****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

thats the ones Mrs P Dr Browns! Knew I remembered something :dohh:

When we had Mogster in hospital we spent 5 days in and had loads of help to establish Bf, we still did top up feeds with formula though and they recommended C&G over SMA as easier for little mans innards to digest. Had we not had the help for so long in hospital doubt we would have persevered at home as we were so tired in the early days.

You would think given how many mums n babies they see the MW/HV's would be more on the ball re both BF and FF and folks having preferences and reasons for how they feed!

Mercy the water boiling thing then storing in the fridge - my next door neighbour but one did that, she had then just to pop down to get the powder container and bottle outta the fridge and warm up and she could do a nappy etc in the time it warmed.

Do those bottle warmer things help? Saw one in TKMaxx that said Day/Night feeder?

We are gonna mix feed I think to avoid the milk issues Mogster now has....hoping to exclusively BF for the first 17 weeks then reassess as to whether we start to introduce a FF top up or maybe consider weaning.....Mogster weaned from 19 weeks so who knows...?

Re EBM storage - the college should have a fridge they offer to provide storage of your milk in, otherwise I guess it depends when you are gonna use the milk. Have a fab book I keep going back to by Clair Byam Cook, its getting bit tatty as it has been passed around friends etc but Amazon sell it for about £5 its called "What to expect if youre breastfeeding and what is you cant" also loved the Baby Whisperer but cant recall author :wacko:

FYI think there are sections on here somewhere for feeding and they have split em into FF and BF bet they would be able to help re advance bottle making and EBM storage if we cant on here :friends:
well, some nights at bed time with Riley, I would take the sterile bottle of BOILING water to bed with me and the measured out formula. THEN, when Riley woke a couple of hours later, it was still slightly warm and at a good temp to feed when the powder was mixed!

I bought a bottle warmer but TBH I never used it more than twice lol! I found a jug of boiled water quicker or occasionally (and VERY naughtily) used the microwave followed by a dam good shake of the milk! This is supposed to cause hotspots in the milk, but Riley never liked his milk that warm, so it was only ever in long enough just to remove the chill anyways!
WELL.... I woke up at 6.15 this morning!!! after .......... wait for it............................... an UNBROKEN nights sleep!

That meant NO PEEING, No getting stuck in silly positions, No aching and painfull stabs in my side! WOOPWOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then, i went to the loo and instead of climbing back into bed and going to sleep I have got up, cleaned teh living room and kitchen, put the dishes away out of the dishwasher! then put a wash in the dryer, have done TWO more loads of washing ready to dry, then made cheese on toast! haha what was odd was that I smeared my chhes on toast with a sprinkle of salt AND raspberry Jam haha! cant explain why I JUST wanted it! lol!

I have my hospital bag all packed and ready, and rileys overnight bag is complete now ready to go off to my friends!
I have even made up a bag this morning for hubby too! lol x

I just feel suddenly energetic!!!! lol. Is this nesting?? I dont know if I have the energy reserves for another 6 weeks of this hahaha!

I imagine that I will fall off the energy wagon tho around midday! and end up having a snooze heehee! hubby and Riley are still tucked up in their beds now, and I dont imagine they'll be up much before 9!

Hope everyone else is having a good morning!
happened to me last week Nikki - have done washing already here, one load left to go, shopping list ready and off to Asda in a while, Mogster has a fab train layout to play with in the front room and is currently oohing and ahhing as he clambers around with his trains - his little face when he said Mummy made a train Daddy was so cute :cloud9: cant wait for Moglet to be big enough to join in with his big bro :yipee:

Can anyone tell me if your bump shrinks later on? Never got this far last time and i swear my lower bump has shrunk...? MW tomorrow so will ask her i guess but wondered if anyone could shed some light?
Mercy where has all this come from???? Pass some my way please! I think i need a nap just reading what you've been up to this morning. I guess it really does help having a good nights sleep!

Not much to say about today really. 34 lovely weeks for me now!!!! Think i'll put some washing on and chillax until mo fo gets up. I think Mart has a sleeping problem as he can never get enough sleep!

Anywho speak to you lovely ladies later!

Mercy where has all this come from???? Pass some my way please! I think i need a nap just reading what you've been up to this morning. I guess it really does help having a good nights sleep!

Not much to say about today really. 34 lovely weeks for me now!!!! Think i'll put some washing on and chillax until mo fo gets up. I think Mart has a sleeping problem as he can never get enough sleep!

Anywho speak to you lovely ladies later!


