~* April SweetPea's 2013 babies *~ 50 so far! 2 Blue 3 angels

Awww thanks hun. I eat alot of crap to but nothing really takes my fancey anymore. but i love chocolate cheerios lol ther emy favourite right now. Or something pickley :D...

They did say when my next scan was but i think the midwife may book it in for me. im guessing it will be the 20 wk one lol.. I think you get a letter or so ive read for you blood results from today about down's symrone (i know ive spelt that wrong lol)

The only time i get really crampy is when im in work and my back hurts to lol must be all the bending lol.. we have to pack the big bags on the floor lol.. After you ever been in a primark you'll know what i mean lol..

Good luck at the midwives also lol.. i need to change my trackers again lol xxxx

Thanks hun, no idea what to expect, i'll probs get told off for something...having such a fat belly probably hehe :blush:

Your work are naughty letting you lift up big heavy bags, they should know better...its no wonder your getting cramps and back ache hun. Let whoever is on till next to you pick up the big heavy ones for you!! You are growing a person after all :thumbup:

Ohh ok i thought they might book it in for you on 12 week one but i guess thats too organised for them LOL let me know when you get the dates through only a little over 7 weeks to go :happydance:

I know what you mean about nothing taking your fancy, unfortunately for me that means no sensible food appealing but ice lollies and choccy bars always seem to be ok DOH

Have you had a nosey in second tri section yet??? 3 weeks till i can take a look see :haha:
Awww thanks hun. I eat alot of crap to but nothing really takes my fancey anymore. but i love chocolate cheerios lol ther emy favourite right now. Or something pickley :D...

They did say when my next scan was but i think the midwife may book it in for me. im guessing it will be the 20 wk one lol.. I think you get a letter or so ive read for you blood results from today about down's symrone (i know ive spelt that wrong lol)

The only time i get really crampy is when im in work and my back hurts to lol must be all the bending lol.. we have to pack the big bags on the floor lol.. After you ever been in a primark you'll know what i mean lol..

Good luck at the midwives also lol.. i need to change my trackers again lol xxxx

Thanks hun, no idea what to expect, i'll probs get told off for something...having such a fat belly probably hehe :blush:

Your work are naughty letting you lift up big heavy bags, they should know better...its no wonder your getting cramps and back ache hun. Let whoever is on till next to you pick up the big heavy ones for you!! You are growing a person after all :thumbup:

Ohh ok i thought they might book it in for you on 12 week one but i guess thats too organised for them LOL let me know when you get the dates through only a little over 7 weeks to go :happydance:

I know what you mean about nothing taking your fancy, unfortunately for me that means no sensible food appealing but ice lollies and choccy bars always seem to be ok DOH

Have you had a nosey in second tri section yet??? 3 weeks till i can take a look see :haha:

Im munches torilla chips lol im going to go over to my mums and have breakie there.. But those where just so my belly wouldnt ache on the walk over haha..

I will have to mention to the guy who's meant to stay there if we need him but burger's off lol although i now have the seat behind me thats if it aint been moved back to the other side lol.. I was told if the customer had alot of items like 2 maybe 3 baskets i was to get some help but i feel like a chicken wimp to ask for any lol.. i guess when i get better ill push myself to ask

Im the same with food. i hate cooking and i dont really have anything in to cook anyways until i get paid so it looks like im stopping of at mums for a few days and munching her yummy cooked food lol.. Althought im going out with her on friday and he normally buys me some things :D lol

Oh yeah ive been popping in and out of there lol but we'll need to get an april one of the go over there very soon to. I keep finding myself coming back to the first ones and seeing what is new on it lol You do find some interesting threads on here and some fun one to lol xxx
Im munches torilla chips lol im going to go over to my mums and have breakie there.. But those where just so my belly wouldnt ache on the walk over haha..

