****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Hello ladies, thanks for answering my glucose question, I'm ready to get it over with.
I do have one thing to ask, the past 2 weeks I've been craving non-food things such as dirt:dohh: It's been getting very strong to the point where I want to go outside and dig some up and eat a spoonful. With my other two pregnancies I've never had these cravings.
Is this something that I need to tell my doctor?
oh me n my friend read about that recently its called geophagy and has something to do with your body wanting calcium and sodium apparently, it is also associated with iron deficiency.... also it can help with nausea and heart burn apparently..... another thing they said was apparently in the US its believed that eating dirt can help women to have an easy delivery..... although if your seen eating dirt your classed as uncivilized.... oops... only at home then eh.

there can be health risks tho...... i found this on google...

Health risks
Like coprophagia, it may be dangerous because parasite eggs can be passed in animal feces. Baylisascaris eggs, for instance, are dropped millions at a time by raccoons and other wildlife. They can stay dormant for years, remaining viable even in extreme temperatures and drought. Some of these roundworm eggs may remain in the soil long after the feces have decomposed, and become active in the digestive tract upon being consumed. Children's predilection to engage in geophagia makes them more susceptible to worm infestations.
Other dangers associated with geophagia include damage to tooth enamel, the ingestion of a variety of bacteria, lead poisoning and intestinal obstruction.
There is a psychological hypothesis, which is centered around the craving ideas, reported by clay eaters. The researchers attention was directed mainly towards the pregnant and postpartum women and their emotional state. Geophagy was attributed to feelings of misery, homesickness, depression, and alienation.[21]

so maybe now uv had the craving..... maybe try the calcium sodium and iron rich foods.... see if that satisfys it... ? x
I would recommend taking a daily prenatal vitamine if you're not already otherwise mention it to you doc at next apt, they may be able to take bloods to figure out what you're low on, normally it is iron like mummaofthree mentioned. Just I wouldn't recommend eating the "non nutritious" materials b/c of the risks.
:blush: both my pregnancies I have craved sponge! Just chewing it seems to work then I rinse and leave to dry for next time :blush: MW says its one of those things :shrug: I get a new one each week and OH finds it so normal now he even picks em up when hes out!
i never really had cravings.... i had a thing for aniseed n liquorice but never to the point where i HAD to have it...... hmmmm i want a craving.... a good one tho like ice... haha.... nt gunna put on much weight with that one lol x
Had my gestational diabetes test this morning and it wasnt too bad apart from the glucose drink was icky and made me feel quite sick and shaky for a few hours as I wasnt allowed to eat for 12 hrs before the test. Feeling better now though :)

Then had my 28 week checks with my consultant this afternoon who rang for my results and everything is fine I dont have GD :happydance: Everything else is also fine, only slight concern at one point was she couldnt find the heartbeat so used a portable scanner to look and bean was sitting up breech which explained it. Was very odd to see a kick on screen and feel it at the same time :haha:

and this is me and my little girlie ella-may..... x


i think she looks like a mini me..... haha xx

Brilliant pics!!

Just I wouldn't recommend eating the "non nutritious" materials b/c of the risks.


:blush: both my pregnancies I have craved sponge! Just chewing it seems to work then I rinse and leave to dry for next time :blush: MW says its one of those things :shrug: I get a new one each week and OH finds it so normal now he even picks em up when hes out!

Can't imagine chewing sponge, I also haven't had any real cravings, notions for things, like rice puddng or something, but not a desperate need to have something, which I assume a craving is.

Had my gestational diabetes test this morning and it wasnt too bad apart from the glucose drink was icky and made me feel quite sick and shaky for a few hours as I wasnt allowed to eat for 12 hrs before the test. Feeling better now though :)

Then had my 28 week checks with my consultant this afternoon who rang for my results and everything is fine I dont have GD :happydance: Everything else is also fine, only slight concern at one point was she couldnt find the heartbeat so used a portable scanner to look and bean was sitting up breech which explained it. Was very odd to see a kick on screen and feel it at the same time :haha:

Yeah for no GD!!:thumbup:
Its wierd :shrug: but a chomp on the old sponge and all seems to pass...maybe Im deficient in something but just had my 28 week blood results and GD results and all bang on normal so dunno :nope:
Good Day ladies!!

