~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

Sorry I have been absent guys :)
I have had my first Midwifes appointment and Now have my first scan date!! 5th Ocotober :)
MS is slowly backing off now which is good, just all my favorite foods make me sick, I start to eat get full up and then like an hour later I am starving again!!!

Hope no one minds but i need a little whinge...

Horrible heartburn this morning, feeling pretty rough but its just me and the kids today as OH has work. Id usually pop round mums but theyre out, as is OHs mum.My house is a blooming mess. I chickened out of telling my grandparents about the pregnancy this week so now im not sure when or how to tell them!

On the plus side, ive just hidden myself away before OH goes to work, and having a nice bubble bath, and its my 12 week scan on tuesday :) just wish i had gotten telling my grandparenta out the way so i could announce preg to whoever i wanted next week...

Has anyone else decided they're not finding out the sex?
ME!!! Me and the OH have decided that we don't want to know the sex, we think it will be better to have it as a surprise.
Hi ladies haven't been on very much sickness is horrendous but good news is I had my scan today and they have brought me forward three days so my new due date is the 13th April :)
I'm getting so jealous of all your scan dates. We only get one 2D scan at 20 weeks through the hospital and they wont give you pictures. Up until a few months ago they wouldn't tell you the gender either. With DS we had to go to a private scan to find out he was a boy. Now if they happen to see the gender, they will put it in the report sent to your doctor and you can get it from him/her at your next appt, but they don't specifically look for gender, so you may or may not get it.

But I did just booked our private 4D scans today. 1st one is Nov 29 and the 2nd is Jan. 24.:happydance: It's going to cost $250, but worth it to get the pictures.
Awww hopefully it will subside for you soon. I would love a pregnancy glow but im now super spotty lol and its like over my chest and my chin lol.. try covering it with make-up doesnt work so well but i think thats cause im using bb cream at the moment maybe ill got back to my other one that's oil free for a bit. Foundation never sits well on me lol

I've had a weird nights sleep. i slept from 9pm til about 2.30am starting tossing and turning then decided to go for a pee lol i get back into bed and im still restless can't get back into a deep sleep until like 6am where Ryan decided to come through and get in lol (he crashed out on the couch he says) lol and then i go into a comfy deep sleep :S im going to have to get use to him not being there but having him there gives me company and as it getting colder we keep each other warm lol gas cost way to much so i never topped it up and the guy who comes out the check it gapped it as there was no money in the machine for him to check it. Soo hopefully when pay day comes along ive got somespare cash to get it topped up and ungapped.. I need heating but i need more money for it lol...

Oh i don't nap that much now even thoughti feel like i could if i were to nap my nights sleep would be worse i think lol..

I've got some good news heehee

:happydance: I'M 12WKS TODAY :happydance:

I was just curious to know who will make the second tri thread up for us apirl babies. i think its start at 13wks dont it ive got one week to go and im into the tri :)..

Can't wait for you all to join me over there to xxxx

:happydance: YAAAYYYYY congrats on hiting 1 weeks :happydance: what a relief!!! now i have 3 weeks to go to meet you there hehe

I find it so confusing as people defo say safe in week 12 but then i seen lots saing second tri starts at week 13....i guess you have to see the whole of week 12 through to be second tri? :shrug:

Awww he gets in bed with you?? Im pretty sure that is someone wanting to work things out hun. No way he would do that if he wanted to move on - he probs would have moved out already.

not sure what the gapped thing is but its a bit rude to take heating away from a pregnant lady :growlmad: silly man should have given you extra :thumbup: heating is crazy expensive i dont know how they get away with the prices :nope: for now though wrap up warm hun and get your slippers on ...i had my fluffy slippers out this weekend :haha:

Someone at work outright asked me today if i had "news" I think its the eating boost bar and crisps at 7am but i cant help it i neeeed the energy LOL

