****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Hiiii Moggymay!! How early did Mogster arrive then? Quick count on skittles-messed-up brain... 35 weeks? :D
yup, finished work on friday and the next week was taking him home! So long as this one makes it to July I will be happy
Midwife told me two days ago that Bean comes up to just above my belly button- thats the official 'bump' and the bump above it (under my boobs!) is all of my organs being squished up there to make room for the baby!!

Never even thought of that hun! No wonder i can't eat as much now! Thanks :thumbup: xxx
Hello all! Happy to hear people had a relaxing day today.

I hope that Eoz gets to go home all fixed up soon-ish. Very glad to hear the LO is doing well though!

Congrats to those who have had their scans and moved into new weeks! Welcome and congrats to the "new" mamas!

Our scan update:
DH and I complained and they told us to come back in, we said we would go to one of the other locations and they were fine with that. When we got there I couldn't believe it but it was the same woman from yesterday!! :dohh: Just my luck.... again no results.

(BTW our baby had ankles crossed, knees together)

So we forked over the money for a private scan, it was wonderful! We just went for the gender determination, so we didn't get any pics (we managed to get the CD from yesterday) but the tech was so nice and friendly. She told us the gender of the baby within 1 minute of putting the wand on my tum, then spent another 10 mins or so showing us *every* part of baby from all different angles.

Very happy to finally report we are on :blue: TEAM BLUE :blue: !!!! SO excited, we have 2 nieces, so this will be the first grandson & nephew on both sides of the family.

Congrats on Team Blue! August is the month for baby boys!!

Also - Congrats MrsP on 23 weeks. Seems so minor but it is so exciting. I just can't wait until the time where I can feel safer that if something were to happen and he would be born that he would make it. The time seems to be passing faster now then it did in first trimester so hopefully I will be there before I know it.

I went to register for my baby shower last night. I never realized how lucky I was to be given so much stuff from my sisters but yesterday when I started registering and it all started adding up I was very thankful. I probably registered for 1/2 of what most first time moms do and it is still SO MUCH. Everything adds up and before you know it... you've spent thousands of dollars. I am very happy my sister was available to go with me because as a first time mom - I would have been clueless in there. Bottle size this, nipple size that, diaper size this..... My goodness!! How does anyone do it on the first time without help. Anyway - it took about 2 hours to get through but I feel great that I registered for all the stuff that I will need.

Has anyone else registered yet? I cannot wait for the shower. It's going to be so much fun. It's not until June though so we've got some time to spare :)
Good morning all!

Congrats MrsP on 23 weeks :thumbup:

Its another gray day here. I don't mind though because it is warm and you can already see the affect the rain has been having. All of our plants are lovely! Our raspberry bushes look like they are going to be excellent this year.

Don't know what I will do today. We are moving around almost all of the furniture on the main floor of our house, but DH is at work and will give me trouble if I move any of the big stuff. Maybe I can pack up and move some of the smaller stuff.... We will see!

:hugs: and belly rubs
Oh, just remembered!

Someone showed me this, can't remember who though, I found it really interesting. I showed it to DH and he know has a much greater respect for what our bodies go through! :haha:


I hope the link works, it is really cool!

Has anyone else registered yet? I cannot wait for the shower. It's going to be so much fun. It's not until June though so we've got some time to spare

We have registered although a lot of our stuff is coming from friends and family that have small children. Like you said, the items on our registry still add up. I keep adding things (or taking away) but the basic list is there. Our shower isn't until June either, it's about the only thing keeping me from buying anything! :dohh:
Oh, just remembered!

Someone showed me this, can't remember who though, I found it really interesting. I showed it to DH and he know has a much greater respect for what our bodies go through! :haha:


I hope the link works, it is really cool!

Has anyone else registered yet? I cannot wait for the shower. It's going to be so much fun. It's not until June though so we've got some time to spare

We have registered although a lot of our stuff is coming from friends and family that have small children. Like you said, the items on our registry still add up. I keep adding things (or taking away) but the basic list is there. Our shower isn't until June either, it's about the only thing keeping me from buying anything! :dohh:

This is great:thumbup:, just watched it with Mart and i was more shocked than him!!! Kept saying where are all my guts going?????? lol. Thanks for that hun, really good! xxx
I was starting to get uncomfortable at top of tum/under boobs and wondered if it was my bra but now wondering if it is my ledge :haha:

I have registered, had to get the help of a worker at babiesrus as I had no idea what I needed! My baby shower (the big one) is may 8th when I go home with DH to visit then the small one with my friends here is in june sometime. I am looking forward to it! WIll go watch video now.

