*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Froggy very sweet pic! I'm glad the bf-ing is going so well for you and ellie. Well RQ for two girls that started out exactly the same weight we now have one that's bigger too. Piper weighs 15.4 and Teagan's at 14.5 pounds. Teagan is a wee bit shorter too. 3 pounds is quite a difference but as ling as their healthy that's the main thing. I'm on a few different twin fb groups anc there are plenty of teins of all different heights & sizes. Just goes to show you that we're all very different!
Fern that's very exciting news about the fs in Sept. I wish you good luck with your next round.

The twins don't seem to kerp a certain nap time like MacKinley did as a baby. It kills me because their up for a while and then dosn for .5 hour-44 min. I need all three to go down for 2-3 hours so that I csn rest. I'm feeling particularly tired today. The girls are both rolling from back to front and back again. They're all over the living room floor as soon as I walk out. We brought the exerscaucer from grandmas house and they love it. Next up we'll get the jolly jumper out. The only thing about these toys and the baby swing is MacKinley likes to play in them too. The exerscaucer can accommodate but I think she'd bend the frame on the jolly jumper. We'll maybe put her teddy flippity flop in it and get him jumping, see if that will do.

Hi all
So happy to see you are all doing well!
Well my news: I'm currently on week 2 of bcp. When AF shows, I need to wait 1month or however long it takes for a natural cycle, then I'm doing FET. Told the dr I'm definitely only planning on a single embryo transfer, the other embryo will be donated to scientific research. My husband gets no say in the matter because.... I asked for a divorce today.
He is extremely aggressive and a total asshole who spends no time with his kid. The "great dad" turned out to be a sham.
Hi all
So happy to see you are all doing well!
Well my news: I'm currently on week 2 of bcp. When AF shows, I need to wait 1month or however long it takes for a natural cycle, then I'm doing FET. Told the dr I'm definitely only planning on a single embryo transfer, the other embryo will be donated to scientific research. My husband gets no say in the matter because.... I asked for a divorce today.
He is extremely aggressive and a total asshole who spends no time with his kid. The "great dad" turned out to be a sham.

Fern I wish you the best of luck with your fet and divorce. People don't change do they? It's so disheartening to see that glimmer of hope that they'll try because after all, you're not asking for much are you? Just stay focussed on the positive, with everything you write I don't doubt that this will come naturally for you! And dumping the angry, aggressive dead weight will be uplifting and free you up to have better people enter your life.

Edit: just be careful about your fet, what if your husband opposes you using the embryo? Even in Czech republic they wouldn't give me my donor emby fet without my husband signing the paperwork and giving a copy of his passport (he didn't even come for the trip). Some clinics still require that you be married and both parties consenting. If this is what you want make sure you get your ducks in a row with your clinic so your husband doesn't mess things up for you xx
Hi ladies! Hope everyone is well.

We made it to Florida and we are in our new home. It has been absolutely beautiful here the past few days and I got to enjoy my new pool last night. Its going to take a while to get settled but we will get there.

Claire and Oliver are doing great. They are both rolling over and starting to sit up on their own. They can't get in the sitting positon on their own but if you get them there they are maintain for a min or more. They are learning to try out the tripod position. With support they can sit up great. We got them highchairs (which they LOVE) this week after we moved and just started some rice cereal today. We tried before but they just were not ready. The tongue thrust reflex was there and no interest. Today they both did good and we are going to work on introducing them to the concept of food.

Claire's two bottom teeth ruptured through this past weekend and she did great. Not too much fussiness. We were lucky that we didn't experience much of a 5 month sleep regression. They sometimes can make a whole night (8pm to 6:30am) without a peep and other nights they wake us up a time to two and we have to go in their room and soothe them. Claire is making a lot of different sounds right now, but Oliver isn't experimenting with sounds that much. He is more quiet or crying type. Claire is THE BEST baby. She only cries when she is hungry or tired. However, she routinely fights sleep! Other than that she is an absolute pleasure. So happy and smiling all the time. Oliver is a little bit more needy but still a great baby. We thank god everyday for our many blessings!

Fern, best of luck with you FET. I couldn't imagine going for another baby right now but I have my hands full with two. It is so much fun watching them grow that I might be tempted to have another in the future. Sorry to hear about hubby but I think you might be better off. It has been a rough go from the sounds of it for a while.
Fern I'm excited to follow your FET journey!!! Sorry about the divorce but as the others have said, it's probably for the best. I'm curious how the laws there are for the FET? Like 2have said, here in the US our embryos are both of our property and can only be used if both sign the proper paperwork.

Glad the move went well and the babies are doing so good rq!