Ohh and i was sick today for the first time - i felt horrid after but then about half hour later felt so so much better. I hope its a good thing....:sick:
Awww hopefully it will subside for you soon. I would love a pregnancy glow but im now super spotty lol and its like over my chest and my chin lol.. try covering it with make-up doesnt work so well but i think thats cause im using bb cream at the moment maybe ill got back to my other one that's oil free for a bit. Foundation never sits well on me lol

I've had a weird nights sleep. i slept from 9pm til about 2.30am starting tossing and turning then decided to go for a pee lol i get back into bed and im still restless can't get back into a deep sleep until like 6am where Ryan decided to come through and get in lol (he crashed out on the couch he says) lol and then i go into a comfy deep sleep :S im going to have to get use to him not being there but having him there gives me company and as it getting colder we keep each other warm lol gas cost way to much so i never topped it up and the guy who comes out the check it gapped it as there was no money in the machine for him to check it. Soo hopefully when pay day comes along ive got somespare cash to get it topped up and ungapped.. I need heating but i need more money for it lol...

Oh i don't nap that much now even thoughti feel like i could if i were to nap my nights sleep would be worse i think lol..

I've got some good news heehee

:happydance: I'M 12WKS TODAY :happydance:

I was just curious to know who will make the second tri thread up for us apirl babies. i think its start at 13wks dont it ive got one week to go and im into the tri :)..

Can't wait for you all to join me over there to xxxx

:happydance: YAAAYYYYY congrats on hiting 1 weeks :happydance: what a relief!!! now i have 3 weeks to go to meet you there hehe

I find it so confusing as people defo say safe in week 12 but then i seen lots saing second tri starts at week 13....i guess you have to see the whole of week 12 through to be second tri? :shrug:

Awww he gets in bed with you?? Im pretty sure that is someone wanting to work things out hun. No way he would do that if he wanted to move on - he probs would have moved out already.

not sure what the gapped thing is but its a bit rude to take heating away from a pregnant lady :growlmad: silly man should have given you extra :thumbup: heating is crazy expensive i dont know how they get away with the prices :nope: for now though wrap up warm hun and get your slippers on ...i had my fluffy slippers out this weekend :haha:

Someone at work outright asked me today if i had "news" I think its the eating boost bar and crisps at 7am but i cant help it i neeeed the energy LOL

Ohh and i was sick today for the first time - i felt horrid after but then about half hour later felt so so much better. I hope its a good thing....:sick:

Yeah we share the bed lol im not sure if we will though i mean get back together would be nice if we did since it seems like we still are together :s.. confusing stuff.

I was meant to say capped not gapped lol but yeah they should be allowed to do that. i had a leak when i first moved in here which the council should have had it fixed before i moved it. not had a leak since then and my bathroom and kitchen and heater have all been upgraded.

OOh no one has asked me yet i just keep telling them haha just because they asked why im on the last till away from everyone else.

Glad you felt better after being sick it's a strange feeling aint it lol ive felt ok all day but i got a little cramping that came and went a few times

Yeah we share the bed lol im not sure if we will though i mean get back together would be nice if we did since it seems like we still are together :s.. confusing stuff.

I was meant to say capped not gapped lol but yeah they should be allowed to do that. i had a leak when i first moved in here which the council should have had it fixed before i moved it. not had a leak since then and my bathroom and kitchen and heater have all been upgraded.

OOh no one has asked me yet i just keep telling them haha just because they asked why im on the last till away from everyone else.

Glad you felt better after being sick it's a strange feeling aint it lol ive felt ok all day but i got a little cramping that came and went a few times x

oohh capped LOL i didnt even think - wot about my typo - congrats on 1 weeks...i meant 12 DOH :haha: :haha: maybe worth contacting the council to explain about pregnancy and their capping it is dangerous for you and baby?

how far along were you when you started telling? - im applying for a new job so don't want the rumor mill to start :dohh:

Ohh hun i hope it all works out for you which ever is for the best, i do think you will sort things though :flower:

I hope the cramping wasnt too strong, probs things moving about in there :thumbup: has your MS finished now? it is weird to feel better after being sick and to just go back to my desk and carry on like nothing happened haha :comp:
well ladies scan was amazing again. it was for down screening baby is healthy. he/she wss soo comfy and relaxed they did move when i laughed got some piks to post them up when i get home...oh im dating a day ahead now. due date 7th april and im 12wks 2days

[url]https://i45.tinypic.com/30w3zut.png[/url] (Remove the spaces)


I know there might already be a group but no harm in another?