I will have to mention to the guy who's meant to stay there if we need him but burger's off lol although i now have the seat behind me thats if it aint been moved back to the other side lol.. I was told if the customer had alot of items like 2 maybe 3 baskets i was to get some help but i feel like a chicken wimp to ask for any lol.. i guess when i get better ill push myself to ask

Im the same with food. i hate cooking and i dont really have anything in to cook anyways until i get paid so it looks like im stopping of at mums for a few days and munching her yummy cooked food lol.. Althought im going out with her on friday and he normally buys me some things :D lol

Oh yeah ive been popping in and out of there lol but we'll need to get an april one of the go over there very soon to. I keep finding myself coming back to the first ones and seeing what is new on it lol You do find some interesting threads on here and some fun one to lol xxx

Just back from Midwife and she was so so lovely i cant believe i ever worried, she really put my mind at rest and helped me feel more relaxed. So lovely, i wont worry about midwife again thats for sure. She took my bloods and asked a zillion questions and is sending off request for 20 week scan so should hear in the the next few weeks....phew!! Now i can start the count down to 10th October 14 days to go whoop whoop :happydance:

oohh you'll have to show me the way hehe...it'll probs be many of the same ladies soon enough. SO nice to experience all this together and to have people who know exactly what your going through is such a relief...sometimes feels like DH doesnt understand when i say tired i dont mean put my feet up for 5 and be back to normal...i mean sleep for 12 hours and still feel shattered hehe

Thats lovely you can pop back to stay with your mum for a bit, she will love fussing you im sure...my mum is like a mother hen these days fuss fuss fussing all the time hehe i really quite enjoy it :winkwink:

I think you should defo have words with that fella and make sure he looks after you, its not being wussy or chicken to ask for help hun...its sensible and you need it and im sure they will be happy to help a pregnant lady :thumbup:
I promise you wont regret asking for help it will make your like loads easier and i bet your back wont feel half as bad and i bet it would help loads to sit on that seat while your working, give your back a break :hugs:

Im gonna try and eat beef again in a but :thumbup: hope it dont taste like rotting meat like last time :wacko: xxx
Im due 1st April just typical lol :)

LOL!! where about in merseyside are you? Im in crosby x

Morning everyone I had my nuchal and dating scan andthey have moved my due date to 11 April - makes me 12 wks today whoo hoo. Hopefully the sickeness will start to subside over the next few weeks and I can start to enjoy the pregnancy :happydance:

How is everyone today?? xx
hey im ok. ryans(dad of baby) told his family. i dunno why we were scared to tell them but there over the moon.

on another note my sistet is being a lil bitch like normal.. sorry need to vent....

she is the spoil brat in the family and can do no wrong. so i git upset because mum toom her side like normal and i got the blame well yell at. for only say fuck sake in a funny way and like normal she twist whhat you say or how you said it to get praised.. not kidding they are in kitchen moaning and pointing finger at me.. its that stupid..i said that because she was like its 86 days to xmas.... then she got all controlling as if she wad my mum...

i know its stupid but i need to vent it out...
I had my scan today, I got pushed back by only 1 day!! :) My new due date is April 17th.

It was amazing seeing the little jelly bean move and kick. I couldn't believe it!


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I apologies about my rant early guys.. Just sometimes i wish my sister wasnt such a spoil brat since she's had ammie(her daughter) but oh wells..

I vented it all out and spoke to my best mate about it.. Glad to have got it off my chest lol.

Anyways. i was feeling bloated to day at work but im all good now. It's nearly the weekend and thats cheered me up more
Anyone round 12-13 weeks coz I swear my symptoms are going down apart from the peeing & tiredness lol :)

Anyone looking for a buddy coz haven't got anyone yet lol :)
I will update abit from me (iv been distant and not posted at all for ages)

