****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Looking good Mercy :D

Girls I have a question if baby isnt engaged can you still lose your plug and your cervix get ready to get baby out near the end or is it the pressure from babies head that makes your cervix open up etc? Asking because I was induced with my last pregnancy at 40+10 after 2 failed sweeps so have never gone into labour naturally and was thinking this time around if baby doesnt engage till labour starts as can happen with second pegnancys does that mean nothing will happen till then to my cervix and plug etc?? :shrug:

Yup your cervix can still break down.I never lost my plug with 2 of mine but with my son I lost it @11 am and went into labour at 2pm and he never engaged till the very last minute x

Thank you, that gives me some hope baby might actually come out on time this time around or at least without being induced. Wishful thinking maybe but I shall keep everything crossed, well apart from my legs ;) :haha:
ha ha! With my 3rd my plug broke away over 6 weeks but she didn't come till 41 weeks,I had 2 sweeps which got her out.I'm shocked this one is engaged already as none of mine did till the very last minute well all but my 1st born who was 5 weeks early and I had no idea she was ready to come out x
Whats up with this cotton and water thing? Never heard of it... don't think we do it out here?
oh my goodness how cool are your dungarees!!!! oh jealous!! i wish i had thought of that....you look fab!!! xx

My mate lent them to me, they are only from Mothercare! and SOOOO comfy, I was too scared to wear them outside in case I looked a DIV, lol. But I think I will now!

I love the dungarees and hunny you look bloody awesome.again all i see is boobies!!!!!!!!

BOOOOOOOBIES haha! :dohh:

Looking good Mercy :D

Girls I have a question if baby isnt engaged can you still lose your plug and your cervix get ready to get baby out near the end or is it the pressure from babies head that makes your cervix open up etc? Asking because I was induced with my last pregnancy at 40+10 after 2 failed sweeps so have never gone into labour naturally and was thinking this time around if baby doesnt engage till labour starts as can happen with second pegnancys does that mean nothing will happen till then to my cervix and plug etc?? :shrug:

I think it can still dialate hun as a lot of second and subsiquent babies dont engage untill during labour x x
Mercy again you look fab!!!

As for the women who put that about the tenner. Ignore them, some women on here are so anal i swear they shit diamonds!!!! lol

Gona put a few things on my birth plan. It's important that Mart is involved as much as poss and that i'm not stuck with a moody ass mw. They can just jog on!!!

As for the cotton wool thing, i didn't even know you did that so i'm on negative points straight away as a mum. We have just brought a massive box of wipes and was gona use them????

So just woke up from a little 2 hour snooze..... Brian is still passed out so i've left him to it, lazy sod! Mart is a work till 10pm so just gona chill out, if only i could be arsed to walk to the shop and get a cheeky bar of chocolate alas it's just not gona happen!!!


Had a :haha: at the shitting diamonds comment! I bet I dont even use my birth plan, but i feel more in controll going into the hospital with something set down as an idea!

ha ha! With my 3rd my plug broke away over 6 weeks but she didn't come till 41 weeks,I had 2 sweeps which got her out.I'm shocked this one is engaged already as none of mine did till the very last minute well all but my 1st born who was 5 weeks early and I had no idea she was ready to come out x

I bet this happens with me! I have lost 2 bit of plug now, and am starting to feel like bubs is popping out before D Day!!! however I bet I am still here massive and round at 42 weeks eating pinapple vindaloo for breakfast lunch and dinner! haha
Whats up with this cotton and water thing? Never heard of it... don't think we do it out here?

My hospital, and most over here i think, prefere you to use cotton balls and water to clean away poop and pee when your changing their nappy! however when I was admitted for bleeding a few weeks back I noticed one of the rooms had a baby wash bottle at the sink! :wacko:
Oh! We just bought wipes and were going to use that, not sure what they use in the hospital out here will have to make it a point to check once baby is here!
snap Zoe, Mogster was same in coming early, they told me 10.15am he wont be coming today get some rest and I was holding him by midday - he never engaged til labour and never had a show either :nope:

Having some really strong pains this evening but as can still pretty much carry on what am doing after them am assuming just stronger BH's. Got MW tomorrow so have my little quiz re abx and gbs for her to answer so I have all my info ready :thumbup: Will report back tomorrow PM Zoe....