Let me know your due date and i will add you :thumbup:
be nice to buddy up if you haven't found someone already and
we can all talk about everything thats going on :)

View attachment 461743

(to be confirmed)
Sparklegirl - :yellow:
Vidal0123 -:yellow:




Steph82 - :yellow:
Suju - :yellow:


Boumpa - :yellow:


Cowboys_Girl - :yellow:
Cherrybump - :yellow:

Melissasbump - :yellow:

xx~Lor~xx - :yellow:

Seedee - :yellow:

jocelyn_girl - :yellow:


Gemini0616 - :yellow:

Tk2 - :yellow:
Angelgirl79 - :yellow:
ImATeenMommy - :yellow:
RomaTomato - :yellow:

Iwanababybump - :yellow:
Firefly83 - :yellow:


Malia - :yellow:


LadyKara - :angel:

Teabella - :yellow:
Alexmama23 - :yellow:
Soy - :yellow:


Dan-o :yellow:

Becyboo__x - :yellow:

:angel: Baby_Dreams :angel:
Jeepgirl - :yellow:


Simplymuff - :yellow:
Pbl_ge - :yellow:
Lauren26 - :yellow:

Dollface85 - :yellow:

Moni.mommie - :yellow:
MrsSmartie - :yellow:

:angel: Lili24 :angel:

Hey just seen this on the front page and ive got some neeeews lol

Scan went reeeally well but my due date as move to the 7th lol im a day ahead ive even got a picture for you guys to google at :D


  • scan 2.jpg
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Yeah we share the bed lol im not sure if we will though i mean get back together would be nice if we did since it seems like we still are together :s.. confusing stuff.

I was meant to say capped not gapped lol but yeah they should be allowed to do that. i had a leak when i first moved in here which the council should have had it fixed before i moved it. not had a leak since then and my bathroom and kitchen and heater have all been upgraded.

OOh no one has asked me yet i just keep telling them haha just because they asked why im on the last till away from everyone else.

Glad you felt better after being sick it's a strange feeling aint it lol ive felt ok all day but i got a little cramping that came and went a few times x

oohh capped LOL i didnt even think - wot about my typo - congrats on 1 weeks...i meant 12 DOH :haha: :haha: maybe worth contacting the council to explain about pregnancy and their capping it is dangerous for you and baby?

how far along were you when you started telling? - im applying for a new job so don't want the rumor mill to start :dohh:

Ohh hun i hope it all works out for you which ever is for the best, i do think you will sort things though :flower:

I hope the cramping wasnt too strong, probs things moving about in there :thumbup: has your MS finished now? it is weird to feel better after being sick and to just go back to my desk and carry on like nothing happened haha :comp:

Im going to go kick there butts over there anywise lol.. Um i told 2 people on my shop floor the second day i found out because it never sank it to me yet and i had only just told ryan that day to lol.. I must have been 6 weeks gone.

Cramping isnt to bad today i was late for my scan though thanks to the bus driver whom driver like he was a snail lol i rang ahead and told them i wasnt to far away lol and i was dying for a pee so bad i had only been on the bus ten minutes before my bladder was full and it took over an hour to get to the hospital lol..

To me it now feels so real. :cloud9:

Yeah im feeling alot better now i could sleep for ever lol still go to bed around 9pm its just the cramping and feeling bit sick but thats hardly ever now lol..

