April Showers 2015. 5 pink and 2 blue rainbows so far!

At the moment in starving hungry after about an hour of eating and feeling faint and sick. Then I'm full within a few mouthfuls and feeling bloated. Then an hour later I'm so hungry I feel sick again!
But other days i eat 4 doughnuts and a massive pasta meal.
Sound familiar!?!?
I will be starving, so I will be prepared to eat a ton, then three bites in I am either full or feeling sick to my stomach.. depending on the food.

I have now determined I cannot eat ribs.. or corn fritters :(
Omgoodness! At least it's not just me! lol! :haha: Thanks for the reassurance ladies! :flower: I truly appreciate it! :hugs: I've gone off of veggies (except tomatoes) and meat except for tacos and cheeseburgers. :dohh: My poor dh keeps wanting meat that I don't want so winds up cooking 2 meals in one since I only want cheesy things, chicken things, and such. :blush: At least he's being good about it and realizing that I truly cant help it right now. :kiss: I bought a baggie of small mozzerella cheese bites snack things earlier today and the bag of them is already half gone. :blush: As is this box of donuts LOL! :haha: Chicken, cheesy, and sweet is all I seem to want lol! I guess let's see if I'm hungry like this again tomorrow. :haha:
Meanwhile Friday is my first scan. So nervous but a little excited too as I'm trying to think positive that it'll only reveal happy news! [-o< Roll on 29th! 5 days to get through and counting!
Praying pixie I'm with you on the cheese! My diet is getting even more limited. I'm already vegetarian, and I have a nut allergy, and I can't eat prawns, runny eggs, spicy food (gives me indigestion) soft cheese etc. I used to live on salmon but I've completely gone off that now, the only fish I can eat (at a push) is tuna. I got my oh to order an Indian on the way home on Friday and my list of demands didn't leave him much room! No meat, seafood or fish, no nuts, no spice. So basically I had poppadoms and plain naan and he got me a lovely spinach and cheese thing too. Mmm.
Can't decide what to do today. My sis and her kids have left to go on holiday (they've been staying a few days) and oh is away so it's just me and dd. We should be going swimming but I'm not sure either of us can be bothered! Might just go to the shop and buy cheese and donuts and watch netflix all day!!
This is me yesterday. Had breakfast-bacon sandwich lush! Drove back to london from devon. Stopped to get something for lunch tho not that hungry. Ravenous by the time I got out of the shop. 2 bites not hungry again. Got home and gave my lunch to the dogs. Cooked a pizza later as starving. Couldn't finish-dogs got another treat. Starving half an hour later. Mental! Had to open up the caramel sea salt chocs!
Omgoodness. I'm the same way! Can only stand tomatoes, cheesy things, sweet things and chicken and rice! I'll be full (or so I think), walk into a store and see yummy tasty things and be hungry again. :dohh: Get something to snack on and be full again, and then get home and see something else I wanna eat and manage to decide I'm hungry again! :haha: Today I had cheese pizza for lunch. Yum! No idea what to do about dinner but I want chicken spaghetti! :blush: I doubt I will be able to get DH to make me some though as I think he's coming down with the cold I had, bless him. :(

Meanwhile I used my last digi tests this morning (stupid I know) with fmu and smu and after a week from last time it STILL says 2-3! :grr: Here are my thoughts though and see if you ladies agree with me. While we know that the range for hcg for the 2-3 weeks on the digi is about 200-2000, I would think first of all IF my hcg was dropping that in a week's time it would likely not even register as 2-3 anymore but rather 1-2 as my last hcg blood draw was 1,112 a week and a half ago. I know from experience with a past mmc that I had in 2010 that when a mc or mmc is going on hcg tends to drop quickly (mine dropped by 10k points in just 48 hrs with that past mmc) so since cb digi says that to get 3+ weeks that hcg has to be 2000+ and my last hcg was 1112, I'd be at or below 200 at this point and the test would of read 1-2 instead. Also, between the time of my last blood draw and now my symptoms have increased. I went from peeing about 6-7 times a day to now 9-10 times a day. Since that week I've also had the round ligament pain going on (just had another bit of RL pain less than an hr ago too), big time fatigue (more so than that week of the hcg tests), cravings, etc. So my point is that surely IF my hcg was dropping my symptoms would be lessening along with it, and not increasing especially since I'm still early pregnant and not like I was further on in 1st tri where it would take longer for hcg to come back down. So that is what I'm thinking about this. I also googled (of course) and have found other sites and forums where other women had the exact same experience as me and everything was fine and that these darned cb digis w/ wks are inaccurate and very dodgy! So what do you ladies think? Does my thinking make sense and does it sound like I'm probably right? :blush: Friday cannot come soon enough but I am debating calling my dr office tomorrow and begging for one more hcg to make sure that it is in fact in the 6 week range like it should be. :blush:

But anyways, enough about me. I hope you're all having a great weekend! :hugs:
Hi pixie! Yes that does make sense, and although the digis have always been spot on for me, I know from forums that they really need to come with a health warning as the results can vary wildly. I would be a bit stressed about it but it happens soooo much I'd really try not to worry. But yes if you can persuade the dr into another hcg there would be no harm done.
My appetite today has been awful. Really didn't fancy any dinner but managed pasta in the end. I'm so bloated. I confess I've been in maternity clothes today. They're just sitting in my drawers staring at me from my last pregnancy and my jeans are soooo comfy. I've not even tried my normal jeans for weeks!!
Oh believe me, I still worry and I still fear everyday! I'm still right this minute terrified of either finding my hcg has in fact dropped and/or finding a baby without a hb on friday like last time with my mmc I had back in March. :( It's driving me crazy! :wacko: But I'm trying hard to hold onto my sanity and look at the side of reason (like in my previous thoughts about how I hope that stupid test is wrong) in order to stay calm and peaceful about all of this. If you would please, keep me in your thoughts/prayers that it all turns out with a healthy baby. :blush: Thanks so much! :hugs:

As for the bloating, I keep getting it off and on too. When I have it I truly look pregnant lol! And it's so uncomfortable! So I don't blame you for wearing the maternity clothes! I keep finding myself wearing baggy loose clothes too that are not restricting for the same reason. :winkwink:

I hope you have a great rest of the day! :flower:
U might want to ask for another blood draw just so u feel better about it B4 Friday!!
Good Morning ladies, morning sickness has officially arrived. Yesterday the hubby poured me some grape juice which sounded AMAZING and tasted AMAZING also... not 5 min later I puked it up:sick: Today same thing only this time it was a plum. :wacko: yuck. But I am trying to see it as a positive cuz it's a good sign that things are progressing.

Making me crazy though because one minute I'm starving but nothing sounds good but I eat something little but then I puke it up and on and on the crazy train goes!
At the mo I'm going through a don't know what I want to eat phase. Nothing is really appealing.
Hi ladies! :hi: How are you doing today? I'm going through a constantly hungry stage and wanting to eat everything in sight and DH not wanting to make what I wanna have. So then when I compromise with him on it he only winds up eating a half of what he served himself and then forgets to save his leftovers for me. :dohh:

Well 2 more sleeps till my scan. Boy am I nervous! :wacko: Part of me is like "It's gotta be good news! My symptoms have been good including RLP which I didn't have last time", but part of me is like "but what if it's bad news?" Ugghhh...this carousel ride is not fun! :nope: I really really hope and pray that it is good news so that I can relax just a tiny bit and I DO mean a TINY bit because last march we saw the hb at 6-7 weeks and then at 8.5 weeks no hb. :( So needless to say I am terrified of going through that all over again! :cry: Ugh! But anyways, again I'm gonna try to think positive and stay as calm as I can and not let myself stress too much. I wanted to get another hcg this week but my dr would of wanted me to come to the office that's an hour away instead of the one that's a half hour away and with DH being at work, I just don't have the energy to drive there and back again. The thought of it exhausts me. :sleep: So I decided to wait it out till Friday and just pray that it's good news.

