****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

MrsP does E like bubbles? Mogster does so he chalks on the patio then I give him a brush and some soapy water and he makes the bubbles go funny colours as he cleans the chalk bits off - you still have to rinse it after but very easy way for them to have fun and you to sit and sun...?

Other thing Mogster likes is a paper aeroplane in the garden - he draws the picture on the paper whilst Im doing something in the kitchen, then we make the plane and then we playu with it in/out depending where we want to be.

Hopefully you will all get this energy burst - I didnt get it last time so all new for me :yipee: Reach my target day tomorrow too so makes me happy, if I get to a month before EDD anything more is a bonus! And box moves up tomorrow :yipee:

Tumbletots done and bit warm but still energised, majorly hard bump though, its has dropped too - my belly botton is about 2 inches lower than on Saturday :shrug:

Yes we have chalk and bubbles, its more having the energy to do stuff with her rather than something.

awwwww mrs p that sounds rubbish... i havnt even got a car :( and i dont ever venture towards romford or hornchurch as that where my evil exs family live..... maybe once the babys r here tho eh :) x

We'll definately sort something even if I get Si to take me and pick me up.

Right ok, I wanna rant!!!!

I'm hot, fat, tired, life less and generally a miserable bag of crap. Poor E is catching the brunt of it all, I just cant keep up with her to do anything.

I feel like I've been so mean to her, I dont mean to be. Poor little mite probably doesnt know if she is coming or going :cry::cry:


God if E could talk I hate to know what she'd say about me right now. She cant do right from doing wrong. I wanna take her out and do stuff but just really cant be arsed, I know thats selfish but.....

I try and do the hw and play with her in between or get her to help me to include her in what I am doing or singing or something but just all seems to go wrong.

Si says f*ck the hw, but I just cant, may sound silly but I find it even more stressful if I havent done it I just have to do my jobs.

She is such a good girl I really cant complain.

Hire a cleaner?! Don't drive yourself to exhaustion with housework please! We need you to have the energy to post :) I'm sure E doesn't hate you, but you'll probably both enjoy it if you get some time without jobs to do!! :hugs:

I'm my own worst enemy HWM, I used to have a cleaner but I aint never satisfied and sooner do it my self. Not only that, I am lucky enough not to have to go to work, then to hand over the only jobs I have to do I'd feel so lazy.

Think its frustration more than anything, just need to pick my self up and stop feeling sorry for my self!


horrible isnt it!! im using bio oil but its not making much of a difference this time round! grrr... i also have a hairy belly :blush: hope it falls out after babba arrives!!
I ate half a tub of strawbs after dinner... nom nom nom xx[/QUOTE]

I still got them first time round and havent used anything this time, I think if they will get you they will get you. Although so far I havent added any to the collection I have already! :happydance:

thought id share this pic of ella with the bump..... lola moves the most when ellas near by, and especially when were gettin cuddles like these... i do wonder what ella makes of all the movement but she just lays there and takes a pounding from her lickle sister....

id like to think theyll be close.... but i did say to my friend, does lola move coz she likes ella, or move coz she wants her off ?? haha i cant quite decide x

GORGEOUS pic!!!! so cute!

Mercy - what iron supplement did you get from boots? I had a wobbly moment last night - prob my own fault for mucking up the tablets tough - i was ok on them before!

Oh ladies not a fun night last night, at about 8pm i crashed and burned and decided i should just give in adn go to bed! i got to the top of the stairs and had to run to the bathrom, through up... stood up too quickly and fainted, bashing my funny bone on the bath :( had a really sore head afterwards but went to bed and im feeling ok this morning!!

Apart from that all is good and my house is beginning to take shape for bubba arriving :) im getting excited now :D

how is everyone? xx

I used SPATONE liquid iron suppliments! they are about £6 a box but they're usually on their 3 for 2 offer! They helped me loads last time! x
:hugs: for your puking/fainting episode hun! bad times!!! :wacko:

Oh Carolyn!! You sure you're ok? Sounds nasty. :hugs:

Back from docs with E and its eczema along with a fungal infection apparently, god only knows where that has come from. Suppose the sweating and suncream lotion hasnt helped too much.

Has anyone any energy that they would like to throw my way?

Bless her, at least that should be easier to clear up hun! has she got some cream and that for it?

ooh which one did you go for?

This beauty:


It's an OiOi changing bag my lovely husband bought it me for my birthday :cloud9:

VERY nice bag!!! love it, I got a big bag from Primark last week that I am gunna use as a changing bag, it was £8 lol! then when I got to the till they charged me £4 heehee!

Hey ladies will go back and catch up but just thought i'd say my news.

