****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Hi Girls! :wave:
Hope everyone is ok! I haven't posted much in here but catch up regularly!!!
I had a growth scan today (32+2) and bubs weighs 2253g already (4lbs15ozs), well within the normal ranges so we'll see in a couple of months whether I am going to end up with another chubba!? :dohh: Saw the consultant afterwards and he was quite happy to pass my care back to the midwife so that is good! Just hoping I don't go too far overdue this time! I was 42 weeks last time which is why I think Lucas was 10lbs!
Not much else happening with the pregnancy... sickness is back which is a bit of a pain but all part of the fun! And I now have a rather sexy brace to help with pelvic pain! Oh the joys!!! :thumbup:
:hugs: to everyone xx
what a knobend mumma!! at least you kept your end of the deal, his day will come... so you need to keep records of all this then? Hope all well when social worker comes:)
Jetters, hope your duvet did day you some good :)
MrsP, I'll rant at the car man if I ever get to talk to him!! I envy your ability to do housework!! I can just never get started, and I'm that knackered these days that I sleep when Charlotte has her nap! Which is a big issue now especially as our cleaner can't come during the school holiday :cry:
Zoe, that looks horrible, is there something you can do to relieve it now that you know what it is!? Charlotte's Dermol says for pururitic skins conditions...
Lliena, mice suck. Our downstairs neighbour is 95 and has very poor eyesight, so can't see when spilt food is lying around, we had a big mouse problem about a year ago - catching 3 or 4 a day. I hated it. Seem to have got rid of them now though thankfully!!

As for us, MIL safely dispatched, still no answer from car bloke, DH going to try tonight in case he's screening my number (although I did try calling and withholding it as well!)...

I have E45 itch relief which is ok but standing in front of the fan in my undercrackers worrks well lol

Ugh to the cleaning! I'd do it I love it!
@Eoz standing in front of the fan in my undercrackers worrks well !


No real update re abx and strep just that the hospital will make the decision when we arrive :shrug:

Moglet is measuring 42 weeks now!!! :wacko: See MW again on monday and if still huge am gonna request scan to confirm all baby then ask for induction, will make easier for abx and also will mean the odema and carpal tunnel should be relieved sooner. Makes it easier to make arrangements for Mogster too. Only thing is I dont know if can request it or if they would take me seriously...?

Getting hard to move around today and keep getting stuck on floor :blush:
evening ladies x x

Well, scan went really well. The lacenta has moved up a little bit more and bubs is engaging nicely in there! she didnt write down how many 5ths tho! but she did say shed be supprised if i make it to my appointment in 3 weeks! EEEEK!!! lol!
I had to have a cervical swab taken, as she said that loosing my plug early and having some painfull BH's could be a sign that I have an infection! gotta wait a week for the results tho! booo! Cervix is soft but not yet dialating so thats a good thing!

Baby is looking like he or she weighs just short of 5lb which is apparently average, I am guessing if i went to full term baby would be about 8lb??

so relieved taht things are still lookin good for having a normal delivery! I was dreading a c section! i know its better for some people but i had myself convinced i didnt want one!

SO. gotta go back for another check up in 3 weeks, so after me moaning at 20 weeks i was hardly gunna be seen, this baby has since become the most checked up, scanned baby in Northern Ireland I think haha!

Hope everyones had a lovely day x
Nikki x x

goodness i struggle to keep up with this thread... hope everyone is well!

mumma cant believe he did that!! what a twerp!! after causing such a fuss he just shrugs it off!! eurgh men!!

AFM - nothing on FOB front, its all been a bit too quiet for my liking. Went for a reeeeally long walk (waddle) with my mum, sister, neice, nephew and abby this moring and i feel good after it but im soooo sleepy!! super early night for me!!

The might be tmi but my pelvis is really achy and i swear LO must be able to see daylight!!! feels like ive got a fluffing rugby ball between my legs!! and peeing?!?! heavens above i cant stop!!! thought i was gonna have to hop into a bush at one point during the walk!!

ive been veeting my legs the last few months and decided to give my underamrs a bash last night, that turned out to be a BIG no no, as soon as i put it on it started burning!!! and im all red and sore today.... i didnt help the situation by putting deodrant on this morning!!! even bigger no no - OUCH!! abby found my dancing and squeeling roud the bathroom pretty fun though!! xxx
@Eoz standing in front of the fan in my undercrackers worrks well !


