****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

I'm confused...never knew there was anything wrong with Johnson's and wipes??! What's the problem?

I am definitely not going to be one of those paranoid moms....Mercy I would definitely use the mattress, I mean you know who it came from so I really don't see the harm?
I would use the mattress too. Why waste the $$$ if it's in good condition?
We bought our crib mattress at a yard sell. Was in excellent condition and the fam was non smokers. Was one of those expensive ones, hardly used and we bout it for $15! Of course I cleaned it down and we got some fresh sheets for it, but I know it's good :thumbup: we also did the same with the basinet. As long as it's cleaned and you put a sheet on it, I'm sure it's fine :)

Call me a bad mama, but I'm using wet whips the entire time:blush: actually, I have never seen anyone else use water n wool on American babies. It's unheard of here. Will be using disposable diapers till the cord falls off, then using Cloth nappies. Not to many folks use cloth here either :nope: so they think I'm nuts lol

Huggies has an all natural brand of wet wipes. They are hypoallergenic and only use natural stuff. That's what we r gonna use for now
I got a second hand basinet and am using the pad in that, I cleaned it though. I wouldn't worry. I also didn't wash all of baby's things and don't have a bottle steriliser for my non bag drop in bottles, they say dishwasher safe so why not? Am I terrible? I don't think so, thats how it's been done for ages and when my mom decided to be "more careful" with my sis (she was born ages after all us) she was the one with all the allergies and problems. I say if it works then go for it.
9 pages of posts, wowee!!

Mrsp I get one more week of not worrying about it then I'll get it done.

HWM don't need insulin even though BS's were a bit higher, nurse thinks it's cause I've been sick and not eating much. ALl that hard work to gain a pound in the last 3 weeks and I went and lost it! If I am still having sick issues tomorrow have to go to clinic to get checked for bronchitis and pneumonia just to be safe and to make sure baby is not stressed.

Oh I have a new niece! Sierra Isabelle born 2 am July 2.

Congrats on your new niece :) and good news on the insulin!! bronchitis or pneumonia sounds scary though :(

carolyn all my pics are a myth !! i LOVE my pics but im a mess in real life, if i ever did internet dating theyd be disapointed lol x ok, so that is me !! but pics are carefully selected hahaha x altho my friends laugh coz they say i tag anything no matter how silly i may look, hmmm not sure bout that x i do kno my profile pics r usually edited to some degree but thats just me showing off lol and if i had bad pics i wouldnt get any business lol x

well the morning is here and i had my bed to myself last night :) which was loverrllyyy as for the past week its been invaded by those pesky kids :p bles em, bein all not well and invadin the bed of their stressed out heavily pregnant mother haha... ive been sleepin the wrong way accross the foot end by morning due to lack of space....

why do kids sit up n flip over and kick and whatever else in their sleep its so frustrating !! not too mention dangerous lol x

so a night to myself and woken up at 8.15 which is fiinnneeee by meeeeeeeee. its saturday which is 'mums day' but she has a few things to do, so im gonna walk to hers... 'up another hill' haha but with my new buggy :) which is alot lighter than my other one. might take all the icandy material off n get mumsy to wash it lol x

tomorro is the 1st visit for the kids and their dad :(

i told the solicitor yesterday that theyr ill but she said the judge will say im making excuses. so i may just send harry as he's not as ill as ella..... but my poor may may isnt a happy bunny :( ear still sticky but meds def kicking in. i dont wanna send her there like that x

anyway im off to jump in the bath :) feeling ok today

hope u all enjoy your saturdays x

me + three

How did it go on Sunday wtih the kids visiting their dad?

So back from Parent Class. The 1st half was really good , talked about all the aspects of labour and had all our questions answered. However, they did a 2 minute talk on bottle feeding and made me feel crap about my choice to bottle feed. 1.5 hour talk on breast feeding! I know it is better for baby but surely they should of spent alot more time on making women more comfortable with bottles and stuff. I mean i need help feeding just as much as a mother who breast feeds????
I really wanted them to help me with advanced bottle making. They say that you have to make each one fresh and can't store them in the fridge. Yet you can with bf????? I'm really gona struggle if that's the case and was thinking about just making a few up at a time anyway. What do you think?