Had a scan.Plum is already 5lb 1oz!:shock: He seems to be ok though.Fluid is ok but seemed to have lost some from last scan which ties in with what i think.Also the crappy news is I have 2 fibroids :growlmad: My feet are now swelling as are my legs and my eyes seem to flicker so off to see the consultant tomoro.

Hugs to all xxxxxx

YEY on plum being all good, Booo to fibroids tho? and to the swollen feet hunny! Mine have swollen a little today which is ironic as its actually been a lot cooler here today than its been lately!

AFM, Well BARGAINS galore for me today! I went to the B&M Bargains shop nr us in Belfast and got some celular 100%cotton blankets for £2 each, and a cardi for bubs for a couple of quid too! there's loads of fab stuff in there but as I was spending hubby's wages and using his cash card, lol, I am gunna wait untill hes home at the weekend to buy lots more haha!

Bubs seems to be getting lower and lower by the day! My pelvis is KILLING me today too! back to the feeling of pain shooting outwards with every step! OUCH! :wacko:
I have also bought a lot of things today for my hospital bag too! got breast pads, and massive sanitary towels!
(also just to add, Tesco extra large sanitary towels seem to be a midway point between the bulky always ones and maternity towels! and they were only 79 p! maybe a good mid choice for those who arent keen on either!)

My little Rice is wriggling and wriggling like an absolute LOON again today! I have had proper kicks again and I genuinely dont think the kid ever stays still! haha! Hopefully he or she will be worn out by the time they're orn and sleep nicely for mummy lol!

Hope everyones bumps and selves are well,
Nik x x

P.S. Has anyone found any GENUINELY supportive and decent nursing bras for ladies with BIG boobies??? I am a 38G-GG and cant seem to find any that look like they'll be up to the job of holding my puppies up! :haha:

Have you had a look on figleaves, thats where I get all my bra's from, they arent too expensive either.

Sounds like you had a busy productive shopping day.

Yes its an ezcema cream/fungal thing all in one. We used it just once yesterday by the time I collected it and its so much better already, so fingers crossed! x

DONE WORK TODAY!!!!! :happydance: YAAYYYYYYY!!!!!

Now maybe I can keep up with this thread!! :D
Hope everyone is doing well!!! Wonder who will be the first July baby on this thread??!!

Enjoy now!!!

Oh yes, someone has got to go first!

Guys quick question! AM I unusually BIG for almost 34 weeks?? I just posted this on facebook and within minutes 3 people have commented about how BIG it is, Is there more than one in there?? and if I have a big baby!
I love my bump! just made me feel sad that people commented so quickly!


I think maybe I am feeling a little hormonal! but be honest guys... am I enormous???

No hon you look gorgeous! :kiss:

I am not even going to try to read back the 6 or possibly more pages. I feel like crap. Stupid effing cold and an extremely sore belly ache probably from ligament pain and coughing. I just want to curl up and not feel anything for a couple of hours! Hmmm might try taking a nap. Thank god there's only another 30 some odd days left!

Hope you're feeling better xxxx :hugs:

oh god WHAT a night.
i have been up and down all night with niggly pains/ went to the loo at 4am, and found yet another glob of plug type stuff!
just got up again now and more of the same! MW still not too worried at the labour ward as long as I'm not contracting so hopefully all will be ok, and was again maybe just caused by baby engaging a little more! I feel him or her really low today! got that MEGA "gunna fall out any second" feeling again so thats probs what it is!

I have been kept awake all night by the wind and rain here battering my window! I normally love listening to the rain but last night I would hav prefered some sleep instead lol!
Hope everyone has a good day! I am hopefully going to do a spot of baby shopping with a friend and then lunch in Belfast somewhere I think! fingers crossed bubs doesnt decide to play naughty and change my plans! lol.

Nikki x

Hope you feel a bit brighter today, sounds like you have a lovely day ahead. Enjoy x

oooh last box :happydance:

:happydance::happydance: Well this is it the race is on.

AFM - Not too much to report. Feeling much brighter this morning. Had a nice relaxing evening last night, sat and painted my hands and feet, took a bath and chilled in front of the tv with my man.

AF yesterday, think its frustration that is getting the better of me and not being able to get things done as quick as I normally would. Feel totally unprepared for the arrival of this baby. Dan (bro) now isnt sure he has somewhere to go, which I carry the guilt for, but he has had 10 months notice, what more can I do.

So a few odd jobs for me this morning and then I make take E out for lunch and then off to toddler group this afternoon.

