****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

I was measuring above the top line of my chart at 28 weeks and they said its nothing to worry about as Im on larger side anyway and jsut booked me in for a growth scan at 32 weeks, but they reckon baby will be normal weight. So dont panic just yet hun :)
when we saw MW last I checked threads on here as I was worried to be measuring ahead but apparently 2 weeks either way isnt too much of an issue at this stage as it can still be down to how baby is lying...

Got MW later so hoping we are measuring on schedule this time as was ahead on measuring last time, will report back later...

Love that pushchair, when we picked mogsters buggy we came down to the 3D and the loola! This time cos of need for double will use carrycot on the loola and have the Dash for when Mogster is too tired or we are going further!
argh, i am trying to mark work, and 4 kids in the class have the initials JM - only one has bothered putting full name on it, the other 3 could be anyones's - 3 JMs!! and the marks are very different...
:haha:philly funny drink like pop

eoz i don't envy you i moved when i had my second had to repaint the house and set up all the furniture as was my first place had no clue how much work i had to do i finally finished in 7 weeks and 3 days later my waters broke just when i thought i could rest lol

mrsp it's a trying time trying to do house and have a baby bless you how on earth do you manage to settle down

i've got midwife today :happydance: i 'm getting ready now i'm excited i can't wait to meet my little bubba :cloud9:

Easy peasy, I am so tired but the end of the day I just pass right out, well until I need a wee or if Eleanor wakes but I normally manage to sleep right on through that and Si gets up to her!

Zoe, I couldn't have handled a house move now - never want to mvoe again, let alone pregnant!
Moggy, we get no half term :( on the plus side, we finish for summer 30 June...
Kelly, no idea about GD/GTT tests... good luck!
Good luck with all MW appointments ladies! I still haven't met my community MW, I see my GP (next week) but once school is finished I'll be able to see MW... :)
tired, sore head here - not helped by the glue I've just had to use to repair broken projects for pupils - hope they appreciate it! Off to get a cup of water, (or better a cup of tea, if the milk has been delivered!) before my first class arrive - clock's ticking!

Hows the headache? x

A first city wheels in Sand in mint condition (ask mrs p if nice) 2 carry cots,raincover,seats all for £90!

How fabulous what an excellent deal, and I thought mine was good. I do love the sand colour but Eleanor has another buggy the same colour and I cant handle the dirt it shows and you know me, so I went for black. When do you get it?

Hi all,

mad night for me last night DD#1 (Abby, 18months) had her first (and last with any luck) asthma attack, she struggled for breath and just as i reached to phone for an ambulance she gook a gulp of air and got going again... screaming and terrified! i rang nhs24 and got her checked out at the local hosp - they were fab! her stats and breathing were normal so they let me take her home, ive been up prodding and checking on her all night. She seems fine now but its safe to say my blood pressure of the chart!!

hope everyone well :) xx

Oh my sounds terrifying. How is she now?

Good morning all!
Well I have had a lovely lie in this morning as hubs and my little man got up and had breakfast together leavin me snoozing haha!
Its a beautiful day in NI and I think I will take my mums and tots group outside to play in the sun today! I dont usually open it on a Bank hol but I have spread word around and think its a shame to waste the opportunity to take our garden toys out!

My bump feels very hard today, and I think Braxton Hicks have started happening! it gets tight and if baby kicks when its like that it bloomin hurts! lol! I think I have a little dancer in there because he or she is shimmying away like mad in there this past few days!
cant remember when i got BH's with riley, I am sure something happened to all my brain cells after I had him cos it was only 2 yrs ago but I seem to have forgotten everything haha!

Hope everyone is well today! good luck finding a pop up travel cot Kelly9, they really are fantastic! I tried looking if the one I have is available in Canada and I think its a UK only one! but hopefully on ebay you'll find something similar!

Right off for a shower and to wander to our little shop now to buy milk and yummy things for my mums and tots group!
Lots of hugs
Nikki B x x x x

Mercy you DH does spoil you, although mine is good I cant complain.

You dont seem to be still for more than a minute, how do you keep going?

Bah we had snow just 2 days ago Jasmak! I don't feel bad for your rain, I'll trade! I am in calgary. No sign of smoke out here.

I failed my 1 hour GD test :( any other of you failed it then passed or failed the 3 hour? I have mine tomorrow but am all worried about it.

Good luck :hugs:

Hope you all get settled nice n quick Zoe, better moving now than with a few day old newborn surely? Hope you havent overdone things...?

Half term here so nowt on, MW this afternoon and a day of playing with mogster :yipee: Thinking cars first then if wind drops we can go outside with his plane...