Lol I have no idea! I've just had a wee bounce on my birth ball tho cos My pelvis is killing me now lol! that'll serve me right!
I forgot that I turned 34 weeks yesterday too! lol!

Riley and Mat are both up now, so the joys of watching Nick Junior commence! haha! it was quite nice havin grown up tv on this morning, might get up that early more often...... yehs right haha!
Bumps do shrink as the baby moves lower down.I have to wear a belt now.

Umm I lost more plug last night and the cramps are now in my back.Really cant last another 5 weeks surely?

Hugs to all xx
Bumps do shrink as the baby moves lower down.I have to wear a belt now.

Umm I lost more plug last night and the cramps are now in my back.Really cant last another 5 weeks surely?

Hugs to all xx

My bump seems to have dropped quite considerably hun, and deffo isnt sticking out as much as it was even a week ago!
I bet I end up going 2 weeks over now, but I just dont "feel" like I am gunna last out the nest 6 weeks!

I have a scan tomorrow afternoon, ti check the placenta one last time, to make sure its not low! do I am hoping that she'll giv me some insight into all these painfull BH's and the 2 shows I have had too!

I think for you, losing more plug ANd haveing cramps too, might well be a sign that things will kick off sooner!
Oo good luck tomoro.Yes I think something is going on in there x
Hey, just wanting my fellow August mummy's opinions!!! I posted THIS following paragraph in a separate post and have got a right mixed bag of replies lol!

"So I have been given a second hand moses basket from my best friend, I know that she actually only put her little girl into it 3 maybe 4 times then she put it away in the wardrobe putting her girl into her crib instead!

Anyways, I have taken it apart, Milton sprayed the entire woven basket and dried that, washed the fabric cover for it in the Vanish extra hygeine liquid with Ariel ultra too! AND I come to the question of the Foam matress!

I put it into the washing machine with the cover off it and washed it at 60Degrees with Milton sterile laundry solution in it! Its washed REALLY well, and seems to be in tip top condition!

BUT I am scared to re use it due to all the advice regarding prevention of Cot death etc? Would you just bite the bullet and buy a new matress?? it just seems a waste as the matress is SOOO comfy and supportive looking!

I know I will probably end up talking myself into a state and buying a new matress lol! but just was intrigued as to what you fab ladies think! "

Was just wondering what you guys would do??
It is a foam matress and the cover is breathable and I removed it and washed it separately! I KNOW it was only used 3-4 times by my friend!

People keep replying that I should Not take "such a risk" for the sake of a tenner on a new matress, but its not that I am not willing to get a new one! I just cant see how it can possibly be a risk when I have washed the hell out of it, had in it the washing machine at 60 degrees, and used antibacterial cleaners on it! it has NO waterproof covering and is basically a foam block! it just feels so much nicer and more supportive than the other matresses I have seen on the market and thought it was a shame to throw it away!

What would you guys do???
Hey, just wanting my fellow August mummy's opinions!!! I posted THIS following paragraph in a separate post and have got a right mixed bag of replies lol!

"So I have been given a second hand moses basket from my best friend, I know that she actually only put her little girl into it 3 maybe 4 times then she put it away in the wardrobe putting her girl into her crib instead!

Anyways, I have taken it apart, Milton sprayed the entire woven basket and dried that, washed the fabric cover for it in the Vanish extra hygeine liquid with Ariel ultra too! AND I come to the question of the Foam matress!

I put it into the washing machine with the cover off it and washed it at 60Degrees with Milton sterile laundry solution in it! Its washed REALLY well, and seems to be in tip top condition!

BUT I am scared to re use it due to all the advice regarding prevention of Cot death etc? Would you just bite the bullet and buy a new matress?? it just seems a waste as the matress is SOOO comfy and supportive looking!

I know I will probably end up talking myself into a state and buying a new matress lol! but just was intrigued as to what you fab ladies think! "

Was just wondering what you guys would do??
It is a foam matress and the cover is breathable and I removed it and washed it separately! I KNOW it was only used 3-4 times by my friend!

People keep replying that I should Not take "such a risk" for the sake of a tenner on a new matress, but its not that I am not willing to get a new one! I just cant see how it can possibly be a risk when I have washed the hell out of it, had in it the washing machine at 60 degrees, and used antibacterial cleaners on it! it has NO waterproof covering and is basically a foam block! it just feels so much nicer and more supportive than the other matresses I have seen on the market and thought it was a shame to throw it away!

What would you guys do???

personally... i would re use it!

