Ask a Mum who uses CLOTH NAPPIES / DIAPERS [28/6 - 5/7]

ive just ordered some coolababy pockets and all in ones, im new to it all so i wanted to get some reasonably priced ones to try it out, it was £65 for 10 pockets and 8 aio, has anyone heard of/used them...if they wor out im going to get some of the pricier ones
Ohh wow what a very informative thread! So much so you have convinced me to change to cloth nappies too!:happydance:

Ive gone for this as it seems to have everything that I need to get started.
Also ordered 2 extra bamboozle fitteds and an extra wrap.

Is there anything else I will need? Will 15 be sufficient for a while? Do you have an experience od the 'one size ones?'


15 will probably be good to wash every other day, def enough to get you started and you can add 1-2 here or there as you think you need them. That looks like a great deal though, I hope you like them :) Which did you choose...the BG or Wonderoos? Most of my diapers are one sized...they work great for us. It might be a bit bulky on him now...depending on his size but will be better in the long run since they do last so long.

I went for the BG:happydance: Then I browsed some more and bought 8 AIO too, the BG organic ones and then I found the had to have 5 of them too! Also got some extra liners:happydance:
I cant wait for them to arrive now!

Can I ask, do you put water or anything in the pail or just throw the soiled nappy/liner in there until ready to do a wash? (obviously getting rid of poop beforehand) and do you do their own wash or chuck them in with your regular washing?
Another good idea with cloth is try various brands rather than investing in just one brand as different ones fit different shaped babies better x
ive just ordered some coolababy pockets and all in ones, im new to it all so i wanted to get some reasonably priced ones to try it out, it was £65 for 10 pockets and 8 aio, has anyone heard of/used them...if they wor out im going to get some of the pricier ones

I've heard of them...I personally haven't tried them. I've seen some people say they are good ones and others don't like them so I think it's just how well it works for your baby, how they are built and how heavy of a wetter they are. Let me know how you like them!
We tried Blueberry, but I found that compared to Bum Genius the Blueberry was so much more bulky and really there was no difference in absorbency. But the Blueberry comes in so many fun colours and patterns!

I tried Little Lamb fitteds and didn't get on with them. I found that once Jack peed once the whole thing was soaked though and I didn't like the wet cloth all over his bum, hips, tummy and thighs. Did you not find this issue with fitteds generally?
We tried Blueberry, but I found that compared to Bum Genius the Blueberry was so much more bulky and really there was no difference in absorbency. But the Blueberry comes in so many fun colours and patterns!

I tried Little Lamb fitteds and didn't get on with them. I found that once Jack peed once the whole thing was soaked though and I didn't like the wet cloth all over his bum, hips, tummy and thighs. Did you not find this issue with fitteds generally?

No, some fitteds are better than others, some are more absorbent. The Goodmamas Hayden can actually wear overnight and it holds without being completely soaked by morning. Those he wears coverless around the house and as soon as it feels a little damp on the outside I change him, it's usually after he pees a couple times, but it could hold much more if needed. I haven't tried those Little Lambs, so i can't compare, but the different fitteds I have i don't have that issue with them :)
Do you find they get sore more, less or the same with cloth nappies? I am hoping to be testing some out soon but I'm worried about her getting a sore bum :( She's not a heavy wetter and up to now she's never had any nappy rash ( touch wood ) and I'm worried that could change with cloth bums......
Do you find they get sore more, less or the same with cloth nappies? I am hoping to be testing some out soon but I'm worried about her getting a sore bum She's not a heavy wetter and up to now she's never had any nappy rash ( touch wood ) and I'm worried that could change with cloth bums......

Well actually I'm feeling like a bit of a fake at the moment lol, Hayden is in disposables right now :| He hasn't been in one at all from 4mo until just 2 wks ago. But this past week it's been full time, we are battling a rash with our cloth and I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I'm thinking it's that his pee is more potent? And it sitting on him is bothering him..but I really don't know. I'm going to strip all of my diapers and see if that helps. BUT before this situation Hayden NEVER got rashes in cloth, we battled more rashes with Landon and Casen in sposies than we did with Hayden in cloth.
Jack has only had redness in disposables and when we used paper liners, never with cloth.
This may seem like a daft question but atm we keep our disposables tucked away down the side of the fish tank in their bag, so nice and discreet lol...where do you keep all those cloth nappies, liners, wraps etc? Im just wondering am I going to have to store them all upstairs in a cupboard and venture up there every time I need to change him? Or are they small enough that I could stash a few in his changing box downstairs?

