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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

My name is Holly, I'm 26 and DH is 29. We have two fur babies (cats) and are now expecting our first child. I'm pretty nervous and worried right now. I hope this bean sticks!
yeh Hopefully! ive bought some CB digitals to see if they move up in weeks hahahha next best thing, and got 2-3 weeks today was 1-2 about 4-5 days ago so im guessing thats good? is anyone else still testing with CB digi's?

Yeah did one this morning, it was 2 - 3 weeks as opposed to 1 - 2 weeks last Wednesday when I did one.

When I had a chemical previously I never got a reading on a digi, so was overjoyed to see pregnant on it.

Also this morning, as opposed to last weeks, it came up almost right away as pregnant, and just had to wait for the weeks to come up. Last week I had to wait a few mins for it to come up pregnant.

Hope this helps!
yeh my pregnant bit comes up within a minute yet the weeks took abit longer....
i havne't had too many symptoms yet either....if i ever get ms, i will embrace it!!!

Jade hun, so sorry, i know a loss can be hard no matter how early :hugs:
I think everyone would love it if you stayed around!!!!
Welcome hon to August Babes, wishing you H&H 9 months.

Well mummies2b, freezing cold here but blue blue sky. It's Tuesday and mum comes over and drives me mad for a few hours, bless her. She means well but just drives me nuts.

Think I will take advantage though and carry on with some painting whilst she keeps an eye on Eleanor.

So December already! How organised are you all for Christmas? I have nearly finished shopping two to get which I am just about to order on line, few more cards to write and the tree is going up next Saturday.

So how is everyone feeling? I an as hormonal and emotional as hell, don't remember being like this with Eleanor although DH assures me I was!! Oops!! Still a bit of nausea, hoping to skip the MS this time round as I copped it big time last time round.

Toria congrats! I have seen some of your threads before - you must be over the moon :flower:

MrsP you put me to shame, I am nowhere near ready on the Christmas shopping front, and I make my own christmas cards and am behind on that too :blush:

I am a little emotional, cried at stupid things on telly yesterday that I would *never* normally cry over!

Back in work today - back to reality! :dohh:
well girls i went for my scan yesterday and apparently.....i've twinnies in there!!!!! can't believe it!!!
congrats toria!!! don't blame u for wanting another baby, caitlyn is so gorgeous!!!
hi ladies sorry i havent managed to keep the thread dates up to date we are still waiting for admin to get back to me and MrsP so that i can hand the thread over to her....If I can I will try and update it today hope you all well x
Congrats hon. Is there many twins in your family? x
Hi ladies, tentatively coming to join the beach babes, going for 11th August till I know for certain by scan, and congratulations to you all, can't wait to get to know you all xx
Hello and Welcome Pixiepower, wishing you H&H 9 months x x
Please will someone change my due date?? You've got me as the 6th.......and i'm the 5th.

Reeeeeaaaally sorry to be a fussy cow xx
yes i will lottybump i will do everyones when i get round to it ladies x
sorry i no im being selfish but i cant put any ones dates up as i no i have to take my own off so i will do everyones tonight if thats ok
sorry i no im being selfish but i cant put any ones dates up as i no i have to take my own off so i will do everyones tonight if thats ok

No its fine Jade, we all just hope your ok x
sorry i no im being selfish but i cant put any ones dates up as i no i have to take my own off so i will do everyones tonight if thats ok

No its fine Jade, we all just hope your ok x

sorry lotty i sounded really mean when i said that :(

to everyone I know I said I wanted to stay on here but I think as soon as MrsP is able to take over my thread I think I may have to leave everyone as it is not healthy for me today all i havee done is sit at the computer refreshes the first tri page and its not helping me at all I hope you all understand I would still love to keep in contact with most of you and I will pop in to see how everyone one is now and then....good luck ladies and thankyou all very much for your help and your thoughts and wishes x

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