****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

flutterbaby big :hugs: that must be just aweful!!!

Good luck at your check up Eoz!!!
Big squishy hugs to Eoz :friends:

Mercy I think you look GREAT, not too big at all, i've just been at NCT classes where everyone was around your size. I'm bigger cos I was a 18/20 pre-preg but our bumps are the same. You look fab, honest!

oooh last box :happydance:
Exciiiiiiiting! Can't wait till I am!
As for meeeeeeeeee, I've just had my first NHS antenatal class and it was great! SO much better than the NCT ones :dohh: great teacher and nice mixed group of women :)

However, on the way home the driver of the bus had to slam on his brakes to avoid a crash, and I flew forward and smashed my bump SUPER hard on the yellow bar :cry: I burst into tears cos it hurt SO much and I was so panicked- frightened a fair few people on the bus!- and got off the bus and walked home. Think I was more upset from the shock than anything, but I couldn't really settle until I felt him move... came home, got into usual position on sofa with a choc bar and a can of coke and sure enough he's got his wiggle on, thank god. So scary though- i'm not doing a very good job of keeping this bubba safe in there :cry::cry:
off to solicitors - wish me luck :)

will catch up with everyone this evening :) hope everyone ok xx
good luck carolyn xx

hospital went ok.. but court was today too :(

despite my pleas to the judge, he gave my ex partner what i would only call 'unsupervised access' ...... 4 hours every other wknd at his mums house (his mother the woman who had me arrested for an assault i didnt commit) my mum had to give him her phone number and she has to collect them and drop them off :( im so upset. havnt stopped crying.

that judge is unbelievable. my exs mum is a horrible woman controlled by her manipulative son. his whole family do anything he tells them to.

he may take them wherever with whoever and what proof would i have ? if my son were to tell me, would that unreasonable judge take the word of a 3 yr old ? he certainly hasnt taken the word of a woman abused by a violent man for the past 7 yrs.

im really upset. i didnt say he couldnt see them. i just wanted it to be done somewhere that my children were going to be watched by professionals.

i tried so hard and now i dont know what to do anymore.

the stress of this decision is worse than anything that ive experienced so far i think.

sorry im not happier today..... im just a wreck to be honest :cry:

ill be back later. happier i hope. x
good luck carolyn xx

hospital went ok.. but court was today too :(

despite my pleas to the judge, he gave my ex partner what i would only call 'unsupervised access' ...... 4 hours every other wknd at his mums house (his mother the woman who had me arrested for an assault i didnt commit) my mum had to give him her phone number and she has to collect them and drop them off :( im so upset. havnt stopped crying.

that judge is unbelievable. my exs mum is a horrible woman controlled by her manipulative son. his whole family do anything he tells them to.

he may take them wherever with whoever and what proof would i have ? if my son were to tell me, would that unreasonable judge take the word of a 3 yr old ? he certainly hasnt taken the word of a woman abused by a violent man for the past 7 yrs.

im really upset. i didnt say he couldnt see them. i just wanted it to be done somewhere that my children were going to be watched by professionals.

i tried so hard and now i dont know what to do anymore.

the stress of this decision is worse than anything that ive experienced so far i think.

sorry im not happier today..... im just a wreck to be honest :cry:

ill be back later. happier i hope. x

aww hun that is terrible!!

have you any options left?

if i were you i would flat out refuse and say its at a contact centre with social services or not at all! its not like they can throw you in jail for protecting your kids can they? can you not ask for another judge?

good luck carolyn xx

hospital went ok.. but court was today too :(

despite my pleas to the judge, he gave my ex partner what i would only call 'unsupervised access' ...... 4 hours every other wknd at his mums house (his mother the woman who had me arrested for an assault i didnt commit) my mum had to give him her phone number and she has to collect them and drop them off :( im so upset. havnt stopped crying.

that judge is unbelievable. my exs mum is a horrible woman controlled by her manipulative son. his whole family do anything he tells them to.

he may take them wherever with whoever and what proof would i have ? if my son were to tell me, would that unreasonable judge take the word of a 3 yr old ? he certainly hasnt taken the word of a woman abused by a violent man for the past 7 yrs.

im really upset. i didnt say he couldnt see them. i just wanted it to be done somewhere that my children were going to be watched by professionals.

i tried so hard and now i dont know what to do anymore.

the stress of this decision is worse than anything that ive experienced so far i think.

sorry im not happier today..... im just a wreck to be honest :cry:

ill be back later. happier i hope. x

aww hun that is terrible!!

have you any options left?

if i were you i would flat out refuse and say its at a contact centre with social services or not at all! its not like they can throw you in jail for protecting your kids can they? can you not ask for another judge?


i did all that..... hes just one hell of a manipulative man my ex.

and the judge says just because i dont get my own way doesnt mean i can keep changing the staff until one agrees with me... im devastated x
Flutter baby huge hugs.Arseholes!