- Gage will be five months old tomorrow! The time flys! He loves his jumparoo, we got the rainforest one that makes monkey and elephant noises and he goes crazy in that thing. He is trying his hardest to scoot somewhere when he is on his tummy, but he hasn't figured it out yet and it makes him so mad lol. He can roll from back to belly and belly to back but mostly just hangs out side to side just enough to grab whatever toy is in reach. His sleeping went to complete crap right at four months and I bought him the merlins magic sleep suit. It definitely helped but his sleep still sucked! I decided to go ahead and try without the suit again since he can't hardly move in it and he is liking to roll from side to side in his sleep, and I'm hoping I'm not jinxing myself right now but the last two nights have been incredible! He still wakes to eat but goes right back to sleep! He is wearing 9 months clothes and I'm about to put him in size four diapers because he is a monster baby! He took his first airplane ride at the beginning of the month and did really really good both going to Texas and coming back. My family LOVED him and most of his days were spent being passed around from person to person so he was exhausted every night and slept amazing while we were there. I had weaned him from the breast shield which we used because his tongue tie had caused his latch to make my nipples bleed and crack. He was completely weaned by the end of may but I still couldn't get his latch right. He ended up causing me excruciating pain and I would just holler and cry when he would get on to bf. so I sadly had to stop nursing him. I cried. He still roots for my boob. He gets bottles of breast milk but I have a hard time keeping up with him with just pumping so he get formula too. I will just combi feed him for as long as I can. We have been doing it for about two weeks now and so far it's going good. I did get my first af, and it sucks. It has been 14 months without one. It also caused a dip in my supply, but it's on it's way back up. Overall he is just the happiest funniest baby. He is constantly looking around for something that makes him laugh. Whether it be us or the dogs or even himself jumping around, he is a very silly boy and I think he will be a clown! He has been on oatmeal cereal and rice cereal for a month now and I have been introducing different purées. He has had blueberries, peaches, apples, bananas, and peas.
Froggy - how sweet. Gage sounds like a fun baby and what a big boy! Claire is like that. She is a big girl, but Oliver is still a tiny boy.

We were going to do solids at 4.5 months because the doc said we could introduce rice cereal. Oliver was ready, but Claire wasn't. Then we got busy with the move so we didn't attempt very much. Earlier this week we did cereal again and they are both ready now. Oliver was actually grabbing the spoon and feeding himself. It was the cutest. I read up and I think we are going to skip cereal and start pureed foods. Maybe start with a banana today and see how they do. I read that babies probable don't prefer the bland cereal and it is ok to start with pureed foods. I think that is Claire's problem. She always gets this look like "what nasty pasty stuff are you putting in my mouth". But if someone feeds her from their plate like mashed potatoes on a finger she doesn't get that same look.

Hubby and I are enjoying Florida. I was able to work from home with my current job. How lucky is that!! It is a slight adjustment, but honestly not much different than being in the office. I'm good at staying busy and keeping on task so that isn't a challenge. I also have a dedicated room in the house as an office so that helps too. And what's not to love about taking a lunch break and seeing my husband and kissing two babies! I have a beautiful pool and palm tree view out of my window. It is an absolute beautiful morning here today and I'm enjoying all the sunshine. I used to work in a cubicle in the office with no natural sunlight so its an upgrade :)
Life sounds so perfect for you right now rq!! I'm so glad that everything is working out in your favor!! Over the weekend I made a ton of purées to freeze so that it takes less time to prepare them. I just boiled things that needs boiling and threw them in the blender with a little water and poured them into ice cube trays. Each cube is 1oz so I can give him two cubes each feeding. I also like that I can mix any two together to make my own flavors for him. I just popped out the food cubes and labeled them in bags
Froggy, that is what I plan to do. Getting store bought stuff is expensive and I don't like the thought of additives. It is easy to make at home so I will prepare some next month. I have to travel back to Indiana for work for a week (yuck!) so I will have to plan around that. Gage is so cute and I love his dark hair. Oliver is still bald and I wonder when he is going to get hair!
Hi ladies I thought I'd posted a long post on the weekend but guess it didn't go through.

So glad to hear everyone's doing well and that all the babies are thriving. They're all getting so big! Rolling and eating and teething. G is just munching everything. I even made him spinach puree which he will try after I'm done with our 3 day kale and carrot puree test run (which is going great). He can sit up a bit and is getting better at rolling.

So far we're definitely going forward with the FET (don't want to talk about DH situation if you don't mind) and I'm excited but TERRIFIED at the same time. If my son has a sibling I want them to be close together in age and get the baby stuff over and done. But a small part of my mind feels like I'll be relieved if the FET doesn't work lol. The plan is:
10 more bc pills, then AF, then wait for 1 normal cycle. As soon as AF shows up again, I need to phone in day 1 and start with the meds to do FET that cycle. Sh*t!! So it could be anywhere from 6 weeks from now!
Fern, so glad to hear you figured out a way to get what you want! I hope you succeed in your fet. Siblings are nothing less than wonderful. Stalking!
That's exciting Fern. Best of luck to you.

This week I made a bunch of purees. Plum, sweet potato, pea, carrot, apples. I put them in ice cube trays and froze them. DH is feeding them once per day. We will try to work up to 2 times per day. Today Oliver was on his knees and hands. That boy will be crawling soon! So crazy. Claire isn't that mobile but she can sit on her own now.
Hello everyone!