Philly, was it NCT class? They're very pro anything 'natural' but sucks they weren't more helpfor you on bottle feeding... there was a thread on here thursday last week maybe about making up bottles in advance... you'll get a book called Birth to Five at the hospital when baby is born which has loads of useful advice, including on bottle feeding. tHE CURrent dept of health guidelines suggest that if you need to make bottles in advance then you should boil water, cool for half hour to about 70C (as this is most effective at killing any bacteria in powder) then make up all bottles and store in the fridge until needed. Warm when needed. This is supposedly better than storing the cooled water and making up when needed as it's the heat in the water that kills the bacteria...

You can download the book too https://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_107668.pdf

WELL.... I woke up at 6.15 this morning!!! after .......... wait for it............................... an UNBROKEN nights sleep!

That meant NO PEEING, No getting stuck in silly positions, No aching and painfull stabs in my side! WOOPWOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then, i went to the loo and instead of climbing back into bed and going to sleep I have got up, cleaned teh living room and kitchen, put the dishes away out of the dishwasher! then put a wash in the dryer, have done TWO more loads of washing ready to dry, then made cheese on toast! haha what was odd was that I smeared my chhes on toast with a sprinkle of salt AND raspberry Jam haha! cant explain why I JUST wanted it! lol!

I have my hospital bag all packed and ready, and rileys overnight bag is complete now ready to go off to my friends!
I have even made up a bag this morning for hubby too! lol x

I just feel suddenly energetic!!!! lol. Is this nesting?? I dont know if I have the energy reserves for another 6 weeks of this hahaha!

I imagine that I will fall off the energy wagon tho around midday! and end up having a snooze heehee! hubby and Riley are still tucked up in their beds now, and I dont imagine they'll be up much before 9!

Hope everyone else is having a good morning!
Glad you got a decent sleep!! I made DH give me a lie in yseterday (until nearly 10!) as he's away next weekend...

Hey, just wanting my fellow August mummy's opinions!!! I posted THIS following paragraph in a separate post and have got a right mixed bag of replies lol!

"So I have been given a second hand moses basket from my best friend, I know that she actually only put her little girl into it 3 maybe 4 times then she put it away in the wardrobe putting her girl into her crib instead!

Anyways, I have taken it apart, Milton sprayed the entire woven basket and dried that, washed the fabric cover for it in the Vanish extra hygeine liquid with Ariel ultra too! AND I come to the question of the Foam matress!

I put it into the washing machine with the cover off it and washed it at 60Degrees with Milton sterile laundry solution in it! Its washed REALLY well, and seems to be in tip top condition!

BUT I am scared to re use it due to all the advice regarding prevention of Cot death etc? Would you just bite the bullet and buy a new matress?? it just seems a waste as the matress is SOOO comfy and supportive looking!

I know I will probably end up talking myself into a state and buying a new matress lol! but just was intrigued as to what you fab ladies think! "

Was just wondering what you guys would do??
It is a foam matress and the cover is breathable and I removed it and washed it separately! I KNOW it was only used 3-4 times by my friend!

People keep replying that I should Not take "such a risk" for the sake of a tenner on a new matress, but its not that I am not willing to get a new one! I just cant see how it can possibly be a risk when I have washed the hell out of it, had in it the washing machine at 60 degrees, and used antibacterial cleaners on it! it has NO waterproof covering and is basically a foam block! it just feels so much nicer and more supportive than the other matresses I have seen on the market and thought it was a shame to throw it away!

What would you guys do???

We're reusing our mattresses from DD... the crib one was custom made, as it's a 60 year old crib, not getting that done again!!

if its foam and discoloured you get rid, tbh how would anyone know if a mattress was used but with the cover on and then returned to the shop and resold?

As for Johnsons stuff - we dont use BUT only because we use the Asda little angels range :shrug: Johnsons smells lovely but disagrees with my skin so likely would do with bubs too

To start a new debate - how long do folks plan to use cotton wool and water for nappy changing at home....

Will still use cotton wool and cooled boiled water for cleaning eyes though...

Looking good Mercy :D

Girls I have a question if baby isnt engaged can you still lose your plug and your cervix get ready to get baby out near the end or is it the pressure from babies head that makes your cervix open up etc? Asking because I was induced with my last pregnancy at 40+10 after 2 failed sweeps so have never gone into labour naturally and was thinking this time around if baby doesnt engage till labour starts as can happen with second pegnancys does that mean nothing will happen till then to my cervix and plug etc?? :shrug:

I'm same as you lliena, was induced 40+12 after failed sweeps, so hoping that my body still capable of going in to labour on its own for this one!!

Whats up with this cotton and water thing? Never heard of it... don't think we do it out here?