Mercy when you say gunk how do you mean?I have lost loads over 2 weeks.Egg whitey and some jelly.I am getting massive niggles now and constantly on the loo_Off my food and feel like crap.To me it's early labour as I have been here before only at 37 weeks!

Well I am off to the hospital.I hope to god they listen today and actually give me an idea of what to do for my birth.

Hugs to you all xx

YAY Mrs P btw!!

I am having tonnes of the egg white consistency stuff, but the gunk i lost today was like a solid lump of jelly! first bit was about as big as a marble, and then the one later this morning was bigger again! lord knows whats goin on lol.
Mumma :hugs:

Mercy and Eoz I keep getting stuff like that too sometmes tinged with colour sometimes not and its just clear:shrug:
Aw Flutterbaby :hugs: Hope you're ok and you should get some food to keep your energy up.

Mumma, thats crap. Your ex (and the judge for that matter) sound like idiots!!! Hope you can manage to get something else sorted out :hugs:

Mercy I've had like a clear egg white gunk before a few times and not quite sure what it is. Cos I've not been in any pain and that though I just thought it was normal?! Have you spoke to your midwife about it? What did she say?

Jetters I really hope you and bump are ok!! That doesn't sound good being thrown around on the bus!

Feeling extremely fat and bloated today with swollen hands and feet. Looking on the bright side though the arse I work with isn't in today so I got to go for extra long lunch with a friend!

Asking for your advice now, there was a lady out with her daughter in town. Her daughter was covered in chicken pox (and they were contagious cos she was itching like mad) and they stopped me and my colleague (we were in our Fire uniforms) and started talking to us. Is it me to think...erm...1). You're daughter should be tucked up indoors until shes out of the itchy stage and 2). Can you not tell that I'M PREGNANT and therefore do not want to be anywhere near you? I had them when I was younger but am I right to be just a tad concerned?!?!

Lou x
:hug: to everyone who is feeling shitty today. If only life could be like the disney films our children will grow up watching!!!

I need to be banned from M&S food hall. We only went for the dine for £10 and end up spending loads! Got more strawberrys and extra thick cream!!! Mmmmmmm.......

flutter i've just asked Mart about your neighbours. He said if they are shouting at you in the street then they can be arrested for it. If you keep a diary it can be used as evidence. Even if they are in the street and you are in your house they can still be arrested. If you need any advice pm me anytime hun

Yas you are doing great, silly bus driver should have been more cautious, theyre always in such a rush :nope: Hows Garry doing with the quit campaign? :hugs:
Two weeks yesterday :happydance: i'm super proud of him!!! :D And thanks :friends:

Mumma that's really upsetting, i'm sorry for you, can't you appeal?
As for meeeeeeeeee, I've just had my first NHS antenatal class and it was great! SO much better than the NCT ones :dohh: great teacher and nice mixed group of women :)

However, on the way home the driver of the bus had to slam on his brakes to avoid a crash, and I flew forward and smashed my bump SUPER hard on the yellow bar :cry: I burst into tears cos it hurt SO much and I was so panicked- frightened a fair few people on the bus!- and got off the bus and walked home. Think I was more upset from the shock than anything, but I couldn't really settle until I felt him move... came home, got into usual position on sofa with a choc bar and a can of coke and sure enough he's got his wiggle on, thank god. So scary though- i'm not doing a very good job of keeping this bubba safe in there :cry::cry:

Oh no, hope you're ok? Make sure you go in if things dont feel right hon xx

off to solicitors - wish me luck :)

will catch up with everyone this evening :) hope everyone ok xx

Good luck :thumbup: x

good luck carolyn xx

hospital went ok.. but court was today too :(

despite my pleas to the judge, he gave my ex partner what i would only call 'unsupervised access' ...... 4 hours every other wknd at his mums house (his mother the woman who had me arrested for an assault i didnt commit) my mum had to give him her phone number and she has to collect them and drop them off :( im so upset. havnt stopped crying.