If its a decent mattress, the person wasnt a smoker or anything like that and there bubs wsa in it less than half a dozen times then i dont see the problem to be honest! Go with your mummy instinct, try not to let people influence you too much!

how is your manic morning going? if you get bored you can come do my laundry and cleaning :D doesnt matter how much i clean etc it never seems to be enough.... dam nesting instinct!! Im going to get abby back form her granny in a minute and am wondering if i have enough time to clean out my pots and pans cupboard before i go hahaha!! xx
mercy, you could always ask your mw what they think. As it was used by another persons child i maybe inclined to buy another mattress. However if you're confident it is clean to the max then use it hun.

It might be that as it's just a moses basket the same rules may not apply as they do for a cotbed.

I'm soooooooo hungry. I've put lunch on but not going to be ready for another 25 minutes!!!! Trying to be good and not snack so much but the smell is making my tummy rumble!

Had a look at doing a birthing plan this morning but really don't know what to put as alot of it is going to be taken out of my hands. I've got a feeling i'm going to be one of those women who's induction just doesn't work!!! :-(.

Hey, just wanting my fellow August mummy's opinions!!! I posted THIS following paragraph in a separate post and have got a right mixed bag of replies lol!

"So I have been given a second hand moses basket from my best friend, I know that she actually only put her little girl into it 3 maybe 4 times then she put it away in the wardrobe putting her girl into her crib instead!

Anyways, I have taken it apart, Milton sprayed the entire woven basket and dried that, washed the fabric cover for it in the Vanish extra hygeine liquid with Ariel ultra too! AND I come to the question of the Foam matress!

I put it into the washing machine with the cover off it and washed it at 60Degrees with Milton sterile laundry solution in it! Its washed REALLY well, and seems to be in tip top condition!

BUT I am scared to re use it due to all the advice regarding prevention of Cot death etc? Would you just bite the bullet and buy a new matress?? it just seems a waste as the matress is SOOO comfy and supportive looking!

I know I will probably end up talking myself into a state and buying a new matress lol! but just was intrigued as to what you fab ladies think! "

Was just wondering what you guys would do??
It is a foam matress and the cover is breathable and I removed it and washed it separately! I KNOW it was only used 3-4 times by my friend!

People keep replying that I should Not take "such a risk" for the sake of a tenner on a new matress, but its not that I am not willing to get a new one! I just cant see how it can possibly be a risk when I have washed the hell out of it, had in it the washing machine at 60 degrees, and used antibacterial cleaners on it! it has NO waterproof covering and is basically a foam block! it just feels so much nicer and more supportive than the other matresses I have seen on the market and thought it was a shame to throw it away!

What would you guys do???

personally... i would re use it!

If its a decent mattress, the person wasnt a smoker or anything like that and there bubs wsa in it less than half a dozen times then i dont see the problem to be honest! Go with your mummy instinct, try not to let people influence you too much!

how is your manic morning going? if you get bored you can come do my laundry and cleaning :D doesnt matter how much i clean etc it never seems to be enough.... dam nesting instinct!! Im going to get abby back form her granny in a minute and am wondering if i have enough time to clean out my pots and pans cupboard before i go hahaha!! xx

I have chilled slightly now, lol. hubby just had a MASSIVE hoovering spree for me tho which was very nice!
Am just thinking about making (well re heating) a quiche for lunch with some little potatoes and salad lol

mercy, you could always ask your mw what they think. As it was used by another persons child i maybe inclined to buy another mattress. However if you're confident it is clean to the max then use it hun.

It might be that as it's just a moses basket the same rules may not apply as they do for a cotbed.


I will do hun i think! just started somethin on the other thread I think! haha people thinkin I was wantin to risk bubs for the sake of a tenner haha!

Thanks guys x x
I'm soooooooo hungry. I've put lunch on but not going to be ready for another 25 minutes!!!! Trying to be good and not snack so much but the smell is making my tummy rumble!

Had a look at doing a birthing plan this morning but really don't know what to put as alot of it is going to be taken out of my hands. I've got a feeling i'm going to be one of those women who's induction just doesn't work!!! :-(.


U could still put things like what pain relief options you'd like to try first hun??
Or any preference you might have about using birth balls, or positions you would like to try.
Even tho you'll probs be on continuous monitoring being induced, you can still ask for the freedom to move while the monitoring belts are on etc!

