, but she's done a lot of reading on what she needs being >60 and that's what she takes. I take my pre-natal ATM and haven't really given any thought to anything else since I'm BF'ing and you never know what you can and can't take. :shrug:

Steph: Thank you! :thumbup: Keep me posted on your experiences with your big man. That's probably what I'm most concerned about is how big will his bum actually be with a cloth diaper on? We're already in 6 month clothing (easily) and with the extra bum action, we may be moving into the 9-12 month range at 2 months old. :wacko: Oddly, Jake's pediatrician thinks he's perfect since he's completely proportionate, which makes *me* feel better, its just seeing him outgrow his NB stuff within 3 days and then outgrow his 3-6 months within 3 weeks and now he's in 6 month or 6-9 month clothes..I'm putting clothes away faster than I can find them to get them out! :dohh:

AFM: Jake is definitely nearing his next leap :nope: Poor little fella' is eating for an hour, sleeping for an hour, eating for an hour, sleeping for an hour. Fortunately he is sleeping through the night, but he wants to comfort nurse until 10:30 at night before he'll allow me to put him *near* his crib. He seems to know when momma is going to leave :cry: He's also finally realizing he has these crazy things called hands, arms and legs! He gets into his crib and he's all trying to climb up and down it (he sleeps on his belly). He's such a good guy though, I can't fault him for trying figure out his little body :flower:
In other news; since we've instituted "rules" for Liam, his naughty behavior has pretty much dwindled to nothing. He asks to bring certain toys out of his room, he asks to use the refrigerator, he is polite, its like a miracle. I am SO ready for teenage years..NOT! LoL

I hope everyone is doing well. Be safe and keep up with your LO's! xx
Oh man Sam, Jake does sound big! Grayson still fits into "some" 0-3, but mostly 3-6 these days. It makes me a little sad, to pack away all this small bits and bobs :cry:. But like you said, our doctors is not worried either, as he seems very happy and healthy!! The reason I decided to try the Softbums Omni, is for it's adjustability. I'm sure Sarah could give us actual facts (as opposed to my Internet findings) on how the fit works... But from what I have read, these can be adjusted on the legs as well :shrug:

Candy thank you for the info on the liner. I think I will order some ... Just to avoid having to pre rise the diapers right off the bum... Certainly, that would finish rob off in regards to his opinion on cloth lol.
One more question (boy, I wish I had paid closer attention when you guys were originally discussing this... Sorry), do you need special detergent?
In the liner debate, i use fleece liners and I don't rinse them off at all. While she's bf the poo is water soluble, so they just go straight in the wash. When she starts solids and we are in a world of horror in terms of poo, i will probably transfer to the flushables then.

Washing: you can use your regular powder, depending on what you use I think. I don't know much about US brands, but if you google what you have and 'diaper safe' it should let you know. I was just using my normal one, but just a teaspoonful of it. I have now bought special detergent, but I didn't really need to, I just need to satisfy my buying cloth cravings some way!! :haha:

Isabelle is not in a good mood today. Which is not good as she is getting her jabs in an hour. I am in for a world of pain for the rest of this day.
She slept 6.5hrs last night, but I was up a million times. Usually I know when she is ready for a night feed as she starts to squirm. Well, last few nights she has been squirming and sucking her hand in her sleep. So around 1.30am she started and I got up, looked in and she was still asleep. So I left her, thinking she'd wake soon, but she went back into a deep sleep. This went on and on until 3.30am :dohh: when I decided I'd had enough and fed her anyway!
steph I was told on a cd forum that ariel non bio is best to use on cloth :) I use 2 spoons of it and a spoon of nappy sanitiser like napsan ect to kill the germies x

liams_mom I dont know. Shes healthy and not old buy she take like 20 different vitamin pikls a day and put them in my food when I was pregnant with Connie!! weird! She thinks full fat milk can give you a brain infection too.

off to weigh the Benson!
Oh my gosh. HORRIFIC.

Just back from Isabelle's injections and boy did I cry. I was actually dripping tears onto her head! She screamed of course, and just as she got over the first one...he got her with the second! She is fine now, but I will never recover. I cannot do that again in a few weeks!
Oh my gosh. HORRIFIC.

Just back from Isabelle's injections and boy did I cry. I was actually dripping tears onto her head! She screamed of course, and just as she got over the first one...he got her with the second! She is fine now, but I will never recover. I cannot do that again in a few weeks!