Lovely pictures mumma :thumbup:

Jetters hope you find a lovely garden house!

Mogg LOL I crave ice, I constantly have to have it.

I've actually heard of ladies craving dirt. I have read that your body is deficient in something?? don't know what but would defo mention it to dr.

MrsP I work all day in my office then go home and make dinner usually but lately I can't be bothered. My hips and feet are so sore and tired. I could use a nap too!:dohh:

afm just counting down the days until my vacation to see my family!:thumbup: 4 days! I will only be gone a total of 10 days but it's better than nothing.

Hope your all well!:hugs:
I do have one thing to ask, the past 2 weeks I've been craving non-food things such as dirt:dohh: It's been getting very strong to the point where I want to go outside and dig some up and eat a spoonful. With my other two pregnancies I've never had these cravings.
Is this something that I need to tell my doctor?

Could also be something called "Pica", either way you should mention it to your doctor because it seems to be related to mineral deficiency (and don't eat dirt). :flower:

I read something today about upping your DHA intake in the last 3 months of pregnancy and throughout pregnancy to improve your babies brain function. Apparently some "side effects" of increased DHA levels in babies are more regular sleep patterns, higher problem solving skills and less chance of ADHD, autism and dyslexia.... Also, baby will always try to take the amount of nutrition needed which can leave mummy deficient. In the case of DHA, baby will take it from your highest source, your brain, which is what can lead to the 3rd trimester baby brain and fogginess. :shrug:

DHA is an omega3 fatty acid and can be obtained from most fish (salmon, cod, haddock, tuna and mackrel are good sources), chicken or beef liver and green leafy vegetables.

This is one article: https://www.pregnancytoday.com/articles/nutrition/omegas-and-dha-during-pregnancy-837/

Sorry to sound so clinical, I just thought you all may be interested. :flower:

Lots of weird stuff going on here. Baby started leaping from one side of my belly and smaking into the other side. :haha: That felt weird, but only lasted 2 or 3 days then he moved. My dog (we have 2, one is mine and one is DH's) had a seizure on Sunday afternoon that gave me a huge fright. :cry: She's never done it before and it was upsetting to watch her try to walk around while her brain wasn't functioning properly. We had a couple friends over, so one of them and DH took her to the vet. Cost us $350 and they still can't tell us why it happened or if it will happen again. :growlmad:

And I am starting to feel like a hermit. :haha: I get out everyday but being by myself and not being able to do much is really getting to me. Last time I was off work for this long I ended up redoing our whole staircase... :rofl: can't do that now!

Goodness, sorry ladies. I didn't think I had anything to write.

Welcome back everyone who was on vaca. :happydance: Eoz on the house and fibroid.

I have started to need the window open in the car and the tiredness from 1st tri is back.

Sorry again this turned into a novel. :blush: I'll make sure to write more often, even if I think I have nothing to say! :haha:
hey everyone, welcome Mumma, what I would have given to have missed 1st tri :)

well, I hit 3rd tri on weeks and days today, still a little unbelieving as too that I am still here, and soo much to do. I am hoping in the next 2 weeks the rest of the upstairs will be decarated and then I can start lists on what I have got and what I need still.

Must be the day for washing as I have got 3 loads through, and more planned for tomorrow... I don't know where it has all come from :wacko:

I may see if the MW can see me tomorrow as movements have changed and I have a few questions that I need answering before I go back to work on Thursday
Thank you xxxxx

Just wish I had new hips : (

How are we all xxxxx
been shopping today got my boy's and England kit each for the world cup they have a football day at school in june and would you believe 3 boys and not one kit in the house lol it did set me back 90 but they are worth it and they did love it my mom has said she'll half the price and a huge trampoline see one for 96 in asda i like so may be getting that for the half term so they are not bored bless

we've been going around in circles with names hubby likes Erin Oscar Lance and Oliver i like Joel Dominic Nicky and Nathen we can't agree on any we're gonna wait until he's here and see what he looks like what do you think of the names ladies and any ideas
Oh yes Eoz! Awesome news! Does this mean you're back to delivering in august with us lovely mums and mums-to-be?

