****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

we didnt have a moses basket, we used pram or chair for daytime naps and the crib at night, this time we have invested in a swing (Chicco Polly Swing from Kiddicare £45 delivered) as we figure this will allow bubs to have a rest away from Mogster and give him a chance to have some mummy time whilst bubs is entertained!
We have a bassinet, but thats just because we wanted to save up for a nice convertable crib...turns out we found a good deal a week ago, so know we have both! Which, actually turned out to be convenient because our house is 3 floors so its nice to have something on each floor (pack n play with bassinet/changing table) on first floor, crib on second, and bassinet on third. The steps in our house are VERY steep and im already getting nervous walking up and down em when i cant even see my feet :blush: At any rate, we may keep the bassinet at our bedside just so its easier in the night.
It's busy on here these days, I only seem to get on once a day, and ther's loads to catch up on!
Welcome to the board SavyCait! Not sure if anyone is 'highrisk' but I know some mums on here have really been given a run for their money so far!! Here's a heatlhy last few months :)
Guppy, you don't have to apologise - no offence was taken regarding washing things etc, I think it's good that we can all express our opinions on these things! Partly it's laziness on my behalf, partly I don't know, ignorance! Not even sure if I'll wash Charlotte's old clothes Carolyn!! They're boxed in her room, so should be fairly OK - the newborn stuff will be worn for about 2 hours anyway before getting dirtied and needing a wash anyway!!
Oh sparkles, enjoy the wedding! Hope the dress still fits, I love Coast dresses!
Brownlie, hi!! Congratulations. Sounds like your boss is pretty down to earth! 2 weeks left at work - very jealous! I'mpretty much 31 weeks now (well tomorrow anyway!) which is when I finished last time, so it's hard going!
Nik, hi, sounds like a great day yesterday, hope you don't suffer too much! Your new pram looks cool!!
We haven't got a moses basket either, have a rigid carrycot on pram, a rocking crib (family heirloom) from over night sleep, and this one will go in cot in his/her room for day sleeps from day one... same as Charlotte did!!

As for us, raining and miserable here :( I've felt quite sick today, although I haven't been. Too much greasy food I think... C and I went to Ikea for lunch and she was rather disappointed to not get to play or have icecream as I felt rough, nauseous and dizzy and just had to go home...

Tomorrow, DH taking C swimming and to the Baby Rave at Belfast Children's festival, so I will have time to finish off baby's room, move some shelves and check through the newborn clothes :) Will post some photos then when it's all done!! It's so different than before, my friend Pam couldn't believe the difference when she saw it on Friday!!
Oh and I'm going to colour my hair tomorrow, grey looks shocking right now!
Hi guys, My name is Claire and I am due on the 27th of August, and in team yellow. I have 2 sweet weeks left at work then i can kick back and relax. :coffee:

I've basically just scanned the last page of posts to get an idea of what people are talking about, I have a drawer that i've put hand me downs and new clothes into and when i'm off I am going to wash it all, just so i know it's all fresh and ready to go and as someone else mentioned I love the smell of fresh washing.

We are going to go to ante natal classes, but i don't think mine are available to me untill July and my Midwife books me in and she hasn't mentioned it yet.

How's everyones pregnancy going? Mine was a bit rough to start with i was in hospital for 3 days with Hyper emesis, then i had a week off coz i fainted at work, got to about 16 weeks and it all lifted and now so far so good.:flower: I currently am suffering from Piles:blush: (Sorry if TMI but i guessed this would be a sharing kinda page!!) any tips for them anyone else suffering? And sleep i just can't get comfy at night.:sleep::nope:

I have to go back to hospital next week and have a scan at 28 weeks as at my 20 week scan one of bubbas kidneys was slightly dialated, anyone else had this? I was told it's nothing to worry about they just want to check on it.

I actually have quite alot of bits we started buying quite early once we knew everything was ok each time we went to Tescos or something we've picked up some bottles/nappies/wipes/ anything thats on special offer. We have our pram we don't have any nursery furniture.

But as my boss said to me yesterday after i had a mini break down at work over being hot tired fed up and generally slightly over whelmed by the up coming event. Worse case scenario and the baby comes tomorrow, As long as the it has somewhere to lie it's head and someone to love it, it doesn't matter what you have or haven't got.:happydance::happydance:

Hope you're all well and coping in this heat

Welcome hon, i shall add you to the front page x

MrsP, Jasmine is def testing boundaries too... But she isn't too bad! It is so amazing how much they learn, I love it. Do you know what your having???

