****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Hello ladies it feels like ages since I've been on here. :dohh: in reality it's only been since Friday I think :dohh:

DD had the stomach flu on Thursday night and all day had a brief but well needed break on Saturday and was allowed to go to the circus then I came down with it on Sunday morning and it didn't leave until yesterday evening. I don't wish that on anybody :nope:

It's been a long time since I've been that sick.

Congratulations to all the ladies who found out pink or blue and to those who stayed yellow:thumbup: I did that the first time but not this time. :shrug:

I am back at work today and feeling loads better!

DD turns 11yr old today :dohh: almost a teenager EEEEKKK!!!! So hamster purchased and now just need to wrap the rest of her gifts, bought an ice cream cake on my lunch hour today as didn't feel up to making one this year :nope:

Hope your all doing well!:thumbup:


Hey hon, I was wondering where you were?

Hope you are feeling much better now? How was DD's birthday? :kiss:


Thought I'd drop in and let you know I had my 20week scan today and I'm also team blue... is it something in the water???

I've also posted elsewhere in 2nd tri that the sonographer couldn't be sure whether there was 1 umbilical artery or 2 (supposed to be 2). They didn't think this was terribly significant in the absence of any other abnormalities but want to re-scan at 32 weeks to ensure good growth etc... Feeling a bit anxious but glad there's no other major problems.

Time is most definitely flying by.

I read this thread most days but don't generally feel I have much to contribute... until today. I LOVE reading it though and finding out about everyone's lives... Does that make me a lurker:haha: ?

Can anyone explain how to thank someone for their post? Can't find any obvious way...


Congratulations on your blue bump I shall update the front page. I have no idea by the way with regards to the cord thing but hope everything is ok for you.

And yes it makes you a lurker :haha: Feel free to contribute no matter how relevant, you ask the girls or if you have been reading you'll know I come on and chat absolute crap most days!!! :rofl:

Honest all welcome even if its only to tell us how much you shouldnt have eaten today :hugs:

Viable!!!!! Woohoo

OOOOO look at you and your boy getting all viable!! :happydance::happydance: Nice getting that that stage eh?

Holywood - How you feeling this morning.

Oh sunshine - its :iron: day today, but I dont mind as weather is looking crappy!

AFM not too much to report although think I may have another cold! Great other than that a date with the house work today, ironing and bed change and then we are off to get some shopping only food though so nothing exciting.

Need to check out and think what I need for my hospital bag, totally forgotten!! :dohh:

Just having a :coffee: whilst E is still sleeping, then let the fun begin!!
Morning all....

Kelly congrats on being viable hun! Lovely jubbley! x

I'm feeling like death warmed up today, throat is swollen and just feel run down. Found out that my friends who we visit on fridays had this last week and forgot to inform me! Grrrrrr......

Not going to be doing a thing today apart from eat and sleep. Got physio tomorrow so need to rest for that.
Has anyone been before and if so what do you wear? Don't fancy a fully lycra body suit! lol.

Weather is poo so not sunbathing for Brian today.....

Have a good one all xxx
Oh sweet not good. Thats What E and I had last week although I seem to have come down with a new version!

I hope you feel better, there is an awlful cough that goes with it too. Look after your self sweetie xxx
Nik, I think you could be right about shin splints, I'm in trainers for walk and train to work, they are dark grey, so going to ask my Head of Dept if I can wear them all day - a bit unprofessional but I'm supposed to be on my feet in the workshop all day so need some relief!! MrsP, it hurts :( also just feeling blearing eyed and sore head
Philly, sorry you're feeling crap. I wore tracksuit bottoms and a t0-shirt for physio, had to take the t-shirt off as they were looking at my back... what part of your body is it!? Maybe stuff a pair of shorts in your bag just in case, particularly if it's knees or legs? If it's for treatment and not assessment, something you can move around in comfy wise, so probably anything but jeans really!
Nik, I think you could be right about shin splints, I'm in trainers for walk and train to work, they are dark grey, so going to ask my Head of Dept if I can wear them all day - a bit unprofessional but I'm supposed to be on my feet in the workshop all day so need some relief!! MrsP, it hurts :( also just feeling blearing eyed and sore head
Philly, sorry you're feeling crap. I wore tracksuit bottoms and a t0-shirt for physio, had to take the t-shirt off as they were looking at my back... what part of your body is it!? Maybe stuff a pair of shorts in your bag just in case, particularly if it's knees or legs? If it's for treatment and not assessment, something you can move around in comfy wise, so probably anything but jeans really!

:hugs:just posted on your thread, hope you feel better very soon:hugs:.

I've got an assesment on my neck and lower back so maybe i'll take some shorts (if i have any) and wear tracksuit bottoms and a t-shirt. I'll look like i'm off to the gym!!! HA! lol.

