****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Good morning! I am so pleased that have been able to keep up so far with the thread, which is great! You chatty cathys actually give me something to do when I'm not busy, so this is working out really well!

:hugs: Sorry to hear about the crap time some are having. And I am definitely starting to feel like I am ready to be not pregnant anymore! I may not feel like I'm exactly ready to have my baby but I want to hold him... iykwim, and I am tired of the aches.

I'm starting to get more and more BHs and a few times they have really stopped me in my tracks!

Anyway, it's supposed to be a lovely weekend here (finally), I hope everyone else has wonderful weather to go out and enjoy.

:hugs: to mums, babes and bumps!
Hello mommies :flower:
Gosh, so hard to keep up with you girlies. It's only 10am here and there are already loads of pages to read. Read over them tho. So great knowing we all have such wonderful support :friends:

My BP was great! :yipee: it was 110/60 and everyone seemed thrilled :) I def am!
On the downside, apparently I had protein in my urine on Monday :( sorta pissed they failed to tell me that especially since I was sitting right there :growlmad: but oh well I suppose. Anyways, they had me do a "clean catch" just in case last time protein got in there from skin particles...but :nope: did the clean catch and there is still protein in my urine :sad1: it was only "trace" amounts (1) again like Mondays reading. Boo! Good news is my BP is good and that's what really matters. They r gonna keep an eye on it. Hopefully it dissolves itself or stays trace and doesn't get worse. They are thinking I may deliver slightly early but if my BP stays good then it prolly won't be too early. Would prolly be after 37 weeks...and hey! As long as bubs and I are fine I'm ok with that! ;) lol
Doesn't seem to be too problematic but I'll be getting BP checked frequently.

Enjoy your day ladies!
Well i finally cleaned my cooker! I was shocked at how much crap has come out of the thing. I wont tell you the last time i cleaned it......

I felt really good after though, ticked another thing off my list!

Wow i'm tired this afternoon though, i've got the i can't be arsed feeling back now. So think i'll wash me hair then have a brew. If i can be arsed to put the kettle on!!! lol

Guppy thats fantastic news! Hopefully the protein will go down and your BP will stay down too!:happydance:

Philly I've got the CBA feeling now! Why do some people always have to go and rain on your happy parade?

Came home from work at 1.30 (no one in the office again) which added to my happy mood and it all got spoiled when I picked up the post. Its official my boss is a BLEEP and I'm going to have a real hormonal pregnancy let off steam about him when I have the meeting with my BIG boss on Wednesday.

ARGHHHHH! Better go and pick up my gorgeous fat man, who's going to put the biggest smiles on my face and wear me out!

cheers philly it rained last night so they went about 8 20 so kids did manage to get some sleep i made my decision yesterday to see if they can move me it may take a while but better than emotional toucher we're gonna sort baby this year and get egypt paid for and next year save and then look to move i know the will me more problems but i'm gonna try and hide for a wgile it shouldn't be to hard with a baby as it's a pain going anywhere me and hubby say we don't want our children growing up thinking that there fowl mouths are ok so we'll just cut our loses it's better for our kids
Hey mummas xxx

Today I am going to sit on my butt and read up on everything.

But just quickly for now ...

HAve a nice day Mrs P x

Yas hugs hope beany and yourself are ok today x

Mumofthree.You poor love x

Well hospital went very well.Finally saw the right doctor the one who knows me and we have a loose plan in place.My cervix is soft and seems to be breaking down.The neck of the womb is bleeding and I have severe oedema.Baby is now almost engaged 1/5th could be felt.She is sticking with her original thoughts and saying 37 weeks :shock: So I'm going to pack up my bags today.

The plan of action is if i go in to labour sooner rather than later then call 999 and just get there.I have a friend who can meet me and Ady will sort out the girls and get there if he can.If he doesn't my friend will stay.We are not bosom buddy infact it's Ady's brothers girlfriend.We are ok but she always has to out do me but someone there is better than no one! I will then get Antibiotics if time if not time then I have to have baby then he will get the antibiotics and I will need fluids and something for the fibroid.

If I don't have him early then I go back to hospital in 3 weeks see how we are and they may offer a section and sterilize me and remove the cyst.Just depends on the pain and how uncomfortable things are.They can't offer induction because of the fibroids.Something to do with the womb going in to shock and bleeding.Bit fuzzy on that one.

But hey even though I feel like crap at least I know the end is sight and we have a loose plan in place x

Back later hugs to all xxxxx

So glad you finally have some answers. Still must be a worrying time for you, but a least you have someone listening to you and who seems to not talk out their arse!

