****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born


Well, HOW VERY unfair! after my Mamouth cleaning spree I was at least expecting a little sleep haha! NOPE!!! no sleep for Mrs B!!!! I had a really panicky half hour at about 3 am. Not sure quite why, and didnt think it was bad enough to be a panic attack or anythin! but I had to get up and walk around and just felt REALLY panicked for absolutely no reason!
It was a bit odd to say the least! I have had panic attacks in the past, but usualy set off by things like being in crowds or being scared of something! never just randomly when I am nodding off lol!
Then after that little episode was over, between the heartburn, the peeing and the trying to tuen in bed with my belly causin resistence, I slept hardly at all x dammit!!!!

Appear to have swollen feet too this AM, probs from all my manic cleaning and all night pacing lol, Its only about the second time I have had ANY sweeling this preg tho, so I cant moan! and My BP is all good thus far so I am guessin nowt to worry about!

Gotta get back to reality this morning, Mats back to work after a long weekend at home! Just praying now that the Army dont decide to send him away anywhere TOO far out of reach after the doc yesterday thinking I'd be ready to go at any time! lol! I have had one manic race to get him back for a birth, from when Riley was born! I could do without that panic again haha!

Anyways, I had better drink my coffee or I wont function today haha, then its back to running mums and tots for me! Oh the joys x have a good morning all x
morning ladies i forgot to say whats been going on with me lately yesterday

i've had my sisters kids as she's had to have an operation WARNING do not push when your told not to my sis was pushing lo out and was told not to push and she lost it kept pushing and since then for 15 weeks to be clear she has been in agony she treated herself for piles thinking that was the problem nothing helped with the pain so she went to hospital as she couldn't take anymore and as it turned out as she pushed lo out she tear'd her bowel she had to have an operation to fix her up NOT GOOD

so a bit of a mad house here 5 kids 1 baby 1 pup 1 dog 1cat 2 guinea's well i'm busy lol

i think my waters are leaking slowly i sat on loo and had a wee tmi sorry then i lent forward and was trickling i wasn't weeing so i wiped and 3 times everytime i lent forward i was leaking only a little thought i didn't need a wee but bloody toilet paper was peach so hard to tell so i got my wee pot obviously clean and held it under my mary while i leant forward and i 1/4 filled it with not yellow but cloudy clear watery stuff so me thinks my waters are leaking slowly i'll at my midwife at next app buti was told waters can trickle for a while so not too worried yet and i can't have baby this week got to much on lol....... so be good baba
oh feck it, just wrote a huge reply and it's gone. :hugs: etc and good news on scans, arse i'm really cross.
not starting again, so i'm going to just post what i wrote on my private journal last night as I can't be bothered with the edited version again. I was too furious last night to post here...

jesus fucking christ, lying twats, agreed on phone on thursday night a price for this skoda, bloke gives mobile number to text to get bank details, never replies, try all day friday to call him, no answer, text him, he sends another number to call him on which is 'unavailable'

try calling again on saturday. give it a rest on sunday. call again this morning, nothing. DH calls tonight finally and evenentually gets through to the wife who says the fucking car is sold!! wtf - yeah to us!! she says her husband is in England now (duh how silly couldn't possibly answer his phone there...) and that he tried to call us on Friday and we didn't answer - not true - no calls from him - unless DH is lying to me and he didn't pick up a call, which might explain later reactions, I'll check his phone in a minute.

Anyway, dickhead aside, I'm rather too overwraught about the whole thing, and I realise my reaction is not entirely rational, but I really needed to let off steam about this, as the whole car situation is really having a bad effect on me, like today I was meant to have our car but last minute he had to drive as Joanne's hubby had to have her car or some shite, and managed to borrow dad's car but I hate being in that situation of thinking something then having plans changed beyond my control and being beholden to dad and putting him out too.

So I walked out, sat outside for a while and came back to try again to talk as I really just wanted to get things off my chest, didn't need an answer, didn't want a solution, just to release it all.

I started to talk, about how I needed to express emotions, anxieties and concerns and that if I couldn't talk to him who could I talk to, but before I'd said barely half that he was on his feet and walking out of the room, so I started swearing and screaming after him (mature yeah?). He said he was going out, and I told him good to get the fuck out and now he's gone, and I've no idea where, and I'm finding it hard to even care.

It's so stupid for me to be so wound up about the car thing, I know that, I know it's not his fault it's gone wrong (unless of course he did fail to take a call on Friday) but I just wanted to talk and he point blank refused and now I'm sitting here in a miserable sobbing heap on the sofa and I don't know what to do.