They defiantely are the age for it eh? That and the whining that has started, it drives me mad. No we dont know the sex, team yellow once again for us x

Hello Hello Hello!!!!
Sorry for yet another few days absense but I was busy sleeping most of thursday lol, and then yesterday I had such a busy and enjoyable day I hardly had chance to sit down let alone turn my laptop on lol!
TBH I think did a little too much yesterday as I am supposed to be resting but It was a fun day, and I am paying for it through aches and pains today x
We started by heading to good old Tesco and did a mega shop, then We got the bus into Belfast with some great friends and their baby girl. Did a heck of a lot of shopping and then headed for Frankie and Benny's for a massive three course dinner! haha! After that we whizzed back to the Barracks in a taxi and then channged and headed to watch a Rock band that were playing in our little Families bar in the camp! Needless to say by the time we got home I was exhausted tho, and suffering from some pains in my pelvis! but it was wrth it!
AND my lovely hubby made me a cuppa tea and snuggled me up in bed and even let me rest my leg on him to ease my hips hurtin in bed cos Riley has pinched my maternity Pillow for his bed hahaha!

OOOOO I almost forgot! We ordered our Pram yesterday! We have gone fpr the OBABY Zezu Pramette in Black with a white interior to the hood! There is a natching car seat available too that clicks straight onto the frame and we'll be getting that next month!
I am SO excited! We have ordered bubs a wee Moses basket matress for when we have it in Pram mode as the liner didnt look overly padded, and we wanna make sure he or she is all comfy and snug!

SO now we have
8 New Bibs (plus all rileys old ones)
a sterilizer
8 bottles
a breast pump
new vests
and a heck of a lot of Rileys newborn clothes taht were hardly even worn!!!

Was wondering is everyone bothering with a Moses Basket?? I am gunna get a reclining rocker/bouncer chair and wasnt sure If I would bother with the moses basket or not!

Anyways, hope everyone is well, and a HUGE welcome to all the new ladies!
Jetters I am glad to hear baby is going strong, I get kicked like that too, lol, I am dreading how hard the kicks will be in a few more weeks! but its reassuring after the scares hey?

With fruit/veg washing, I tend to wash most but if I am honest I dont wash everything! and a lot of the foods that are "washed and ready to cook" I dont bother washing even though my MW tells me too! saying that I am the one who scoffed a Brie and Bacon Baguette the other week haha! It is personal choice with washing etc I think and we're all different hey! I remember washing EVERYTHING before Riley was born but I think it was just part of my crazed cleaning and nesting madness haha! after he was born I did usually put new things on him without washing lol!

Right after that I think I shall go make some lunch! yumyum! I am starving!

Catch you all later! Hope your weekends are going fab!
Nikki B x x x x x x x x

Wow Mercy, you certainly havent been taking it easy :nope: time to put your feet up and have a :coffee:

We have a moses basket, we still have the one I had for Eleanor. We keep it up in our room the whole time, apart from the first two weeks or so whilst we are getting the hang of the cries and things other than that baby naps upstairs.

E went into her own room at 9 weeks and went into her cot.

Nikki I just ordered one from Fisher Price, it has amazing reviews, it's pretty cheap and is a rocker/bassinet combo :)

Here is a link:


Thats lovely hon x
Hey ladies just a quick hello on the inlaws laptop before we go out to the pub quiz and have some tea, been into ashford today and got bean some more cute outfits including a sparkly hello kitty dress which I love :D Hope you are all ok!
I promise I have taken it easy today! lol. I am getting a little worried about the pelvic pain I have been feelin. Its like electric shocks every time I step forward. I mentioned it to my MW and she said just see how it goes! I think I will make an appointment with the GP for Tues as I am worried it might be turning into SPD. :0(

I was also thinking today that If I was to have another bleed from the placenta and end up with baby being delivered, I would have absolutely nothing for the wee thing clothes wise, I know if babies are very early they go into SCBU undressed, but If I was to go in a few weeks I would think the opportunity would be there to dress bubs! I almost bought one layette set in Tiny/prem baby size. but then I worried that I would just be tempting fate if I did! Would I be bonkers if I bought something?? I was only thinking because a lady in the bed opposite me while I was in over the weekend, had her baby at 36 weeks and he was only 5 lb and she was gutted that she had nothing to fit him!