Sounds like a lovely day ahead. Most of our groups stop for HT too, although messy play is still on tomorrow.

Eoz i don't know how you've done it! I've moved home twice and hated every single time. I vow that next time i move (fingers crossed soon) i'm willing to pay people to pack, move and unpack for me! Well done though, you're one tough cookie!!!

Weather is pants here this morning. Off to see my diabetic team and see if they can put my mind at ease over a few things. Then got a few errands to run before mw this afternoon.

This lack of sleep is starting to affect me now. Poored half my cheeros in the bowl, half on the floor!!! Brian hooverd those up which he didn't mind. I'm saying really strange things too. Was in Tesco yesterday getting bits. Mart asked how many bottles of fanta he should get. I said get 3 as 'you drink them like pop'!!! Didn't even realise. I think my mind has now left me!!!

Have a good day all xxx

Its not too bright here this morning either. Hope they put your mind at rest for you this afternoon.

AFM - pretty shattered today had along weekend decorating and such things. Managed to wash and iron all of the baby clothes and bedding so thats a plus and the decorating is nearly ready for the painter so quite productive really.

Although I have noticed the busier I am it sets my cells of rubbing and the bleeding starts, but nothing too major will just keep an eye on it.

Think Si is expecting to be sit back and do nothing, does he not realise women have babies everyday. Not only that I am not sitting in a cloud of dust for the next 9 weeks, would survive 9 hours!

Absolutely fine!! you wouldnt know anything had been wrong!! lol, She was bouncing around 10mins after it happened!! I was in a worse state than she was... lol xxx

Sods law isnt it, I think we end up being more affected than them, glad she is ok though?

Morning ladies :) Im just having a lazy day today after spending the weekend at the inlaws its nice to have some peace and quiet. Weather is awful here today really overcast and raining, and i've had my mum up to her old tricks again and letting me down so so annoyed and upset with her I really dont know what to do anymore. I dont want to stop Fi seeing her nanny but I cant cope with the way my mum is always letting me down and changing plans. Guess I just need to be the grown up in the relationship and not give her any excuses to change plans etc and that way i cant feel let down.

On a good note our pram is being delivered on friday :happydance: :happydance:

Good news on pram.

Hon my mum used to be the same making excuses, I just found for me to deal with it like it or not, was thats the way she is, but I have to be honest since Eleanor came along she really puller her socks up.

forgot to ask - which buggy have you gone for?

We dont even know the neighbours that well and my mum is always letting me down so cant trust her to be there and inlaws live 4 hrs away so really stuck unless I can befriend one of the mums at school!

Gone for this silver cross pram:


We got it on the baby plan at mothercare when they had the offer of free carseat :happydance:

I have the silver cross 3d for Eleanor and its fab. I have decided to lkeep it for this baby too when I dont need the double. I love it covers come off soo easy and I can wash it as often as I like, only thing is its a bit heavy. I have stopped using it at the moment with Eleanor as I feel the strain of it at the minute.

Good choice.

As for labour, my best friend is having Eleanor. I could call my bro, but other than that I wouldnt want anyone else to have her I am very funny when it comes to her, wont leave her anywhere.

i am having my brother have my kids day or night i think kids have to be older to be left in the family room but i'd check with your hospital

i've just got back from my midwife app and i'm measuring 32 weeks she said to speak to consultant at scan to see if they induce me closer to due my due date if i go over i asked about the waters going as well and she said if one set goes that that they trickle right upon until due and if the other one goes they can whoosh and then stop

i'm so fed up now its unreal i hope baby slows down a little don't want one bigger than 9lb :cry: thats big enough for me

Its only 2 weeks hon, thats not an awful lot, I was behind with E but soon caught its self up again x x
Just got back from MW and now measuring just over 3 weeks ahead, apparently Moglet has had a big spurt so back monday week for another measure then maybe have a scan if growth isnt slowing down....they dont seem worried though so nor am I yet! Currently measuring well into 34 weeks...
head not as bad, glue fumes gone, but dehydrated now I know...
off home shortly.
my folks will have C during labour - they live next door, so very handy! they normally go on holiday in August, but are away now instead so that they'll be around!
I'm not sure about a 6 year old being allowed to wait in hospital - even if they allowed it I'm not sure I'd want that if you know what I mean! May be the time to find a good babysitter - and have a few trial runs, an evening, bed time, day time etc before hand. A local nursery school might be able to suggest someone who works there, or there are nanny/babysitting agencies online (pricey though, I'd go locally for someone if you can first!) Good to be thinking about it now though, so you've time to sort out a plan!
Eoz i don't know how you've done it! I've moved home twice and hated every single time. I vow that next time i move (fingers crossed soon) i'm willing to pay people to pack, move and unpack for me! Well done though, you're one tough cookie!!!