Just a thought for the birth plan - specify if you are happy for students to be present and maybe sepcify a maximum number if you dont mind them?

Also if you have a preference about passing the placenta - natural or injection?

Who should cut the cord?

If you have an outfit for bubs to have as their first where it is so MW can find it!

Which of you gets first cuddle or do you want it to be the three of you all together - if so put in plan you want a MW to take a pic :thumbup:

Our MW suggests you put in how you drink your tea/take your toast so when they bring you tea and toast afterwards you get it how you prefer....eg black/white tea, sugar? Brown/white toast? Will you want anything on it as most offer butter/jam/marmite etc.

Birth plan doesnt just have to be the pre-birth stuff can also include things you might forget but want them to take into account.

My cat looks so pitiful - she is flopped on the floor by my feet, bless her, think shes fed up of the heat now!
snap Zoe, Mogster was same in coming early, they told me 10.15am he wont be coming today get some rest and I was holding him by midday - he never engaged til labour and never had a show either :nope:

Having some really strong pains this evening but as can still pretty much carry on what am doing after them am assuming just stronger BH's. Got MW tomorrow so have my little quiz re abx and gbs for her to answer so I have all my info ready :thumbup: Will report back tomorrow PM Zoe....

Just a thought for the birth plan - specify if you are happy for students to be present and maybe sepcify a maximum number if you dont mind them?

Also if you have a preference about passing the placenta - natural or injection?

Who should cut the cord?

If you have an outfit for bubs to have as their first where it is so MW can find it!

Which of you gets first cuddle or do you want it to be the three of you all together - if so put in plan you want a MW to take a pic :thumbup:

Our MW suggests you put in how you drink your tea/take your toast so when they bring you tea and toast afterwards you get it how you prefer....eg black/white tea, sugar? Brown/white toast? Will you want anything on it as most offer butter/jam/marmite etc.

Birth plan doesnt just have to be the pre-birth stuff can also include things you might forget but want them to take into account.

My cat looks so pitiful - she is flopped on the floor by my feet, bless her, think shes fed up of the heat now!

Thank s hun will look forward to hearing what she has to say.As for Megan comin early.I had no Idea.I left work on the friday for mat leave.I was only 18 :blush: Had a weekend of seeing friends went shopping.lunch etc.On the mon afternoon at 2pm me and the then husband went to the bank and Safeways (was then, now morrisons)As I paid for the shopping i coughed then pop waters everywhere! Mad rush home to pack as I hadn't.Boiler man was there putting in new heating all floor boards were up so not easily done.Then off to the hospital to be stuck in rush hour traffic.I breathed through it all and got to hospital at 6:35 head crowned in the car then quickly wheeled to a room for Megan to come at 6:59!

Aww your poor kitty.All 6 of mine are hid in in the shed as it's way to hot for them x

Hope all goes ok tomoro and the pain settles xxxx
I really wanted them to help me with advanced bottle making. They say that you have to make each one fresh and can't store them in the fridge. Yet you can with bf????? I'm really gona struggle if that's the case and was thinking about just making a few up at a time anyway. What do you think?


I used to make E's up formula and all. Way my mum had done it for years with all of us and never did us any harm, or like the others say just boil the water up and keep in the fridge.

thats the ones Mrs P Dr Browns! Knew I remembered something :dohh:

When we had Mogster in hospital we spent 5 days in and had loads of help to establish Bf, we still did top up feeds with formula though and they recommended C&G over SMA as easier for little mans innards to digest. Had we not had the help for so long in hospital doubt we would have persevered at home as we were so tired in the early days.

