Are pregnancy symptoms really significant to gender?


Jan 6, 2014
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I'm not fussed about gender and we are going to be team yellow ( to my other halfs dismay) but I am very curious! This pregnancy is completely different to my last already and I'm only 9 weeks 1 day pregnant! With my son I had slight nausea at the very start and then nothing, loved crisps and savoury things but pretty much ate as normal. No morning sickness, no tender boobs, no back ache, tiredness later on in the pregnancy but not really at the start. WELL this time round I am sick as a dog! Can't stomach alot and cannot stand most food sweet food especially. It's the smell and after taste that is the worst. I have slight tender boobs and I'm shattered. It's the sickness which is the worst! From people's experiences does the gender affect the symptoms for the individual? I don't think the generalised saying that 'you have morning sickness with girls but it boys' is correct but I mean to the individual, have your symptoms differed depending on the gender?! Ooh it's all so exciting :happydance:
With my first I had some sickness but it wasn't too bad. My second was the best other than hum being so big.... My third OMG all I could eat were veggies and fruit and that was sometimes, I couldn't even keep down water with my third, who is was girl.
I've been sooo sick, my skin has gone to total crap and everyone around me who knows I'm pregnant is convinced this means GIRL! Of course we'll be happy either way, but secretly I AM hoping for a little girl :)
I too wondered about this, because although my pregnancies have had slight differences, they're generally the same. I haven't had any nausea this time or last, though this time I have certainly been queasy and have vomited twice (without nausea though). I am more tired this time (I fell asleep yesterday afternoon at work!!!), but that could be the time of year as it's mid-winter now with long nights whereas with my son it was high summer. I've also had a lot more food aversions - there's a lot of food I can't stomach this time, whereas last time I only had a couple of things I went off. My cravings are very different - I only really craved lemons last time, but this time it's fruit, fruit and more fruit, as well as other sweet foods.

Generally I feel great though, which is how I felt last time, so with the old wives tale ringing in my ears, my gut instinct is that this is another boy. However, my sister-in-law had two completely different pregnancies with only mild nausea with one and extremem throwing up with the other and they were both boys. I looked online and scouted around a load of threads on various boards asking this same question and it seemed to be about 50/50. There were people reporting three very different pregnancies with three of the same gender, but equally there were people reporting very different pregnancies and different genders.

I guess there's no way to tell from symptoms... though due to the similarity in my pregancies I am still convinced this is another boy though :) ha, rationality see ya later!

I've just booked a gender scan (I am a ridiculously impatient person when it comes to waiting for things and I just want to know, now!) for the 1st of March, so I'll see then if my gut feeling is right (it was soooooo wrong last time!).

Apparently with a girl you tend to feel sicker as increase in oestrogen and progesterone which obviosly match our own hormones. I had a girl last time and was sick alot and having same this time so will be interested to see if its another girl
My first (miscarriage at 9 weeks) all I had was sore boobs. Really sore, until I lost the baby.

Thomas and Sophie were the exact same experience. Nausia from 5w 4d that lasted until 15 weeks. Same tiredness, bump was the same shape, cravings were savoury both times.
Mixed reviews then! I think I could guess and google all I like but I won't find out until I push him/her out! I'm very very very secretly hoping for a girl only because I would love to buy little girly clothes, so not a genuine reason lol but if I had another boy I would be over the moon as my little Rory just melts my heart! Those of you finding out gender let me know what you turn out to be having be very interesting to hear! Xx
I have 2 girls an a boy. My boy pregnancy was totally diff to my girls. I am pregnant again and think it's a boy. My boy pregnancys I suffer with HG. The girls I can manage .
This pregnancy is similar to my first pregnancy but not the same.
I feel nauseous, tired, dizzy, sore boobs, headaches, same cravings and lack of apetite. I also have the exact same due date.

The only difference is that my first pregnancy i was sick more. I have only been sick one day so far (and it was literally ALL day, every hour!)

Also with my first pregnancy i was 100% convinced from 5/6 weeks that i was having a boy! Whereas this time i'm still 50/50 :shrug:
I've heard more about nausea with girls than boys, but the only scientific thing I have read is that 70% of women with hypermesis gravia (severe MS) go on to have girls.
My coworker just gave birth to her second. With her DS she had very little nausea and symptoms, but tons with #2, and he was a boy too. So I guess there's not even consistency within the same body!
I had hyperemesis first pregnancy and had a girl and getting same problems now (going to doctors on Monday as don't want to get the point of having to go to hospital as with first pregnancy, but definitely hyperemesis), as above poster I read it was more likely with having it that your having a girl
According to this: which quotes a study, but doesn't reference it (so I don't know how reliable it is!) they found that Hyperemesis is more common when carrying girls, but I was surprised that it wasn't a huge difference:
56% HG pregnancies in the study were with girls
44% HG pregnancies in the study were with boys

So having hyperemesis doesn't look like it vastly sways the 50/50 chance of it being a boy or a girl. I'm going to see if I can find some actual studies, not just someone mentioning one, which found links between morning sickness and girls. It would be interesting to know if the old wives tale is true.

The only difference I have had with my two were I had extremely sore boobs with my DD but that's about it. This time I think it's another boy xx
A part of me wonders whether it's down to the individual woman too. I have a theory :haha: that my stomach rarely gets nauseous. In my whole life I've only been sick a few times (the two times in this pregnancy caught me by surprise - though what was amazing was that I didn't feel nauseous before or after, it just seemed to happen spontaneously and I think it's because I took my prenatals on an empty stomach in the morning). I never feel nauseous - when I have a bad stomach it's the other problem rather than vomiting (sorry if TMI!). We all came down with norovirus recently and while my husband and son were being sick constantly, I only had diarrhea, not vomiting. It seems like my stomach just doesn't do it and along with that I don't ever really feel nauseous. Queasy has been about it this pregnancy, just a very mild unsettled feeling. (TMI - I have however, had a really bad stomach since being pregnant and have had diarrhea incredibly frequently). So maybe hCG affects us in different ways? And because I don't often get nausea or vomit, maybe it's affecting me in other ways?

As they say : every pregnancy is different" I have 2 girls, and both of my pregnancies were different no nausea tho this one I was nauseous the first 11 weeks everyday ALLDAY, and the only other difference I can tell was that with both girls I've gained weight every where! Couldn't wear regular pants at 9 weeks, this time I've gained mainly in my chest and tummy, still wearing my regular pants... Hmmmm hoping for :blue: this time
I had terrible morning sickness with my second child and all symptoms that pointed to a girl but I had my second son so I honestly wouldn't hold much stock in them but I do think they are great fun and make it more exciting! :) x
With my first two, sick from the off each morning, noon and night. 1st delivery sick too all way through my throat bled. Boys.

3rd sick each day but mostly morning with odd pm-girl.

Lost 4th.

5th now 10 weeks tomorrow, sick most mornings with odd days pm too. Who knows maybe another girl.

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