****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Hwm i've never laughed so much in my life. I was crying with laughter! The look of disgust on the girls face was priceless!!! lmao!

hey girls :)

well ive had a nice day MAKES A CHANGE !

ellas not been too well so the only not nice part of the day has to be leaving the house and for her nose to start bleeding on the way to the docs, byt the time we got there she was covered in blood bless her. ear infection and theres a fair amount of discharge there bless her. but hopeing the meds will work.

my friend brought my new buggy to mine. i love it, its so pink lol

then she took me to my physio appointment. physio said shes never seen divarification that severe during pregnancy :( so def be having that op at the end of the year. nothin i didnt know tho. really wanting that op now anyway, heard so much about it !!!!!!! lol x

my friend leah danielle and joe came round with their daughters and we all had dinner n stuff, they left at 10.30 and i had a really nice time. except am enjoyin the peace i tell u that much lol x

hop your all well... i dunno what im doing tomoro lol but i do know that my mum has to take the kids to see their crappy dad sunday. so we'll c what happens then. ill be on here no doubt, freakin out lol x

dont think ill send ella tbh... shes too ill. x

hope ur having a nice evening all.......... x

bed for me soon x

love to mums n tums.....

me + three

Mrsp I get one more week of not worrying about it then I'll get it done.

HWM don't need insulin even though BS's were a bit higher, nurse thinks it's cause I've been sick and not eating much. ALl that hard work to gain a pound in the last 3 weeks and I went and lost it! If I am still having sick issues tomorrow have to go to clinic to get checked for bronchitis and pneumonia just to be safe and to make sure baby is not stressed.

Oh I have a new niece! Sierra Isabelle born 2 am July 2.
Morning all....

I'm quite chipper this morning. Only got up twice in the night! Think that is a new world record! Must of been the chinese putting me in a food coma!

Looks like it's going to be a hot one today, i really hope there is air con in the building for the parent class or at least a fan otherwise i'm off home. Really can't stand the heat anymore.

Brian is off to nannys for the day while we are out so he can play with moms doggies, Minnie and Abby. He does love them even if they don't love him! Bless!

Just going to do a few bits before we go so hope everyone has a good sat and i'll speak to you all later!

ladies ive got to say, now im friends with some of you on facebook - NONE of you were what i expected haha

I guess i had a picture of you all in my head when we chat away but i was def shocked lol.... yummy mummies r us haha xxx
carolyn all my pics are a myth !! i LOVE my pics but im a mess in real life, if i ever did internet dating theyd be disapointed lol x ok, so that is me !! but pics are carefully selected hahaha x altho my friends laugh coz they say i tag anything no matter how silly i may look, hmmm not sure bout that x i do kno my profile pics r usually edited to some degree but thats just me showing off lol and if i had bad pics i wouldnt get any business lol x

well the morning is here and i had my bed to myself last night :) which was loverrllyyy as for the past week its been invaded by those pesky kids :p bles em, bein all not well and invadin the bed of their stressed out heavily pregnant mother haha... ive been sleepin the wrong way accross the foot end by morning due to lack of space....

why do kids sit up n flip over and kick and whatever else in their sleep its so frustrating !! not too mention dangerous lol x

so a night to myself and woken up at 8.15 which is fiinnneeee by meeeeeeeee. its saturday which is 'mums day' but she has a few things to do, so im gonna walk to hers... 'up another hill' haha but with my new buggy :) which is alot lighter than my other one. might take all the icandy material off n get mumsy to wash it lol x

tomorro is the 1st visit for the kids and their dad :(

i told the solicitor yesterday that theyr ill but she said the judge will say im making excuses. so i may just send harry as he's not as ill as ella..... but my poor may may isnt a happy bunny :( ear still sticky but meds def kicking in. i dont wanna send her there like that x

anyway im off to jump in the bath :) feeling ok today

hope u all enjoy your saturdays x

me + three
carolyn you wouldn't recognise me now! I've turned into sad sack from the raggie dolls!!! Got alot of work to do plus weight to shift once bub is born!

So back from Parent Class. The 1st half was really good , talked about all the aspects of labour and had all our questions answered. However, they did a 2 minute talk on bottle feeding and made me feel crap about my choice to bottle feed. 1.5 hour talk on breast feeding! I know it is better for baby but surely they should of spent alot more time on making women more comfortable with bottles and stuff. I mean i need help feeding just as much as a mother who breast feeds????

