April Munchkins 2013- enjoying our wonderful babies!

Sarah, 4 times is better then 7 for sure!! I agree, that it may be a combination of different environment along with teeth and growth. When I realize how much these LOs are changing each day, there is no wonder that they have a few off days! Grayson has actually been eating larger meals during the day and seems to need less at night. It's great, because he slept for 8 hours last night :)shock: that has NEVER happened before), but I worry, because I can't pump enough during the day, to send to the nanny with him. She had to use some of the freezer stash yesterday. Not sure what I will do moving forward but I'll figure it out.

Candy, you are so right about the different development! First off, I do believe that babies developed at their own rate!!! I honestly have not worried yet. If Grayson figures something out, then I'm excited... If he doesn't... Well then we wait just a little longer!
Not sure how your managing 3 kids at home. I have Grayson and the dog, and I'm usually overwhelmed lol :haha:

Shell, I hate that men are like that! Of course no one is going to pay you top dollar for your things. But bottom dollar will still be better then having the things sit around :dohh:
Hopefully he will come to his senses soon!!!

AFM: I have had 3 nights of great sleep. :happydance: first time in 8 months, that I have slept for 5 hours in a row. Most likely, this is just a phase lol but I will take what I can get.
Grayson is loving his jumperoo!! OMG, as soon as I put him in, he bounces around like crazy!!!! He also really loves being held up, so he can "walk". He actually lifts one leg and then the next, trying to move forward. It's the funniest thing!

I am externally disappointed in Rob right now. He had another "half day" at work and didn't bother telling me (since I don't let him have any fun I guess). The baby was with my dad, while he texted me that he was working on the truck :growlmad:. He then said he would pick him up when he was done... Which turned out 1 hour before I would have gotten him anyway.
I just don't get it!!! My father is almost 70 and in the middle of moving (my parents decided it was time to downsize from the 5bedroom house that they have been in or the past 15 years). Not only did rob decide that fixing a truck that no one uses (more was it a necessary repair), was a priority, but he also never bother to offer some help to my dad. Wtf??? Have an almost 70 year old watch your kid and move a house, while you take care of YOUR needs!!!
I have not approached the subject with him, since I fear that I will blow up! Rob has been extra nice since then (I'm sure he knows it was fucked up), but won't ask what's wrong or apologize! I simply do not understand what goes through his head!?! :shrug::growlmad:
These types of situations, make me seriously doubt, staying under one roof with him. Why am I making myself uncomfortable, to help him maintain a relationship with his son, when he chooses to spend his free time doing selfish things?!? I feel like I am making his life too easy, since he doesn't actually have to do anything... I'm at a loss... Any advice????
Sarah: Yikes on the sleep front!! I don't know how you do it mama, major props!! I've been reading recently about the pick up/put down method that some other posters have been talking about... maybe you could try something like that to see if it helps miss Izzy settle better and for longer? Either way I hope her sleeps changes around soon for you! :hugs:

Shell: That's really annoying that Allen isn't willing to help pitch in to sell some stuff so you can get the kids back to school clothes etc. Although certainly not ideal, could you check out some second-hand stores? I know in Canada they're quite popular (and it's where I do most of my own shopping!) I find a lot of the stuff there is still in really good shape, and much cheaper. I hope you guys can sort something out soon so you don't need to stress about it anymore.

Steph: Sorry to hear about Rob bailing on spending time with Grayson again. :growlmad: I think he's being pretty irresponsible, and it's not fair to anyone really! That's very kind of you dad to still watch him while trying to move house, and Rob should grow up! I think if you're trying to stay in the house with Rob so that he can see his baby you need to call him on it. Sit down with him and explain that the reason you offered to live as "roomates" was so that he could see Grayson, and that although it would be really awkward sometimes it was worth it so that he could spend time with his son. But if he's going to keep bailing on opportunities to spend time together with him then you're not sure what the point of that living arrangement is! :shrug: I know whatever you decide to do, you and Grayson will be just fine!!