that judge is unbelievable. my exs mum is a horrible woman controlled by her manipulative son. his whole family do anything he tells them to.

he may take them wherever with whoever and what proof would i have ? if my son were to tell me, would that unreasonable judge take the word of a 3 yr old ? he certainly hasnt taken the word of a woman abused by a violent man for the past 7 yrs.

im really upset. i didnt say he couldnt see them. i just wanted it to be done somewhere that my children were going to be watched by professionals.

i tried so hard and now i dont know what to do anymore.

the stress of this decision is worse than anything that ive experienced so far i think.

sorry im not happier today..... im just a wreck to be honest :cry:

ill be back later. happier i hope. x

Oh no hon, wish I could say something to make it better. :hugs:

:hug: to everyone who is feeling shitty today. If only life could be like the disney films our children will grow up watching!!!

I need to be banned from M&S food hall. We only went for the dine for £10 and end up spending loads! Got more strawberrys and extra thick cream!!! Mmmmmmm.......

flutter i've just asked Mart about your neighbours. He said if they are shouting at you in the street then they can be arrested for it. If you keep a diary it can be used as evidence. Even if they are in the street and you are in your house they can still be arrested. If you need any advice pm me anytime hun


Oops!! :dohh:
baby france..... it was a tad thoughtless of the woman for sure.. and youare dead right the poor wee thing should be tucked up indoors.... but as long as you have had them you should be ok, all three of my littlies had them over two weeks of easter.... and i have been ok.

Thanks Loobi, really appreciate it!!!

I know that when we're in uniform and that people want to talk and I'm never rude - even when it is my dinner hour and that but I did think ?!?! Poor little thing looked so terrorised by them too - they were on her face and her mum stood there itching her back for her?

I know sometimes you can't help but have to go out but this lady was with what seemed her mother and I thought, poor little mite has enough to content with than being dragged around shopping in her condition and this weather too!

Thanks again x
im so sorry girls i feel like all i ever do is moan n cry n its so rarely pregnancy related... x

i think the stress has finally got to me n the babies.....

were home after our long crappy day... n ella wont even move, shes jst layin on the sofa not moving at all....... not talkin, not even drinkin her juice...... harry fell asleep in the garden at nursery and again at the table at lunch...... hes been really quiet and askin for me all day. he seems ok right now altho keeps sayin 'it hurts' and 'im not well' and i couldnt answer my phone because i was at the hospital and then i was on th phone to the solicitor so the nursery gave up tryin to call me :( tbh im annoyed they didnt try my mum but hey ho, its over for today and theyr so good usually.

my eyes hurt so much from crying, im boiling hot as if iv swollen all over and my bones feel like theyv given up....... i just cant move and plus ellas passed out on my legs so im anchored down

had to get ella a docs appointment for tomoro morning 10.30. as she seems to have a constant temperature the past 2 days, calpol just isnt hittin it and this mornin has had gunky ears... so ear/throat infection maybe ?

i had a voicemail from the social worker today sayin id missed a meeting... like i didnt have enough on my plate already. they said theyr coming round tomoro morning. ive called n called n shes never there so ive left messages. i dont even know when shes gunna turn up.

i think its just all too much to keep up with at the minute i feel like i dont need bedrest, i feel like i need sectioning or something x

n to top off my fab day lol

when i went in to get harry ella spilt a glass of water over my dress that theyd left out for harry where he was sleeping and then while we were walking up that sodding hill to get home ella dropped her icecream on the floor almost immedietly n screamed most of the way back.....

AND lol when i got home i realised id forgotton to buy milk......

que phone call to my long suffering mother at work to buy milk and come round so i can cry to her for a bit..... x

PREGNANCY RELATED BIT...... after today i feel lilke the babys head is in my knickers... no wonder stress can make u go into early labour. i feel like is i did 1 squat she'd be here lol and judgin by my previous birth of 45 mins i do suppose its possible lol... x

im sorry girl.... i do go on....

OH..... ONE MORE THING **i can hear you all sighing from here... 'aint she finished yet lol'**

the lady in the fruit n veg shop said i looked nice in my dress :) <--- smile

signing out for now....

a very stressed me +three x
:haha: I keep worrying Moglet will fall out when I stand up my bumps gone down so much :shrug: Guess he will come when he comes!

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