Do you change a cloth nappy like you would a sposie? I mean, I change Leo roughly every couple of hours or so, is this the same with cloths or do they need to be changed more/less?
This may seem like a daft question but atm we keep our disposables tucked away down the side of the fish tank in their bag, so nice and discreet lol...where do you keep all those cloth nappies, liners, wraps etc? Im just wondering am I going to have to store them all upstairs in a cupboard and venture up there every time I need to change him? Or are they small enough that I could stash a few in his changing box downstairs?

Do you change a cloth nappy like you would a sposie? I mean, I change Leo roughly every couple of hours or so, is this the same with cloths or do they need to be changed more/less?

This is all of mine...minus about 5-7 diapers that weren't clean at the time...

All of that goes in here, one drawer is liners/wipes...2 are for fitteds...1 is for overnights...1 for pockets and aio...1 for prefolds and covers. I have to keep his fleece just with his other shorts and pants cause they wont fit in there.

As you can see the top drawer has sposies right now :( I hate that I'm using them after using zero from 4mo-21mo...hopefully we wont' have to much longer though.

You do need to change cloth a bit more often than sposies....I change about every 1-2hrs...they can last longer depending on the diaper, like at night he wears one for 12hrs. If we are out it might be every 2-3hrs just depends. But in general cloth does need to be changed a bit more often.

OMG thats one huge collection!!

I love the plastic drawer idea, I might just copy that!
Ok, so what is so great about the Goodmama's? And you don't find it a problem not using a liner on the GMs? It is true that once you get in to cloth, you keep going and checking out new diapers and wanting different ones. I have some I found on ebay called 'green and comfy' I really like the shape and fit of the diaper, but find I have to change Brenn within an hour, they just don't keep him dry like the BGs do. It's like the PUL is not that great. I would like to find some alternatives to my BGs as the velcro rubs his little tummy sometimes, which I find annoying.
Ok, so what is so great about the Goodmama's? And you don't find it a problem not using a liner on the GMs? It is true that once you get in to cloth, you keep going and checking out new diapers and wanting different ones. I have some I found on ebay called 'green and comfy' I really like the shape and fit of the diaper, but find I have to change Brenn within an hour, they just don't keep him dry like the BGs do. It's like the PUL is not that great. I would like to find some alternatives to my BGs as the velcro rubs his little tummy sometimes, which I find annoying.

What's go great about the goodmamas.....There are a few things I really like...they are a bit bulky but they fit great...I have pics of him wearing them at different sizes if anyone would be interested because they are one size..which is another plus about them, they will most def fit through potty training, they would fit my 4yr old if he hadn't been potty trained for over 2yrs lol. The fabric is very high quality...they are either bamboo velour or cotton velour...both are great. The bamboo is so incredibly soft, the cotton velour is also very soft but is supposed to hold up even longer through mulitple kids. Very absorbent, great fit, and SUPER cute designs! I love their prints...if I had a girl I would go broke lol. That's what most of the prints are in my stash picture above..not all but most of them are.

No I don't have any problems with not using the liner, I have used them in them when I use them overnight, just to insure that there is some barrier helping keep the moisture away since it's on for 12hrs. Or I'll use it if he has an upset stomach to help prevent stains since they are pretty pricey lol.

I know for me it has become an addiction...I have over 70 diapers..only a few of those are def more than I need but I keep buying. I've been trying to stop since he's getting older and will potty train soon. But I def think you get addicted to it, always looking for more, new ones, better ones, cuter ones.

