***April Sweet Peas*** 204 Babies

Yay for Sunflowers and Minichicky! Woot Woot! :) Goes to show they can't predict babies size accurately eh?

Sabriena, funny you mentioned as I had the same feeling a couple of times recently. My husband has some kind of pregnancy by week app on his iphone that he reads out to me regularly, and the one for 38 or 39 weeks did mention round ligament pain, so I guess it's still something that can be in the works at this stage.

Hope it's the final start for you too MrsGlitz. :)

Hope yours starts too Catkin1508...I seem to remember with my son that I never got anything leading up to labor to indicate that it was going to start..no bloody show or mucous plug or waters breaking or anything! I just started contracting one day and it went from there! So ya just never know, it could happen anytime :)
Guys I'm so bored it's unreal. I really feel like I'm just clock watching. It doesn't help that I have no car as hubby uses it to get to work so to get anywhere I need to go by bus...which is fine except I have no energy to walk and when I do my back hurts!
I sooooo relate to that. The weird thing is, I don't feel like being social cause I'm often tired and just feel like I want to stay at home. But then I also get bored of sitting here too, as I've cleaned everything I possibly can and there's really nothing to do. Blah blah blah... it's really annoying. It's like watching a pot boil.
Hey girls, I had my baby Monday night after going to be induced at 8:30 that morning. She is an angel!! :cloud9: And before I was unsure about getting an epidural, but now all I can say is god bless the epidurals!!! :)
Congrats minichicky! What a good size baby! Also, congrats to bobobaby!

Minstermind, I'm glad that your husbands app said round ligament pains can happen around this time, I thought I was just weird haha

mrsraggle, I know what you mean about being bored. It's ridiculous! I'm on the bump entirely too much now and on another forum. I have nothing to do except wait wait wait! I hate waiting...especially for an unknown time! haha
The text messages begin... do people think I'll forget to tell them?!
Hi girls just to let you know i had my baby this morning 9 days overdue...
Sophie Olivia Catherine was born @ 3.12am this morning after 2 hours of established labour after getting my waters broken at 1.30 pm yesterday afternoon.
Sophie was 10lbs 5oz and 56cm long, we are home now and just settling in...I am so pleased that i got my VBAC. Congratulations to all the other mummies and new babies xxxxxx
I actually screamed last night as my aunt, who is more like a mum, text me to ask me if there was any sign. She's one of the first we'll tell after my sisters, who live with her! Of course once I responded I then got "Not long now". Someone who went 5 days overdue with boy her boys REALLY should know better! I should call her tonight but I still haven't forgiven her! :rofl:

I so know what you mean re clock watching etc. And I am convinced that them waiting until my cervix is favourable to induce will be a waste and that I will wind up needing a c-section anyone; just a gut feeling I have.
Had my baby girl Tuesday 20th April.:happydance:
We named her Annabelle Ruth.:kiss:
Will try write a smallish birth story later if i have time between feeds!!!:laugh2:
102 births / 103 babies - Congrats to all :)

Still keeping my fingers crossed for all of those being induced and due for c-sec's xx

I had a terrible night sleep last night again :( I was up every 1-2 hours needing the loo or to just sit up/walk around. Now having very mild contractions / painful braxton hicks with no patern to them at all.

I feel useless today - no motivation/energy at all :( Thank god it's hubby's last day in work today until after Jessica is here... I can hardly get myself around, let alone look after Harry :(

is my math wrong?

Sorry mommyof3girls, maybe it was me who counted wrong... I thought I just counted 103 new mums on the front pages, with one set of twins making it 104 babies.

How is Kinleigh doing? Only the weekend to go and then she'll be home :)

I thought it was me. I have a habit of over or under counting. :haha:

kinleigh is doing well. She had her spinal tap this morning. The doctor said that she did really well through it. they are hoping to get her results back tonight but she said that they will be in for sure on monday. If the test is clear of infection she will be home Monday night.
Fingers crossed for Monday then mommyof3girls.
Thanks for keeping this all updated for us! xxx
Hey girlies! I had my beautiful princess on 21st April at 4.04am weighing 7lb 5oz-had a great labour of 5 hours and only had gas and air. I love her so so so much and can't believe my dream has finally come true -having a bit of trouble breast feeding but am perserveering -good luck to all the remaining mummies to be xxx
Congrats nikkibr :)

Mommyof3girls - That's fantastic. Will keep everything crossed that all goes well for Monday :)
I really need to find more time to spend on here - it seems every time I log on there have been a zillion more posts, and at least another dozen babies born!!

Congratulations to all the new mum/moms!!

I really do feel for you girls still waiting. I remember the wait after Freya's due date being the longest 11 days of my life.

mommyof3girls - you must be so excited about Miss Kinleigh coming home!! I bet your other girls are too. Not long till Monday now. :hugs:

And me? Still truckin'. Ollie is just lush. He's been eating A LOT. He more than regained his birth weight in the first week, and gained another 100g in the four days following that too. He's started to spend a bit more time awake, just looking around the place. He seems pretty content so far. I've started putting him in the front pack (Connecta) for short periods, to try to get him used to it.
I've been feeling pretty great. Tired, but not as bad as I'd expected - and loads better this week than last. I've been given the all-clear to start driving again, which is fab. I've been trying to start doing some walking too. It's hard, because we don't have a buggy, but I've been borrowing one from a friend who is expecting a baby in June. I may have to bit the bullet and buy one...

Here's a pic of Ollie from yesterday.


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