****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Sorry i haven't been around much but, i am still working full time and, when I get home me and OH are decorating the house trying to get it ready before our 1st bundle of joy arrives!!! By the end of the day my feet, ankles and toes are so puffed up it is unbeliveable!!! My OH says I have fat feet now! I have no ankles by the end of the day!!! Really not liking that!!! My carpal tunnel is also doing me in as, i work in an office I am typing alot so that doesn't help and, I am still waiting for my splints to turn up that I ordered on Wed morning also, I will phone to find out when my physio appointment is as, its been 2 wks since my mw sent the referral off and, I still haven't heard anything!!!! My Lo has quiet days and not so quiet days I think this is normal. Will have to run soon as, a busy day today MIL is 70 and she is having a BBQ this evening but, boy what hard work it is as, my parents are going and they are spending the night at mine so, also been rushing around tiding up as, the decorating is the entire upstairs of our house!!!!

Hopefully in 4wks time when I finish work I will be able to come on here more. Hope you all have a good sunshiny weekend!
Philly sounds like you had a great time!! How come 9 weeks, do you know you're having baby early?

Yep, gona be having him either 37/38 weeks do to me being a diabetic hun xxx

ahhh... induction or section?

shmoo, sounds like you're busy!! enjoy the bbq tonight :) 4 weeks at work - lucky you, i have 6 weeks left...

AFM, if you read my other ranting post, not a great start to the day, but feeling more chilled now... been a busy bunny while DH and DD out, and now off for a shower,shave legs, wash hair, dry hair, nap, go to wedding!! Hopefully get all that done :) so better get a move on...
well that was a WEIRD wedding... we were invited for 3pm, and I knew the marriage was about midday in registrary office So we get there and then it turns out we're just there for drinks and sent home at 4.30! Food later for people who were invited for food?! and then we were allowed to go back at 9pm for evening do... didn't bother though - too tired. have enjoyed the sun though!
Wow, that is a weird wedding?!?!

Don't know what we're doing yet, gotta see ncloser to the time and decide then!

It really is way too hot tonight. I'm struggling to keep cool, all my cute summer wear is all packed up now and don't have alot to keep me cool. Mart is in his boxers, dog is passed out and i'm just in my undies! 9 weeks of this is going to kill me!!!! xxx
That Is really wierd! strange way to do things for a wedding! I think I would feel quite put out being expected to go for just over an hour, then bugger off while they ate and then go back again! surely easier just to invite you to the evening party!

Hi everyone, BIG hugs to all who've felt pee'd off or fed up these past days, Hopefully this sunshine has perked us all up a little!
I have loved seeing the sun but I have to admit its made me feel a little crappy! I have swollen feet and a really light head! I am hopeing its just the heat and not a dose of pre eclampsia setting in?? I had it bad with DS but not untill right near the end!

Its been an eventfull 24 hours for us! we were just getting ready for bed last nitgh when I decided to pop a wash into the machine! WELL..... I wish I hadnt bothered now! there sat on the top of my best bath towels, WAS...... MOUSE DROPPINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am the worlds BIGGEST stress head when it comes to germs of any kind, so the thought of Mickey Mouse relieving himself on my fluffy Egyptian cotton was too much for me to cope with lol.
SO.. Today we have disinfected the kitchen more times than I care to admit, AND totally gutted the laundry cupboard, and every other cupboard for that matter, but NO mouse was found! I have a cat AND a dog that sleep in front of the cupboard it was in so just dont quite get what the cheeky little swine was doing in there! anyways, I am hoping that it was in one of the laundry bags when we dragged them outside to shake out, and its scarpered! BUT just incase its still lurking somewhere, we have set traps to catch the little bugger! I would find this dfficult to cope with in any normal state. BUT while pregnant and trying to prepare the place for my new little baby I totally freaked out! LOVELY hubby is currently pulling out all the appliences and bleaching everything with a surface haha! He's my hero!

Anyways, that aside! My bump is growing VERY quickly! I have popped a pic into the Bumps section at the top of this forum if anyone fancies havin a peek!

Hope we're all well! and enjoying the summer now its finally here!
BIG hugs x
Nik x
What a hero hubby, can I borrow him? OH is away this weekend so could do with some help! Saying that my little man has just turned around from his cars and said "Is Mummy ok?" Gotta love him I just cant wait til my 2nd little man is here too :happydance: not long now...
Morning ladies xxx

I have woke up covered from head to toe in a red pin prick itchy rash and i feel yuck with it.No sunbathing for me today.