I try and be careful with ebay buying diapers, I've heard some horror stories about the people selling them on there...and also that quite a few end up not being very good. I haven't heard of those ones though, so I really don't know. Try checking out though, there alot of really great work at home moms on there I'm sure you'd be able to find something on there that would work. Have you tried Fuzzi Bunz, I know I keep mentioning them but I really like them best for pockets, and they are snaps. Or maybe the new BG organic with snaps? That's what we use alot with Hayden. We have very little velcro anymore because we had the same problem with it rubbing and also him taking it off easily. I like the Fuzzi Bunz even though they are sized they will last you a long time, Hayden is 21mo and still in the small and has been since we bought them, he has lots of growing room still too, I won't ahve to size him up before he potty trains.
:shock: :o Whoa! :)

This may seem like a daft question but atm we keep our disposables tucked away down the side of the fish tank in their bag, so nice and discreet lol...where do you keep all those cloth nappies, liners, wraps etc? Im just wondering am I going to have to store them all upstairs in a cupboard and venture up there every time I need to change him? Or are they small enough that I could stash a few in his changing box downstairs?

Do you change a cloth nappy like you would a sposie? I mean, I change Leo roughly every couple of hours or so, is this the same with cloths or do they need to be changed more/less?

This is all of mine...minus about 5-7 diapers that weren't clean at the time...

All of that goes in here, one drawer is liners/wipes...2 are for fitteds...1 is for overnights...1 for pockets and aio...1 for prefolds and covers. I have to keep his fleece just with his other shorts and pants cause they wont fit in there.

As you can see the top drawer has sposies right now :( I hate that I'm using them after using zero from 4mo-21mo...hopefully we wont' have to much longer though.

You do need to change cloth a bit more often than sposies....I change about every 1-2hrs...they can last longer depending on the diaper, like at night he wears one for 12hrs. If we are out it might be every 2-3hrs just depends. But in general cloth does need to be changed a bit more often.

I've been doing cloth for about a month and a half now. So far so good! I've been hunting down and buying factory seconds - a great way to get a quality diaper at a reasonable price, and on most of them, I actually haven't been finding anything wrong! The odd little snag, a crooked stitch, but that's about it.

Got to second the FuzziBunz. I don't love stuffing them, but I do love how much faster they dry! A word on the size - my 15lb'er is wearing the med size on the smallest setting, they work fine as well. The sizing is generous, but so versitile that they really are going to go a long way!

I've got a few AIO's - got a special on a 6pk of medium MonkeyDoodlez. I quite like them as well, though the drying takes most of the day on the line in the sun.

One thing I'm curious about and hoping for some info on - all the fabric in the middle spreading their legs apart, could that be harmful for their hip development? When I look at the pics you posted of your stash, it really looks like they're made for oddly shaped children whose legs stick out from their body at 90degree angles!
I've been doing cloth for about a month and a half now. So far so good! I've been hunting down and buying factory seconds - a great way to get a quality diaper at a reasonable price, and on most of them, I actually haven't been finding anything wrong! The odd little snag, a crooked stitch, but that's about it.

Got to second the FuzziBunz. I don't love stuffing them, but I do love how much faster they dry! A word on the size - my 15lb'er is wearing the med size on the smallest setting, they work fine as well. The sizing is generous, but so versitile that they really are going to go a long way!

I've got a few AIO's - got a special on a 6pk of medium MonkeyDoodlez. I quite like them as well, though the drying takes most of the day on the line in the sun.

One thing I'm curious about and hoping for some info on - all the fabric in the middle spreading their legs apart, could that be harmful for their hip development? When I look at the pics you posted of your stash, it really looks like they're made for oddly shaped children whose legs stick out from their body at 90degree angles!

Wow your 15lber can wear the mediums? He must have a tall rise? Hayden is 22lbs about and 21mo and the mediums were sooo big on him, so tall. He wears the smalls on the next to smallest setting still lol. Yours are the new style right? I know the older style does run a bit smaller.

Nope they fit him great, very trim, I can see how it kind of looks like that after I went back and looked but nope. I have pictures of each of the diapers on...well atleast one picture for each brand if you are interested in how any of them fit :)
Oh I did a bad thing!! I found the good mama website and started drooling over their nappies! Just gotta have some of those now:dohh:
Oh I did a bad thing!! I found the good mama website and started drooling over their nappies! Just gotta have some of those now:dohh:

They are super cute huh?

For anyone else interested here is the site

And here are some pics for people that just want to see what they look like..this is their official pictures

I've seen some of these diapers go for a few hundred each
Oh now you really shouldnt have shown me those!

Love these two!

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