~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

mWell i got my take away with loads of sauce. i managed some of it not even half i think ill leave the rest for the cat to munch on lol

ooo im off that week lol. My midwife is the 9th ive properly said that already lol but i forget so easily now lol..

ohh thats SO annoying isnt it! I Really wanted a vegie pizza the other day and had like 2 slices :nope: felt so bad but i did enjoy those2 slices :haha: do you find your so full you think you might pop like after only a small bit of food?

know what you mean, my memory seems to be getting worse too! Im SO looking forward to that week...how far will you be 16 weeks or so? i think thats around when they can start to tell the sex? Maybe you could try and encourage a cheeky extra scan? :thumbup:
mWell i got my take away with loads of sauce. i managed some of it not even half i think ill leave the rest for the cat to munch on lol

ooo im off that week lol. My midwife is the 9th ive properly said that already lol but i forget so easily now lol..

ohh thats SO annoying isnt it! I Really wanted a vegie pizza the other day and had like 2 slices :nope: felt so bad but i did enjoy those2 slices :haha: do you find your so full you think you might pop like after only a small bit of food?

know what you mean, my memory seems to be getting worse too! Im SO looking forward to that week...how far will you be 16 weeks or so? i think thats around when they can start to tell the sex? Maybe you could try and encourage a cheeky extra scan? :thumbup:

Yeah i do lol even if ive been working and not had food for 6 hours after taking a few bites im stuffed lol..My stomach has defo shrunk.

On the 9th i should be... just checking my phone lol ...Ill be 14wks when i next see my midwife on the 9th lol.. is only 2 weeks from tuesday coming lol :D cant wait for that week off ryan is going on holiday with mates. As we were together when he booked his holiday i thought id take the week of for myself. still get it to myself but we aint together now lol.

I think its around 20 weeks you find out the sex lol im not sure though. ive just see alot of post saying it was haha so nosey lol. But im not going to find out now. My sister gave me some toys yesterday and bibs so i now have tro find somewhere to store them all.

Yeah i do lol even if ive been working and not had food for 6 hours after taking a few bites im stuffed lol..My stomach has defo shrunk.

On the 9th i should be... just checking my phone lol ...Ill be 14wks when i next see my midwife on the 9th lol.. is only 2 weeks from tuesday coming lol :D cant wait for that week off ryan is going on holiday with mates. As we were together when he booked his holiday i thought id take the week of for myself. still get it to myself but we aint together now lol.

I think its around 20 weeks you find out the sex lol im not sure though. ive just see alot of post saying it was haha so nosey lol. But im not going to find out now. My sister gave me some toys yesterday and bibs so i now have tro find somewhere to store them all. xxxx

OMG is it really that soon? its seemed like such a long way off for so long i just assumed it was still ages off but 2 weeks!! wooh woooh am getting excited now :happydance:

as much as i struggle with food i always seem to be fine with sweets :haha:

ohh ok i thought it was 16 for some reason DOH! I probs need to read that book we have had on the side for weeks - what to expect when your expecting. I think i just waiting for 12 weeks before i do which is probs silly.

Aww sweet of your sis to give you some bits to help out. My sis inlaw is givng us their cot so we only need to get the mattress. Will be nice to have a week to yourself hun and even better to just not be at work :haha: sorry to hear about you and Ryan, were you together long? :hugs: xxx
Yeah i do lol even if ive been working and not had food for 6 hours after taking a few bites im stuffed lol..My stomach has defo shrunk.

On the 9th i should be... just checking my phone lol ...Ill be 14wks when i next see my midwife on the 9th lol.. is only 2 weeks from tuesday coming lol :D cant wait for that week off ryan is going on holiday with mates. As we were together when he booked his holiday i thought id take the week of for myself. still get it to myself but we aint together now lol.