Anywho, went to maccies afterwards and the silly staff gave me my order twice! I nearly ran out of there!!! lol. Happy days indeed!!!

philly can I ask why you have already decided to bottle feed? sorry if you said already and I missed it, my memory is daft at the moment :dohh:
hi this is xrachybabex im due aug 28th i had to make a new account is now rachybabe
philly can I ask why you have already decided to bottle feed? sorry if you said already and I missed it, my memory is daft at the moment :dohh:

I think i wrote about it on another thread hun. I'm on a combination of anti depressants and Lithium hun. It's not really safe for me to bf as will be going back on them as soon as bub is born.

Hello mommies :flower:
Gosh, so hard to keep up with you girlies. It's only 10am here and there are already loads of pages to read. Read over them tho. So great knowing we all have such wonderful support :friends:

My BP was great! :yipee: it was 110/60 and everyone seemed thrilled :) I def am!
On the downside, apparently I had protein in my urine on Monday :( sorta pissed they failed to tell me that especially since I was sitting right there :growlmad: but oh well I suppose. Anyways, they had me do a "clean catch" just in case last time protein got in there from skin particles...but :nope: did the clean catch and there is still protein in my urine :sad1: it was only "trace" amounts (1) again like Mondays reading. Boo! Good news is my BP is good and that's what really matters. They r gonna keep an eye on it. Hopefully it dissolves itself or stays trace and doesn't get worse. They are thinking I may deliver slightly early but if my BP stays good then it prolly won't be too early. Would prolly be after 37 weeks...and hey! As long as bubs and I are fine I'm ok with that! ;) lol
Doesn't seem to be too problematic but I'll be getting BP checked frequently.

Enjoy your day ladies!

YEY on the BP hun, and I had protien in my urine when I had a UTI, they sent my urine of to the lab to confirm but gave me antibiotics anyways. when the lab results came back it did show a UTI, so maybe that could be the cause?? Or excess discharge, if some mixed into the sample when you were peeing, can cause a trace of protein too!

Well i finally cleaned my cooker! I was shocked at how much crap has come out of the thing. I wont tell you the last time i cleaned it......

I felt really good after though, ticked another thing off my list!

Wow i'm tired this afternoon though, i've got the i can't be arsed feeling back now. So think i'll wash me hair then have a brew. If i can be arsed to put the kettle on!!! lol


I hate hate hate cleaning the cooker! its my least fave thing in the world! well done you for mustering up the enthusiasim lol!

Mrs P sounds a nice day xx

I umm haven't packed my bag so i'm guessing you need to hound me lol.

I'm waiting to get my tax credits finally in 2 weeks then i'm going to primarni and boots online.Then getting the kids bits packed up and little presents for when Plum is here.

Had a afternoon baking and now feel sick lol

Hope we all had a good day x

I have been good and packed my bag properly this afternoon, with all these little hints that bubs is sqigglin down I thought I'd better haha! maybe start to get things into a little pile next to the bag lol, that way it wont take long if needs be! :thumbup:

an hour and a half and no posts - is that a record?!
going to make myself an icecream sundae now :)

Missy that cie cream sundae looked AMAAAAZZZING!!!! yumyum! and FAB news for the car! I think they're lovely cars! My cra is misbehaving at the min so am wishing we were buying a new one lol!

Oh I have a new niece! Sierra Isabelle born 2 am July 2.

Lovely news on your neice! and a pretty name she has too!!! :thumbup:

ladies ive got to say, now im friends with some of you on facebook - NONE of you were what i expected haha

I guess i had a picture of you all in my head when we chat away but i was def shocked lol.... yummy mummies r us haha xxx

lol, what was you expecting?? I look bloomin awful in most of my facebook pics heehee :haha: I had to untag myself in some of my friends pics as they were SOO embarrassing!

WELL.... I wanted to come on yesterday but I seriously could not muster the energy to even come on and read thru! I had a pretty rough day and had one very scary half hour where I genuinely thought the BH's were painfull enough to be early labour! :wacko::cry:
I started to get my hospital bag together properly and have made up an overnight bag for Riley to take to my friends house, whos having him while I', in labour! but after a while the pain subsided and was replaced by the usual bursts of less painfull BH's so maybe YET another little wriggle down for my bubs!

My bump is a fiar bit lower these days, and I can fit my hand flat against my skin now in the gap under my boobies and abover my belly, shich I couldnt do before!!!!! Its scaring me tho, as I am worried things will end up kicking off too early and bubs will struggle! Hopefully I am just being paranoid and things will go to plan, (and knowing me 2 weeks overdue now after my stressing haha), but its giving me mad dreams about my waters popping, or being somewhere daft when contractions start!