Aw, Jakes about to go and get his too! These are apparently the shots/jabs that can make them cranky/feverish/angry/sleepy, etc and I'm not looking forward to it. He's generally such a laid back guy that I hate to think I'm putting him through pain uneccesarily :cry: Of course all docs will tell you that they are necessary and must have them :growlmad:

I'm in the process of going through trauma on my business side trying to get one of my ponies shipped to TN. I know most of you have no idea what I'm talking about when it comes to ponies! I am going to vent anyhow! We have had a pony with a professional trainer for 6 months to be shown to prospective customers and she has barely shown him at all! The second I find a customer for him, she suddenly has 3 people knocking down her door to see him and he can't possibly leave now. She wants her commission and I understand that, but I want the best possible home for my show pony with the best possible trainer and the best possible kid - NOT the first person to "show me the money". Of course money is important, but c'mon! I told her that if this most recent person does not take the pony he will be leaving Thursday and after being yelled at I just want to punch her :growlmad:

I think its the stress from this situation that has Jake a little on the nervous side today. Not really nervous, just off of his normal schedule. They can definitely read out emotional cues, so I'm trying to settle a bit while he takes his afternoon nap. He passed out at his normal 10:30-11 AM nap time but woke up at 12 because he was still hungry. He had one boob and then passed out on the Boppy pillow, so I put him down in his crib again and hopefully he'll keep snoozing. We have a parrot though and he's having a crabby morning, so no one it the house is getting a lot of quiet time right now. :dohh:

Not trying to miss out on anyone, I'm just venting for a second.

Here's a picture of my fabulous pony:


  • Ian at Cap Challenge.jpg
    Ian at Cap Challenge.jpg
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^ aw gorgeous pony!
Hang in there hun, your day will get better. Hugs!

We had a nice day today, we went out for a walk at a near by square, had sweet tea, then a nice sea food lunch, and I BF in public for the first time. With my luck it was a cluster feed, I BF him 4-5 times within 3 hours lol.
Haha lily what a way to start off bf In public!! He really threw you in at the deep end!

Liamsmom the horse is gorgeous! Must be very frustrating that you are paying someone and they aren't doing their job at all. Is there no way you can sell the horse privately without going through the trainer?
wow liamsmom what a shitty situation to be but it is good that you have so many potential customers for the pony. I hope you find her a lovely home she is beautiful xxx

lily I find other people are more uncomfortable about me bfing in public than I am.. do you? xx

Sarah sorry to hear Izzys jabs were a traumatic experience for you both. Its not easy seeing them in lain but I promise you 10000% it does get easier each time. Like I said on the fb group the illnesses they protect baby from are far worse than the jabs so you are doing the right thing by protecting your baby. Isabelle wont even remember it xxx

afm Im getting annoyed with another mum I know from Lukes class.. she and I have gotten to be friends and gone to a cafe ect.. she keeps dropping in things like... I bath my kids everynight.. dont you??? errrrm no I dont because they dont need it and it makes Connies eczema bad.. gosh its not like I never clean my kids lol they bath three times a week so every other night. I think thats fine!
My ex was on skype tonight to the kids it was brilliant they kept talking about jow amazing Aaron is haha I didnt bother stopping them this time. He made fun of Benson crying too.. what a cock!

Ben weighs 13lbs now he is following the graph perfectly :)
Sam, I worked as a trainer and show coach and barn manager all through college. Her behavior is 100% annoying and wrong :growlmad:. I agree with what you are doing! Go get him home and find him a suitable new owner!! He is beautiful btw!!
I really miss being around horses. I sold my mare nearly 5 years ago now (I bought her off of a video when she was 6 months old lol).
Candy I hate people like that "oh I do this...you don't? Shame on you!" Why would a 7 and 5 year old need bathed every night? It's not like they get all sweaty like stinky teenagers do, and I'm 100% sure that if they are actually dirty then you do. What an idiot she is. And thanks for saying it gets easier with the jabs. I did say to Simon I could possibly be swayed to never vax her again after that ;) but yep, I agree that it's worth it to prevent diseases. I just need to man up!!!

So we in ally calmed Izzy down, and were getting her ready for bed happy as larry. She seemed a bit warm, so I said we could give her some calpol before bed just to be on the safe side. Big mistake. She obviously mistook the calpol for POISON and started screaming like I have never heard. She is now asleep in bed, long may it last!

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