You would think given how many mums n babies they see the MW/HV's would be more on the ball re both BF and FF and folks having preferences and reasons for how they feed!

Mercy the water boiling thing then storing in the fridge - my next door neighbour but one did that, she had then just to pop down to get the powder container and bottle outta the fridge and warm up and she could do a nappy etc in the time it warmed.

Do those bottle warmer things help? Saw one in TKMaxx that said Day/Night feeder?

We are gonna mix feed I think to avoid the milk issues Mogster now has....hoping to exclusively BF for the first 17 weeks then reassess as to whether we start to introduce a FF top up or maybe consider weaning.....Mogster weaned from 19 weeks so who knows...?

Re EBM storage - the college should have a fridge they offer to provide storage of your milk in, otherwise I guess it depends when you are gonna use the milk. Have a fab book I keep going back to by Clair Byam Cook, its getting bit tatty as it has been passed around friends etc but Amazon sell it for about £5 its called "What to expect if youre breastfeeding and what is you cant" also loved the Baby Whisperer but cant recall author :wacko:

FYI think there are sections on here somewhere for feeding and they have split em into FF and BF bet they would be able to help re advance bottle making and EBM storage if we cant on here :friends:

I used my bottle warmer with E religiously and I found it a gos send. In fact we had two, one for the bedroom as well. Used to put it on low just before I knew her bottle would be due go change her bum or whatever and then it would be ready.

We have the Avent ones.

Hey, just wanting my fellow August mummy's opinions!!! I posted THIS following paragraph in a separate post and have got a right mixed bag of replies lol!

"So I have been given a second hand moses basket from my best friend, I know that she actually only put her little girl into it 3 maybe 4 times then she put it away in the wardrobe putting her girl into her crib instead!

Anyways, I have taken it apart, Milton sprayed the entire woven basket and dried that, washed the fabric cover for it in the Vanish extra hygeine liquid with Ariel ultra too! AND I come to the question of the Foam matress!

I put it into the washing machine with the cover off it and washed it at 60Degrees with Milton sterile laundry solution in it! Its washed REALLY well, and seems to be in tip top condition!

BUT I am scared to re use it due to all the advice regarding prevention of Cot death etc? Would you just bite the bullet and buy a new matress?? it just seems a waste as the matress is SOOO comfy and supportive looking!

I know I will probably end up talking myself into a state and buying a new matress lol! but just was intrigued as to what you fab ladies think! "

Was just wondering what you guys would do??
It is a foam matress and the cover is breathable and I removed it and washed it separately! I KNOW it was only used 3-4 times by my friend!

People keep replying that I should Not take "such a risk" for the sake of a tenner on a new matress, but its not that I am not willing to get a new one! I just cant see how it can possibly be a risk when I have washed the hell out of it, had in it the washing machine at 60 degrees, and used antibacterial cleaners on it! it has NO waterproof covering and is basically a foam block! it just feels so much nicer and more supportive than the other matresses I have seen on the market and thought it was a shame to throw it away!

What would you guys do???

Most definately if I knew who and where it was coming from I would re-use it. Funnily enough, we bought 2nd hand nursery furniture and they gave us a cot mattress and Si said to use that but because I didnt know where it had been or who had it I bought a new one but otherwise I wouldnt have.

Well i may get bombared for this but I really aint fussed about using another mattress.So long as I know where it has come from and the kinda of people I am not bothered.(ie clean,non smokers)My 1st daughter I was given a beautiful cot and the mattress was almost new.My son I bought my friends Moses and cot.My 2nd daughter I was very fortunate to have some money paid to me so we did buy new for her which has been used again for my 3rd daughter.I gave the Moses to a family member who has since passed it on to another family member.It is still in good condition and was offered back to me but I bought a beautiful one off a lady off here.It is new though as her wee man is an angel now :cry: Some may not like that idea but i feel touched to use it.I have just bought my 2nd girl a big bed so my 3rd girl is in her cot bed and i was given a lovely cot off freecycle with a almost new matteress.I have scrubbed it aired it and I am perfectly happy to use it again.I have no money and having these little handouts or bargains has helped loads.