Afm, yesterday was a busy day in our house!! Adam joined Peter and I at the parents and baby Jazz session in the morning, and then we took Peter swimming for the first time! It was an indoor salt water pool, and I think Peter enjoyed himself (no crying!) but the water was definitely too cold for his taste and when he started shivering we promptly left to wrap him up a fuzzy warm towel. It must have exhausted him though because he fell asleep cuddled up with me at the coffee shop after, and he *rarely* sleeps on anyone anymore. :cloud9:

Also in exciting news, Peter rolled over for the first time yesterday! He went front to back, and he did it three times. I was blown away because until this past weekend he couldn't even manage to lift his head up and I had just plunked him down for tummy time! It was really funny though, because Adam missed it every time. Poor guy. lol The last time Peter did it Adam stepped out of the room for just a minute, and of course that's when Peter decided to go over. :dohh: Silly baby.
Sarah L, I saw the pic of Peter in his little swimsuit ... So cute :cloud9:. I always worry that the water in the pool is too cold, even when it should be ok. That's why we always end up just barely in the water lol.
Isn't it amazing how LO will show no progress for days and all of a sudden they do it all at once?!? Amazing really. Good thing you were able to video Peter rolling, at least that way Allen got to see lol.

Thank you for the reassurance. Sometimes I feel like maybe I am overreacting. I think I will wait until this weekend (when I'm not this angry) and sit down with him. I always dread these conversations because a) he is never wrong :dohh: and b) he cannot admit, when he has made a mistake. Either way, I will write everything down ahead of time, so I can clearly communicate and have all my thoughts organized.
we have a lovely warm baby pool up the road from where we live so Ben just needs to go in shorts amd a nappy. Im not sure if I would trust a salt water pool at this stage bt we dont have them here so I dont know much about them.

Steph I can not believe Rob has done it again grrrr.. qhat is it with some men and not wanted to be with their children??? William (ex husband) hes the same he was meant to have 6 hours contact with the kids during his visit he only took 3! I dont get it but like the cps lady on our case said you wont understand because it isnt who you are. I hope that your chat with him goes well and I hope he listens to you! You know when Grayson is 7 like Connie he'll miss the baby days. They grow up so fast and you never get those days back. Its not nice not being able to live with your kids and pjt them to bed at night and witness all their firsts I hope Rob will understand that and work harder for Grayson so he can be there. I hope that he will appreciate how much you are putting in to give him this time withbhis son. He needs to stop feeling sorry for himself before he messes everything up. Hang in there lobely you are doing so well.. fuck me I could not be as strong as you are being now. You deserve better xx

afm today I got Connie a phone for when William takes them out. If there are any emergencies she can get hold of me and I will be there in a flash. I dont trust William at all. Hes taken as little tome as possible with them again. He isnt bothered about seeing them or building a relationship with them he just wants to win and get what he wants but he only wants it because he knows I dont. I miht sound utterly insane here but Im buying tracking bugs to stitch into their back packs. If he decides to fuck off with them He would have a 3 hour headstart. Im not prepared to race him back to norway and fiht for Connie throuh their system. She is part norwegian so can live there without paperwork and we were married when I had her so he has 50% parental riht meaning if he took her I would have to fight hard for her to come home. Lucas is 100% mine. I left William off his birth certificate. I was already fohting for Connie to leave Norway I didnt need to fight over Lucas too. When he is 18 his dads name will go on there. Oh this situation is so messed up!
Oh Candy, Ive been meaning to ask you about William. Has he seen the kids since the last court date? How often does he get them now?
I can totally understand your worry about him taking the kids, but I think your safe. If he took them, then he would have to spend more time with them and thats not something he is really wanting to do. Just being able to see them outside of the contact center is enough to upset you, and therefore enough for him. At least thats what I think! I'm glad you got a phone for Connie. This way she will be able to call you anytime!
I would totally install a tracker into the kids as well btw :haha:. If nothing else, it will be for your peace of mind!

I think what bothers be about the Rob situation the most, is that he has no clue what he is doing. He loves the baby and hes so good with him. When he is paying attention to him, you can see how much he loves him. I just think, that he spent too much of his life, making himself the priority. He does not know how to put anyone else ahead of himself. Its sad really.
I have calmed down and feel much better today lol.

Oh Candy, I think you mentioned this... I heard Grayson actually laugh out load for the first time today. He always smiles and laughs at everything, but today i would laugh out loud from across the room and Grayson will reply by doing the same. :cloud9: I cant believe how big he is getting!!!!
Oh and Candy... I cant believe how little Benson looks in our picture on here :shock:
Candy: the salt water pool is really popular with moms and babies here because it's much less harsh on their skin than chlorine and less likely to cause an ear infection. They're quite expensive to maintain though so I only know of one in the city at the big fancy Jewish Community Center. It's open to the general public though which is nice. I hope Connie and Lucas have a good visit with their Dad and that he doesn't mess things up even further for them!