Maybe I am stressing too much so I'll shush now haha!
Nik x x
Nik we have a few bits of early and tiny baby - if you buy a few bits of the up to 7.5lb size from Mothercare it is quite flexible. Mogster wore it when he was a light as 5lb and up to about 9lb so we got our monies worth, also washes well and they often have that size in the sale! We have some of it from last time for Moglet and a few new rompers that size too - figure if he is big then he can wear them with socks!
i forgot to mention im team yellow for right now :)
Hi Mrs P
I was down for the 11th but apparently i'm now the 13th and I'm Team yellow! Not been on this site for ages and can't believe we are in third tri already.
i didn't wash with the rest of boys and i only washed these ones because my sisters baby was here and pucked so she needed a change so i gave her my new one she did it twice so i figured i might as well do a full load as do 2 outfits lol

30weeks today :happydance:

can you loose waters and then nothing i'e then no more waters or just a droplet now and again or do they trickle constantly :shrug:
im due the 22nd with a blue bump x

Welcome :hi: have added you to the front page

Hey ladies just a quick hello on the inlaws laptop before we go out to the pub quiz and have some tea, been into ashford today and got bean some more cute outfits including a sparkly hello kitty dress which I love :D Hope you are all ok!

Goodness me how much more shopping can you do?! x

Hi Mrs P
I was down for the 11th but apparently i'm now the 13th and I'm Team yellow! Not been on this site for ages and can't believe we are in third tri already.

Welcome back hon and I have updated the front page x
i didn't wash with the rest of boys and i only washed these ones because my sisters baby was here and pucked so she needed a change so i gave her my new one she did it twice so i figured i might as well do a full load as do 2 outfits lol

30weeks today :happydance:

can you loose waters and then nothing i'e then no more waters or just a droplet now and again or do they trickle constantly :shrug:
Hi All!

Just dropping in to say hello as I have been really crap really, coming up to my final assessment at work (trainee teacher) so have been banning myself from B&B! Hope everyone is well, all good here, starting too feel REALLY huge now! x
Congraulations Sarah10!

Nik, I'm sure Matt could dash out to Asda and buy something if you really needed smallsizes, then you could chose something yourself a day or two later...

No ideas about waters flutter, had mine broken during induciton last time..

Wannabe, I'm finding teaching hard enough at the minute, let alone trying to finish my training! Hope it all goes well :)

Just watched the Hurt Locker, off to bed now.
DH made a yummy huge salad for tea as greasy food I'd had was making me feel sick, much better now!
Been getting loads of kicks tonight, for a change, wriggles, squirms and all sorts:)
Awww I just made up for my busy weekend!
I had a wee snooze on the sofa for almost an hour lol, and when I woke up Mat had Cleared away the dinner things, done the dishwasher, cleaned the kitchen, Chabged all the beds (except Rileys as he is sleepin lol), AND sorted out the animals!
What a superstar!

I think you might be right Lucy, and maybe I'll hold off on buyin anything too dinky just yet, Maybe get one or two things in first size that go up to 7lb that way if I do manage to keep bubs snug till due time then there's still a chance they will fit for a while!
I think last weekend just scared me a little when they started talking about injecting me with steroids if it happens again in case it started me into labour! ARRGH!
Melissa that does look nice! I need something that baby can sleep in that I can bring on a plane though for when we travel at christmas, anyone got any ideas? I think the travel cribs are to big for an aircraft. Plus we'll have to pack the car seat base to. Ugh I am already dreading all the luggage we'll have! lol. Not the baby of course though.
if its not too long a flight, you could always hold him. my friend did that with a 2.5 hour flight and was well. :) Plus, you may end up holding him anyways to soothe him. Sometimes, if there are enough seats available on the flight, they allow you to put the baby in a car seat next to you- but that would be taking a gamble.
We'll hold him on the plane but I mean where is he gonna sleep when we're across the country at my parents place, we can't bring his crib on the plane! The flight is about 5 hours so DH and I will take turns
got ya :thumbup: hmm...do you think your family could buy a used/new pack n play or bassinet anything of the sort? If not, you he could always sleep with you and the DH.
Yeah we've been considering options, my mom has an old one from my neice that she is going to try to repair, it's ripped pretty badly at the moment and would be a safety hazard so we'll see I guess.

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