Do you know this time round I have not walked in to a shop and bought this baby a thing?I got most of here or Ebay.Some new,some barely used.I keep beating my self up with guilt but OH is like why?It's all perfect condition and since we both lost our jobs we are lucky to have what we do.

I do wish I could afford new but baby stuff has such little use so may as well make most of other peoples things.

Mercy you have done exactly what i would have done x

Mattress and bottles are the only thing I have bought new for this baby. Everything else I have ebayed, no point wasting perfectly good money when the stuff on there is just as good. I did for E too all the new born bits and nursery interior.

if its foam and discoloured you get rid, tbh how would anyone know if a mattress was used but with the cover on and then returned to the shop and resold?

As for Johnsons stuff - we dont use BUT only because we use the Asda little angels range :shrug: Johnsons smells lovely but disagrees with my skin so likely would do with bubs too

To start a new debate - how long do folks plan to use cotton wool and water for nappy changing at home....

I do use Johnsons but only because E comes up with dry skin from Tesco own, maybe I'll have to get my bum to an Asda and give that a go.

Hubbys attempt at taking my bump pics! what ya think haha!



Fabulous, sexy mumma!!! :thumbup:

AFM - Not too much to report today. Been to a family gathering for Si's lot. E has not long gone down and now we are going to settle down to a film and I wanna :coffee: and some chocolate and hit the sack. xx
try Angel Delight Mrs P - works for the choc fix and for the added goodness of calcium :thumpup: also eases the indigestion, Mogster loves chocolate pudding!
hey girls....

productive day around the house. put the fireplace up today and i put my lovely mirror up above it. n changed the curtains in the livingroom. will try n get some pics of my hard work :)

now im sitting down watching big bro :)

but..... my bits hurt :( swollen and just not comfortable !! bubbas diggin all her knees etc out today which is quite cute lol lets me kno shes there.... x

hope ur all well

Evening Girls!!!! Every time I say I can come on here most days I end being busier than I was when I was at work!!!:haha: I have washed all my baby stuff(just need to iron and pack my baby's and mine hospital bags)I have also washed all my re-usable nappies so they are ready to go(I also have disposable ones to use too)

Can't believe I have only 4wks to go until my due date!!!!!!
Hey everyone. Moan alert.. sorry :wacko:

Feel utterly rubbish today- don't know why- really down. Can't quite believe after all the scares during this pregnancy and all the threats of preterm labour, i'm now 35 weeks tomorrow and no sign of him! And he could even be overdue.

It sounds daft but i've just had enough. Feel so miserable and low- not coping with the heat or the sickness which has come back with a vengance- the thought of another 7 weeks of this makes me want to go to bed and not get out :cry::cry::cry:
Why has is suddenly gone warm tonight??? It's been lovely and breezy all day!!!!

MrsP think i'm just gona see how i get on with the bottles. As long as i'm making them with sterile bottles, clean hands and utensils i'm sure bubs will be ok. They tell us it's healthy for babies to be exposed to a certain amount of germs anyway to build up their immune system!

Just watching Big Bro and cringing at some of the knobs that are on there!

I really want some chocolate now though, think i'll have to get Mart to make an emergency stop off on the way home. Wonder if he could use the blue lights???? lol

Hey everyone. Moan alert.. sorry :wacko:

Feel utterly rubbish today- don't know why- really down. Can't quite believe after all the scares during this pregnancy and all the threats of preterm labour, i'm now 35 weeks tomorrow and no sign of him! And he could even be overdue.