Off to do breakfast, we're starving. Catch up with you all in a bit xxxx
35 weeks MrsP congrats:yipee:

Doubt I could paint my feet at the mo unless I used a ceiling paint roller :haha: Couldnt miss em though theyre huge?
Jetters i'm loving the bag!

Hwm & melissa enjoy your freedom from work now! Daytime tv sucks big time though! lol

Kelly hope you feel better real soon.

Crap i've forgotten what else i was gona put so big :hugs: to everyone!

Well the pains are back again. Had a really shit nights sleep, couldn't find a position where it didn't hurt me, so have woken up this morning in a fould mood. Mart has already had an ear bashing! Oh well he'll live!

Not alot to do today, his lordship has a mountain of ironing to do when he finally wakes up, lazy sod! Then this afternoon it's off to the vets for his boosters. He's a good boy though and just sits on the table waiting patiently for a kiss off the vet, so cute! lol

Oh and if anyone wants to add me on Facebook my user name is Philipa Cole. My profile pic is the same one that's on here. I warm you though my language can be a little blue at times!

Oh Mercy, your bump looks fab! Take no notice, people probably said that as they haven't seen you for awhile. I refuse to post pics of my bump on there, i look like moby dick at the mo! lol

Thanks for that!! I've bought this one...


Love that bag! Which colour did you get? I think it's just something to do with me not being a girly girl at all, but I could never bring myself to spend money on a changing bag :wacko: Used the boots on for C, and no a little back pack for her, and have got the new boots on now for this LO!!

DONE WORK TODAY!!!!! :happydance: YAAYYYYYYY!!!!!

Now maybe I can keep up with this thread!! :D
Hope everyone is doing well!!! Wonder who will be the first July baby on this thread??!!

Yay, me too!! Although no different than a normal Thur for me as I don't normally work Thur or Fri - I think it'll be Monday that it sinks in!!

Guys quick question! AM I unusually BIG for almost 34 weeks?? I just posted this on facebook and within minutes 3 people have commented about how BIG it is, Is there more than one in there?? and if I have a big baby!
I love my bump! just made me feel sad that people commented so quickly!


I think maybe I am feeling a little hormonal! but be honest guys... am I enormous???

Don't think you're huge at all Nik... I posted some pics at 34 weeks last week, about the same I reckon... https://2.bp.blogspot.com/_UiSB2TV1oKg/TB_ZwRHH6wI/AAAAAAAAAS8/Hm1aA-_lBlQ/s1600/34+weeks+all+angles-777338.jpg

oh god WHAT a night.
i have been up and down all night with niggly pains/ went to the loo at 4am, and found yet another glob of plug type stuff!
just got up again now and more of the same! MW still not too worried at the labour ward as long as I'm not contracting so hopefully all will be ok, and was again maybe just caused by baby engaging a little more! I feel him or her really low today! got that MEGA "gunna fall out any second" feeling again so thats probs what it is!

I have been kept awake all night by the wind and rain here battering my window! I normally love listening to the rain but last night I would hav prefered some sleep instead lol!
Hope everyone has a good day! I am hopefully going to do a spot of baby shopping with a friend and then lunch in Belfast somewhere I think! fingers crossed bubs doesnt decide to play naughty and change my plans! lol.

Nikki x

miserable night wasn't it!! Had the crap scared out of me this morning, I'd left the window open a crack last night, but a huge gust of wind dragged it open, which sent the door flying open and banged on the wall - I was so confused and disorientated, cos it let in loads of light all of a sudden too!!

Jetters i'm loving the bag!

Hwm & melissa enjoy your freedom from work now! Daytime tv sucks big time though! lol

Kelly hope you feel better real soon.

Crap i've forgotten what else i was gona put so big :hugs: to everyone!

Well the pains are back again. Had a really shit nights sleep, couldn't find a position where it didn't hurt me, so have woken up this morning in a fould mood. Mart has already had an ear bashing! Oh well he'll live!

Not alot to do today, his lordship has a mountain of ironing to do when he finally wakes up, lazy sod! Then this afternoon it's off to the vets for his boosters. He's a good boy though and just sits on the table waiting patiently for a kiss off the vet, so cute! lol

Oh and if anyone wants to add me on Facebook my user name is Philipa Cole. My profile pic is the same one that's on here. I warm you though my language can be a little blue at times!

Oh Mercy, your bump looks fab! Take no notice, people probably said that as they haven't seen you for awhile. I refuse to post pics of my bump on there, i look like moby dick at the mo! lol


Philly, crap sleep sucks :hugs:

Well, last box for me too!! How exciting!! A month to go - wow!! Although I've been getting predictions on my FB, after the guy serving in Subway yesterday confidently predicted a girl...

