****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Good luck Philly!!
Ive woken up this morning feeling really fresh apart from my bump being really itchy...hmmm...

I now have EVERYTHING ordered for bubs and am going to pay the last of my buggy this week so i can take it home in a week or so :D yey!! (apparently MrsP scaring me yesterday was the kick up the bum i needed haha) As i have now set up the moses basket, put away all the clothes etc and finished packing my hospital bags!! go team go!!

miserable day here, but i have to stay in anyway (expecting a large delivery) and im waiting for a washing machine repair man to come too... why do things always break when you cant afford it?! grrr... oh well better to get it out the way before LO arrives.

Abby has the cold :( poor toot has lost her voice - which i must admit i fins hilarious as she looks so confused... but it means im getting lots of extra cuddles :D

She was out with my ex's parents for a bit yesterday and when they got back his mum handed me an envelope... i was expecting it to be the rest of the money he owes me (that is increasing not decreasing as his phone bill etc is in my name, silly girl i know!!) but no no, a letter filled to the brim with emotional blackmail... gotta laugh!! Im beginning to think he doesnt know me at all... that wont work on little miss independant over here.. i dont need a man!! haha!! GIRL POWER!!

hope you all have a lovely day :D xxx
cut off the phone!!! He obviously prefers to write letters so he cant need it any more!

Go put on your Geri dress and swing your packed mat bag...mine is still sat upstairs next to the laundry basket of things to go in it :blush: Still have to get bathroom wipes and refuse to pack it until everything can go in it in order :wacko:

Testing our potty training this morning by going to playgroup for the first time sans pullup.....

What is the large delivery?
Hope scan goes well Philly.

Ask which waters look low - front or back. I thought they regenerated in time too? Seems very bad for consultant to worry you though, is anyone going with you that can give a piece of the August Mummies Threads mind? :gun:

Say :hi: to little man for us and Brian too
helloo, ive never really posted on here. not long to go now :D

Thats ok, all are always welcome.

Not long at all now. So scary especially since 2 August babies are here already. I wonder who will be next?

So I am sitting here ladies enjoying my supper catching up on posts on BnB when I realize that I've got my plate balanced right on top of my boobs and bump! I finally got my bump table!!!!! This is wonderful, I can post and read and eat all at the same time, really could it get any better?

haha Tiff got to love it, can imagine now. On another plus side requires less engery to get food from plate to mouth :haha:

Morning ladies!

Well what a crap day! Gosh it's hammering it down here. Haven't took Brian out for a walk as he would get soaked and i haven't got a coat for him. Plus i really don't wanna get wet, i'm a bad mama aready!!!

Dreading this morning. Got another growth scan. Don't mind that part as get to see bubs, however it's the consultant after that i don't wana see as she is the one who scared the crap out of me by going on about stillbirth! Keep your fingers crossed the amnio fluid is back to normal please!!!

Then off to see my diabetic doc who is a complete num nuts! He really annoys the crap out of me. I told Mart once bub is here i'm not seeing any doc for myself for at least a couple of months, they can all do one!

Also Mart didn't bring a maccies breakfast home this morning :-(. Had a dream about one last night so you should of seen my face when he turned up! Not the warm welcome he was expecting! Ha!

Anyway, i'll update later once i'm back from the hospital!

Stay sexy mamas!!! xxx

Its absolutely bloody rotten here today too. Although on a plus side my garden could really do with a good old watering so its one less thing that I have to do.

Good luck this morning, fingers crossed for you everything will be fine. When I see the consultant I dont always get to see the same one so maybe they will have a nice one there waiting for you or that horrid little toad maybe in a better frame of mind or a bit more considerate! :hugs:

Good luck Philly!!
Ive woken up this morning feeling really fresh apart from my bump being really itchy...hmmm...

I now have EVERYTHING ordered for bubs and am going to pay the last of my buggy this week so i can take it home in a week or so :D yey!! (apparently MrsP scaring me yesterday was the kick up the bum i needed haha) As i have now set up the moses basket, put away all the clothes etc and finished packing my hospital bags!! go team go!!

miserable day here, but i have to stay in anyway (expecting a large delivery) and im waiting for a washing machine repair man to come too... why do things always break when you cant afford it?! grrr... oh well better to get it out the way before LO arrives.