The link didn't work for me :(
Hi girls, hope everyone is well, I've had a bloody vomitting virus for past 3 days, was hell I wasn't even keeping water down, luckily its more or less passed now and I'm back to work and starting to nibble on dry toast! Anyway I rang up hospital yesterday to double check date if my next scan which was already just before 24 weeks and they moved it back another week-all down to the sonographers hols probably lol! Anway the nice appointments lady had a look through the calendar and had a cancellation for next Tues 13th so having it then now instead, can't wait! Determined to stay yellow but all the excitement of all you girls finding out is making ne waver slightly!

My sis is going to organise me a baby shower for early July, soo can't wait! Registering for baby shower lists isn't really the done thing here in the UK, baby showers are relatively new here compared to the US, though some stores do them such as John Lewis, I think it's a great idea. X
they are handy cause you can avoid getting two of the same thing. Other then that I use my baby shower as the list of thing I still need to get so it's helpful to me in other ways to.
Yes - and you have a checklist of what you still need to buy yourself after your shower. You can easily see what you didn't get and go pickup all the rest!!
Hi all,
Thought I would share my 21+5 Bump pic with you all x
See what everyone thinks x


I am poorly today and my little boy has had a terrible fever too so we enjoyed a lazy day in our Pj's! and then hubby went out to the chip shop for our tea!
Hope all is good with you guys x
P.S. that link for showing how our body changes was fab! makes me feel better about moaning when I feel uncomfortable now lol!
Hello all! Happy to hear people had a relaxing day today.

I hope that Eoz gets to go home all fixed up soon-ish. Very glad to hear the LO is doing well though!

Congrats to those who have had their scans and moved into new weeks! Welcome and congrats to the "new" mamas!

Our scan update:
DH and I complained and they told us to come back in, we said we would go to one of the other locations and they were fine with that. When we got there I couldn't believe it but it was the same woman from yesterday!! :dohh: Just my luck.... again no results.

(BTW our baby had ankles crossed, knees together)

So we forked over the money for a private scan, it was wonderful! We just went for the gender determination, so we didn't get any pics (we managed to get the CD from yesterday) but the tech was so nice and friendly. She told us the gender of the baby within 1 minute of putting the wand on my tum, then spent another 10 mins or so showing us *every* part of baby from all different angles.

Very happy to finally report we are on :blue: TEAM BLUE :blue: !!!! SO excited, we have 2 nieces, so this will be the first grandson & nephew on both sides of the family.

Congrats on Team Blue! August is the month for baby boys!!

Also - Congrats MrsP on 23 weeks. Seems so minor but it is so exciting. I just can't wait until the time where I can feel safer that if something were to happen and he would be born that he would make it. The time seems to be passing faster now then it did in first trimester so hopefully I will be there before I know it.

I went to register for my baby shower last night. I never realized how lucky I was to be given so much stuff from my sisters but yesterday when I started registering and it all started adding up I was very thankful. I probably registered for 1/2 of what most first time moms do and it is still SO MUCH. Everything adds up and before you know it... you've spent thousands of dollars. I am very happy my sister was available to go with me because as a first time mom - I would have been clueless in there. Bottle size this, nipple size that, diaper size this..... My goodness!! How does anyone do it on the first time without help. Anyway - it took about 2 hours to get through but I feel great that I registered for all the stuff that I will need.

Has anyone else registered yet? I cannot wait for the shower. It's going to be so much fun. It's not until June though so we've got some time to spare :)

Awww I want a baby shower!! It works a little different in the UK, and although upcoming, most of the time someone needs to organise it for you(very often a surprise)... so you dont even get to pick your list.. It would be lovely to get all those lovely things for the baby. And yes, there is just sooo much to buy! Ive bought nothing! One pack of vests, and thats it! :nope:
Hi all,
Thought I would share my 21+5 Bump pic with you all x
See what everyone thinks x


I am poorly today and my little boy has had a terrible fever too so we enjoyed a lazy day in our Pj's! and then hubby went out to the chip shop for our tea!
Hope all is good with you guys x
P.S. that link for showing how our body changes was fab! makes me feel better about moaning when I feel uncomfortable now lol!