Steph: I'm glad you're feeling better-but Rob is still an idiot! You have a gorgeous little boy, and he's crazy to not want to spend all the time he can with him!

Afm, my parents came down today to bring us a dresser for Peter. Now I can finally get his clothes put away! We have so many hand me downs that there's clothes everywhere right now because they don't all fit in the little one we painted for him.
We do alot of shopping in Second hand stores here too. That is actually what I did this time and got some really nice clothes that don't even look like they have been wore.

Steph...girl I am so sorry...Men do not think at all. Allen always thinks i am overreacting until I break things down play by play then he gets why I am so upset. Hopefully things will improve. Emme has been outright laughing for a while and it's so uplifting in times like this! I am sure it makes for a good stress reliever with you too!

Candy...I bought Laurynn a phone last year for just that and her Dad made her turn it off while she was with him. Pissed me off. Hopefully he won't care and you can call and check on her and Lucas too. :)

Afm, Emme seems to be really cranky and fighting her sleep these last two days. She will start going to sleep and then break out in a screaming fit! Not really anything big or new just the normal crazy baby with her indecisiveness.
thanks Steph :) I know Im worrying too much lol... I know Benson has grow too fast haha Sometimes I look at him and get surprised at how big he looks! Also look at how diddy and cute and new Grayson is in your pic!! He has grown lots already too. Its good that Rob is good with Grayson hopefully you canuse that to help him see what hes doing xx

Shell Ive told her to keep it in her bag on silent. Dont say that she has it and only use it in emergencies like if she or Lucas gets lost ect. I would be pissed too if he made her turn it off!!
Steph I'm so sorry to hear that Rob still isn't "behaving" himself. I don't understand why he doesn't want to suck up every second he can have with Grayson, and I don't see how he can think its ok to leave him with your dad when he isn't working. Does he not feel that is taking advantage of your dad? Especially at the minute with the moving.

Candy, I think getting connie the phone is a great idea. And yeah, you probably would sound paranoid to anyone else, but we know (some of) what your ex has done and what he's like and you know we support all your decisions, crazy or not ;)

Sarah, I've heard that swimming makes babies so tired...but it doesn't to Isabelle! I actually just signed her up for some classes today (half price on groupon!) as we are worried that when we take her she isn't getting enough experience from it, as she literally just floats, glassy eyed!
It's great that Adam got to go with you to a baby group! I know Simon would love to come to baby sensory but he is always working on Fridays.

Not much new here. Had one goodnight of sleep, then back to the old every 2 hrs. My mum nearly had a heart attack when I told her what Izzys sleep is like now, but tbh I think that until she starts solids and we see if that helps any, this is just going to bethe way it is. I'm not exhausted or anything, so it's ok. Although maybe I will look into the pick up put down method Sarah suggested....
to be jonest the pick me up put me down thing wouldnt work right now for the same reason the CIO method wouldnt work. Our babies are still too young to understand. All they know right now is hunger wet and alone so they cry to have a need met. I personally would hokd off anything like tht u til 6-8 months when they can recognise the difference between distances ect.

Sarah When I pit Ben in the bath with me he just throws hkmself backwards and floats starfish style with a huge grin on his face haha we are yet to go to the pool because mirena is ruining that ;) Thank you for the support I feel like a nutter gps tracking my kids haha but they are my world and I dont trust that psycho one inch xx
Just right too!!

See Isabelle LOVES her bath and goes nuts! That's why we thought she'd love swimming but.....deadpan!
Just right too!!

See Isabelle LOVES her bath and goes nuts! That's why we thought she'd love swimming but.....deadpan!

We thought Peter would love swimming for the same reason! lol He just stared off into the space with the clenched fists. :dohh: BUT, he didn't cry, so at least he didn't hate it. We'll try again next week maybe.
to be jonest the pick me up put me down thing wouldnt work right now for the same reason the CIO method wouldnt work. Our babies are still too young to understand. All they know right now is hunger wet and alone so they cry to have a need met. I personally would hokd off anything like tht u til 6-8 months when they can recognise the difference between distances ect.