How are we all doing? x
Morning all,

had a crap nights sleep. Not only was i getting up every 5 bloody min to pee but then when i got back to bed i was too hot to settle! Why can't it be hot in the day and lovely and cold at night???? Gotta keep the fan on all night tonight but whether it makes a difference or not, i really don't know!

Poor Brian has passed out again. This weather is not good for him, poor little fella hasn't eaten in 2 days! He just lies on the floor in the shade! May take Mart's electric shaver too him later and give him a buzz cut!

28 weeks today!!!!!! Start the growth scans on tuesday so we'll start to see how bub is going to be! Still no names but we're getting there, got a couple but nothing that stands out.

Well hope everyone has a lovely chilled sunday in the sun! Don't forget your suncream ladies!

Eoz, hope the rash goes soon! xxx
Afternoon ladies, Im hiding today as its too hot out there for me, went to matlock yesterday and then to Nottingham in the evening to see Lee Mack, he was so funny. But by god was it hot inside the concert hall-nearly passed out! Didnt get home till midnight after being out from 10am so going to do absolutley nothing today!

Hope everyones ok :)
HOOOOOOOOOOOORAY!!! August bubas has finally moved over to thrid tri :happydance:

Congrats ladies. :happydance: xx
Thank god for central air conditioning is all I can say!!!!

Eoz I got a rash too just on my belly and it's just disappearing after about a week. I got it from lying in the sun I think it's a heat rash... I bought some polysporin itch relief to put on it and it seems to help.
Hey ladies hope you are all well :happydance:todays the day im finally move to 3rd tri let the final stage of my pregnancy begin yippeee cant wait xx
Hehe look what OH just came back with for bean, it says boys but its actually lime green so I think its unisex and she will look cute in it :D

Cute outfit.

We have sun here to, I got a bit of a burn yesterday on my chest but nothing bad it's almost gone now. Just winding down the last few visits here till we head home. I want me some ice cream or an ice cap... mmmm
hi ya ladies i had a day inthe garden yesterday was in the paddling pool cooling off i came down for a drink last night and slept on the sofa my bed was far to hot aaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhh the pool was so cold baby didn't like it and was cramping up so today i've had a cool bath and stayed in the shade all day i must say i feel fine mind you i was fatter than this last summer
i'm dredding the walk to school tomorrow i'm ok sitting in heat but the idea of walking in it scares me swelling and all lol
i am trying my best to get out of everythying i can lately tho doing school run mon bro doing it tues wedn mom doing it thurs its back to me and fri they are on holiday so its not that bad lol and mom mom and hubby have booked holidays off this summer while its term time so they can do school run's for me and my bro and mom are doing them 3 days a week any way soo i'm in hiding lol keeping cool:hugs:

strange way to do a wedding but i will say my friend did hers the same everyone went to church and only close family had a meal and the afterdo was everyone again it was ok tho because it gave those with kids to go back get them in bed or get changed etc but she did do a buffett for everyone at the afterdo and she also had her guest who didn't need to go home an option of a bar within the hotel for use while waitin for afterdo so she was really flex some people didn't come back to the afterdo but she had a cracking day it's strange that they didn't offer a bar of anything while you waited from half 4til 9 tho

i'll borrow your hubby 2 any is better than none mines has gone fishing again mind you he did lawns and cleaned yestersay so i can't moan
That Is really wierd! strange way to do things for a wedding! I think I would feel quite put out being expected to go for just over an hour, then bugger off while they ate and then go back again! surely easier just to invite you to the evening party!

strange way to do a wedding but i will say my friend did hers the same everyone went to church and only close family had a meal and the afterdo was everyone again it was ok tho because it gave those with kids to go back get them in bed or get changed etc but she did do a buffett for everyone at the afterdo and she also had her guest who didn't need to go home an option of a bar within the hotel for use while waitin for afterdo so she was really flex some people didn't come back to the afterdo but she had a cracking day it's strange that they didn't offer a bar of anything while you waited from half 4til 9 tho

Yeah it was weird... we live really close, 10 minute walk anyway, and I'm guessing that most of us who weren't invited for meal were the local ones... I think the most bothersome thing was that we didn't know any of that beforehand!! It was a bit of a rude shock!! Good cake though :)

Hi everyone, BIG hugs to all who've felt pee'd off or fed up these past days, Hopefully this sunshine has perked us all up a little!
I have loved seeing the sun but I have to admit its made me feel a little crappy! I have swollen feet and a really light head! I am hopeing its just the heat and not a dose of pre eclampsia setting in?? I had it bad with DS but not untill right near the end!