No real update re abx and strep just that the hospital will make the decision when we arrive :shrug:

Moglet is measuring 42 weeks now!!! :wacko: See MW again on monday and if still huge am gonna request scan to confirm all baby then ask for induction, will make easier for abx and also will mean the odema and carpal tunnel should be relieved sooner. Makes it easier to make arrangements for Mogster too. Only thing is I dont know if can request it or if they would take me seriously...?

Getting hard to move around today and keep getting stuck on floor :blush:

:shock: He sounds huge!!!

I begged for induction they wouldn't. Also with this condition they can do but i'll get no where.I hope you do my lovely xxx

As you do we just turn up and they go from there but this hospital is pants prob give me wrong care knowing them!

Mercy 2 wahoo good news.The race is on :haha:
Hi everyone

Hope you and bumps are all well and ok!! Sounds like everyone's had busy weekends and not stopped. Hope everyones scans went well today and can't believe how close it is, by the sounds of things people will have a few babies sooner than expected

I brought my maternity forward and started it today, my boss has been an arse with some of the things that have happened so I put leave in and left. Meeting my big boss on Wednesday for an exit interview and intend on letting rip. I feel like I've done nothing but cry and sleep today :cry:. At least I can relax a bit now and try and get my hospital bag ready, I've not even bought anything for it yet.

Jacob's at nursery tomorrow so after we've dropped him off and done a bit of hw, may go out for dinner with OH as he's on his days off.

Lou x
Sounds promising Mercy :D

James has brought the traps home now hope it catches the mouse. I have been feeling weird today well it started last night if Im honest, just feel really spaced out and been to the loo a fair few time for no2's and feel really sleepy even though I have had a 2hr nap as well. Also feel like I could do with a massive cry but have no reason too :shrug:
hey - thought id share...... 35 week n 2 days bump.......... x

and sexual mummmy-ish ((Excuse the pun)) bandagesss


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what a knobend mumma!! at least you kept your end of the deal, his day will come... so you need to keep records of all this then? Hope all well when social worker comes:)
Jetters, hope your duvet did day you some good :)
MrsP, I'll rant at the car man if I ever get to talk to him!! I envy your ability to do housework!! I can just never get started, and I'm that knackered these days that I sleep when Charlotte has her nap! Which is a big issue now especially as our cleaner can't come during the school holiday :cry:
Zoe, that looks horrible, is there something you can do to relieve it now that you know what it is!? Charlotte's Dermol says for pururitic skins conditions...
Lliena, mice suck. Our downstairs neighbour is 95 and has very poor eyesight, so can't see when spilt food is lying around, we had a big mouse problem about a year ago - catching 3 or 4 a day. I hated it. Seem to have got rid of them now though thankfully!!

As for us, MIL safely dispatched, still no answer from car bloke, DH going to try tonight in case he's screening my number (although I did try calling and withholding it as well!)...

:growlmad: to the car man.

I should do what you do really but, I just cant do it. I do sit down for a bit whilst E sleeps but then I also take the time just to make my self crack on. x

Hi Girls! :wave:
Hope everyone is ok! I haven't posted much in here but catch up regularly!!!
I had a growth scan today (32+2) and bubs weighs 2253g already (4lbs15ozs), well within the normal ranges so we'll see in a couple of months whether I am going to end up with another chubba!? :dohh: Saw the consultant afterwards and he was quite happy to pass my care back to the midwife so that is good! Just hoping I don't go too far overdue this time! I was 42 weeks last time which is why I think Lucas was 10lbs!
Not much else happening with the pregnancy... sickness is back which is a bit of a pain but all part of the fun! And I now have a rather sexy brace to help with pelvic pain! Oh the joys!!! :thumbup:
:hugs: to everyone xx

Glad all is going well for you x

@Eoz standing in front of the fan in my undercrackers worrks well !


No real update re abx and strep just that the hospital will make the decision when we arrive :shrug:

Moglet is measuring 42 weeks now!!! :wacko: See MW again on monday and if still huge am gonna request scan to confirm all baby then ask for induction, will make easier for abx and also will mean the odema and carpal tunnel should be relieved sooner. Makes it easier to make arrangements for Mogster too. Only thing is I dont know if can request it or if they would take me seriously...?

