****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

yea i think thats what it is ... she jus said it causes a lot of discharge sometimes smelly & can cause pre-term labour.. but i have to have a swab done in a few weeks to check its gone!

thank you :)

Jetters, good to see you here! Sorry about your back though - I hear you - mine is OK now after my 2 weeks off work in Feb, but I don't doubt it'll be back to get me before the baby is here!
Lliena, knowing how long DD took to arrive, I won't be into my final 3rd of my pregnancy for nearly another 2 weeks!!! Although I agree with whoever said about posts in 3rd tri being more relevant - seems weird seeing new people coming in here asking about things that are almost ancient history to us!
Kelly, how did all your exams go?!
Aimee, haven't heard of vaginosis, but great news on haematoma!
I've finished another week at work, 9 weeks to go :) And we're off the bank hol on Monday, so next week should go in rush....
DD just in bed, catching up on here and reading a book... bliss - except DD is making a racket, got to take her a drink and somecuddles...

Yeah thats how I feel now seeing people asking about scans or did I feel baby move etc feels like it was yonks ago for us! :haha:
hi ya ladies i'm soooooooooooooo:sleep: today my back is killing and :baby:is flipping around i'll catch up tomorrow on posts :hugs:
DH just making (well taking out of packet) pud for us - cheesecake I think - yum! I'm kinda full already from gnocchi, but yum anyway! I think my stomach is being all baby squished already...
Hey, my exams went fab! Got all my marks back and kicked some butt, very happy with the outcome. Now just enjoying this week off before I am back to class for a week then off next friday back east to visit friends and family!!!!! 9 more days! I am so excited! Got to start cleaning the house in preparation and get the suitcases up and start packing a few of the things I won't need till I am home. Yay!

When do you get tested for group b strep?
names are so difficult... strangely enough although we both think it is a girl we have probably got a boys full name chosen, but there are lots of options for a girls name, and that is only the first name :wacko:

Go hormones Liliena!!! they must have needed reminding to move on though with the way they responded!!

Ooo anything good that you want to share, I know I still need some name insparation?

:) Lliena - good on you!
Saturday sounds great Nik, you had fun even if tiring!
I'm going to see the VP today about getting taken of the cover rota and playground duty rota.
MrsP, we don't even have a room yet! Need to confirm dates with the builder...

OMG Lucy!! Tell them to hurry up, don't they know you have 26 works days then you'll be tired and hormonal before baby comes :rofl:

:rofl::rofl: Lliena you and I should get together. I was shopping just casually about 2 weeks ago and these people would leave there cart in one aisle and go look at something in the other then the old lady would stop to chat, I said finally "you need to move cause I'm coming through" :haha::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I have no patience at this point in the pregnancy. I should try and find some soon though. :dohh:

MrsP hope E gets feeling better! I would be making her use some hand sanitizer after each meet with anybody other than you or Si. Maybe that would help. I bet your vacation will be brill cause you all will be away from what ever it is that's making you all ill.:hugs:

Jetters so nice to see you again! I would say a nice water bottle for your back! I have DH rub it but it doesn't do much good but a nice warm bath is good too!

Mercy so glad your weekend wife swap was good! It's nice to get dressed up :thumbup:

afm just got back from my Dr appt this am everything is great! I got to hear little guy's heartbeat again, 156 bpm :cloud9: could listen to that all the time!:thumbup:

Hope your all having a lovely day! The wind is blowing here but it's sunny out!

I think you could be right hon, we do make people generally wash their hands with her especially the smokers. I have hand gel by each sink, but think you're right might have to toughen up on it again.

Wouldnt be so bad but I worry with her so much, due to previous history. She is off to docs tomorrow for MOT before going away.

Oh I just love listening to their HB isnt it just a warm comforting feeling? :cloud9:

Jetters i'm with you there. Since the crash i'm in agony most of the time. When i have bubs i want soooo many painkillers afterwards they'll think i'm a junkie!

MrsP hope Eleanor feels better soon, the sunshine on your holiday will do you all the world of good me thinks. Big whoop whoop on 99 days left!!!

Sooooooo was having a little think in my head as you do and it just hit me. I only have a maximum of 14 WEEKS LEFT!!!!!! That is a very scary thought! Bub will be here very, very soon EEEEKKKKK!!!!! lol xxx

Wow it is scary when you put it that way, as Tiff says not long and we'll be reading our birth stories.