That bit about DHA and brain foggyness makes a lot of sense to me, I often feel like I"m not quiet all there these days.
MrsP I have today succombed to the lure of a Peppa Pig DVD after lunch - Mogster sat on my lap and we watch 4 episodes from it, peace and quiet for 20 minutes with him on my lap - BLISS :wohoo: Felt little lazy so have tidied utility room up and got load of washing on - its never ending!!! Am gonna start hunting his birthdya little pressies this evening so am all ready should Moglet decide to come early...

You never thought you would appreciate Pepper Pig so much did you. E and I did the same this afternoon but we watched Desperate MW's! lol! With chocolate in hand, then I finished the ironing. Have done bugger all this evening. I have a few birthdays due around time of LO but will be able to get away with money in cards.

Hope you have managed to rest tonight :hugs:

Had my gestational diabetes test this morning and it wasnt too bad apart from the glucose drink was icky and made me feel quite sick and shaky for a few hours as I wasnt allowed to eat for 12 hrs before the test. Feeling better now though :)

Then had my 28 week checks with my consultant this afternoon who rang for my results and everything is fine I dont have GD :happydance: Everything else is also fine, only slight concern at one point was she couldnt find the heartbeat so used a portable scanner to look and bean was sitting up breech which explained it. Was very odd to see a kick on screen and feel it at the same time :haha:

Glad everything went well for you today hon, something else to tick off of the list. :kiss:

Good Day ladies!!

Lovely pictures mumma :thumbup:

Jetters hope you find a lovely garden house!

Mogg LOL I crave ice, I constantly have to have it.

I've actually heard of ladies craving dirt. I have read that your body is deficient in something?? don't know what but would defo mention it to dr.

MrsP I work all day in my office then go home and make dinner usually but lately I can't be bothered. My hips and feet are so sore and tired. I could use a nap too!:dohh:

afm just counting down the days until my vacation to see my family!:thumbup: 4 days! I will only be gone a total of 10 days but it's better than nothing.

Hope your all well!:hugs:

Oh bless you hon, I worked when pregnant with Eleanor but obviously not this time, I dont know what I would struggle with more, being nice in the office or keeping up with E.

Does DD lend a hand?

hey everyone, welcome Mumma, what I would have given to have missed 1st tri :)

well, I hit 3rd tri on weeks and days today, still a little unbelieving as too that I am still here, and soo much to do. I am hoping in the next 2 weeks the rest of the upstairs will be decarated and then I can start lists on what I have got and what I need still.

Must be the day for washing as I have got 3 loads through, and more planned for tomorrow... I don't know where it has all come from :wacko:

I may see if the MW can see me tomorrow as movements have changed and I have a few questions that I need answering before I go back to work on Thursday

Good luck tomorrow hon, hope you get the answers you want.

Cant remember who mentioned Raspberry Leaf previously, but I took tablets last time from 32 weeks. I read they dont induce labour but do help labour, I only had 8 hours start to finish so shall be taking them again incase they were the reason.

AFM I am totally shattered, havent done very much this evening at all. Just pottering around. Nearly finished my hospital bag, just need nappies, camera, tens machine and an outfit for me to come home in and thats it.

Just about to go get my PJ's on indulge in a cheeky icecream and then carry on doing nothing!

Foosh, interesting on the Omega 3, I'm taking a pregnancy multi-vitamin that comes with omega 3 capsules, so hopefully I'm covered, but I'll mention it at my next appointment to see if maybe I could take some more!
Mum2be, laundry is never done for us, we have to do a load a day or it becomes impossible :( My mum has DD today though and she normally does some for us!

I built the cot in the new baby's room last night, it looks like a bedroom now!! even DH was quite impressed. My parents are home again, and saw the room for the first time since the work started and couldn't believe how much was done :) I've given DH a list of all the 'heavy lifting' jobs that need done - move bookcase from next door, move chest of drawers, get chair and crib from attick :)

Last day of my working week today. MrsP I know what you mean about not knowing what is harder, work or SAHM, but on the days I work I long to be at home, and the days I'm home I'm nostalgic for work - never happy!!

19 days left to work :)
Hi ladies,
Im off for my 28 week MW app this morning, its a little late but will hopefully get hip form etc signed today :) yey extra pennys!! im gonna need it considering my boiler has broken :( greasy hair for me today - eurgh.
how is everyone this fine morning? xx
i got my form signed on Monday, forgot about it at appt last week - oops - had to go in especially!!

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