Maybe think about anything you might like to take in with you, music, or aromatherapy oil etc??
Well i may get bombared for this but I really aint fussed about using another mattress.So long as I know where it has come from and the kinda of people I am not bothered.(ie clean,non smokers)My 1st daughter I was given a beautiful cot and the mattress was almost new.My son I bought my friends Moses and cot.My 2nd daughter I was very fortunate to have some money paid to me so we did buy new for her which has been used again for my 3rd daughter.I gave the Moses to a family member who has since passed it on to another family member.It is still in good condition and was offered back to me but I bought a beautiful one off a lady off here.It is new though as her wee man is an angel now :cry: Some may not like that idea but i feel touched to use it.I have just bought my 2nd girl a big bed so my 3rd girl is in her cot bed and i was given a lovely cot off freecycle with a almost new matteress.I have scrubbed it aired it and I am perfectly happy to use it again.I have no money and having these little handouts or bargains has helped loads.

Do you know this time round I have not walked in to a shop and bought this baby a thing?I got most of here or Ebay.Some new,some barely used.I keep beating my self up with guilt but OH is like why?It's all perfect condition and since we both lost our jobs we are lucky to have what we do.

I do wish I could afford new but baby stuff has such little use so may as well make most of other peoples things.

Mercy you have done exactly what i would have done x
i get the whole 'my midwife/healthvisitor/mother in law/lady in the newsagent' said you shouldnt do that... allllll the time !!!!

but dya know what, sod the lot of ya im a mother, ive done it twice already and if i wanna do something for a third time round then ill do it OK !!

so yer i'll reuse my friends moses basket just like you !! im also gonna wash my newborn with johnsons products OOHH THE SHAME... and if she has a little dry skin i might even be tempted to use baby lotion !! shock horror...... and after ive bathed her i might be reaallyyy bad and use little baby powder !!!

confessions of a bad mumma :)

Go girl ha ha ha :rofl:

By christ it's my 5th I'm past caring none of my kids are broke,damaged or ill just little gits at times!
i get the whole 'my midwife/healthvisitor/mother in law/lady in the newsagent' said you shouldnt do that... allllll the time !!!!

but dya know what, sod the lot of ya im a mother, ive done it twice already and if i wanna do something for a third time round then ill do it OK !!

so yer i'll reuse my friends moses basket just like you !! im also gonna wash my newborn with johnsons products OOHH THE SHAME... and if she has a little dry skin i might even be tempted to use baby lotion !! shock horror...... and after ive bathed her i might be reaallyyy bad and use little baby powder !!!

confessions of a bad mumma :)


:haha: Im gonna do the same things too, apart from moses basket as i didnt have one and we were bought a new one as a present. I think some people can be too uppity about things the way I see it is if we did these things the first time round and our children are ok who is anyone to tell us not too this time round! :)

Mercy for what its worth Id totallly use it like you said she used it a fewtimes max and your only gonna be used in day time for naps downstairs anyway. :thumbup:
i get the whole 'my midwife/healthvisitor/mother in law/lady in the newsagent' said you shouldnt do that... allllll the time !!!!

but dya know what, sod the lot of ya im a mother, ive done it twice already and if i wanna do something for a third time round then ill do it OK !!

so yer i'll reuse my friends moses basket just like you !! im also gonna wash my newborn with johnsons products OOHH THE SHAME... and if she has a little dry skin i might even be tempted to use baby lotion !! shock horror...... and after ive bathed her i might be reaallyyy bad and use little baby powder !!!

confessions of a bad mumma :)


:haha: Im gonna do the same things too, apart from moses basket as i didnt have one and we were bought a new one as a present. I think some people can be too uppity about things the way I see it is if we did these things the first time round and our children are ok who is anyone to tell us not too this time round! :)

Mercy for what its worth Id totallly use it like you said she used it a fewtimes max and your only gonna be used in day time for naps downstairs anyway. :thumbup:

Muma :thumbup: You're too fab! I have a friend that goes ON AND ON AND ON AND ON at me cos I use Johnsons night time powder on Riley! he loves it, and I love how he smells before bed with it on lol!
I knew I'd feel better about it if I asked you guys x

I have done enough research to make myself feel better, even the FSIDS website says that if it can be thoroughly cleaned and is undamaged it ok!
SO Like Eoz has suggested on my original thread! I am gunna put the extra pennies towards somethin else for bubs!

and yeah llienna, it'll only be for daytime naps! as I have a brand new cot and mattress as well as Rileys old crib with a new mattress in it in our bedroom! so bubs will be in that for main sleeps and for night time!

cheers again ladies x x :kiss: x x

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