Congrats to those with good scans/gender reveals! Been out of the country so i just read back on quite a few posts. I can't wait to catch up with you all and have my 12 week scan/gender test!
I've been in maternity clothes for over a week now. they are just so much more comfortable i get bloated and only stretchy pants feel good, even jeans with belly band is too tight. I'm normally a size 2, so I am not normally a big person, but wow am i huge in the stomach area now. I blame my DD for stretching me out!
Can't wait for the MS to end. And for those worried about Zofran, i was reading a bit further, and the study done was interpreted 2 different ways. once way showed no evidence of harm, and the other showed that of thsoe not on zofran, 3.X% had babies with a heart defect, and those on zofran, 4.X% had babies with a heart defect. So it's hardly an increased risk, if at all. Sensationalists just like to point out that the jump frmo 3.? to 4.? (Can't remember the exact decimal in each case) is a "30% INCREASED RISK!!!" The study doesn't even indicate zofran dose. so it could be IV users for that matter. I would recommend using zofran if it makes you feel human when nothing else does diclegis sorta works for me, but I caved and got Zofran for my overseas business trip so that I wouldn't be catatonic in the evenings. after more thoroughly understanding the risks, i felt better about taking it as a does of 4mg once a day.