I think its around 20 weeks you find out the sex lol im not sure though. ive just see alot of post saying it was haha so nosey lol. But im not going to find out now. My sister gave me some toys yesterday and bibs so i now have tro find somewhere to store them all. xxxx

OMG is it really that soon? its seemed like such a long way off for so long i just assumed it was still ages off but 2 weeks!! wooh woooh am getting excited now :happydance:

as much as i struggle with food i always seem to be fine with sweets :haha:

ohh ok i thought it was 16 for some reason DOH! I probs need to read that book we have had on the side for weeks - what to expect when your expecting. I think i just waiting for 12 weeks before i do which is probs silly.

Aww sweet of your sis to give you some bits to help out. My sis inlaw is givng us their cot so we only need to get the mattress. Will be nice to have a week to yourself hun and even better to just not be at work :haha: sorry to hear about you and Ryan, were you together long? :hugs: xxx

Lol yeah those books are so handy my midwife gave me one called ready steady baby..and found loads of interesting things lol.. I made some chips but i could hack them lol.

Oh we had been together a year and then broke up the day after. how fun :(.. Im ok with it now but i still wonder why did we break up lol oh wells i keep getting asked out aswell but i turn them all down because i find it to soon and weird lol maybe after birth ill think about it but for right now its me and the baby and no one else. If ryan wants to give it another shot later on i'd be happy to but i think a break was needed even thought he's still here lol Kinda of feels like we haven't broke up if you get me:blush:

Just not getting my hopes up.

Lol yeah those books are so handy my midwife gave me one called ready steady baby..and found loads of interesting things lol.. I made some chips but i could hack them lol.

Oh we had been together a year and then broke up the day after. how fun :(.. Im ok with it now but i still wonder why did we break up lol oh wells i keep getting asked out aswell but i turn them all down because i find it to soon and weird lol maybe after birth ill think about it but for right now its me and the baby and no one else. If ryan wants to give it another shot later on i'd be happy to but i think a break was needed even thought he's still here lol Kinda of feels like we haven't broke up if you get me:blush:

Just not getting my hopes up. xxxx

Relationships can be hard work, especially in the first year :hugs:i hope things work themselves out for you hun either way as long as you and baby are happy :thumbup:

Yeah the books are supposed to be really helpful i just need to stop being naughty and pick it up and have a good ole read but there is always something on TV when i do LOL

i REALLY want a Slush puppy today but i have no idea why or where i could get one :shrug:
Lol yeah those books are so handy my midwife gave me one called ready steady baby..and found loads of interesting things lol.. I made some chips but i could hack them lol.

Oh we had been together a year and then broke up the day after. how fun :(.. Im ok with it now but i still wonder why did we break up lol oh wells i keep getting asked out aswell but i turn them all down because i find it to soon and weird lol maybe after birth ill think about it but for right now its me and the baby and no one else. If ryan wants to give it another shot later on i'd be happy to but i think a break was needed even thought he's still here lol Kinda of feels like we haven't broke up if you get me:blush:

Just not getting my hopes up. xxxx

Relationships can be hard work, especially in the first year :hugs:i hope things work themselves out for you hun either way as long as you and baby are happy :thumbup:

Yeah the books are supposed to be really helpful i just need to stop being naughty and pick it up and have a good ole read but there is always something on TV when i do LOL

i REALLY want a Slush puppy today but i have no idea why or where i could get one :shrug:

ooh our corner shop does them or the new american sweet shop thats just open in our town lol there soo yummy. yeah im the same i could pick up the book or be watching a pregnancy video on youtube and easily distracted
ooh our corner shop does them or the new american sweet shop thats just open in our town lol there soo yummy. yeah im the same i could pick up the book or be watching a pregnancy video on youtube and easily distracted

wish there was somewhere like that round here...i ended up having half a tuna and cheese toastie and a coke. Not what i really wanted but it hit the spot :thumbup:

i hadnt even thought of looking on there! is there anything good? I did watch a link from on here about those washable nappy things but i think thats a lot of work on top of having first baby....
ooh our corner shop does them or the new american sweet shop thats just open in our town lol there soo yummy. yeah im the same i could pick up the book or be watching a pregnancy video on youtube and easily distracted

wish there was somewhere like that round here...i ended up having half a tuna and cheese toastie and a coke. Not what i really wanted but it hit the spot :thumbup:

i hadnt even thought of looking on there! is there anything good? I did watch a link from on here about those washable nappy things but i think thats a lot of work on top of having first baby....