My hospital, and most over here i think, prefere you to use cotton balls and water to clean away poop and pee when your changing their nappy! however when I was admitted for bleeding a few weeks back I noticed one of the rooms had a baby wash bottle at the sink! :wacko:

what's the baby wash bottle then!?

Hey everyone. Moan alert.. sorry :wacko:

Feel utterly rubbish today- don't know why- really down. Can't quite believe after all the scares during this pregnancy and all the threats of preterm labour, i'm now 35 weeks tomorrow and no sign of him! And he could even be overdue.

It sounds daft but i've just had enough. Feel so miserable and low- not coping with the heat or the sickness which has come back with a vengance- the thought of another 7 weeks of this makes me want to go to bed and not get out :cry::cry::cry:

:hug: i think we all get these up and down times, hopefully it'll be shortlived and you'll be feeling more positive...
Knowing i've gone 2 weeks over last time I really still feel like I have 6 weeks to go not 4, so I know that feeling of neverending ness, but part of me just realising I need to enjoy Chalrotte being an only child a little bit longer!!

Anyway, well I've not been on since Friday morning, how remiss of me!! After all my excitement of new car, the dude hasn't answered my calls at all so I have no idea what's happening with it :( properly gutted, it's exactly what we wanted, if he doesn't come through then we have to start all over again and who knows how long it'll ake. I'm very lucky my dad lends me his car when he can but then he's left high and dry, so I feel bad, like today DH had to drive to work unexpectedly, and his MIL is here, so either we sit in all day or dad lends car (which he has) but I still feel bad, and no idea when we'll find such a good deal on car again or we'll have to compromise :( DH made me promise not to call the guy too often, I called lots Fri :blush: and once Sat, not yesterday, so waiting til about half nine this morning and I'll try again...

Moan over.

Other than that, lovely weekend, damp though, and yesterday so muggy I was in a permanent sweat horirble.

Slept badly last night, bad dreams and nearly sick, one that came up to my mouth and swallowed, so horribly burny taste :(

Just added some peeps on FB, don't want to post my name on here (how paranoid am I, but public forum and all that!!) but I'm on mercy's friends, and just added carolyn and have lia (pinkandfluffy) too, so hope you can find me :)
I hate it when people waste your time! Hope you get the car sorted out soon though!

Wow, i had 5 whole hours sleep interrupted last night!!! Then woke up at 5 and was wide awake.... Grrrrrrrrrr! Couldn't get back to sleep for anything. However i am now paying for the sleep as have the worst back ache and periods ever so far! Can't get comfy at all.

Bit nervous about tomorrow as it's the last but one growth scan. I got a feeling that bub is going to be measuring big as it's been getting harder to control my sugars now. Seems like i need double even triple my insulin doses just to keep at an average level. Fingers crossed though i don't have a stone baby!!!

Sun is shining today. Gotta pop to Asda and bank and then it's home to clean. Really need to mop the kitchen floor!!!

holywoodmum - omg did i not tell you all...... THE CHEEKY BSTARD CANCELLED

coz im to have no contact with him, my mum text him sayin that the kids were ill but we were willing to bring harry plus his medicine as he wasnt AS ill as ella. and the cheeky little git said...... dont worry about it, i can wait another week.

the whole point was that he couldnt wait another week to organise a contact centre.....

whatever... i didnt cancel.... so im not in breech of the order..... x

social services will be round later as i havnt seen them yet. 1 appointment i apparently missed, and then one she just didnt turn up.

dont need the stress to be honest, but whatever.

hope your all well :)

i need to keep cleaning and working today..... loads to do . xx
Thanks everyone. Feeling so rubbish so am staying in bed and hiding from the world!! Hope it passes soon. Trying very hard now to mentally think of my due date as being in 7 weeks not 5, so i dont get worse towards the officiall EDD :dohh:

Philly i've got a growth scan tomorrow morning too- I can't wait- the scans are the only thing I truly love about pregnancy!
Thanks everyone. Feeling so rubbish so am staying in bed and hiding from the world!! Hope it passes soon. Trying very hard now to mentally think of my due date as being in 7 weeks not 5, so i dont get worse towards the officiall EDD :dohh:

Philly i've got a growth scan tomorrow morning too- I can't wait- the scans are the only thing I truly love about pregnancy!

awwwwww bless ya.... try not to hide from the world. the weathers so nice lately too...... x
Thanks everyone. Feeling so rubbish so am staying in bed and hiding from the world!! Hope it passes soon. Trying very hard now to mentally think of my due date as being in 7 weeks not 5, so i dont get worse towards the officiall EDD :dohh:

Philly i've got a growth scan tomorrow morning too- I can't wait- the scans are the only thing I truly love about pregnancy!