I'm losing the will to live this morning, because i feel shite my sugars are high which i know means i'm run down. Can't stop thinking about the kit-kat chunky in the fridge though!!!

Today really is feeling very crappy and feel like it's going to drag!!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx
morning ladies i feel great this morning my kids have let me lye in daddy fed them and put a dvd on for them in there room so no one has surfaced until 11 bless i'm feeling really refreshed let the trouble commence lol i had a garden day yesterday had a clatter of other peoples kids all day soo i said oh i don't mind having them but i'm inthe garden so i sat reading mags and kids played in garden oh and my house was saved 9 kids and no mess now thats good going lol

can i ask a question for all that have lost angels in the past ...........i fell preg same time as my aunt and she lost her :baby:, i've made an effort to keep all my baby things up stairs and i haven't flashed my scans so not to upset my aunt only she came yesterday and looked around only down stairs the is no trace of baby things and then she started asking me questions like well have you felt baby move and what bloods have i had and what appointment have i been to etc only i'm not very big i've only gained 5lb so far and it could be passed of with fat but has she's had kids before i felt some of the questions was like are you really preg ones .....she did say she was going away the for 2 weeks when her baby would of been due and as far as i'm aware she is still very raw on the subject of babies so i try not to mention mine unless she asks .........i guess what i'm trying to say is have i done the right things by putting things out the way and not showing scans or should i of showed her so she felt inclueded and if it was you would you want to see it after a loss i don't think i would of but i don't know as i've never mc'd before or should i talk to her and just ask her if she'd like to look ...oh i don't know i really don't want to upset her :cry:
morning ladies i feel great this morning my kids have let me lye in daddy fed them and put a dvd on for them in there room so no one has surfaced until 11 bless i'm feeling really refreshed let the trouble commence lol i had a garden day yesterday had a clatter of other peoples kids all day soo i said oh i don't mind having them but i'm inthe garden so i sat reading mags and kids played in garden oh and my house was saved 9 kids and no mess now thats good going lol

can i ask a question for all that have lost angels in the past ...........i fell preg same time as my aunt and she lost her :baby:, i've made an effort to keep all my baby things up stairs and i haven't flashed my scans so not to upset my aunt only she came yesterday and looked around only down stairs the is no trace of baby things and then she started asking me questions like well have you felt baby move and what bloods have i had and what appointment have i been to etc only i'm not very big i've only gained 5lb so far and it could be passed of with fat but has she's had kids before i felt some of the questions was like are you really preg ones .....she did say she was going away the for 2 weeks when her baby would of been due and as far as i'm aware she is still very raw on the subject of babies so i try not to mention mine unless she asks .........i guess what i'm trying to say is have i done the right things by putting things out the way and not showing scans or should i of showed her so she felt inclueded and if it was you would you want to see it after a loss i don't think i would of but i don't know as i've never mc'd before or should i talk to her and just ask her if she'd like to look ...oh i don't know i really don't want to upset her :cry:

Hey hun, i think it's lovely that you are trying not to hurt your aunts feelings. I would say she is only asking you questions so she seems interested in your baby. When i lost bub last year DF sister-in-law was pg. I had to force myself at times to seem interested when deep down i wasn't. Just be patient with her hun, once bub is here and she has dealt with the loss in her own way she will be fine! xxx
Its a difficult one hun and everyone will react differently, if your instinct is to keep it low key with her then follow it, if she is away when her bubs would have been due it is still in her mind and she may not be sure how she is feeling about your bubs coming herself.

Have you thought of posting a thread in pregnancy after a loss? There are some great ladies in there who I am sure would offer really good advice!

Our angel was due 2 days before our sons birthday and now this one is due a fortnight later - must be a fertile time for OH and I! For us we are able to focus on the ones we have but if she lost her first it makes it much harder IMO as you dont have any experience of pregnancy going right to fall back on.

Have a feeling this may be coming across rambly so Im sorry if thats the case but couldnt read and not respond.

I think she will get there in her own time but in the meantime keep as you are and if she asks follow your instinct in what you say and how much, if she keeps on the topic she obviously wants to chat and if not then again follow your gut:thumbup:

Could both OH's have a chat then maybe you could get an inside line on how shes feeling re your baby?

