Hi everyone and congrats on your BFP's!!!! Lots of April babies
I tested today at 13 dpo and received a very faint line on an early pregnancy test. Will be testing again tomorrow with FRER and going in for blood test as well.
(link to test photo: https://www.babyandbump.com/pregnancy-tests/380959-dollar-tree-choice-25miu-13-dpo-do-you-think.html)
I'd love to join this thread even though at the moment I'm cautiously hopeful. But I figure there are 2 possible outcomes, pregnant, or not, so if there's any chance I could be pregnant then I'm going to enjoy every minute of it. I guess I'm just having a hard time feeling like it could be real, almost feel like I'm jinxing things by talking about a BFP, but I'll get over it
EDD from FF is April 8, I see I'm already in some great company!!! My birthday is also in April so I think that's pretty neat!
I had a mmc at 8 weeks in December of 2008 and a chemical in August of 2009 so this BFP has been a long time coming. I was on injectables this cycle with an hcg trigger and timed intercourse. I started progesterone suppositories a few days after ovulation so I kind of feel like maybe all of my symptoms are due to those instead of preg, but only time will tell.
Had a small amount of brown spotting early this morning, but nothing since. Still scared every time I go to the loo!!
So far only symptoms have been backache and strong cramping like sensations (stronger and duller than normal AF cramps if that makes sense), almost have the sensation like I need to bear down. When my bladder gets full I feel a lot of pressure in my abdomen and have a nervous jittery feeling. Don't feel sick to my stomach, but do feel a bit of indigestion or acid reflux type symptoms.
Looking forward to getting to know you lovely ladies over the next 9 months. Wishing you all sticky beans and a very happy and healthy 9 mos!!