They really do cheer me up now. Looking forward to seeing how much our cheeky chappie has grown.

Nowt wrong with having a duvet day sweet. You need emergency chocolate supplies, a good dvd and some strawberry milkshake. Cheers me up no end. Hopefully seeing bubs tomorrow will put a huge smile on your face!:flower:

9 pages of posts, wowee!!

Mrsp I get one more week of not worrying about it then I'll get it done.

HWM don't need insulin even though BS's were a bit higher, nurse thinks it's cause I've been sick and not eating much. ALl that hard work to gain a pound in the last 3 weeks and I went and lost it! If I am still having sick issues tomorrow have to go to clinic to get checked for bronchitis and pneumonia just to be safe and to make sure baby is not stressed.

Oh I have a new niece! Sierra Isabelle born 2 am July 2.

Congrats on your new niece :) and good news on the insulin!! bronchitis or pneumonia sounds scary though :(

carolyn all my pics are a myth !! i LOVE my pics but im a mess in real life, if i ever did internet dating theyd be disapointed lol x ok, so that is me !! but pics are carefully selected hahaha x altho my friends laugh coz they say i tag anything no matter how silly i may look, hmmm not sure bout that x i do kno my profile pics r usually edited to some degree but thats just me showing off lol and if i had bad pics i wouldnt get any business lol x

well the morning is here and i had my bed to myself last night :) which was loverrllyyy as for the past week its been invaded by those pesky kids :p bles em, bein all not well and invadin the bed of their stressed out heavily pregnant mother haha... ive been sleepin the wrong way accross the foot end by morning due to lack of space....

why do kids sit up n flip over and kick and whatever else in their sleep its so frustrating !! not too mention dangerous lol x

so a night to myself and woken up at 8.15 which is fiinnneeee by meeeeeeeee. its saturday which is 'mums day' but she has a few things to do, so im gonna walk to hers... 'up another hill' haha but with my new buggy :) which is alot lighter than my other one. might take all the icandy material off n get mumsy to wash it lol x

tomorro is the 1st visit for the kids and their dad :(

i told the solicitor yesterday that theyr ill but she said the judge will say im making excuses. so i may just send harry as he's not as ill as ella..... but my poor may may isnt a happy bunny :( ear still sticky but meds def kicking in. i dont wanna send her there like that x

anyway im off to jump in the bath :) feeling ok today

hope u all enjoy your saturdays x

me + three

How did it go on Sunday wtih the kids visiting their dad?

So back from Parent Class. The 1st half was really good , talked about all the aspects of labour and had all our questions answered. However, they did a 2 minute talk on bottle feeding and made me feel crap about my choice to bottle feed. 1.5 hour talk on breast feeding! I know it is better for baby but surely they should of spent alot more time on making women more comfortable with bottles and stuff. I mean i need help feeding just as much as a mother who breast feeds????
I really wanted them to help me with advanced bottle making. They say that you have to make each one fresh and can't store them in the fridge. Yet you can with bf????? I'm really gona struggle if that's the case and was thinking about just making a few up at a time anyway. What do you think?


Philly, was it NCT class? They're very pro anything 'natural' but sucks they weren't more helpfor you on bottle feeding... there was a thread on here thursday last week maybe about making up bottles in advance... you'll get a book called Birth to Five at the hospital when baby is born which has loads of useful advice, including on bottle feeding. tHE CURrent dept of health guidelines suggest that if you need to make bottles in advance then you should boil water, cool for half hour to about 70C (as this is most effective at killing any bacteria in powder) then make up all bottles and store in the fridge until needed. Warm when needed. This is supposedly better than storing the cooled water and making up when needed as it's the heat in the water that kills the bacteria...

You can download the book too https://www.dh.gov.uk/prod_consum_dh/groups/dh_digitalassets/documents/digitalasset/dh_107668.pdf

WELL.... I woke up at 6.15 this morning!!! after .......... wait for it............................... an UNBROKEN nights sleep!

That meant NO PEEING, No getting stuck in silly positions, No aching and painfull stabs in my side! WOOPWOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But then, i went to the loo and instead of climbing back into bed and going to sleep I have got up, cleaned teh living room and kitchen, put the dishes away out of the dishwasher! then put a wash in the dryer, have done TWO more loads of washing ready to dry, then made cheese on toast! haha what was odd was that I smeared my chhes on toast with a sprinkle of salt AND raspberry Jam haha! cant explain why I JUST wanted it! lol!