Yeah some of them help lol i watch a lady having a c section but odv the camera was on her face lol they showed the little one aww i wanted to cry lol.. think ill search a few more. I like the gender test things they do also.
just to see what they think im going to have lol my hopes are for a little boy. but if it's a little girl at least i know there is loads of clothes for them lol
Yeah some of them help lol i watch a lady having a c section but odv the camera was on her face lol they showed the little one aww i wanted to cry lol.. think ill search a few more. I like the gender test things they do also.
just to see what they think im going to have lol my hopes are for a little boy. but if it's a little girl at least i know there is loads of clothes for them lol

Might take a look see - not sure about watching giving birth things though - am tryin to ignore that bit for now :thumbup:

I dont know what i want really, i think sometimes a boy cos w always have girls in the family but sometimes i think how lovely it would be to have a little girl to...there would defo be lots of girls clothes here too LOL

what are the gender test things? im curious now hehe
Yeah some of them help lol i watch a lady having a c section but odv the camera was on her face lol they showed the little one aww i wanted to cry lol.. think ill search a few more. I like the gender test things they do also.
just to see what they think im going to have lol my hopes are for a little boy. but if it's a little girl at least i know there is loads of clothes for them lol

Might take a look see - not sure about watching giving birth things though - am tryin to ignore that bit for now :thumbup:

I dont know what i want really, i think sometimes a boy cos w always have girls in the family but sometimes i think how lovely it would be to have a little girl to...there would defo be lots of girls clothes here too LOL

what are the gender test things? im curious now hehe

The baking soda test and the cabbage test lol there was another someone had posted a thread on it lol. see if i can find the thread and post it here for you lol
this was that thread..


I youtubed it looks interesting i thought lol
this was that thread..


I youtubed it looks interesting i thought lol

Thanks hun, just had a look it looks like fun doing all the different tests but seems like more people say they were wrong than right LOL

I have to say, that red cabbage test looks well confusing seems more to do with how long water is boiled hehe

would be so great just to know though

i am feling sooo sick tonight :dohh:
I hear most women have strange or strong cravings during pregnancy once the MS lets up. I haven't really had cravings for anything, and I haven't gained any weight (which is good because I'm overweight). But I find that I will be so hungry and I don't want to eat anything. Not because I'm sick, but because NOTHING sounds good, and some foods that I have always loved taste funny now. Then if I make myself eat I can only eat about a 1/4 of what used to eat. Anyone else noticing your favorite foods are now tasting bad?
Yes!! All the time. I will feel starved but not want to eat anything and then if I do I can hardly eat anything before I feel way too full and super nauseous. I have been eating Cliff bars for breakfast and that works because they're about 250 calories, but after every other meal I feel totally sick. And things taste much different. I usually have a super sweet tooth but have lost my taste for anything sweet besides the occasional vanilla frozen yogurt.
Hope no one minds but i need a little whinge...

Horrible heartburn this morning, feeling pretty rough but its just me and the kids today as OH has work. Id usually pop round mums but theyre out, as is OHs mum.My house is a blooming mess. I chickened out of telling my grandparents about the pregnancy this week so now im not sure when or how to tell them!

On the plus side, ive just hidden myself away before OH goes to work, and having a nice bubble bath, and its my 12 week scan on tuesday :) just wish i had gotten telling my grandparenta out the way so i could announce preg to whoever i wanted next week...

Has anyone else decided they're not finding out the sex?
this was that thread..


I youtubed it looks interesting i thought lol

Thanks hun, just had a look it looks like fun doing all the different tests but seems like more people say they were wrong than right LOL

I have to say, that red cabbage test looks well confusing seems more to do with how long water is boiled hehe

would be so great just to know though

i am feling sooo sick tonight :dohh:

Awww boo. im not to bad today aslong as i dont put preasure on my stomach lol or ill start to feel sick.