What a lovely Bump!!!
weather hear is great today took kids to the park cooked tea for my sis and went to see one of my aunts to have a catch up all in all been a sound day my cooking dodgy though gave me a bad stomach lol :dohh:

oh and even squeezed in hair cuts for the family and me
Because of my diabetes, could be problems if i go past 38 weeks. As long as bub is ok then the sooner the better as got a feeling it's gona be a hot one this summer!

Doc has sent me to the physio, managed to get an appointment for next thursday which i was shocked at! Hope they can help me poor back!

Brian is a gem isn't he! I swear he has a human personality! He is still sunbathing at the mo so i will leave him till it's walkies time. Thanks for the add as well MrsP, it's nice to see the actual person behind the screen name! Loved the babyshower pictures, the cakes looked fab!!!! xxx

I'll have to alter the settings and you can see Toby (our dog) he is a cutie.

Glad the doc got a move on and got things sorted, lets hope the physio does some good.

morning ladies still no internet at home gonna ring orange today an find out whats goin on it taken far too long and iv had enough! We are off to wales for a few days tomorrow which should be nice as weather is lookin fab, gonna spend today sorting out and packing i think :)

Enjoy Wales honey and hope you can get back here proper with us real soon.

What a lovely day, just been out with mogster on his trike, he loved it :thumbup:

Hadnt realised had been missing this thread :dohh: we are on team blue MrsP. Long passed out halfway point of last time, in fact a good 5 weeks past, just my luck this one will go to 42 weeks and will be pregnant for extra 7 weeks :nope:

Its all getting exciting now though and ordered the buggy this morning!:yipee:

:hi: Jetters

No problem chick, shall add you to the front page, whats your EDD?

Afternoon everyone x
Well, I am absolutely shattered today! I have had a bangng headache for the past 24 hours and its making me a very grumpy lady! I had to give in and take Paracetamol which I hate doing!
My little boy has a viral infection and his temp is up around 39-40 degrees so I am thinkin I may be in for what he has! Boooooooo :0(

Anyways, Baby is kicking and wriggling away loads now, and I am pleased that I can feel so much even with an anterior placenta! although its only partkly at teh front so thats probs why, I am making up for my 2 and a half stone weight loss during my hyperemisis haha, I am averaging about a pound a week now in weight gain,(2lb last week when we were staying at my mums house lol).
I still feel a bit wibbly wobbly and so I am looking forward to my bump reaching the point where it is lovely and round and harder!

Congrats to those reaching 21,22,23,24 weeks I love passing the milestones along the way!
Sending love and luck to Eoz and her little one x
Nikki x x x x x x x x

Eleanor had that Nikki last week her temp hit 39.6, I just stripped her and gave her alternative nurofen and calpol and it soon came down but just kept her on them for 3 solid days. Then she broke out in a hell of a cold, hope he is better soon.

Hi all,
Thought I would share my 21+5 Bump pic with you all x
See what everyone thinks x


I am poorly today and my little boy has had a terrible fever too so we enjoyed a lazy day in our Pj's! and then hubby went out to the chip shop for our tea!
Hope all is good with you guys x
P.S. that link for showing how our body changes was fab! makes me feel better about moaning when I feel uncomfortable now lol!

Great bump x

weather hear is great today took kids to the park cooked tea for my sis and went to see one of my aunts to have a catch up all in all been a sound day my cooking dodgy though gave me a bad stomach lol :dohh:

oh and even squeezed in hair cuts for the family and me

Sounds like you had a lovely day flutter. We were meant to be going soft play but didnt turn out all that, instead spent a fab day in the garden in the glorious sunshine had a great day x
My bff of 25 yrs is going to throw me a shower. She has 5 boys and has never thrown one before but she said she would.

I haven't registered anywhere yet. I really don't mind if I get two of one thing or not as I have always found a use for two of them.(IE two blenders with pour spouts, margarita's and daciari's(sp)) LOL

Mercy beautiful bump picture!:thumbup:

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