Apologies for the waffley ramble :oops:
cheers ladies no you wasn't rambling i understood it i'll keep it as i am then untill she's ready to talk or she asks herself to see pic and things its not a good feeling as she was due the same day and it dosen't matter however you look at it she's prob gonna feel like..... that pic is what mine would of been like now

its actually my uncle and shes his girlfriend and i've had a chat with him already he's fine about it but she is gutted and they have it tests done and are awaiting results to see if they will ever have kids together as the baby was an egg and hadn't developed at all so they need to see if they are a match so it's an even bigger head blag for them both and in a sence not fair at all thanks again ladies
flutterbaby I had a loss and I had to stay home from my sister-in-law's baby shower because I couldn't handle it, but that was like three days after it happened. I was feeling better after a month but wasn't totally healed until I fell pregnant again (luckily was less than two months later). If I had a friend who was pregnant and knew about my loss I would expect that they wouldn't be showing it off in front of me, I think what you did was very respectful.

My back REALLY hurts today :( Lower back pain...anyone getting that???
When will my belly button turn inside out? lol anybody had a baby and not had theirs go "outie"?
I suffered a loss as well. It was very tough for me to go home and visit because my sister had a 3 week old new born. the DH and i were very happy for her, dont get me wrong, but it was VERY hard to see a baby knowing that mine had passed. Of course, once i got preggo again (a couple months later, the healing process was much easier).
I think you are being a good friend and very respectful in keeping things away. If she is asking then maybe she is interested, or maybe she just wants to show that she really is happy for you, but it could still be hard for her due to her loss. Maybe she doesn't want you to think that you can't share anything about your miracle just because she has had a loss. Its hard to say for sure. So if she asks, keep the answers simply. dont go on forever with them, but do answer them bc it may help in her healing as well- just dont flaunt it. I say what you are doing is good and mindful.

Melissa_M, no one in my family ended up with an outie in the end. They all stayed inies. My mom said hers would always come close to the surface, but never once popped out- she's had 5 babies. Guess its tough to say as everyone is different.
I think you have approached it the right way too Flutterbaby, I MC in October, would have been due at the end of the month, and my Sister is due 2 weeks after where I would have been. The first few weeks were ok ish as I could relate to where she was and after that point I have found it really difficult. Her 12 week scan was the day before my birthday and an appt with the GP for check up and to discuss the mc and that day she plaster phots all over facebook and sent them to everyones email, I was the only one who knew up until that point... it was a kick in the gut to say the least and my Sister still doesn't seem to understand how hard it hurt me...

... I'm dreading the end of the month and next month, as I know it will be some of the hardest times, and if my Sisiter had initially shown the compassion that you are it would have made life easier for me (that sounds selfish, I hope you know what I mean). SHe will ask/let you know when she is ready to be involved, and just asking how she is and what is happening may help :hugs:
I know its a little late. But ive been dying of boredom. Anyone wanna be my bump buddy? Pretty please :)
Hey everyone, I hope all is well. I don't have time to catch up properly, so busy studying for exams and have my final two hospital shifts till june!!!!! WHoot! Will catch up later!
I know its a little late. But ive been dying of boredom. Anyone wanna be my bump buddy? Pretty please :)

Whats your due date hon and colour of your bump and I shall add you to the front page, welcome to the August Mummies xx
Morning all.....

What a crap day it is today :-(. Not gona do much again apart from watch the baby shows on Home & Health which i seem to become addicted too! lol. Physio this afternoon so don't know what to expect really, just hope they don't put my legs behind my head, now that would be a miracle.....

Has anyone being feeling a bit uncomfortable with their bumps as the weeks progress? As i'm getting bigger i just can't seem to get comfy as much....

Melissa, sorry about your back, been there, so know how you feel!! also never got an outie with DD, despite her going to 42 weeks!
Philly hope physio goes well :) I'm finding it harder to get comfy in bed, seem to spend ages tossing and turning!
We're off to baby group soon, if I can just get myself washed and dressed - need to get cash as I need £1.50 for the group and to pay the cleaner who is coming a day early this week...
Morning mummies,

Flutter - I think you have been very considerate to your aunt and if that was me I would appreciate your kindness.

Melissa - Hope your back doesnt get to uncomfy, looks like a hotwater bottle might become your new best friend. My BB with Eleanor didnt pop it just sort of stretched out.

Philly - Good luck today, I have mine next week? How are you feeling today any better?

Holywood - Are you feeling a bit brighter this morning? Hope you enjoy baby group, ours arent back on until next week as the kids are still on holiday?

AFM - I most definately do have another rotten cold, was up in the night cough cough coughing! Poor Si, if its not the baby or the dog keeping him up then its me!! Oops!
Morning ladies im back in the library again jsut checking in on you all, have been and bought some more little outfits for our little girl today, Im so excited!!! OH is being a bit quiet atm he says he is ok, I think he is finally realising how much our lives are going to change with the progression of one child to two, I just keep reasurring him we can do it and everything will be fine and the minute he holds our little girl in his arms any worries he has will all dissappear :)

My bump is def growing now and I find myself a bit short of breath if I rush about so trying to chill and take it easy. I love looking pregnant jsut wish my B bump would go away hehe!

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