Had a nice day today tho, shopping for hospital bag bits and enjoying my hubby and little mans company! its fab havin hubby back as he is doing most of the chores etc for me! even tho I DO RE WIPE the cooker when he isnt looking!!! He leaves it streaky hahaha!

hugs to all! and SO sorry if I have missed anything when I have caught up on the past few days!

Nikki x x
lol i dont know, im gonna sound awful but everyone is younger and better looking than i thought they would be hahaha...
im prob now the most hated person in this thread haha, i guess you just build up a picture in your head and i was far from close with any of you!!

just waiting for a knickerbockerglory :D yummy :) enjoy your saturday night ladies, xx
Haha! bless ya! well at least I ended up better than you thought lol! I'd rather that than the other way round! lol x

I SOOOOOO want Ice cream right Now!
lol i dont know, im gonna sound awful but everyone is younger and better looking than i thought they would be hahaha...
im prob now the most hated person in this thread haha, i guess you just build up a picture in your head and i was far from close with any of you!!

just waiting for a knickerbockerglory :D yummy :) enjoy your saturday night ladies, xx

aaahhhhhhh hahahahahaha

your so funny !! come on then what did u expect me to look like lol x
philly can I ask why you have already decided to bottle feed? sorry if you said already and I missed it, my memory is daft at the moment :dohh:

I think i wrote about it on another thread hun. I'm on a combination of anti depressants and Lithium hun. It's not really safe for me to bf as will be going back on them as soon as bub is born.


dont think I saw it, ask away I didnt FF Mogster but we did have a couple of friends who chose to FF so may have picked up some useful hints....?

I remember their main concerns were colic and swallowing air so they used Browns bottles or tommee tippee ones :wacko: also not all bottles fit in all sterilisers. Also they had a really useful cup thingy for milk powder to go in on the move and all carried at least 2 small cartons of ready made formula just in case.....

I reckon ask away with regard to FF as this time we plan to predominantly BF but will have at least one FF later on as Mogster wont drink milk so we have issues getting his calcium intake sorted.

tbh I think it is a bit irresponsible to bias the time that way regarding feeding as all babies need feeding properly so why shouldnt they assist evryone? Lets hope the HV and MW in hospital is more supportive, before thats though sure theres some on here who have chosen to FF or who have experience of both!

Ice cream - mmmmmmm I fancy a magnum!
Philly I bottled fed E and was thinking about BF'ing this time but FF worked so well for E I am going to stick with what I know.

I always find the same, especially when I used to take her to be weighed. In the end I told the HV to do one, cos they would bang on how much does she take blah blah blah but if she was BF I couldnt answer those questions.

Unfortunately they are not to helpful with FF, but fortunately we have place like this to come to instead.

I used Dr Browns bottles for E and again will be using them this time and their steriliser. They do say don't rely on the carton milk being the same as the powder cos of the long life in it. My HV said if the baby ever got constipated then to use the cartons cos there is something in it that makes them go.

I shall be starting Lil' P on Cow & Gate, I tried E on Aptamil but it was no good and a few of my friends babies have now settled well on it either. We changed to C&G and things were great.
I really wanted them to help me with advanced bottle making. They say that you have to make each one fresh and can't store them in the fridge. Yet you can with bf????? I'm really gona struggle if that's the case and was thinking about just making a few up at a time anyway. What do you think?

I really wanted them to help me with advanced bottle making. They say that you have to make each one fresh and can't store them in the fridge. Yet you can with bf????? I'm really gona struggle if that's the case and was thinking about just making a few up at a time anyway. What do you think?


I used to Put sterile bottles of boiled water into the frige in a container in advance, then add the powder to it at each feed, so technically it was made fresh every time, but I'd have 24 hours worth of measured out boiled water ready! then when we went out I would use one of those formula containers too with the right amount of scoops measured out! It meant I needed to warm each feed up as the water was so cold, but better than waiting for Boiling water to cool down i figured!
I'm going to give Bf'ing a good try but have signed up for some free samples of formula just in case. Got 2 cans already. Can never be to prepared and honestly Bf'ing doesn't work for everyone. I don't know if I'll be able to manage it with class. I am getting a good pump so hopefully I can just pop off to the washroom when I have to pump some. How long can you keep Breast milk out of a fridge though? I can bring ice packs but it will be about 3 hours before I can get it somewhere cold unless its winter in which case it'll freeze in the car lol.

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