I want to make myself sore, to heighten something in me, but I'm too wimpish. I want to jab my fingernails in to the back of my hand. I want to throw things around the room and leave a god awful mess for him to come home to, if he ever comes back. I want to lock him out so that he really suffers tonight, but I won't do that. But also I want to tidy up, make up the sofa bed for him (nothing new there, nothing to do with this, all to do with snoring) and make it nice for him when he does come back and I want to apologise, but I can't do that cos I don't know where he's gone.

I'm a miserable heap here.

I want to trust him that he didn't have a call on Friday that he missed. But part of me wants to check his phone too seeing as he's left it here. I've never gone behind his back like that before. I really don't know how I'll feel if the former is the case.

Well I looked... three calls from blocked number on Friday, but they didn't appear on the missed calls list, so I'm guessing that makes the guy selling the car in to the lying twat.

OK, so that's the f*cked up inside of my head for last night; he came back and I apologised, and that was OK but it still took ages to get to sleep, just crying. Then awake and fitful during the night, couldn't rest for being upset about the car and then upset about my reaction.
So today I'm shattered
HWM :hugs: hope you're ok!!

Philly, I hope your scan goes ok today!:thumbup:

Mercy that is so crap at not being able to sleep..especially after all your hard work. I wish I had your energy, my house is currently a mess but with Jacob at nursery and my maternity starting I might be able to get something done!

Hope everyone is ok and well. I'm 35 weeks today :happydance: can't believe how fast its gone. I've done a deal with baby though that its not allowed to come until I'm past 39 weeks this time - I'm on holiday for the weeks at 37 weeks and at 38 weeks going out for a meal with all my girly friends! Just hope the little munchkin agrees.

Have a good day

Lou x
Eoz the Pupps thingy sounds awful, you poor thing, can't believe how tough you've had it this pregnancy! He's really making you work for it, :hugs:

Moggy I can't believe mogster is measuring so big! You're gonna pop soon- how exciting is that? It must be a bit overwhelming but at least he's hung on till his lungs are all ready and stuff, xxx

Total little bugger this one ha ha.I have had a few losses to say the least and from tests we gathered there were boys and indeed my son was a very difficult pregnancy and labour so maybe males don't like me!

How you feeling?

Moglet was measuring about 3 weeks-4 weeks ahead most of the way and now all of a sudden yesterday hed shot 3 weeks extra and he was engaged so youd figure it would have reduced :wacko:

MW spent ages looking at my notes then said to book in again for next week :shrug: Chatting to OH last night am gonna call her today and request a scan to check baby size, my notes book thing says they should if the gradient is very steep on the curve and it is!

Last baby was 6lb 6oz - hes 3 on Monday! Ooh and GD test was all clear 7/8 weeks ago :shrug:

This time am suffering with carpal tunnel and odema, leg odema is quite bad now even in the mornings, hard to manouver around for Mogster which isnt fair on him and surely his needs should come into the equation....hoping they will take it into account and if scan is agreed and bubs is big they will consider an early induction.

Just want to be home with both my boys and OH and all be happy and healthy! Not much to ask really I dont think....just got to wait and see....

:rofl: @ Mercy cleaning at 1am, I do that these days, get up to pee in the bathroom and get the bathroom wipes out to give the bath/shower a quick going over, have been working on the shower tiles and really is noticable when you get up how easy it is to miss buits in the dark/moonlight!

Zoe how you doing this morning? Did they offer any cream etc to ease the itch? I got badly stung on nettles in the garden a while back and aquaeous calomine cream did a fab job and less annoying to apply than calomine lotion!

Wish i could shit a diamond - be useful at the moment, cant see me buying a new mattress though as washing machine brought ours up a treat, even plan to pass it on to my sister after we use it AGAIN!!!! My personal preference would be a money tree in the garden - one that doesnt drop coins on my head though! :haha:

Have a great day all :hugs:

Well the E45 itch relief cream is amazing.I have applied the steroid cream twice,took my anti histamine and smothered in cream and i do feel a little better.Bit fed up of having no loose clothes though as jeans make it worse.

As for money a tree would be fab wouldn't it.

I do hope they listen and induce you but i will be uber jealous :haha:

Mercy bloody hell calm down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flutterbaby keep an eye on it hunny.I think mine went a while back but have resealed them selfs.It's common in back waters x

Mrs P can't wait for pics.How you doing hun x

Today I feel very sick and major period pains but at leastthe rash seems to be under control.I also feel like baby has gone lower if possible as i feel lighter.

Anyone want to swap houses with me?I love love my house but having a downstairs bathroom is driving me cuckoo :wacko: !Fab in the day very shite at night!

