Sis, congrats on your BFP!!! Praying your betas are great!!
Chippy, hopefully, it flys by for the both of us! I want to be in 2nd tri so bad. 1st tri is nerve wrecking!
AFM, So I am still bleeding, it is closer to spotting than flow though. I decided not to drive the 4 hours to my RE, and found an OB here that is high risk and was recommended by a friend who was high risk. She saw me immediately. My cervix is 100% closed, uterus is growing, and i have some blood. She prescribed me meds to relax my uterus so it won't contract, meds for constipation(wonderful progesterone), and she said to stick to 200 mg progesterone per day. I am ordered strict bedrest for the next 3 days. I go for blood work tomorrow, prenatal and another beta. Then, I go to see her Friday unless the bleeding hasn't stopped by Thursday. U/s Monday!