Wonder who will be first. :shrug:

Ooh also do you knwo when we are moving over to 3rd tri MrsP?? Just feeling like the threads in there are becoming more relevant now :)

Not sure hon, they didnt get back to me we might have been a bit early. Will send another message now. x

hi :)
had a scan today to see how big my hematoma was.. its gone :)
& she weighs 1.4!!
but iv got vaginosis ... my consultant said it can cause pre-term labour has anyone else had this? or heard about it?

hope ur all ok


Hey chick, where you been, not seen you here for a while.

Sorry don't know too much about it but hope all is ok? :hugs:

AFM I am totally shattered. 4 hours sleep! More blood last night so back to the hospital I went. :cry: 5 hours waiting, several women in labour and a few horrid little toads who were just there for a ride. Well its definately my cervix and the cells so that is good, which is what I thought but they said to go back if the blood starts getting bright red.

On a positive note though least I can raise the danger barrier and know that the amount I had is still no concern. :thumbup:

MW wasnt too happy about me flying, but she was quite happy that everything is normal before I mentioned that. So feel a bit doubtful. :shrug: Think she was worrying about the bleeding and the cabin pressure, but they never really like you to fly do they. What do you all think?

Seems like its going to be another nice day here today, although I have no energy for bugger all. There is play group this afternoon so will take Eleanor to that to get her out for a bit and then home to ressume position on my arse! :haha:
Morning all....

MrsP has Eoz's bad run been passed to you now? Blimey your not having much luck! I think flying should be ok just double check your insurance to see if your covered over there. Wouldn't want to be rushed in and have to pay for it. Really hope you feel better soon though.
It's strange, i rarely had any symptoms when i was in the 1st tri and wanted them soooooo badly. Now i have them in a bucket load and could quite easily pass them on to someone else. I feel like an old woman at times. I think my 98 yr old nan makes less noises getting out of the chair than i do now! lol

So it's a sunny morning here but for ho long i have no clue. Was major hot through the night which was horrible, plus couldn't sleep as Mart was on nights. He is now passed out snoring (can hear him from here). Got an appointment with hospital mw at 12 just to see how i am then having my hair done this afternoon. Plus Mart is off all weekend so it should be a good one. Bub is getting stronger with his legs as the days go by. Nearly didn't make it to the loo this morning as he kicked or jumped right on me bladder!

Hope everyone has a lovely day xxx
Who knows chick, but it could be a whole lot worse eh? Its just a pain in the bum isnt it? You think its just what they said previously but I dont know about you if I didnt go I would have just worried.

As for E, her being ill puts the fear of God in me each and every day. It was just heart surgery, but just means shes a little more septable to germs.

Good luck with mw. Are you being induced or cs?

Tiff sorry forgot you previously, enjoy your week off. Is that exams totally done now? x
Mrs P I am so sorry.Spreading the badness he he.It aint left me though.Got another slap in the face yesterday with housing but thats not the issue here.You need to rest rest and no sex as that make it all ten times worse.

I personally wouldn't go away as it's a diff country but thats just me.They may have fab doctors over there if you need them.:hugs:

Kelly :happydance::happydance: Well done you x

How are we all?Bumps behaving I hope and we are not aching to much.

I won't even start to bore you with my life but Abigail seems to be healing nicely which is one relief.I have a huge toothache today which is my worst enemy ever.I'm a right bitch when I have toothache :blush:

I saw the midwife on Tuesday.She signed my HIP grant but it's going on my stupid car as the brakes have gone otherwise I'd be off to get a pram.I have lost half a stone now and my bump measures 3 weeks smaller than my dates.It did all this with my last baby so back to the worry it is .

Hope you all have a good day x :flower:
Eoz what are we going to do with you! As me nan says your neither use nor orniment! xxx

I'm glad Abigail is on the mend though, that must be some worry off your mind at least.

I'm having housing issues too - i can't get one! lol. My council seem to think 2 adults, a baby and dog can fit easily into a 1 bedroom flat. We are thinking about private renting but where we want to go it's just silly money.

I feel your pain with the toothache, i've got a hole in my back tooth and am too scared to go dentist. Worse ind of pain though toothache cause you need strong painkillers to numb it! Hope you feel better soon xxxxxx
Aww hun.You are having the same trouble as me in all ways.

This is my wisdom tooth that has pissed me off for 10 years now!I also have a broken tooth but to scared to go dentist.Like you!