I was admitted to hospital on Sunday afternoon as i wasn't feeling
good i had morning sickness badly from 6 weeks but it just got worse
and to the point where i was too weak i couldn't look after my son i was
in bed for 24 hours straight :( and i was throwing up any food possible i
ate or if i ate it made me really sick .. So i got put on a drip and gave loads
of medication basically to help me.. i had so much fluid put in me as i was
very severe and they said it is life threatening :nope: .. i had hyperemesis gravidarum
in the end i was starved and majorly dehydrated.. any amount of water i drank
didn't change it so i had no choice but loads and loads of fluid every hour
.. I had to stay in 24 hours until the Ketones in my wee had gone negative
which wasn't looking hopeful! :( i had such a rough night sleep aswell horrible
beds and constant nurse changing my fluid bag throughout the night and let
me just say a canuler in your arm isn't great when your sleeping i think one in
my hand would of been better but i had it where you have blood tests done ..
My blood pressure was really bad :( so that was another reason to not let me
go home, i was happy to be in there to be taken care of and get better but
i didn't want to spend another day in there i was lonely only having my mum able
to visit me 2-4 and 6-8 or 1 of them if she couldn't come .. i had to wait until
6 on monday evening to even go home because they was faffing about basically
not checking if i was better :growlmad: i stopped being sick anyway after i had
stuff put in where my drip was must of been strong nausea stuff :shrug: ...
then they gave me a tablet on monday .. but i was eating and drinking which was
a relief! .. i feelt alot better after the fluids .. I feel 100% better now im kind
of going back to normal i have the odd sickness but i can handle this! .. im back
on Cyclzine tablets they must help but there short term so only 21 tablets again
i have to take 3 a day so basically i only get 10 days of them which i don't know
why they wouldn't just give me them for until im past 1st tri when it is more likely
to pass completely .. :shrug: .. but last time when i finished the tablets .. i was better
but couple days after thats when it started again and worst its ever been :\ ..
so im not happy for when these tablets run out :( .. My doctors were so nasty
to my mum too.. there so bad at getting you in for an appointment you usually
have to wait 3 weeks if its not an emergency! :nope: you basically have a fight
over the phone.. there so rude .. she rang to ask them if we could get my tablets
from them because id have to wait 2 hours in the hospital so till 7-8pm which i
couldn't do.. but they said no i couldn't :nope: even though i was prescribed these
by my doctor first and he said i could come back for more if needed :nope:!

Iv had problems at home too.. my family all know im pregnant now.. only my mum
knew really and she was worried about me coping with 2 kids and affording it..
and she basically put alot of stuff in my head and i got stressed and was breaking
down.. she wanted me to think what to do and the more i thought about it the more
i thought i don't deserve this baby it deserves a family and everything it can
possibly want .. not with me when ill struggle.. but think now im okay im still abit
stressed and everything but :shrug: .. its hormones and emotions piled up with
being pregnant too.. i even started to not want to be around my son because
of how bad i feelt :( which is awful! hes my world! Me and FOB aren't together
we split up not long ago so it just made things harder as i don't want to be a single
parent again :nope: my DS's dad isn't around (he left me and chose to not see his son)
so i know how it all goes and it broke my heart for him to not have his daddy, this
baby will as FOB has a daughter anyway and he has her alot so thats good least i
know things will be better this time

And heres my little pea and my bloaty thats decided its popped out!

408669_273511472768015_1676867207_n.jpg 185358_273511732767989_1524688021_n.jpg


Oh and i should be 10 weeks 1 day today but they didn't tell me much at the scan
she asked me how far i am :nope: iv only got an estimate.. but she said im between
9-10 weeks no EDD :( but ill get that 8th October with my dating scan i assume :)
im guessing im what i think as the scan the baby is still quite small unless thats normal
at 10 weeks i haven't had a scan at this stage before
Aww hun you've not had such a good time so far. I do hope things start looking u for you..I'm going to be a single mum to and its my first time but lucky (FOB) is going to be supporting me through the pregnancy and be there for the baby. Not sure whats going on inside his head but he is younger than me and im just putting it down to him being scared but who knows.

I glad your starting to feel better aswell and hope you can get some more of those tablets..

Thanks hun

Same with me he is going to be around for me and the baby i know he won't
ditch us ever hes not like it he had a bad experiance with his first not being able
to go to scans and the girl pushing him away basically horrible .. im not going to be
like that .. It was my son's dad that wasn't around and was awful to me.. and still
is :growlmad: FOB is 1 day younger then me :rofl: but hes already a dad so he knows
what to expect etc but hes still overly excited :haha:

I hope this sickness goes! i only have these tablets for 10 days i may cry if when im finished it all happens again :( i also hope it decides to go at 12-13 weeks ill be happy
i never would want anyone to have the sickness i went through!

Im glad your FOB is being supportive still and everything it really does make a
difference shows they are real men!
I haven't got a buddy either :lol:

I had quite a few when i was expecting DS but i was in the teen section
that time as i was 17 then :lol: and we had a group like this and most of
us stuck together really :lol:

I have my buddy from last time (shes not expecting again) but she will update
for me if i ever can't mainly labour time :lol: ..

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