I just keep feeling tired but its comes and go. i hope your having a better day lol xx
Hope no one minds but i need a little whinge...

Horrible heartburn this morning, feeling pretty rough but its just me and the kids today as OH has work. Id usually pop round mums but theyre out, as is OHs mum.My house is a blooming mess. I chickened out of telling my grandparents about the pregnancy this week so now im not sure when or how to tell them!

On the plus side, ive just hidden myself away before OH goes to work, and having a nice bubble bath, and its my 12 week scan on tuesday :) just wish i had gotten telling my grandparenta out the way so i could announce preg to whoever i wanted next week...

Has anyone else decided they're not finding out the sex?

Whoop we have our 12 weeks scan the same day :D xx
Awww boo. im not to bad today aslong as i dont put preasure on my stomach lol or ill start to feel sick.

I just keep feeling tired but its comes and go. i hope your having a better day lol xx

Thanks hun, feeling a bit better today, although had a funny turn a couple of times where i felt faint and needed to lay down like NOW kinda feeling. My family keep telling me its a good thing, shame it dont feel good LOL but then again they say pregnancy suits me so i may feel like poo but apparently have the "glow" - although i am pretty convinced its my new MAC foundation :rofl:

How are you feeling today hun? make sure you take plenty of naps - its amazing how much sleep we need but we are making people so i say fair is fair :friends:
Hope no one minds but i need a little whinge...

Horrible heartburn this morning, feeling pretty rough but its just me and the kids today as OH has work. Id usually pop round mums but theyre out, as is OHs mum.My house is a blooming mess. I chickened out of telling my grandparents about the pregnancy this week so now im not sure when or how to tell them!

On the plus side, ive just hidden myself away before OH goes to work, and having a nice bubble bath, and its my 12 week scan on tuesday :) just wish i had gotten telling my grandparenta out the way so i could announce preg to whoever i wanted next week...

Has anyone else decided they're not finding out the sex?

Whoop we have our 12 weeks scan the same day :D xx

Only one day to gooo :happydance: Can't wait!! What time is your scan?
Awww boo. im not to bad today aslong as i dont put preasure on my stomach lol or ill start to feel sick.

I just keep feeling tired but its comes and go. i hope your having a better day lol xx

Thanks hun, feeling a bit better today, although had a funny turn a couple of times where i felt faint and needed to lay down like NOW kinda feeling. My family keep telling me its a good thing, shame it dont feel good LOL but then again they say pregnancy suits me so i may feel like poo but apparently have the "glow" - although i am pretty convinced its my new MAC foundation :rofl:

How are you feeling today hun? make sure you take plenty of naps - its amazing how much sleep we need but we are making people so i say fair is fair :friends:

Awww hopefully it will subside for you soon. I would love a pregnancy glow but im now super spotty lol and its like over my chest and my chin lol.. try covering it with make-up doesnt work so well but i think thats cause im using bb cream at the moment maybe ill got back to my other one that's oil free for a bit. Foundation never sits well on me lol

I've had a weird nights sleep. i slept from 9pm til about 2.30am starting tossing and turning then decided to go for a pee lol i get back into bed and im still restless can't get back into a deep sleep until like 6am where Ryan decided to come through and get in lol (he crashed out on the couch he says) lol and then i go into a comfy deep sleep :S im going to have to get use to him not being there but having him there gives me company and as it getting colder we keep each other warm lol gas cost way to much so i never topped it up and the guy who comes out the check it gapped it as there was no money in the machine for him to check it. Soo hopefully when pay day comes along ive got somespare cash to get it topped up and ungapped.. I need heating but i need more money for it lol...

Oh i don't nap that much now even thoughti feel like i could if i were to nap my nights sleep would be worse i think lol..

I've got some good news heehee

:happydance: I'M 12WKS TODAY :happydance:

I was just curious to know who will make the second tri thread up for us apirl babies. i think its start at 13wks dont it ive got one week to go and im into the tri :)..

Can't wait for you all to join me over there to xxxx

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