I have my hospital bag all packed and ready, and rileys overnight bag is complete now ready to go off to my friends!
I have even made up a bag this morning for hubby too! lol x

I just feel suddenly energetic!!!! lol. Is this nesting?? I dont know if I have the energy reserves for another 6 weeks of this hahaha!

I imagine that I will fall off the energy wagon tho around midday! and end up having a snooze heehee! hubby and Riley are still tucked up in their beds now, and I dont imagine they'll be up much before 9!

Hope everyone else is having a good morning!
Glad you got a decent sleep!! I made DH give me a lie in yseterday (until nearly 10!) as he's away next weekend...

Hey, just wanting my fellow August mummy's opinions!!! I posted THIS following paragraph in a separate post and have got a right mixed bag of replies lol!

"So I have been given a second hand moses basket from my best friend, I know that she actually only put her little girl into it 3 maybe 4 times then she put it away in the wardrobe putting her girl into her crib instead!

Anyways, I have taken it apart, Milton sprayed the entire woven basket and dried that, washed the fabric cover for it in the Vanish extra hygeine liquid with Ariel ultra too! AND I come to the question of the Foam matress!

I put it into the washing machine with the cover off it and washed it at 60Degrees with Milton sterile laundry solution in it! Its washed REALLY well, and seems to be in tip top condition!

BUT I am scared to re use it due to all the advice regarding prevention of Cot death etc? Would you just bite the bullet and buy a new matress?? it just seems a waste as the matress is SOOO comfy and supportive looking!

I know I will probably end up talking myself into a state and buying a new matress lol! but just was intrigued as to what you fab ladies think! "

Was just wondering what you guys would do??
It is a foam matress and the cover is breathable and I removed it and washed it separately! I KNOW it was only used 3-4 times by my friend!

People keep replying that I should Not take "such a risk" for the sake of a tenner on a new matress, but its not that I am not willing to get a new one! I just cant see how it can possibly be a risk when I have washed the hell out of it, had in it the washing machine at 60 degrees, and used antibacterial cleaners on it! it has NO waterproof covering and is basically a foam block! it just feels so much nicer and more supportive than the other matresses I have seen on the market and thought it was a shame to throw it away!

What would you guys do???

We're reusing our mattresses from DD... the crib one was custom made, as it's a 60 year old crib, not getting that done again!!

if its foam and discoloured you get rid, tbh how would anyone know if a mattress was used but with the cover on and then returned to the shop and resold?

As for Johnsons stuff - we dont use BUT only because we use the Asda little angels range :shrug: Johnsons smells lovely but disagrees with my skin so likely would do with bubs too

To start a new debate - how long do folks plan to use cotton wool and water for nappy changing at home....

Will still use cotton wool and cooled boiled water for cleaning eyes though...

Looking good Mercy :D

Girls I have a question if baby isnt engaged can you still lose your plug and your cervix get ready to get baby out near the end or is it the pressure from babies head that makes your cervix open up etc? Asking because I was induced with my last pregnancy at 40+10 after 2 failed sweeps so have never gone into labour naturally and was thinking this time around if baby doesnt engage till labour starts as can happen with second pegnancys does that mean nothing will happen till then to my cervix and plug etc?? :shrug:

I'm same as you lliena, was induced 40+12 after failed sweeps, so hoping that my body still capable of going in to labour on its own for this one!!

Whats up with this cotton and water thing? Never heard of it... don't think we do it out here?

My hospital, and most over here i think, prefere you to use cotton balls and water to clean away poop and pee when your changing their nappy! however when I was admitted for bleeding a few weeks back I noticed one of the rooms had a baby wash bottle at the sink! :wacko:

what's the baby wash bottle then!?

Hey everyone. Moan alert.. sorry :wacko:

Feel utterly rubbish today- don't know why- really down. Can't quite believe after all the scares during this pregnancy and all the threats of preterm labour, i'm now 35 weeks tomorrow and no sign of him! And he could even be overdue.

It sounds daft but i've just had enough. Feel so miserable and low- not coping with the heat or the sickness which has come back with a vengance- the thought of another 7 weeks of this makes me want to go to bed and not get out :cry::cry::cry:

:hug: i think we all get these up and down times, hopefully it'll be shortlived and you'll be feeling more positive...
Knowing i've gone 2 weeks over last time I really still feel like I have 6 weeks to go not 4, so I know that feeling of neverending ness, but part of me just realising I need to enjoy Chalrotte being an only child a little bit longer!!