I'm happy to say that im a day ahead also which ive posted on another comment above lol and i think i tagged my new piky with it :D:D looks amazing cant wait to see yours xxxx
Sorry I have been absent guys :)
I have had my first Midwifes appointment and Now have my first scan date!! 5th Ocotober :)
MS is slowly backing off now which is good, just all my favorite foods make me sick, I start to eat get full up and then like an hour later I am starving again!!!

Hope no one minds but i need a little whinge...

Horrible heartburn this morning, feeling pretty rough but its just me and the kids today as OH has work. Id usually pop round mums but theyre out, as is OHs mum.My house is a blooming mess. I chickened out of telling my grandparents about the pregnancy this week so now im not sure when or how to tell them!

On the plus side, ive just hidden myself away before OH goes to work, and having a nice bubble bath, and its my 12 week scan on tuesday :) just wish i had gotten telling my grandparenta out the way so i could announce preg to whoever i wanted next week...

Has anyone else decided they're not finding out the sex?
ME!!! Me and the OH have decided that we don't want to know the sex, we think it will be better to have it as a surprise.

Eeek yayy :) i'm not alone being a yellow bump through this then :D I know it's going to be so difficult not finding out at the 20 week scan, but this may be my last so I want to experience the surprise of finding out after delivery :D

well ladies scan was amazing again. it was for down screening baby is healthy. he/she wss soo comfy and relaxed they did move when i laughed got some piks to post them up when i get home...oh im dating a day ahead now. due date 7th april and im 12wks 2days

Hey just seen this on the front page and ive got some neeeews lol

Scan went reeeally well but my due date as move to the 7th lol im a day ahead ive even got a picture for you guys to google at :D

So glad to hear your scan went well! I was just about to come ask you, but you beat me on here :haha:

I ALSO HAVE SOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SIX days further along than I thought :happydance: 12w 5d! One very wriggly little baby.

So please can you change my due date to the FOURTH!!!!!!!!! :happydance:
My wriggly one :)

Technician said I have an anterior placenta so I may feel movements later :( Hope not!!


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If anyone has changed dates and iv missed you on the front
or you are new and iv missed you

Just let me know again..
iv checked through and found everyone i think that has changed and
any new people
Im going to go kick there butts over there anywise lol.. Um i told 2 people on my shop floor the second day i found out because it never sank it to me yet and i had only just told ryan that day to lol.. I must have been 6 weeks gone.

Cramping isnt to bad today i was late for my scan though thanks to the bus driver whom driver like he was a snail lol i rang ahead and told them i wasnt to far away lol and i was dying for a pee so bad i had only been on the bus ten minutes before my bladder was full and it took over an hour to get to the hospital lol..

To me it now feels so real. :cloud9:

Yeah im feeling alot better now i could sleep for ever lol still go to bed around 9pm its just the cramping and feeling bit sick but thats hardly ever now lol..

I'm happy to say that im a day ahead also which ive posted on another comment above lol and i think i tagged my new piky with it :D:D looks amazing cant wait to see yours xxxx

Wow...oh wow...what an amazing scan photo - looks like little one was having a comfy snooze there hehe ohh so so happy for you hun :happydance: i bet it feels real bless ya heart - love love love piccy!!! So glad all went well, when is your next scan? I will defo put piccy up once had scan - might be a giant baby if today is anything to go by :blush:

well, i dont think i can keep this a secret any longer - not only did i get asked outright yesterday but i was busy puking in the ladies today and when i came out a lady said "oh, i thought it was someone pregnant!" omg im showing so so bad - how can this be at 9 weeks!!! :blush: im so ashamed :blush:

Midwife for me tomorrow...am gonna ask what to do about giant belly issue - i am eating badly but its all going on my belly :blush: i cant help it though had been so sick i just been eating what i can :shrug:

Glad to hear your cramps getting better, its probs all moving around in there making more space for bubs to stretch out :thumbup: xxxxx
Sorry I have been absent guys :)
I have had my first Midwifes appointment and Now have my first scan date!! 5th Ocotober :)
MS is slowly backing off now which is good, just all my favorite foods make me sick, I start to eat get full up and then like an hour later I am starving again!!!