Getting hard to move around today and keep getting stuck on floor :blush:

42?!?!?! Goodness me. Hope that MW will arrange a scan for you. What do you think your chances are of her booking induction?

evening ladies x x

Well, scan went really well. The lacenta has moved up a little bit more and bubs is engaging nicely in there! she didnt write down how many 5ths tho! but she did say shed be supprised if i make it to my appointment in 3 weeks! EEEEK!!! lol!
I had to have a cervical swab taken, as she said that loosing my plug early and having some painfull BH's could be a sign that I have an infection! gotta wait a week for the results tho! booo! Cervix is soft but not yet dialating so thats a good thing!

Baby is looking like he or she weighs just short of 5lb which is apparently average, I am guessing if i went to full term baby would be about 8lb??

so relieved taht things are still lookin good for having a normal delivery! I was dreading a c section! i know its better for some people but i had myself convinced i didnt want one!

SO. gotta go back for another check up in 3 weeks, so after me moaning at 20 weeks i was hardly gunna be seen, this baby has since become the most checked up, scanned baby in Northern Ireland I think haha!

Hope everyones had a lovely day x
Nikki x x

Glad everything went well. Fingers crossed for you that swab comes back clear :hugs:


goodness i struggle to keep up with this thread... hope everyone is well!

mumma cant believe he did that!! what a twerp!! after causing such a fuss he just shrugs it off!! eurgh men!!

AFM - nothing on FOB front, its all been a bit too quiet for my liking. Went for a reeeeally long walk (waddle) with my mum, sister, neice, nephew and abby this moring and i feel good after it but im soooo sleepy!! super early night for me!!

The might be tmi but my pelvis is really achy and i swear LO must be able to see daylight!!! feels like ive got a fluffing rugby ball between my legs!! and peeing?!?! heavens above i cant stop!!! thought i was gonna have to hop into a bush at one point during the walk!!

ive been veeting my legs the last few months and decided to give my underamrs a bash last night, that turned out to be a BIG no no, as soon as i put it on it started burning!!! and im all red and sore today.... i didnt help the situation by putting deodrant on this morning!!! even bigger no no - OUCH!! abby found my dancing and squeeling roud the bathroom pretty fun though!! xxx

Ouch that sounds painful.

Hi everyone

Hope you and bumps are all well and ok!! Sounds like everyone's had busy weekends and not stopped. Hope everyones scans went well today and can't believe how close it is, by the sounds of things people will have a few babies sooner than expected

I brought my maternity forward and started it today, my boss has been an arse with some of the things that have happened so I put leave in and left. Meeting my big boss on Wednesday for an exit interview and intend on letting rip. I feel like I've done nothing but cry and sleep today :cry:. At least I can relax a bit now and try and get my hospital bag ready, I've not even bought anything for it yet.

Jacob's at nursery tomorrow so after we've dropped him off and done a bit of hw, may go out for dinner with OH as he's on his days off.

Lou x

Hpoe it goes well hon, give them what for. Might make you feel better if nothing else. :kiss:
hey - thought id share...... 35 week n 2 days bump.......... x

and sexual mummmy-ish ((Excuse the pun)) bandagesss

Look at you sexy mumma!!!

AFM - Not much. Si is at football, E is in bed and Dan is in the pub AGAIN. He doesnt seem to be doing too much with regards to finding something else if this room falls through.

He needs to be out our room by Wednesday as painter is in Thursday. I can buy him a bit more time on the floor but cant do anymore than that. Why do I feel so selfish for putting my family first.

Looking forward to being able to finish the nursery at the weekend, so bewarned will be pic overload!! But on the other hand dont want to rub it in his face.

Just watching crap on tv and then going up to double check my hospital bags and to wrap the couple of little bits I have for E from bubba so they can then sit in the car.
Ooh just been sick on top of what else im feeling :sick: Early night for me I reckon!
Guessing slim to none but cant hurt to ask, gonna call her tomorrow and request scan as last week was measuring 38 weeks so cant have shot that much as position etc is the same. Must have been all the angel delight!