Anyway, well I've not been on since Friday morning, how remiss of me!! After all my excitement of new car, the dude hasn't answered my calls at all so I have no idea what's happening with it :( properly gutted, it's exactly what we wanted, if he doesn't come through then we have to start all over again and who knows how long it'll ake. I'm very lucky my dad lends me his car when he can but then he's left high and dry, so I feel bad, like today DH had to drive to work unexpectedly, and his MIL is here, so either we sit in all day or dad lends car (which he has) but I still feel bad, and no idea when we'll find such a good deal on car again or we'll have to compromise :( DH made me promise not to call the guy too often, I called lots Fri :blush: and once Sat, not yesterday, so waiting til about half nine this morning and I'll try again...

Moan over.

Other than that, lovely weekend, damp though, and yesterday so muggy I was in a permanent sweat horirble.

Slept badly last night, bad dreams and nearly sick, one that came up to my mouth and swallowed, so horribly burny taste :(

Just added some peeps on FB, don't want to post my name on here (how paranoid am I, but public forum and all that!!) but I'm on mercy's friends, and just added carolyn and have lia (pinkandfluffy) too, so hope you can find me :)

Sorry to hear about car Lucy, how bloody frustrating, release some pregnancy hormones on him!!! :grr:

But.... who knows what other little car is out there waiting for you to be its mummy and you'll be glad that this man messed you around. (as much of a pain in the arse it is)

I hate it when people waste your time! Hope you get the car sorted out soon though!

Wow, i had 5 whole hours sleep interrupted last night!!! Then woke up at 5 and was wide awake.... Grrrrrrrrrr! Couldn't get back to sleep for anything. However i am now paying for the sleep as have the worst back ache and periods ever so far! Can't get comfy at all.

Bit nervous about tomorrow as it's the last but one growth scan. I got a feeling that bub is going to be measuring big as it's been getting harder to control my sugars now. Seems like i need double even triple my insulin doses just to keep at an average level. Fingers crossed though i don't have a stone baby!!!

Sun is shining today. Gotta pop to Asda and bank and then it's home to clean. Really need to mop the kitchen floor!!!


Sure everything will be fine tomorrow. Not long now hon and you'll have him here. How strange but exciting :kiss:

holywoodmum - omg did i not tell you all...... THE CHEEKY BSTARD CANCELLED

coz im to have no contact with him, my mum text him sayin that the kids were ill but we were willing to bring harry plus his medicine as he wasnt AS ill as ella. and the cheeky little git said...... dont worry about it, i can wait another week.

the whole point was that he couldnt wait another week to organise a contact centre.....

whatever... i didnt cancel.... so im not in breech of the order..... x

social services will be round later as i havnt seen them yet. 1 appointment i apparently missed, and then one she just didnt turn up.

dont need the stress to be honest, but whatever.

hope your all well :)

i need to keep cleaning and working today..... loads to do . xx

Oh what a pain in the bum he is, one day babe the kids will be old enough to see what a loser he is for themselves, in the mean time keep smiling sweetie it fucks 'em! :hugs:

Thanks everyone. Feeling so rubbish so am staying in bed and hiding from the world!! Hope it passes soon. Trying very hard now to mentally think of my due date as being in 7 weeks not 5, so i dont get worse towards the officiall EDD :dohh:

Philly i've got a growth scan tomorrow morning too- I can't wait- the scans are the only thing I truly love about pregnancy!

Good luck for your scan Jetters and personally I think adding your late days is the best way, anything from here on in can only be a bonus.

Keep your chin up hon, not long now till you meet :baby: and it will all be worth it xxx

AFM - Not much to report, currently defrosting the freezer, been to tesco and got some hw to do but thats about all for today. May walk E and Toby (the dog) to the feild at the end of the road after her sleep this afternoon, get us out for a bit.