Sarah When I pit Ben in the bath with me he just throws hkmself backwards and floats starfish style with a huge grin on his face haha we are yet to go to the pool because mirena is ruining that ;) Thank you for the support I feel like a nutter gps tracking my kids haha but they are my world and I dont trust that psycho one inch xx

I've never tried it because thankfully Peter is a great sleeper, but some of the other moms on the forum who have younger babies seemed to be having some luck with it, and you're not actually leaving them while they're upset, so it can't hurt to try it out. :shrug:

Have your kids had their visit with your ex yet? (I can't remember when it is...) I hope having the phone will make them (and you!) feel a bit better about it all. I hope you didn't feel like I was judging you when I said I wouldn't let Peter have one till he was in highschool. I was mostly kidding, and you certainly have an important reason for wanting Connie to have one!
Sarah L I didn't think that at all but I felt like it left it open for others to judge if you know what I mean, so I felt the need to explain myself. Under normal circumstances I wouldn't have brought her a phone until she started to go out with friends alone so that if she was in trouble or needed me I was available to her.

So funny with all these swimming babies just staring off, I'm pretty sure Ben is going to do the same, enjoy the relaxing pool trips now though, when they get older like my 2 you have to spend the hour chasing them around the pool and they can move fast even in armbands :p!!

The pick up put down method looks useful if it works, like you say there is no harm in trying it and see how it goes, Peter is a good sleeper anyway isn't he? xx

AFM.... A lady who I know from school was texting me yesterday about cloth nappies and she was very negative about it all, saying how they are a rip off and it's better to use throw aways, now she wants me to show her how to use them, I sent her some links to preloved sites and fb pages but I'm not looking forward to showing her because I know while I'm showing her she'll just shit all over it (excuse the pun!).
She's the kind of mum, that if your kid is doing something, her kid done it first and better. It winds me up lol, because we can all say with pride things about our children, for example our babies rolling was a big milestone but you would never say omg your baby hasn't rolled yet??!! Alfie rolled when he was 2 months old!! you wouldn't do that because it strikes fear into the other parent that their kid is behind or that her kid is better, I told her about Ben's first laugh at 2 months, she told me Isabelle laughed when she was a week old, I told her Ben might have chicken pox (when we went to hospital that time) She told me Alfie had it when he was a few days old. I'm pretty sure one of her kids walked out of her vagina reciting poems LOL. Oh help!!
"Wade out of the vagina reciting poems" :rofl: everyone knows someone like that, all of the idiots!!! That's great that she's open to using cloth though:)

I'm currently in the middle of an admin nightmare trying to sort out venues for cloth nappy meetings, stuff to advertise in the press etc in our area, and now we are dividing up all the baby events between us over the next few months so lots of cloth stuff going on, and I'm so excited :) also have all the nappy library nappies prewashed and shall be testing them tomorrow hehe! My mind knows they aren't mine to use, but I see them and I go "YAY NAPPIES!!!”
Oh my brother and I got into a heated discussion last night as he said that cloth nappies are no better for the environment. I almost fainted with the exertion and anger going into my responses. Tbh I don't care about other people not using cloth for the environmental aspect, it doesn't bother me, each to their own, but don't say it isn't better when it is! And he didnt believe my facts I quoted, which really annoyed me!

Sarah, sounds like Peter and Izzy should go swimming together - the underwhelmed pair of the century!
Sarah and Sarah: We've taken Jackson to the pool a few times and he sounds like he'd fit in great with Peter and Izzy. He'll have his swimsuit on and I'll be guiding him around quite proudly and he'll just be staring at nothing with closed fists and his little hat hiding him from the sun. Completely under-enthused about the entire situation when I am obviously OVER THE MOON that I'm taking my baby swimming. :shrug:

Candy: I'm sorry to hear about your BF troubles with Benny and all of the crazy stuff with the squirting poo and yellow poo and well, poo in general. Jackson has has some mucousy looking poo, not unordinary in color though and the ped told me that if he's drooling as much as I say he is, its probably due to all of the excess saliva he's swallowing. That might be part of the reason you have mucousy poo, too! But I believe that you are doing the right things for Ben. You know if his tummy is upset and you know when things just aren't right, plus your health is being affected by it all and that's just not cool. :nope: I hope you get your new formula so your house stops smelling like cheese!