Zoe the antibiotics can be done quick via a bolus - I think... - they inject it in and its effective in 20 mins - there is a new thread for june about gbs and a lady who is refusing antibiotics cos she thinks they will cause more harm than good in her case :shrug:

Rough night here, so nauseous and spaced???Is that normal at this point? Also mega BH's and lower legs that look like Im wearing wellies already! :dohh:

Hope everyone else is feeling brighter as think im in for a rough day :cry:


Flutter your neighbours sound like hell... regarding the video evidence, the image of you whipping out a camcorder on the school run put a smile on my face, but perhaps something more covert, like on all the time hidden in the house?

Jetters, glad your NHS class was good, what did you not like about the NCT ones? Scary on the bus though, glad you've had lots of movements to reassure you!

Glad the solicitors went well Carolyn :)

Mumma, crap day for you yesterday :hugs: Hope today is more positive and Ella feeling better with her temp.

Csun, happy birthday!! :cake: The big 4-0 wow!!

Guppy, hope BP settled, try not to get anxios, obv easier said than done, and even if you cna't have water birth then a safe and healhty delivery will be better!

Moggy, happy days, yesterday must have bene weird knowing that's when LO was born last time round!! The end is in sight :)

Zoe, good news on seeing your regular doc, sounds like a good thing to have a plan even if it does involve ady's bro's GF!!

Nik, no more gunk?!

As for us, we may soon e a two car household and I can't bloody wait!! Found a car on autotrader last night that I'd discounted last week owing to diistance (hour and half drive) but really good price etc, so gave them a call and it turns out they live there, but the car is at someone else's house in Belfast, half hour drive, so we've had our offer accepted on it, and he's just getting it serviced now. It's exactly what we wanted in terms of miles/age/price and as a bonus it's a higher spec than we thought we could afford!!

Anyway, off to panic buy a Christening present now, then heading to the Ulster Folk and Transport Museum :) Transport bit today as although the wather is nice now, it's variable, and I can't hack the long walks involved in the Folk bit!!

Great car :thumbup: Bet you cant wait not to have to share anymore x

morning ladies and thankyou all so much for my hugs.... i really do need to start a queue or something.... hmmmm sounds like a plan... life would be so much easier to deal with if i had allll those hugs lol

ellas really not very well... very hot and not very happy in the slightest... docs at 10.30

social worker at some point at then physio at the hospital at 1.30

fun fun fun !!! i noticed today that i have more appointments monday too... yay me :)

haha... sarcasm of course, i always seem so damn busy. x

Hope the social worker isnt too much hard work and that Ella gets better soon :kiss:

Hi ladies!!! 8am here but I'm afraid to say good morning because I'm pretty sure it's 1pm in the U.K. :)

Today I've decided I'm finally going to pack my hospital bag!!! been putting it off too long, and now that i'm 35 weeks it seems more real! I'll post my list after I'm done and maybe you could let me know what I'm missing??? :D

Hope everyone is having a wonderrful Friday!

Get packing chick. Ask Eoz I start hounding the unpackers.

I'm still sick :( is there no end to this. Been so sick it's been impossible to sleep or study or do anything productive. I am so tried and have an exam today and work tomorrow.

My right hip has been super bad to, bubs is not lying in a good position, it just aches and aches and then if I'm sitting and get up to walk sometimes it gives out on me it hurts so much. Well anyway off to Diabetic clinic today, hopefully they'll give me the all clear and I won't have to see them again.

I'm still waiting on packing my bag... will do it at 37 weeks still I think.

Hope you really do feel better hon, need you to get your strength up, to pack that damn bag let alone for labour :rofl: xx

Hello mommies :flower:
Gosh, so hard to keep up with you girlies. It's only 10am here and there are already loads of pages to read. Read over them tho. So great knowing we all have such wonderful support :friends:

My BP was great! :yipee: it was 110/60 and everyone seemed thrilled :) I def am!
On the downside, apparently I had protein in my urine on Monday :( sorta pissed they failed to tell me that especially since I was sitting right there :growlmad: but oh well I suppose. Anyways, they had me do a "clean catch" just in case last time protein got in there from skin particles...but :nope: did the clean catch and there is still protein in my urine :sad1: it was only "trace" amounts (1) again like Mondays reading. Boo! Good news is my BP is good and that's what really matters. They r gonna keep an eye on it. Hopefully it dissolves itself or stays trace and doesn't get worse. They are thinking I may deliver slightly early but if my BP stays good then it prolly won't be too early. Would prolly be after 37 weeks...and hey! As long as bubs and I are fine I'm ok with that! ;) lol
Doesn't seem to be too problematic but I'll be getting BP checked frequently.

Enjoy your day ladies!