But anyways, enough about me. How are all of you doing today? I hope you ladies had a great weekend! :flower:
Praying I know the feeling about your upcoming scan. I think all of us who have experienced losses do. It's like you're excited because you want to see baby and be reassured that so far so good:thumbup:....but then you also are terrified it will be a repeat. ugh. vicious cycle!:muaha:

I'm right there with you Nessaw! everything sounds awful when it comes to food. I find something I can tolerate but once I've had it one time it's no longer tolerable. Except ice cream:icecream:....and cheese...I seem to be okay on that front but that worries me since I am a small person and don't want to gain a million pounds! :shock: I did go for a light jog last night which made me feel better. Chicken Alfredo for dinner tonight!!!

Anyone else having the trouble of all of your clothes just not looking right? It's making me crazy:wacko: I don't feel like I should be in maternity yet but all of my clothes look positively wretched =(

How are all of you ladies doing today? It's been a little quiet.....
Omgosh StillPraying, I'm all about those same foods! That alfredo you're having tonight sounds wonderful! I am all about dairy and cheese! The more cheesiness the better! Creamy yummy cheese! :haha: DH is making scallopinni chicken with couscous for dinner. Watch me use ranch dressing to dip it in! LOL! That's another thing I'm big on. Ranch! Ranch with fries, ranch with chicken, ranch with rice, etc lol! :blush:
Also, earlier I had a few very mild cramps which caused me to immediately get off my feet (and no, no bleeding nor spotting thank goodness) but thankfully they stopped within a very few mins (from what I've read it sounds like normal growth cramps) and a little bit afterward I started feeling this stitch like pain in my left side and still have it. It's not in my belly area though. It's more in my hip area. But have you ladies had any side stitch like pains? I hope this is normal. Surprisingly this isn't something I recall having before and thought it a bit early to have this kinda/this much growth to cause this pain? :wacko: If it continues tomorrow, I'll call the dr for sure! It's not severe pain or anything like that it's just enough to be annoying every time I get up from sitting and such. Thoughts? :shrug:
BTW, about the clothes, I'm also frustrated as nothing fits me right and because we haven't told anyone yet I don't dare wear anything that is too telling so almost nothing is comfy for me right now. Ugh.
I am a little bit lucky on the clothes front as it's still school hols so can slob around and not worry. From next Monday I'm gonna need to start planning what to wear. I have enough loose tops it's the trousers. I didn't get far enough to buy maternity clothes previously and still feel like it might jinx things to do that. As for food I was starving last night and ate loads of red thai curry. Lush!
Hey ladies!
Yes I'm on really wierd foods still. I had a packet of mini cheddars yesterday, they were the best thing I've ever tasted!! The last couple of dats I've not really eaten much because I think I'm so constipated I can barely eat anything. I'm going to buy a big carton if fresh orange juice today and drink it as hot as I can. Usually helps!
Clothes wise I'm wearing maternity leggings under dresses with big cardigans over. I'm only 5ft 1 and Apple shaped and had a fairly substantial bump in March so I really do look about 6 months! My top bump above my belly button always develops first and it's starting to get hard already! I know it's all digestion though. Bleurgh. I've got some amazing stretchy maternity track suit bottoms, I'm off work today so they're coming out ! I thought I felt some flutters yesterday but I think it was wind. I might try my doppler today, although it'll blatantly just freak me out when I can't find it :(

Did I tell u ladies about the specialist heart scan we were meant to have at 12 weeks? When I had my mw booking appointment she said she was sure it would just be a normal scan and then a specialist one at 16 weeks. I spoke to the bereavement midwife and she said I'm definitely getting the specialist 12 week scan. Hurrah!!
My mw is very experienced and senior but she thinks she knows everything and there have been a few occasions in my pregnancies when she's got it very wrong. Just waiting for my appointment now!
Praying I think the stitch is constipation or wind. I've been doubled over in pain all my pregnancies because of digestive problems xx
Munchkin great news about the scan.
Meant to say that swapping my multivitamins to individual ones has done the trick and I haven't had an upset tummy for a week.

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