It sounds daft but i've just had enough. Feel so miserable and low- not coping with the heat or the sickness which has come back with a vengance- the thought of another 7 weeks of this makes me want to go to bed and not get out :cry::cry::cry:

:hugs: Yas I found last week a tough week, seems to have eased again though or Im more used to it? Hopefully it will cool down so you can get some decent rest and itll make you feel better...?

How did unpacking all the new baby bits go?
Hey everyone. Moan alert.. sorry :wacko:

Feel utterly rubbish today- don't know why- really down. Can't quite believe after all the scares during this pregnancy and all the threats of preterm labour, i'm now 35 weeks tomorrow and no sign of him! And he could even be overdue.

It sounds daft but i've just had enough. Feel so miserable and low- not coping with the heat or the sickness which has come back with a vengance- the thought of another 7 weeks of this makes me want to go to bed and not get out :cry::cry::cry:


It's coming to the end now hun, you've done so well, try not to be too down on yourself. Maybe do something nice tomorrow to cheer yourself up? Could you have a mini pamper session????

Think we all need to do something to cheer ourselves up. I promise if i win the lotto next week Louis Vuitton handbags all round!

Jetters - :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: to you hun. Just think the longer baby stays inside you the better for baby. I know the heat is a killer not much we can do about it except get through it. Hope tomorrow is a better day for you hun.

When I went on my workshop day they said if you use bottles you are only supposed to make a bottle up as and when you need it!!!! That makes no sense to me what so ever!!! My best friend has had 3 kids aged 9, 5 & 2.5 yrs old and, she would make all their bottles up when she made the 1st, when the rest had cooled down put them in the fridge and reheat as and when needed. As long as you use steralised bottles, your hands are clean and you follow the instructions everything will be fine.
quick pit stop here before bed..

:hugs: jetters :hugs:

philly - yes please to the handbag!! i also wanted chocolate tonight and didnt have any... between me and you i stuck a t spoon in the jar of nutella hahaha :( oops....

mumma: looking forward to seeing the pics of your hard work!! hope lola is behaving her self and not making you too uncomfy....

ive just watched big brother... bunch of weirdos.... keeps me amused though...
now watching allan carr kuz i cant be bothered to change the channel...louis spence makes my head hurt so im off to bed...

:hugs: all round... take care mammas and babbas :D xxx
quick pit stop here before bed..

:hugs: jetters :hugs:

philly - yes please to the handbag!! i also wanted chocolate tonight and didnt have any... between me and you i stuck a t spoon in the jar of nutella hahaha :( oops....

mumma: looking forward to seeing the pics of your hard work!! hope lola is behaving her self and not making you too uncomfy....

ive just watched big brother... bunch of weirdos.... keeps me amused though...
now watching allan carr kuz i cant be bothered to change the channel...louis spence makes my head hurt so im off to bed...

:hugs: all round... take care mammas and babbas :D xxx

I'm always getting a spoon and sticking it in the Nutella! It tastes sooooooooooooo good!!!

Just had to catch up on 5 pages! :hugs: ladies

Mercy, we are getting a crib from my SIL next weekend and will probably be reusing their mattress because they just had to replace it a couple of weeks ago! Lucky us. =) That being said if we get it and it can't be cleaned or I don't think it looks safe we will be getting a new one. We haven't seen the mattress yet as they live 4 hours away from us so we won't know til we have it.

And really that is all I can remember from all those pages :dohh: Sorry, I know I missed lots!

I officially finished washing all of the baby bits today! :happydance: They are all put away by size (not according to the tag but according to the actual post-wash size) and I even organized the drawers so everything is super easy to find.

Did I tell you ladies that we picked up a solid wood rocking chair that someone had put out? It's in perfect condition and saved us from buying one! We have been so lucky since I have been pregnant! Kinda waiting for the other shoe to drop now...

Hope everyone is well! :hugs: Not too much longer Jetters, extra big :hugs: for you!

Oh, just remembered: Moggy (I think it was you) the "Baby Whisperer" set is by Tracey Hogg. :flower:

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