Glad your bp was good guppy. They seem to have you in safe hands.

Well after 5 hours of walking around a bloody boiling hot shopping centre I am wrecked!!! E is :sleep: on the sofa although will wake her in a minute or she'll be up tonight.

Bought a few little bits. New sandals, few bits for baby changing bag and bought a bag to use for E. I was going to give her her own ruck sack but they are all so tiny and I got a great bag out of Primark for £6 and will do just the job. A teddy for baby for E to give when she comes up to visit and a little tea set for E from baby and I think it all came to less than £30 so can't complain.

Si has had to go into London today for a couple of meetings. I do hope the trains are kind to him on the way home, its way too stuffy to be stuck on the underground today xxx

What does everyone have planned for the weekend?
Thanks girls :flower:
...I read that "trace" amounts could mean a UTI if BP isn't elevated...why didn't they check for a UTI as well? Or is that information incorrect? :shrug:

Me thinks the dh and I will be going to watch some fireworks tonight as it's nearly the 4th of July.
We were going to go into Boston tomorrow,but idk as traffic will be nuts with the July 4th holiday!
I also think we are going to paint the United States flag on my bump this weekend and take pictures :winkwink:
just been to footie with mogster and my cankles are definitely knankles now :haha:

On the plus side bought a portable pop up gym/cot/uv tent for Moglet from a local charity shop today - they thought it was a gym but I didnt think so and figured would take a punt, got it home, washed it and put it all up - pull four bendy rods rigid and boom have a UV garden cot with play gym within it. Bargain it was £3.75!!! and in fabulous condition, barely used. Also will double as travel cot for first coupe months and we now have fab sunshaded place for Moglet when we are outrdoors, even has a built in mozzie net!

Very hot and sweaty though so gonna put my feet up and watch some tennis, amybe have a lolly...

Fab news on the pressies for swapping between E and bubs Mrs P
Girls...I am so craving an egg salad sandwich right now! Lol :shy:
Maybe ill go boil some eggs haha
just been to footie with mogster and my cankles are definitely knankles now :haha:

On the plus side bought a portable pop up gym/cot/uv tent for Moglet from a local charity shop today - they thought it was a gym but I didnt think so and figured would take a punt, got it home, washed it and put it all up - pull four bendy rods rigid and boom have a UV garden cot with play gym within it. Bargain it was £3.75!!! and in fabulous condition, barely used. Also will double as travel cot for first coupe months and we now have fab sunshaded place for Moglet when we are outrdoors, even has a built in mozzie net!

Very hot and sweaty though so gonna put my feet up and watch some tennis, amybe have a lolly...

Fab news on the pressies for swapping between E and bubs Mrs P

Sounds like a fab buy :D

Anyone got anything nice planned for this weekend? I havent really just gonna take it easy and potter about the house I think :)
Mrs P sounds a nice day xx

I umm haven't packed my bag so i'm guessing you need to hound me lol.

I'm waiting to get my tax credits finally in 2 weeks then i'm going to primarni and boots online.Then getting the kids bits packed up and little presents for when Plum is here.

Had a afternoon baking and now feel sick lol

Hope we all had a good day x
Thanks for the birthday wishes ladies have had a really nice start of the day, wont bore you here, if you wish you can read about it in my journal but it's been very nice!

Glad things are pretty much going well from all that I've read back :dohh:

Hope you all have a great weekend!

moggy, those window things look very cool!! Our friends have something similar, but generic, so itpulls down over the door frame and then you can still open windows... have to get the car first though - the bloke hasn't answered all day - grrrrr :growlmad:

I'm still sick :( is there no end to this. Been so sick it's been impossible to sleep or study or do anything productive. I am so tried and have an exam today and work tomorrow.

My right hip has been super bad to, bubs is not lying in a good position, it just aches and aches and then if I'm sitting and get up to walk sometimes it gives out on me it hurts so much. Well anyway off to Diabetic clinic today, hopefully they'll give me the all clear and I won't have to see them again.

I'm still waiting on packing my bag... will do it at 37 weeks still I think.

Hope it goes well at diabetic clinic :) how did exam go?

Hello mommies :flower:
Gosh, so hard to keep up with you girlies. It's only 10am here and there are already loads of pages to read. Read over them tho. So great knowing we all have such wonderful support :friends:

My BP was great! :yipee: it was 110/60 and everyone seemed thrilled :) I def am!
On the downside, apparently I had protein in my urine on Monday :( sorta pissed they failed to tell me that especially since I was sitting right there :growlmad: but oh well I suppose. Anyways, they had me do a "clean catch" just in case last time protein got in there from skin particles...but :nope: did the clean catch and there is still protein in my urine :sad1: it was only "trace" amounts (1) again like Mondays reading. Boo! Good news is my BP is good and that's what really matters. They r gonna keep an eye on it. Hopefully it dissolves itself or stays trace and doesn't get worse. They are thinking I may deliver slightly early but if my BP stays good then it prolly won't be too early. Would prolly be after 37 weeks...and hey! As long as bubs and I are fine I'm ok with that! ;) lol
Doesn't seem to be too problematic but I'll be getting BP checked frequently.