As for housing I am legally homeless.My landlord asked us to leave back in December as he wants the house for his son.He said he'd give us time to look.Well we have and as you say renting is dead money the cheapest 3 bed here is £950 :shock: So he evicted us via courts thinking he'd do us a favour.It's done sod all.We now have 4 weeks till the bailiffs step in then we are screwed.The council have nothing at all. Apparently.And there are no private houses at all.I have to bid but i'm coming 40 in the que.Fat lot of help aint it.I'm pregnant.4 kids,one on way,5 cats and both not working to redundancy and we are not high priority. Wankers!

Ok excuse the swear words but todayi s not a good day.Toothache,no sleep and fed up with the worry x
I'm near birmingham hun. West Bromwich if you know that area?????

The council are crap round here when it comes to familes as thy have given the houses away to non deserving folk. I was homeless about 2 years ago after alot of problems and because i only wanted a 1 bed i got one straight away. Now i need somewhere bigger i got no chance. They won't even let me bid on a house only 2 bed high rise flats. No way am i moving into one of those! It pees me off as Mart came home other morning and said he had been in a 4bed council house with a single woman with 2 kids!!!!!!!!! Are they for real or what? I mean who we gotta slepp with to get a house??????

I hope you get sorted soon, i found phoning everyday and making yourself a pain in someones ass helps a little too xxx
I'm Oxford hun so not far from you.There was a 17 yr old here who got preg and was given a 3 bed house.I as fuming.It's all bloody wrong.

Ha ha yeah i get you with the sleeping or ass kissing.When i was 19 I left my partner and i was given a nice flat 2 weeks after living on my mums sofa.But the rules are so different now.No way can you go into a high rise.Umm a dog,pram and a baby.Knobs.Fingers crossed you do get sorted hun x
Sex??? What is sex??? Simon seems to think its for just peeing out of!!! dont know whats wrong with him, last pregnancy we were at it like rabbits this time he finds it all too strange.

According to doc its all normal so can carry on with my dailys, nothing will stop it so resting and shagging wont make any difference.

With regards to hols we are staying with the inlaws so it will be like going home from home and we have healthcare plus insurance. Flight is 2 1/2 hours, will speak to doc tomorrow when I take Eleanor for her MOT.

Flew to Egypt later when pregnant with Eleanor.

Boohoo girls on the housing thats not good.

Philly our council wouldnt move you either cos they say the baby can stay in with you. I dont understand the system much but it dont seem easy.

Zoe glad Abi is doing better, and I hope the tooth ache buggers off soon xxx
Love the sex thing ha ha.

I'm sure you'll be fine in Spain it's not as though you are off hiking x
well this is true, will check with him to be safe x
all this talk about holidays is making me jealous, I'm getting new carpets instead :(

Eoz and Philly I hope something is sorted soon about the housing... I know this is a seperate issue, but how are things going with the older kids Eoz, I know I have not been around as I was but haven't spotted any updates or changes to the situation for a while :hugs:

names are keeping under tabs MrsP, sorry, I am sure there will be several changes before now and then anyway :)

Well, to me, it is a bit of a strange day thought wise.... on one hand Happy V day for Pip , on the other hand Happy D day for Archie... How things change in 6 months....
I keep meaning to update hunny but my heart isn't with it.It's pretty much the same.He is still a prize asshole and messes me around all the time.The kids are still really unkept and funnily enough social services refuse to speak to me anymore as they said they have dealt with the issue.

I am moving to the same town as them and hoping i can have them an extra night and one day for tea.This way I can keep a closer eye on them,be more active in the schooling and just be there if they need me.The ex is up n down all the time.One minute he won't speak to me the next kissing my butt as he needs favours.Like the last 2 weekends I have had to for go contact as he had plans.I couldn't say no as he had told the kids and they were excited.Then on Sunday they all dropped in as he was stuck in traffic and they needed feeding and the loo.I don't mind but he takes the piss.I have just had a letter from his solicitor which infuriated me so I had it out with him.He has said if I do move he'll back off and be more lenient.Yeah right we'll see.

Megan does want to live with me but wants to stay in her school.Hey if and when I do move over there she may come back then Dan will follow suit.I try my hardest with their health and hygiene but it's so bloody hard to keep up with it all esp with what's going on at the moment and the up n down contact.

Thank you for asking xxxxxxxxxxx
sounds like a worse version of DH's ex, she is a nightmare unless it is so that we do something that suits her.... she doesn't want me involved with DSD (apparently I stop him from seeing her), ironically it is me that does all the running about to pick and drop off!! Go figure :dohh:

I hope thing settle down, it'll be easier once LO is here... :hugs:

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