Its been an eventfull 24 hours for us! we were just getting ready for bed last nitgh when I decided to pop a wash into the machine! WELL..... I wish I hadnt bothered now! there sat on the top of my best bath towels, WAS...... MOUSE DROPPINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am the worlds BIGGEST stress head when it comes to germs of any kind, so the thought of Mickey Mouse relieving himself on my fluffy Egyptian cotton was too much for me to cope with lol.
SO.. Today we have disinfected the kitchen more times than I care to admit, AND totally gutted the laundry cupboard, and every other cupboard for that matter, but NO mouse was found! I have a cat AND a dog that sleep in front of the cupboard it was in so just dont quite get what the cheeky little swine was doing in there! anyways, I am hoping that it was in one of the laundry bags when we dragged them outside to shake out, and its scarpered! BUT just incase its still lurking somewhere, we have set traps to catch the little bugger! I would find this dfficult to cope with in any normal state. BUT while pregnant and trying to prepare the place for my new little baby I totally freaked out! LOVELY hubby is currently pulling out all the appliences and bleaching everything with a surface haha! He's my hero!

Anyways, that aside! My bump is growing VERY quickly! I have popped a pic into the Bumps section at the top of this forum if anyone fancies havin a peek!

Hope we're all well! and enjoying the summer now its finally here!
BIG hugs x
Nik x

Nik, mouse sounds grim, we had a big problem a year or so ago, catching a couple a day, think we got rid of them though, no droppings or nibbled food packets in months and months...
Hope you're OK hun, sounds like you've got good friends to look after Riley while you're in, is your DH around?

Morning ladies xxx

I have woke up covered from head to toe in a red pin prick itchy rash and i feel yuck with it.No sunbathing for me today.

How are we all doing? x

Rash sounds nasty :(

Hehe look what OH just came back with for bean, it says boys but its actually lime green so I think its unisex and she will look cute in it :D


That's cute :) I have some lemon and lime coloured babygros from asda too, for our 'yellow' baby!!

Cute outfit.

We have sun here to, I got a bit of a burn yesterday on my chest but nothing bad it's almost gone now. Just winding down the last few visits here till we head home. I want me some ice cream or an ice cap... mmmm

Ice cap?!

hi ya ladies i had a day inthe garden yesterday was in the paddling pool cooling off i came down for a drink last night and slept on the sofa my bed was far to hot aaarrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhh the pool was so cold baby didn't like it and was cramping up so today i've had a cool bath and stayed in the shade all day i must say i feel fine mind you i was fatter than this last summer
i'm dredding the walk to school tomorrow i'm ok sitting in heat but the idea of walking in it scares me swelling and all lol
i am trying my best to get out of everythying i can lately tho doing school run mon bro doing it tues wedn mom doing it thurs its back to me and fri they are on holiday so its not that bad lol and mom mom and hubby have booked holidays off this summer while its term time so they can do school run's for me and my bro and mom are doing them 3 days a week any way soo i'm in hiding lol keeping cool:hugs:

Flutter great that family can helpyou out with school run :) my dad has lent me his car so I don't have to walk and train to work this week....

Had a lovely day here, 2 bbqs :) impromptu lunch one at friends we were just popping round to lend my bike and they invited us to stay,, then with my folks for tea.
So hot. But a bit more breeze than yesterday which made it bearable!! However weather is to turn COLD here again 11C by Thursday :(
Crikey. Today's heat really gave me a battering :( spent the day on the sofa in a sheet with the OH making me iced water, in front of a fan, dozing on and off- felt AWFUL. Really feel like i'm cooking from the inside out. How the hell will I make it through to August?!

Yas I indulged in a cool bath this evening after Mogster went to bed - it was HEAVEN!!!! Starting to get nauseous though - whats that about???? Guessing its Moglet squishing my innards so feel sick and heartburny. MW again after Bank Hol so guess will ask then?

Happy 30 weeks HWM! :thumbup:

Did anyone go to the baby show? Any bargains to report?

This heating is killing me!!!! I'm feel like such a wimp but had no sleep what so ever last night! It's really starting to get me down now! Poor Brian is suffering too now, won't eat properly and has a poorly tummy! Hope he gets better soon! xxx

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