Been so lazy today, kitchen floor needs a mop but cant face it, maybe tomorrow....
omg ladies slow down i have a day off and my brain is fried when i come back lol i've been on here an hour just catching up lol:wacko:

eoz if you didn't have bad luck you'd have no luck boo to pupps looks nasty :hugs: hunny bad doctors for not inducing you

mamma the cheeky git i wouldn'y send them next week i'd make him wait men ay

philly whats that about tenner and shitting diamonds what was said i missed it

mercy love the bump pic i've used the same cot matress for all of my kids and they are all fine .......thinking of that tho i may get my hubby a second hand matress to see if he has i'll effects i can hope :haha::blush: only joking i love him really lol

lliena you got the rat yet hun

moggy big bubba was your last big hun hope you get your induction sweet:hugs:

guppy here mw like you to wash baby with cotton wool face butts and everything i will admit i used baby wipes with my first but i put one on my face and it burnt like hell so i used it for butts but cotton wool the belly back face etc
@Eoz standing in front of the fan in my undercrackers worrks well !


No real update re abx and strep just that the hospital will make the decision when we arrive :shrug:

Moglet is measuring 42 weeks now!!! :wacko: See MW again on monday and if still huge am gonna request scan to confirm all baby then ask for induction, will make easier for abx and also will mean the odema and carpal tunnel should be relieved sooner. Makes it easier to make arrangements for Mogster too. Only thing is I dont know if can request it or if they would take me seriously...?

Getting hard to move around today and keep getting stuck on floor :blush:

good luck with askin for the induction hun. check out little moglet measuring 42 weeks already x


goodness i struggle to keep up with this thread... hope everyone is well!

mumma cant believe he did that!! what a twerp!! after causing such a fuss he just shrugs it off!! eurgh men!!

AFM - nothing on FOB front, its all been a bit too quiet for my liking. Went for a reeeeally long walk (waddle) with my mum, sister, neice, nephew and abby this moring and i feel good after it but im soooo sleepy!! super early night for me!!

The might be tmi but my pelvis is really achy and i swear LO must be able to see daylight!!! feels like ive got a fluffing rugby ball between my legs!! and peeing?!?! heavens above i cant stop!!! thought i was gonna have to hop into a bush at one point during the walk!!

ive been veeting my legs the last few months and decided to give my underamrs a bash last night, that turned out to be a BIG no no, as soon as i put it on it started burning!!! and im all red and sore today.... i didnt help the situation by putting deodrant on this morning!!! even bigger no no - OUCH!! abby found my dancing and squeeling roud the bathroom pretty fun though!! xxx

I'm with you on the excess peeing front lol, i dont think i will ever stop some days haha!
hope ur underarms arent too sore??
Hi everyone

Hope you and bumps are all well and ok!! Sounds like everyone's had busy weekends and not stopped. Hope everyones scans went well today and can't believe how close it is, by the sounds of things people will have a few babies sooner than expected

I brought my maternity forward and started it today, my boss has been an arse with some of the things that have happened so I put leave in and left. Meeting my big boss on Wednesday for an exit interview and intend on letting rip. I feel like I've done nothing but cry and sleep today :cry:. At least I can relax a bit now and try and get my hospital bag ready, I've not even bought anything for it yet.

Jacob's at nursery tomorrow so after we've dropped him off and done a bit of hw, may go out for dinner with OH as he's on his days off.

Lou x

:hugs: try and relax, and enjoy your time hun, hope the exit interview goes ok for you :hugs:

Sounds promising Mercy :D

James has brought the traps home now hope it catches the mouse. I have been feeling weird today well it started last night if Im honest, just feel really spaced out and been to the loo a fair few time for no2's and feel really sleepy even though I have had a 2hr nap as well. Also feel like I could do with a massive cry but have no reason too :shrug:

MASSIVE hugs hun x :hugs: x Hope the traps work and you catch the mouse!

hey - thought id share...... 35 week n 2 days bump.......... x

and sexual mummmy-ish ((Excuse the pun)) bandagesss

WIT WOOOOOOOO lady! lovely pics as ever!

Ooh just been sick on top of what else im feeling :sick: Early night for me I reckon!