Hope no one minds but i need a little whinge...

Horrible heartburn this morning, feeling pretty rough but its just me and the kids today as OH has work. Id usually pop round mums but theyre out, as is OHs mum.My house is a blooming mess. I chickened out of telling my grandparents about the pregnancy this week so now im not sure when or how to tell them!

On the plus side, ive just hidden myself away before OH goes to work, and having a nice bubble bath, and its my 12 week scan on tuesday :) just wish i had gotten telling my grandparenta out the way so i could announce preg to whoever i wanted next week...

Has anyone else decided they're not finding out the sex?
ME!!! Me and the OH have decided that we don't want to know the sex, we think it will be better to have it as a surprise.

Eeek yayy :) i'm not alone being a yellow bump through this then :D I know it's going to be so difficult not finding out at the 20 week scan, but this may be my last so I want to experience the surprise of finding out after delivery :D

well ladies scan was amazing again. it was for down screening baby is healthy. he/she wss soo comfy and relaxed they did move when i laughed got some piks to post them up when i get home...oh im dating a day ahead now. due date 7th april and im 12wks 2days

Hey just seen this on the front page and ive got some neeeews lol

Scan went reeeally well but my due date as move to the 7th lol im a day ahead ive even got a picture for you guys to google at :D

So glad to hear your scan went well! I was just about to come ask you, but you beat me on here :haha:

I ALSO HAVE SOME NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SIX days further along than I thought :happydance: 12w 5d! One very wriggly little baby.

So please can you change my due date to the FOURTH!!!!!!!!! :happydance:

Omg hahaa congrats to you too.. i need to fix my trackers aswell.
Im going to go kick there butts over there anywise lol.. Um i told 2 people on my shop floor the second day i found out because it never sank it to me yet and i had only just told ryan that day to lol.. I must have been 6 weeks gone.

Cramping isnt to bad today i was late for my scan though thanks to the bus driver whom driver like he was a snail lol i rang ahead and told them i wasnt to far away lol and i was dying for a pee so bad i had only been on the bus ten minutes before my bladder was full and it took over an hour to get to the hospital lol..

To me it now feels so real. :cloud9:

Yeah im feeling alot better now i could sleep for ever lol still go to bed around 9pm its just the cramping and feeling bit sick but thats hardly ever now lol..

I'm happy to say that im a day ahead also which ive posted on another comment above lol and i think i tagged my new piky with it :D:D looks amazing cant wait to see yours xxxx

Wow...oh wow...what an amazing scan photo - looks like little one was having a comfy snooze there hehe ohh so so happy for you hun :happydance: i bet it feels real bless ya heart - love love love piccy!!! So glad all went well, when is your next scan? I will defo put piccy up once had scan - might be a giant baby if today is anything to go by :blush:

well, i dont think i can keep this a secret any longer - not only did i get asked outright yesterday but i was busy puking in the ladies today and when i came out a lady said "oh, i thought it was someone pregnant!" omg im showing so so bad - how can this be at 9 weeks!!! :blush: im so ashamed :blush:

Midwife for me tomorrow...am gonna ask what to do about giant belly issue - i am eating badly but its all going on my belly :blush: i cant help it though had been so sick i just been eating what i can :shrug:

Glad to hear your cramps getting better, its probs all moving around in there making more space for bubs to stretch out :thumbup: xxxxx

Awww thanks hun. I eat alot of crap to but nothing really takes my fancey anymore. but i love chocolate cheerios lol ther emy favourite right now. Or something pickley :D...

They did say when my next scan was but i think the midwife may book it in for me. im guessing it will be the 20 wk one lol.. I think you get a letter or so ive read for you blood results from today about down's symrone (i know ive spelt that wrong lol)

The only time i get really crampy is when im in work and my back hurts to lol must be all the bending lol.. we have to pack the big bags on the floor lol.. After you ever been in a primark you'll know what i mean lol..

Good luck at the midwives also lol.. i need to change my trackers again lol xxxx

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