Steph: I know I haven't posted in here for a while, but I've been following along and I'm so sorry that Rob is "neglecting" Grayson when he could be picking him up from your dad's. I feel like WE shouldn't have to tell them "Hey, since you're not doing anything, why don't you go grab the baby?", but we always do. :dohh: I got into it with Greg the other day because yes, I am a SAHM, but I have my horses here so I'm out with them at different times of the day as well. I'm pretty busy with the two boys and rarely do I go anywhere with friends that is longer than two hours and before the boys are in bed..(anyways) Greg wanted to go to a friends party - this friend was celebrating his recent break up from his wife (which he SHOULD be celebrating, mind you, this girl was a FAT COW), but Greg had just been out the weekend before. He leaves from his job at 2PM and is gone until 9-12 at night. I fought with him about going down to Matt's since he'd gone out the week before and he gave me the "Well I have long weeks at work and I DESERVE..." The "I deserve" gets me every time! When you are a husband and a father of two small boys, all of your DESERVES go out the window, mister! No one deserves anything anymore, no matter how much or how little you work or whether you get to go to your friends house every weekend. He's not 18 anymore and his family should ALWAYS come first, especially when he knows I'm home with the kids all week. Its not easy managing my time either, buddy! He ended up apologizing and staying home, but I think the apology was more of a band-aid so I haven't given much thought to actually forgiving it. :haha: Men..

Shell: I hope you guys are doing well. I think of you every day and hope that your money saving tricks are working. The last of my extra money went on my CD's to help me save more money!

AFM: The boys are good! Jake is teething so badly he's given himself a callous on one of his fingers where he chews! I've found this solution made by Boiron called Camilia and it really seems to soothe him and gets rid of a lot of the drool for a little while. It comes in pre-dose liquid filled capsule type things and he seems to really like the taste. He opens his little bird mouth and lets me put the drops in :thumbup: He goes in for his 4 month well baby exam tomorrow so we'll see where we are and how we're doing. He's been a funny pooper the past couple of days, pooping 3 times one day and none the next, then three times two days in a row and none the next. Silly munchkin :shrug: Liam just got a big boy bed and has been sleeping in it all night! We didn't bother putting the frame down since I KNOW FOR SURE that toys will just end up under there, so we're going to put some L brackets on the head board to hold it in place since its oak and a bookcase. No need for a 3 year old to climb up there and get tackled by a giant piece of wood. I hope everyone else is doing well! xx
Thread has been pretty quiet around here lately.......

Sam, Oh poor Jackson... Emme has been chewing and chewing and then when she fell sick this week I noticed her gums are really red and swollen. I hope his amber bracelet you bought him helps out!

Candy how is Benson doing on his formula???

Sarah I hope you are having lots of fun with all you CD meetings and events!

Afm, I dunno what is going on with Emmaleigh anymore and I frankly have given in to just holding her all the time and letting her just scream out whatever in the hell is going on....I can't say that having a baby has honestly helped our marriage out either at this point but with the financial problems also I feel like just throwing in the towel sometimes. Emme has been sick from her shots and is kinda back to feeling better today. I hope all you ladies and LOs are doing well. I have tried to keep up on Facebook but I have even fell behind there.
hang in there Shell my love! You and Allen have been through touh times I know you can get over this jurdle too! Its such a short period of time before they get old enouh to voice their issues and ask fo help. This screaming unsettled stage wont last forever and then things will be smoother.

Thank you for asking about BenBen. He is back on the booby for now we are waiting for a new formula called neocate because he wouldnt drink nutramigen. His poo is back to yellow but still full of mucus and slime. Im having a hard time from health visitors and drs around here because I made the choice to stop bfing even though it was on advice from a nurse none of the other parties can agree well I say fuck them breast is not always best and Benson is now fully vaxed for the year so if I decide to go on the formula then that is MY choice as a mother and they can all eat shit. Sorry went off on a little rant there!! haha

WE MIHT HAVE A HOUSE!!! yay!! we went to view it and it is gorgeous and big so much nicer than my flat. It needs some love and care but it has great potential! Lucas come home and started packing his bags haha. If we get it we can move in early next month. Im so excited. The kids will have a garden and I will have a dining room so I can have people over for dinner and we are planning a special housewarming kids halloween party for the kids and their friends as my friends are mainly the parents of my.kids friends lol Im so excited! Fingers crossed we get it!! xx
Oh Poor Benny and his tummy! I don't see why they are giving you so much trouble since it is obviously so difficult for his tummy and you. I hope that the new formula works out great for him and all things get better!

YAYAYAYAYYAYAYAY for you getting a new house! We bought our house and remodeled it and it is perfect for us! and how cute of Lucas to pack his bags and move right in lol!!!!!!!!!

Emme's a good baby but here lately she just screams and cries until she is so tired that she will suck her thumb and fall right to sleep. I am not sure what is going on.
Thanks girl! I know we have weathered some big storms in our relationship....hopefully this will pass too. :)

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