I apologize in advance for not commenting on each your posts. I have read and enjoyed hearing your updates with all the adorable kiddos. It's amazing that last year at this time we were all in the first trimester of pregnancy and here we are talking about our 4-6 mi th old kids!

So the twins are doing very well. Tomorrow (Friday, July 7) they will be 7 months! Due to their early arrival they are about 2.5 months behind where they should be for 7 month olds but eventually they will catch up. They are rolling both ways. Alisa does quite well with lifting her head, while Joe is rather weaker and can't hold up his head as long.
They're are still taking bottles only of pumped breast milk and I supplement 1 bottle at night and 1 in the morning of formula as I am a bit short on my supply. We are not eating solids yet, they are not nearly strong enough to sit in a high chair and they are very uninterested in food.
Last week they started sleeping through the night! They go in for the night about 7pm and usually go until 6:30am. It has been a wonderful week :)
As of August I will be leaving my job to stay home with them all day. I feel sad and guilty not spending more time with them so we made the decision last week that I will be a SAHM! I'm excited and nervous but I think it will be great for all of us.


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Woo Hoo Rebecca. Glad you get to stay at home and you got that all worked out! Best of luck to you. Thank you for sharing a pic of your lovely cuties! SOOO adorable! They look so alike!! Claire and Oliver are so different so it is cute that yours look more like twins.

We are doing well here. Still getting situated in Florida but we are getting there. Only a few more boxes left in the house. :p
I found a photographer here and we are going to do 6 month photos (a little late) in a few weeks. I'm excited. It is so amazing how fast they change!
Babies are eating more solids and getting more mobile. Oliver actually crawled a few feet last week but hasn't crawled since. They are getting up on their hands and knees all the time. DH just bought a baby fence the other day. I think we will need it sooner rather than later.

Hope you are all doing well!
Hi everyone

Rebecca how are you enjoying being a SAHM so far? I hope you make lots of lovely memories with your babies! They are so cute!

Rq please share your pics when you've had them done! Glad you're done moving and that you are settling in nicely. Must have been difficult with two babies.

Hi everyone else!

Time is just flying by, it's crazy! G rolled from back to front by himself today. Now he can finally roll all the way around, sit, and he LOVES standing up. His legs are so strong. He is absolutely gorgeous :). Eating everything in sight. We had a huge struggle with milk for a few weeks (he refused his milk and I struggled to get fluids into him, little monster!) But that's better now phew. He was blessed and annointed at church this past Sunday and we had a nice gathering of family & friends at our house afterwards. Growing up wayyy too fast imo!

As for the FET- no idea when it's going to happen. I have to have one normal pp cycle and period before we can start the process. I'm tracking my temps etc on fertility friend but despite being off bcp since end of June, I still haven't ovulated it seems. I haven't had a period since giving birth so I have no idea how long this is going to take. Oh well.
How odd your period hasn't started yet fern! I hope it starts soon so you can go through with your FET. How is the divorce going? G sounds like he is doing well!!!

Glad your able to stay home now Rebecca! How is it going?

Afm, Gage is doing great! Such a big boy at 19 lbs 12 1/2 ozs and 28inches long! He is around 90th percentile all across the chart. He sleeps in his crib in his own room now and still has some hard nights, but for the most part he does really well. Our biggest challenge right now is keeping him from leaking pee at night. He sits for a good while and then will lose balance. He will roll all the way across the room to get something he wants, and can turn 360 degrees while on his belly to change direction. Crawling will be coming soon! He gets solids twice a day now, at lunch and dinner. Still not interested in breakfast but that's ok. He loves to swim!! All in all he is such a joy!! He is definately the light of my life!!
Oh, Froggy he is so cute. I just love this age!

Fern/Froggy, glad to hear the babies are doing so great. Fern, thanks for the update on the FET. I was wondering about you and where you were in that process.

Today we got a video of Oliver crawling. He is quite mobile now! Still not all that coordinated but he can get where he wants to go. Claire is more of a scooter now. She doesn't care to move around as much as baby boy. Yesterday she was pushing backwards all around the room on her back. It was too funny!

We are all doing great. I love working from home. I have a great office set up so I get lots of work done and then I can take breaks and see my babies/hubby all day. It just makes the work day so much better.

Hope everyone is doing well.
If anyone checks in - so glad all the babies are doing so good! It's crazy that they are so mobile already. Mine keeps getting stuck under the table or against the couch lol then he screams! We're having to babyproof already.

In other news, AF started yesterday so we're starting FET! I'm nervous as hell. I hope it works but at the same time I'm so scared to have 2 babies.
Hi girls. It's lovely to read updates on our clever babies!
Finlo is sitting for short periods and trying hard to crawl but not quite there yet. He's just starting solids and seems to like it, but still nursing full time round the clock too!
He loves his swimming lessons and we are taking him to Spain in a couple of weeks <3

In other news, my period returned 2 weeks ago and we are soon going to start trying for another baby. If no joy by December, we are going to do another round of IVF. I'm excited to go again and it feels much less stressful now because I have Finlo so I don't feel the same level of desperation.


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