Abby has the cold :( poor toot has lost her voice - which i must admit i fins hilarious as she looks so confused... but it means im getting lots of extra cuddles :D

She was out with my ex's parents for a bit yesterday and when they got back his mum handed me an envelope... i was expecting it to be the rest of the money he owes me (that is increasing not decreasing as his phone bill etc is in my name, silly girl i know!!) but no no, a letter filled to the brim with emotional blackmail... gotta laugh!! Im beginning to think he doesnt know me at all... that wont work on little miss independant over here.. i dont need a man!! haha!! GIRL POWER!!

hope you all have a lovely day :D xxx

haha! Look at you. I've still loads to do and now you have put me to shame, my moses basket is still in the loft and I have the nursery to do and double pram to wash.

Look at you hitting back with the girl power, love it! Kick some arse girl and show him what you're made of :kiss:

Hope Mogster gets on ok and playgroup this morning Moggy. Bless him, he is doing so well.

AFM - Not a lot to report here, could do with a bit more :sleep: but other than that all good. Mum will be here in a bit so I can crack on with the ironing and she can play with E or I'll play with E and she can do it :haha:
cut off the phone!!! He obviously prefers to write letters so he cant need it any more!

Go put on your Geri dress and swing your packed mat bag...mine is still sat upstairs next to the laundry basket of things to go in it :blush: Still have to get bathroom wipes and refuse to pack it until everything can go in it in order :wacko:

Testing our potty training this morning by going to playgroup for the first time sans pullup.....

What is the large delivery?

He gets paid on the 15th so ive told him if the money he owes me doesnt go into my account that day then i will cut it off!

It was my tumble drier that i didnt get last week :( it just arrived...

conversation with tumble drier delivery man....

Him: now your not going to try and move that yourself are you?
me: no no, i will wait for someone else (*sad face*)
Him: would you like me to move the old one and take the new one out the box for you?
Me: well i mean if you wouldnt mind?
Him: No i dont, I know fine as soon as you close that door your going to try and move it and i would worry all day that you got hurt. It will only take me a minute.....

MY HERO!! haha.... :happydance:xx
What a star :thumbup: Was he young and gorgeous and maybe rich and single too?
carolyn what a gem hun some men are nice and you know you would of moved it i would of and hubby would of went mad lol i'd of cut the phone off only cause i'm a nasty cow and wouldn't want him contacting any one else i am a crazy jealous lady tho

good luck today philly and hoping fluid is all evend out for you hun :hugs:

kelly9 they did tell me if you have gd your baby will be bigger than normal but they induce you early if thats the case you may have only just developed it and so bubba might not be big yet so they can control sugars and slow bubba down a little

its so shitty here weather wise :cry: i've got loads to do so i'll check in later:hugs:
Hey all, hope ye all had a great weekend !!! We just arrived back from our bank hokiday weekend camping trip to Westport House & Gardens in Co. Mayo. it was great fun and Kaitlyn really enjoyed it which was the main thing ! :)
Kelly, loving the bump table image :) I still don't trust myself to not drop everything all over the place!

Philly hope the appointments go well... regarding sleep, have you got a relaxation CD? If I'm awake in the night I stick that on and rarely am I awake when it ends...
Carolyn, keep your ex on his toes, and definitely cut off the phone if the money isn't there - I'd probably do that anyway as you don't want to be in that position every month! What a nice chap with the tumble drier too :)
Moggy, hope the playgroup goes well! I take it you've a change of clothes packed!?

As for me, my back is still sore, in one tiny patch - not spreading at all though. Have tried to call physio, no reply :( Seeing as I have my GP appointment today, all seems to be back to normal in the toilet dept, but now have manky green snot, so probably some sort of infection, so will go anyway about that.
Carolyn - when you tell FOB about TD man he WILL be young, rich, gorgeous etc and I would end contract being in your name this month whatever happens. Maybe call the phone company to change the name as of this months bill cut off....you dont want the same prbs next months as you wil be on final countdown then and least stress the better!