Yey MrsP :D

Aah our cat brought a mouse in last night and lost it and I have been freaking out :( This morning I swore I saw it twice then all of a sudden the cat has a mouse in her paws again but I dunno if its the same one or she brought another in from outside!!! Sat here on couch like a big wuss too scared to move-stupid cat!!
mrsp - can u believe tho all the court rubbish and sayin he cant wait and then he cancels, hes such a wind up..... men ppfftttt xx
Hey LAdies :hugs:

A quick one from me.I have suffered badly with a rash for weeks.I have gained strechmarks which drive me mad with itching.Last night I was in tears with the burning and itching.I went to the doctors today (never went before as i blamed the heat) And she was gobsmacked! She said she had never seen a rash so bad in 6 years! She got another doctor to come in and it is call PUPPP.A nasty side effect of pregnancy that wont go till he's born : ( I really want these 5 weeks to hurry up.This pregnancy had been nothing but a roller-coaster :nope:

Here is a link and a pic of my leg and bump and the strechies which is the start of it x



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Thanks everyone. Feeling so rubbish so am staying in bed and hiding from the world!! Hope it passes soon. Trying very hard now to mentally think of my due date as being in 7 weeks not 5, so i dont get worse towards the officiall EDD :dohh:

Philly i've got a growth scan tomorrow morning too- I can't wait- the scans are the only thing I truly love about pregnancy!

Good luck with the scan hun! hope you feel better soon x x :hugs:

Woop woop last box for me!!!

WOOPWOOP!!!!!:happydance: I cant wait for that last box!!!:happydance:

Yey MrsP :D

Aah our cat brought a mouse in last night and lost it and I have been freaking out :( This morning I swore I saw it twice then all of a sudden the cat has a mouse in her paws again but I dunno if its the same one or she brought another in from outside!!! Sat here on couch like a big wuss too scared to move-stupid cat!!

Oh nooooooo we had a mouse the other week, we never actually caught him/her but we dragged everything out of the cupboard that we found its droppings in and then the dog was chasing something out to the garden fence, so we hoped it was in one of the boxes and ran away!!!! I HATE mice! hope it buggers off soon!

Hey LAdies :hugs:

A quick one from me.I have suffered badly with a rash for weeks.I have gained strechmarks which drive me mad with itching.Last night I was in tears with the burning and itching.I went to the doctors today (never went before as i blamed the heat) And she was gobsmacked! She said she had never seen a rash so bad in 6 years! She got another doctor to come in and it is call PUPPP.A nasty side effect of pregnancy that wont go till he's born : ( I really want these 5 weeks to hurry up.This pregnancy had been nothing but a roller-coaster :nope:

Here is a link and a pic of my leg and bump and the strechies which is the start of it x


Not long now hun! you have been thru such a time of it with your pregnancy, we're on the home straight now tho! almost there! and the way we're goin we might be there sooner than we think hahaha!

Lucy, The bottle was that Johnsons Top to Toe wash, they had it on the changing station in the hospital room! so dont know, maybe they'll be ok with wipes and cream and baby wash etc now???
Boooo to that car man! :cry: Hope you get sorted asap hunny x x

Right then, AFM.
I have decided DEFFO yes on the re used moses basket mattress. After all I think its prob cleaner than its ever been anyways lol! My Germ cleaning OCD has its uses haha! I have a scan today at 2pm to check for the last time that the placenta has definately huffed itself up and out the way of the cervix, and also to check bubs hasnt flipped back to breech! as he or she seems to like somersaults! REALLY keeping my fingers crossed that all is ok, as I desperately dont want a c section! Hubby is going abroad for Army training for 2 months within weeks of bubs being born, so could really do without the extra struggle of a c section scar to worry about too!

Had a few pee trips during the night last night, and loads of period type pains! I swear if i get any more things that hurt i might actually pass out lol!

Hope we all have a good day x x x x x :hugs: x x x x x
Yey MrsP :D

Aah our cat brought a mouse in last night and lost it and I have been freaking out :( This morning I swore I saw it twice then all of a sudden the cat has a mouse in her paws again but I dunno if its the same one or she brought another in from outside!!! Sat here on couch like a big wuss too scared to move-stupid cat!!

ooo no, you're exactly where I would be if it were me!

mrsp - can u believe tho all the court rubbish and sayin he cant wait and then he cancels, hes such a wind up..... men ppfftttt xx

I know what a tosser, but what goes around comes around and he'll get his come upance!!!

Hey LAdies :hugs:

A quick one from me.I have suffered badly with a rash for weeks.I have gained strechmarks which drive me mad with itching.Last night I was in tears with the burning and itching.I went to the doctors today (never went before as i blamed the heat) And she was gobsmacked! She said she had never seen a rash so bad in 6 years! She got another doctor to come in and it is call PUPPP.A nasty side effect of pregnancy that wont go till he's born : ( I really want these 5 weeks to hurry up.This pregnancy had been nothing but a roller-coaster :nope:

Here is a link and a pic of my leg and bump and the strechies which is the start of it x



My friend had it when she was pregnant, although a pain now fortunately it didnt take long to go once baby was here, fingers crossed will be the same for you.