We just moved (10 hours away from home from Pennsylvania to New Hampshire in the States) and i felt the same way! The DH's new job offered him a "moving bonus" so we used that for sure! We had people that moved our boxes onto the truck, drove the truck up here to NH and then unloaded everything in whatever room we wanted and however we wanted it unpacked! I am so glad because i really dont think i could have handled it! And DH def. could not have done it on his own! :nope: It was well worth it, but must admit that if we had to pay $$$$ for it, we would have done it on our own.
I was measuring small until about 22 weeks... they mentioned it at every scan repeatedly getting me all worried. Then bam! 25 week scan and suddenly i'm measuring big, and have been ever since :rofl:
head not as bad, glue fumes gone, but dehydrated now I know...
off home shortly.
my folks will have C during labour - they live next door, so very handy! they normally go on holiday in August, but are away now instead so that they'll be around!
I'm not sure about a 6 year old being allowed to wait in hospital - even if they allowed it I'm not sure I'd want that if you know what I mean! May be the time to find a good babysitter - and have a few trial runs, an evening, bed time, day time etc before hand. A local nursery school might be able to suggest someone who works there, or there are nanny/babysitting agencies online (pricey though, I'd go locally for someone if you can first!) Good to be thinking about it now though, so you've time to sort out a plan!

Yeah suddenly thought about a childminder before, might ask at school if there are any reccomendations as id really rather not have her at the hospital with me :)
Just back from the mw and feel alot better about things. He explained that yes i'm about 2% more of a risk that anyone else of a still birth, however baby is on track, scans look good and my sugars are under control. Still not out of the woods until little man is here but at least i feel abit better which has gotta be good for him.

Had a letter from the HIP tossers, they haven't recieved my form so had to send another one again today. Sent this one recorded delivery so keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!

Fundal height is a joke. I'm measuring 36 weeks!!! However scan of baby shows he is growing spot on. It's because i've got a bit of timber on me so i'm not evening bothering with that.

So tired today, feel like i need match sticks. I love Mart being on rest days but i seem to be out all the time. He's on days tomorrow which means i get a lie in then i can start on sorting the kitchen out!!!

I wasnt worried about fundal height but have lost a fair bit of weight so far this pregnancy and changing shape has lost me 2-3 dress sizes so figured I would measure closer to where I am IYKWIM - from behind I look unpregnant turn around and BUMP!!!!! But if they arent worried nor am I after all he still has to come at some point in the next 10 weeks big or small right!
I am sooooo hungry... another 2 hours till my 3 hour. Sigh
I am sooooo hungry... another 2 hours till my 3 hour. Sigh

omg! They aren't having you do it right in the morning??? I would have died. :nope: 2 hours until the 3 hour test means no eating for 5 more hours!! :hugs:

I did my 1 hour this past Wednesday and I haven't heard anything back so I am assuming I'm ok but :shrug:
Tiff don't know how you are fasting!!! You are strong! I'm eating about every hour these days....can't help it :blush:
They didn't have an apt in the morning for me and i had to get in right away by oder of doc so I took the 1:15pm apt, finally got to eat at 3:30 turns out it was only a 2 hour test but now I feel all sicky from the sugar rush, well thats what I think it is from. Going to take a nap and sleep it off, hopefully I'll have my results come tomorrow they said thursday at the latest.
They didn't have an apt in the morning for me and i had to get in right away by oder of doc so I took the 1:15pm apt, finally got to eat at 3:30 turns out it was only a 2 hour test but now I feel all sicky from the sugar rush, well thats what I think it is from. Going to take a nap and sleep it off, hopefully I'll have my results come tomorrow they said thursday at the latest.

FX it comes back clear then!!

I feel rough as f*ck today, full of snot, sneezes, bad tum, headache. Not good. Can't find my strong painkillers at work either, that's the only thing that got me through the drive in... not amused :(
They didn't have an apt in the morning for me and i had to get in right away by oder of doc so I took the 1:15pm apt, finally got to eat at 3:30 turns out it was only a 2 hour test but now I feel all sicky from the sugar rush, well thats what I think it is from. Going to take a nap and sleep it off, hopefully I'll have my results come tomorrow they said thursday at the latest.


:pink: 54
:blue: 76
:yellow: 40

Go team yellow!!!

Found my painkillers - thank god! I have just over an hour until I have to deal with any pupils, so hopefully I'll be numb to the pain by then

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