HWM - we have a couple changes of clothes - just in case. Pouring with rain though so least he will be indoors and containable to one room and can watch for jiggling and signs of iminent need to pee....FX'd your doc appt goes well and they can explain all the emptying you seem to be doing! Push for physio jump up list too me thinks!

Must get those bathroom wipes today so can pack bag!
Morning huns xxxx

Philly hope all is ok and if water is low i have heard drinking lots helps to restore some.

Carolyn love the tumble drier man.Would have been a bonus if he was scrummy x

Kelly there are joys to a bump hey ha ha xx

Moggy may good luck with the potty training.

Hey to everyone else xx

Well i'm feeling dodgy today.Woke up with mega strong period pains that go in to my legs and my belly keeps going hard.I lost a lot of goo yesterday and it was slightly green so im going to see what's what and go seek a doctor as I haven't registered here yet.I think it's mega strong BH's as i feel out of breath with it.Hey it's my 5th it aint gonna be easy :haha:
Morning ladies today has been made of fail since I woke up.

The weather is awful here and I woke up feeling like I had gone 10 rounds in my ribs with Mike Tyson then stepped out front door to take fi to school slipped kinda did the splits and fell backwards banging my head on door.
Finally got to school late and soaking wet, got back to busstop as was gonna head into town and pick something up and the bus driver didnt have any change and said I was stupid for having a £10 note. That did it so I stepped off the bus and burst into tears and have now come back home :cry:
Money is money stupid man.HUgs hun xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thats what I said to him and also the bus was full and not one person offered me some change surely someone on there would ahve had it for a £10! Oh well im gonna stay here and eat chocolate and pray the rain stops before school finishes later :)
Lliena, what a twat!!
Have physio booked for next thur... probably be better by then if the old sods law kicks in again!
Manky weather here today too - it's so bad for attitude for me I think! But it means I'm not tempted to duck out for snacks and I'm doing my marking... (most of my classes are on collapsed timetable today, so I'm free 7 out of 9 periods :)) The exam papers are RUBBISH though - very easy to mark - X X X X - will be a pain in the arse to correct though!
hiya girls... wow you have all been chatty, i been reading up most days... i really hope everyone who is/was feeling dodgy is feelingbetter....
philly, hope your appointents go well today..

afm... well i got up thi smorning feeling really mega dizzy, almost fell over.... DH helped me get the kids off to school, and i had some toast and went back to bed for an hour, am feeling bit better now...
although i googled something bout my baby being breech, and really desperately wish ihadnt read what i did..... jeeeeeeeeeeeeeez as if i hadnt been worrying myself enough about this baby...... bloody internet, i really should have learned my lesson by now... daft old bat i am.....

i am not due to see my ( useless btw) gp for check til next week, and consultant not for three weeks, by which time i am hoping he wil have turned , if he hasnt i am going to have a million and 1 questions i want answered, so i can stop panicking, you would think with this being my 7th bab i would just get on with it, but i can honestly say that i have worried myself ridiculously this time, i suppose because of my age etc, its all aowrry, and also, because since we moved to where we live now the ante natal care is not a touch on the care we got in UK and even in Dublinw ith our last two babies.... there has been no anomoly scan or gd checks or anything.... which i hae found very strange and a constant worry that they will have missed soemthing...not that i would have even dreamt of doing anything earlier on if they had found anything wrong, but it would just be good to be prepared, we do get mini scan each time we go the hospital for appointments, i have had 4 so far, and willget another one in three weeks when i go... but any other checks we want here we have to pay 150 euro each for... its crap....

sorry for my little rant there.... sorry also for any typos, i cant be arsed to go back and correct em hope you can read what i mean haha
hope all is well with everyone..
Well since getting home from school earlier I have had backache and tummy tightenings enough to give me concern, so I rang midwife unit and they said to keep an eye on myself and if it doesnt stop or gets anyworse to call them back and they will get me in for a bit of monitoring. As might have given bean a shock. Just trying to rest up and pray it stops now and James is coming home from work early.
Lliena... take it easy .. will be thinking of you..... lots of love.. what a morning you have had you poor thing..xxxxxxx
loobi, hope you get your questions answered! Baby here was breech at 20 weeks, but haven't had a scan since and no-one has commented at appts, so no idea now!

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