Thanks everyone. Feeling so rubbish so am staying in bed and hiding from the world!! Hope it passes soon. Trying very hard now to mentally think of my due date as being in 7 weeks not 5, so i dont get worse towards the officiall EDD :dohh:

Philly i've got a growth scan tomorrow morning too- I can't wait- the scans are the only thing I truly love about pregnancy!

Good luck with the scan hun! hope you feel better soon x x :hugs:

Woop woop last box for me!!!

WOOPWOOP!!!!!:happydance: I cant wait for that last box!!!:happydance:

Yey MrsP :D

Aah our cat brought a mouse in last night and lost it and I have been freaking out :( This morning I swore I saw it twice then all of a sudden the cat has a mouse in her paws again but I dunno if its the same one or she brought another in from outside!!! Sat here on couch like a big wuss too scared to move-stupid cat!!

Oh nooooooo we had a mouse the other week, we never actually caught him/her but we dragged everything out of the cupboard that we found its droppings in and then the dog was chasing something out to the garden fence, so we hoped it was in one of the boxes and ran away!!!! I HATE mice! hope it buggers off soon!

Hey LAdies :hugs:

A quick one from me.I have suffered badly with a rash for weeks.I have gained strechmarks which drive me mad with itching.Last night I was in tears with the burning and itching.I went to the doctors today (never went before as i blamed the heat) And she was gobsmacked! She said she had never seen a rash so bad in 6 years! She got another doctor to come in and it is call PUPPP.A nasty side effect of pregnancy that wont go till he's born : ( I really want these 5 weeks to hurry up.This pregnancy had been nothing but a roller-coaster :nope:

Here is a link and a pic of my leg and bump and the strechies which is the start of it x


Not long now hun! you have been thru such a time of it with your pregnancy, we're on the home straight now tho! almost there! and the way we're goin we might be there sooner than we think hahaha!

Lucy, The bottle was that Johnsons Top to Toe wash, they had it on the changing station in the hospital room! so dont know, maybe they'll be ok with wipes and cream and baby wash etc now???
Boooo to that car man! :cry: Hope you get sorted asap hunny x x

Right then, AFM.
I have decided DEFFO yes on the re used moses basket mattress. After all I think its prob cleaner than its ever been anyways lol! My Germ cleaning OCD has its uses haha! I have a scan today at 2pm to check for the last time that the placenta has definately huffed itself up and out the way of the cervix, and also to check bubs hasnt flipped back to breech! as he or she seems to like somersaults! REALLY keeping my fingers crossed that all is ok, as I desperately dont want a c section! Hubby is going abroad for Army training for 2 months within weeks of bubs being born, so could really do without the extra struggle of a c section scar to worry about too!

Had a few pee trips during the night last night, and loads of period type pains! I swear if i get any more things that hurt i might actually pass out lol!

Hope we all have a good day x x x x x :hugs: x x x x x

Good luck hon and fingers crossed for you :hugs:
Well there are two or were, the cat found one and killed it but the second one keeps getting away so James has got some traps to catch it tonight and hopefully kill it!
Ah the joys of cats! You gotta love em thinking they were bringing you a gift!!! lol
Hopefully the trap or cat catches the last one!!!

Ah the joys of cats! You gotta love em thinking they were bringing you a gift!!! lol
Hopefully the trap or cat catches the last one!!!


Indeed if I wasnt pregnant I dont think it would bother me so much but atm all I can think of is how dirty and vermin they are and its in my house. Gonna be disinfecting the kitchen and living room later I reckon :haha:
what a knobend mumma!! at least you kept your end of the deal, his day will come... so you need to keep records of all this then? Hope all well when social worker comes:)
Jetters, hope your duvet did day you some good :)
MrsP, I'll rant at the car man if I ever get to talk to him!! I envy your ability to do housework!! I can just never get started, and I'm that knackered these days that I sleep when Charlotte has her nap! Which is a big issue now especially as our cleaner can't come during the school holiday :cry:
Zoe, that looks horrible, is there something you can do to relieve it now that you know what it is!? Charlotte's Dermol says for pururitic skins conditions...
Lliena, mice suck. Our downstairs neighbour is 95 and has very poor eyesight, so can't see when spilt food is lying around, we had a big mouse problem about a year ago - catching 3 or 4 a day. I hated it. Seem to have got rid of them now though thankfully!!

As for us, MIL safely dispatched, still no answer from car bloke, DH going to try tonight in case he's screening my number (although I did try calling and withholding it as well!)...

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