Booooo to feeling crappy! Hope you start to feel ok soon x x

And Mrs P, Cant wait to see the pics of the nursery! We're gunna have to start ours this weekend I think x
flutter, mercy posted a thread asking for opinions on whether to buy a new mattress or not. I think someone said something like ' for the sake of a tenner buy a new one'???? I just told mercy that some women on here are that anal they shit diamonds! lol

Just waiting for Mart to finish his shift. I'm trying to stay awake but my eyes feel so heavy tonight. No lie in for me either as got hospital appointments tomorrow. Gotta see how chubby bubs is now.

Just watching crap on tv whilst having the crap kicked out of me. You gotta love these babies. I bet my insides are black and blue! lol

flutter, mercy posted a thread asking for opinions on whether to buy a new mattress or not. I think someone said something like ' for the sake of a tenner buy a new one'???? I just told mercy that some women on here are that anal they shit diamonds! lol

Just waiting for Mart to finish his shift. I'm trying to stay awake but my eyes feel so heavy tonight. No lie in for me either as got hospital appointments tomorrow. Gotta see how chubby bubs is now.

Just watching crap on tv whilst having the crap kicked out of me. You gotta love these babies. I bet my insides are black and blue! lol


:haha: Still gigglin at the image of someone out there sittin on their loo actually shitting diamonds haha! Classic Philly!

I have just had THE MOST insane fit of nesting lol! Hubby went for a shower and I suddenly had the urge to clean the kitchen, did every last inch of the place then bleached the floor, tidy'd the living room, then went up for a pee and decided the bathroom wasnt nearly clean enough haha! Cue scrubbing and bleaching the second room post midnight lol! Then as I walked down the stairs I got the baby wipes out and did the dusting of all the picture tops and the kick boards on the crapets! :thumbup:

I think I am sleepy now! must go and sleeeeeeep zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ
Moggy why are you measuring so big? Do you have GD?

Eoz I hope the rash goes away, or doesn't bother you to much.

Mercy you lucky duck! I want my bubs to come at 37 ish weeks to but had a prenatal today and he's not yet engaged and I am almost to 37 weeks. DO keep us updated!

AFM: I have a form to book a 38 week scan so will try to get an apt for tue or wed next week and will hopefully get an estimate on baby's weight. I am measuring 35 cms for fundal height at 36+3 so that sounds to me like baby might be average???
Moglet was measuring about 3 weeks-4 weeks ahead most of the way and now all of a sudden yesterday hed shot 3 weeks extra and he was engaged so youd figure it would have reduced :wacko:

MW spent ages looking at my notes then said to book in again for next week :shrug: Chatting to OH last night am gonna call her today and request a scan to check baby size, my notes book thing says they should if the gradient is very steep on the curve and it is!

Last baby was 6lb 6oz - hes 3 on Monday! Ooh and GD test was all clear 7/8 weeks ago :shrug:

This time am suffering with carpal tunnel and odema, leg odema is quite bad now even in the mornings, hard to manouver around for Mogster which isnt fair on him and surely his needs should come into the equation....hoping they will take it into account and if scan is agreed and bubs is big they will consider an early induction.

Just want to be home with both my boys and OH and all be happy and healthy! Not much to ask really I dont think....just got to wait and see....

:rofl: @ Mercy cleaning at 1am, I do that these days, get up to pee in the bathroom and get the bathroom wipes out to give the bath/shower a quick going over, have been working on the shower tiles and really is noticable when you get up how easy it is to miss buits in the dark/moonlight!

Zoe how you doing this morning? Did they offer any cream etc to ease the itch? I got badly stung on nettles in the garden a while back and aquaeous calomine cream did a fab job and less annoying to apply than calomine lotion!

Wish i could shit a diamond - be useful at the moment, cant see me buying a new mattress though as washing machine brought ours up a treat, even plan to pass it on to my sister after we use it AGAIN!!!! My personal preference would be a money tree in the garden - one that doesnt drop coins on my head though! :haha:

Have a great day all :hugs:
Eoz the Pupps thingy sounds awful, you poor thing, can't believe how tough you've had it this pregnancy! He's really making you work for it, :hugs:

Moggy I can't believe mogster is measuring so big! You're gonna pop soon- how exciting is that? It must be a bit overwhelming but at least he's hung on till his lungs are all ready and stuff, xxx

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