Enjoy your day ladies!

Yay for the BP :happydance: protein :(

Well after 5 hours of walking around a bloody boiling hot shopping centre I am wrecked!!! E is :sleep: on the sofa although will wake her in a minute or she'll be up tonight.

Bought a few little bits. New sandals, few bits for baby changing bag and bought a bag to use for E. I was going to give her her own ruck sack but they are all so tiny and I got a great bag out of Primark for £6 and will do just the job. A teddy for baby for E to give when she comes up to visit and a little tea set for E from baby and I think it all came to less than £30 so can't complain.

Si has had to go into London today for a couple of meetings. I do hope the trains are kind to him on the way home, its way too stuffy to be stuck on the underground today xxx

What does everyone have planned for the weekend?

Shopping trip sounds successful!!

Mrs P sounds a nice day xx

I umm haven't packed my bag so i'm guessing you need to hound me lol.

I'm waiting to get my tax credits finally in 2 weeks then i'm going to primarni and boots online.Then getting the kids bits packed up and little presents for when Plum is here.

Had a afternoon baking and now feel sick lol

Hope we all had a good day x

What did you bake - love cake me!!

Anyway, have this christening tomorrow managed to get a present, little nesting dolls whatever tehy're called, beautiful hand painted- pretty and fun to play wtih :)

Still trying to phone the car bloke - :growlmad: don't want to be sending him deposit if he can't even answer phone, but also really don't want tomiss out on car,it's perfect for us...

MIL visiting for weekend too, so we'll be busy - hopefully in a good way!
an hour and a half and no posts - is that a record?!
going to make myself an icecream sundae now :)
Can't move.....

can't breathe.....

feel sick......

Again i have eaten way too much! I think i'm a self harmer with food! Went to the local chinese buffett and made a fool of myself. I couldn't help it, was soooooo good!

I had to laugh at Mart though, halfway through the meal he let out the biggest burp ever. Thought he had got away with it until he saw me wetting myself with laughter. The waitress was right next to him and heard it! I've never seen him go so red in my life! Was the best!!!

So home now and just watching Big Bro trying to find a comfy spot.

Looking forward to our Parent class tomorrow so nothing to challenging i hope!

:haha: Poor Mart! Ditto Philly! I've just eaten a big fat indian and now feel really uncomfortable but HWM idea of an icecream sundae is making me think mmm...maybe in an hour...

Baby must be on a growth spurt, I've been a fat wap ALL day!

Oh well...

Delicious :) I'm off to bed now, pissed of that the car bloke isn't answering my calls today, we want to arrnage the inspection - hazard of buying private not trade I guess...

Delicious :) I'm off to bed now, pissed of that the car bloke isn't answering my calls today, we want to arrnage the inspection - hazard of buying private not trade I guess...

That looks lovely and I think you're mean!:haha:

Shame about the car man...hopefully he'll ring you back!
Can't move.....

can't breathe.....

feel sick......

Again i have eaten way too much! I think i'm a self harmer with food! Went to the local chinese buffett and made a fool of myself. I couldn't help it, was soooooo good!

I had to laugh at Mart though, halfway through the meal he let out the biggest burp ever. Thought he had got away with it until he saw me wetting myself with laughter. The waitress was right next to him and heard it! I've never seen him go so red in my life! Was the best!!!

So home now and just watching Big Bro trying to find a comfy spot.

Looking forward to our Parent class tomorrow so nothing to challenging i hope!


Philly, I guess teh leave situation for Mart ended up being a non-issue owing to England's result last weekend?!

:haha: Poor Mart! Ditto Philly! I've just eaten a big fat indian and now feel really uncomfortable but HWM idea of an icecream sundae is making me think mmm...maybe in an hour...

Baby must be on a growth spurt, I've been a fat wap ALL day!

Oh well...

My stomach is so seriously squished these days I can't eat as much as I want or need - I'm sure it wasn't this bad until about 37 weeks last time... little and often I guess... I've been RAVENOUS the last day or two, back to the way I was at 6-9 weeks, ferociously hungry to the point of painful... but of course due to aforementioned miniature stomach I can't eat as much as I need and the cycle repeats itself...

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