Girl, July 29, 8lb 12oz.
4 th August, Girl, 8lb 5oz x x
Boy - and I'm ALWAYS right (prob gonna have to eat my hat now) Aug 11th 9lb1oz
DH says Boy 9 Aug 11lb...
My own prediction then, girl 9lb6 12 Aug...

So my darling DH says 11lb, cheers!! It's funny though he had to submit a project plan at work to a client, and his paternity is in from 9 Aug, so he says I can't have the baby until then :) (seriously though, they'll give him the time off when bubs makes an appearance, but I think they'd like it if he was in work until then!!) Client was impressed with his level of detail in planning!!

Feeling pretty rough this morning, heavy limbs, and light headed... Have been to nurse already to have bloods done made it there for 8.45 which is good going for Charlotte and I!! Heading to a pottery painting place later and meeting friends for lunch - weather sucks here today - happy school holidays everyone!!
35 weeks for me today! :yipee:

Ur 35 weeks !!! And 35 DAYS TO GO !!!!! :happydance:

I was 34 weeks yesterday, feelin a bit worried as iv been feeling unwell for the past few days and my oh is going away on friday evening until sunday evening for his brothers stag doo !!! :cry:
Haha Moggy, love it.

I have to sit on the stairs legs akimbo so my bump can drop and I can get close enough to the floor!!
Morning everyone!

Mercy you look fab, I'm with Philly and won't put pics of me on - I look like a beached whale!!

Mrs P, hats off to you for painting your nails, even when I sit on the floor I have to drag my foot to me or ask Kev to help and when I do eventually manage it he has to wipe it off from the rest of my toes anyway!! LOL

AFM as weird as this sounds, even though I slept better in that I only got up twice for the toilet, I've woke up feeling worse :cry: and my back went again this morning, but I can't not go in work, I only have 5 days left in and I'm sure my manager has been looking into me starting my maternity earlier. I cannot tell you what an arse he is!!!!!!

Hope you and bumps are ok x
Haha Moggy, love it.

I have to sit on the stairs legs akimbo so my bump can drop and I can get close enough to the floor!!

I did mine buddha style on the sofa so bump hung between legs too :)
haha what are we like, this could be a good kodak moment. Maybe we need pics of the positions we are having to go to for these last final stages.

Almost got stuck in the bath last night too!!

Bigs hugs :hugs: Baby France
Morning everyone!

How weird does it feel to say our babies are due next month?!

There is still so much to do, well I feel like I have a never ending job list at the mo.
is there any news on the already born August bubbas?
Morning ladies :) I managed a slow and I mean slow(even the old people were overtaking me :haha: :blush:) waddle around town this morning and picked up some longer nighties for labour and something yummy for dinner got home about half an hour ago and contempalting a nap already :lol:
I got Mart to paint my toe nails for the wedding a few weeks ago. Looked ok from afar but then when i saw what he had done up close i had to chuckle. Looked like a chimp had done it! Bless him, was glad it was a pale colour!

Lliena i'm with you on the tired bit. I gotta pop out soon but could really do with a power nap! My eyes are starting to get heavy now.

:cry::cry::cry: i'm so upset right now got a meeting with the police this afternoon as still having proplems with next door i feel so stressed by it all i didn't eat at all yesterday and kept being sick i feel that anxious over it i wish next door would just behave i don't need the stress right now hubby had tyres let down on van and they been shouting abuse i'm so fed up right now and i'm at a loss i can't see what police are gonna do about it as ''having a word'' with them isn't working they just don't care about the police or well about anyone most the people on our street are elderly and never leave the house and i can see y if you go out so you don't have to listen to the violence your a nosy bitch and if you stay in they start screaming at the windowi know you listening you nosy bitch i feel like a battered wife only it's not my husband it's the neighbours when will it end ...........................:cry:
Nothing been posted here Moggy think they are updating in prem.

Oh flutter sounds terrible. Prengant or otherwise, home should be safe not some toads making it hard.

Hope it goes well :hugs:
Flutter baby huge hugs.Arseholes!

Mercy when you say gunk how do you mean?I have lost loads over 2 weeks.Egg whitey and some jelly.I am getting massive niggles now and constantly on the loo_Off my food and feel like crap.To me it's early labour as I have been here before only at 37 weeks!

Well I am off to the hospital.I hope to god they listen today and actually give me an idea of what to do for my birth.

Hugs to you all xx

YAY Mrs P btw!!
Good luck hon hope you get on ok. xxx
Me to.I am really low today.I have just walked to school and tescos and come home in agony.My knickers are soaked (tmi)and now i have to do 4 buses and another walk.I hate feeling like this.Sorry moan over xxx

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