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****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Congratulations on the twins!!

Welcome Pixie.......

Hope everyone is feeling good today. I'm still feeling to good to feel pregnant.....waiting for something to kick in. I'm probably going to end up wishing I didn't make that statement..........

Jade, we would all like it if you keep in touch, we care about you and what you're going through.........

I see you are a mother of 5. That's Great! I have 5 and am currently pregnant with #6. We have one son, 14 and four daughters 13,11,10 and 9. You don't see many large families anymore.

I maybe pg with baby number 6. I got a :bfp: on Wednesday, but then on Friday it was a :bfn: . But I still have not gotten :witch: . With me Oing on the 11th she should have shown up last week sometime between Tuesday ad Thursday. My lp is usually 12 days. I'm going to go and buy more tests today to see what I get. It would be nice if I can join this wonderful group!

Jade TTC Sorry for your losses! I hope that you have a sticky baby next time! :hugs:
Please will someone change my due date?? You've got me as the 6th.......and i'm the 5th.

Reeeeeaaaally sorry to be a fussy cow xx

We are currently waiting for Admin to change the access for the thread so that I can keep up with the updates as JadeTTC is busy.

Please bare with us x
sorry i no im being selfish but i cant put any ones dates up as i no i have to take my own off so i will do everyones tonight if thats ok

Hon I'll keep on top of admin.

Why don't you put some angels there babe if you are happy to, as you are still one of our girls x x x x :hugs:
sorry i no im being selfish but i cant put any ones dates up as i no i have to take my own off so i will do everyones tonight if thats ok

Hon I'll keep on top of admin.

Why don't you put some angels there babe if you are happy to, as you are still one of our girls x x x x :hugs:

aww that is a good idea MrsP thankyou what a nice thing to say I am making dinner at the mo so i will do everyones dates a bit later x:hugs:
Hi Mrs P!!! Not sure if I'm august or july but thought i'd say hi x
Oh ZOE!!! Love it, hope you are August!
ohhh can i be added please :) my babies due the 1st :D xxxxxx
I'm an emotional wreck today, the husband is being very patient with me bless him! I've also had some slight AF type sensations in my lower belly and the odd pain, but I've been reassured this is normal! Just keeping focussed on seeing doc next week then early scan...yippee!!

I offically finished my Christmas shopping today (when the last bit arrived in the post...done it all online this year!), so I'm feeling quite smug. One last trip to the high street on my way home from work this week to get christmas cards, wrapping paper etc and then one more food delivery to be booked for the week before Christmas.

I do like high street shopping for Christmas as it can be quite 'cosy', but it just gets too busy and stressful. This way I can compare prices and pick and choose!

How is everyone?
wow, I miss two days on here and there are NINE pages of updates!

Jade, so sorry to hear your news, I do hope you'll pop in from time to time to say hi, you really got us all together here, so you will be missed. You'll get your sticky bean soon :hugs:

littlebabyboy, congratulations on the twins! Very exciting. May I ask how come you had a scan so early?

Everyone else, there were loads of things I wanted to reply to as I read through, but after 9 pages, I can't remember them all!

Hi to all the new August mummies :)

Doing OK here, Early night again for me tonight as DH out at client dinner, and I couldn't get a babysitter to go to my normal Tuesday rugby training session - TBH quite glad, it's minging weather here! Now that I've caught up with this, I'm going to read for half an hour, then snuggle down for some quality sleep!
I know, I haven't accessed this for all of 24 hrs and now I can't keep up! Which is prob why my answer is random and not in connection to the one above it.
yeah i did think if I started reply willy-nilly it wouldn't make too much sense!
Right girls, have updated front page, apologies if I have missed someone but please let me know x
oh did admin get back to you mrsp i was literally logging on to do it!x
Strage we are the same amount pregnant but have different due dates :lol: Maybe I've put mine in wrong... but mine says 255 and yours says 252 days left!!!

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