Well Plum does not have a room as such just a corner here a few pics x

Hugs to everyone else xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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HWM :hugs: Hope you get another better car sorted and the man who is a lying twat gets shat on by a bird today, one thats been eating berries so it leaves a purple stain not the lucky black and white one!

Have a chillaxed day and remember we are all here if you need to vent :icecream:
HWM :hugs: Hope you get another better car sorted and the man who is a lying twat gets shat on by a bird today, one thats been eating berries so it leaves a purple stain not the lucky black and white one!

Have a chillaxed day and remember we are all here if you need to vent :icecream:

Oh yes please!! (to the car and the bird poo for the bloke)
:hugs: HWM :hugs:

just remember that if you arent completely rational about things just now yout not to blame!! hormones do weird things to us all!!

hope you get all sorted and i also agree about the bird poo lol xxxx
Just had a scan- Bean weighs 6lb 3oz!!! Omg! After all those threats of preterm labour and measuring soooo small, here I am at 35 weeks with a bigger than average baby :rofl:
Just had a scan- Bean weighs 6lb 3oz!!! Omg! After all those threats of preterm labour and measuring soooo small, here I am at 35 weeks with a bigger than average baby :rofl:

Maybe its all the maccies ;) :haha:

:hugs: for all the ladies that need them!

Afm feeling much better today gonna do some housework in a bit and then maybe pop to shops and get a trashy magazine or two to read :D
:rofl: in reality, it's pizzzzzzza, OH says we should consider calling him Domino!!! :rofl:
I love Dominos!!!

Well asked MW about size, measurements etc and got myself sent up to day assessment unit.

They measured, prodded and scanned me, I have lost weight whilst pregnant and now have huge bump and just shy of 7lb baby in there but I weigh 1lb less than before pregnancy started! :shrug: How wierd is that!!!

They have booked me another scan for 30 July :wacko: in case he isnt out but have to discuss induction with MW next week, if weather stays cool odema should sort itself out a little but if it gets hot we may have a case :shrug: I guess if we dont ask we dont get but at least we have a maybe....guess we best get :sex: to persuade him out!
Wahoo go yas!!!

George get bonking ha ha

Wahoooooooo my pram has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just had a scan- Bean weighs 6lb 3oz!!! Omg! After all those threats of preterm labour and measuring soooo small, here I am at 35 weeks with a bigger than average baby :rofl:

I love Dominos!!!

Well asked MW about size, measurements etc and got myself sent up to day assessment unit.

They measured, prodded and scanned me, I have lost weight whilst pregnant and now have huge bump and just shy of 7lb baby in there but I weigh 1lb less than before pregnancy started! :shrug: How wierd is that!!!

They have booked me another scan for 30 July :wacko: in case he isnt out but have to discuss induction with MW next week, if weather stays cool odema should sort itself out a little but if it gets hot we may have a case :shrug: I guess if we dont ask we dont get but at least we have a maybe....guess we best get :sex: to persuade him out!

We're growing big ones!! I was told 7lb bang on (3.2kg) at 34+3... also going back in on 30th July moggy!!

Well, HOW VERY unfair! after my Mamouth cleaning spree I was at least expecting a little sleep haha! NOPE!!! no sleep for Mrs B!!!! I had a really panicky half hour at about 3 am. Not sure quite why, and didnt think it was bad enough to be a panic attack or anythin! but I had to get up and walk around and just felt REALLY panicked for absolutely no reason!
It was a bit odd to say the least! I have had panic attacks in the past, but usualy set off by things like being in crowds or being scared of something! never just randomly when I am nodding off lol!
Then after that little episode was over, between the heartburn, the peeing and the trying to tuen in bed with my belly causin resistence, I slept hardly at all x dammit!!!!

Appear to have swollen feet too this AM, probs from all my manic cleaning and all night pacing lol, Its only about the second time I have had ANY sweeling this preg tho, so I cant moan! and My BP is all good thus far so I am guessin nowt to worry about!

Gotta get back to reality this morning, Mats back to work after a long weekend at home! Just praying now that the Army dont decide to send him away anywhere TOO far out of reach after the doc yesterday thinking I'd be ready to go at any time! lol! I have had one manic race to get him back for a birth, from when Riley was born! I could do without that panic again haha!

Anyways, I had better drink my coffee or I wont function today haha, then its back to running mums and tots for me! Oh the joys x have a good morning all x

Fingers cross Mat gets to stay near by, must be a worry. I threw a paddy when Si went into London the other day cos it can take over an hour to get back, so goodness knows how you feel.

Do you have a back up plan, should he not be close to hand?

oh feck it, just wrote a huge reply and it's gone. :hugs: etc and good news on scans, arse i'm really cross.
not starting again, so i'm going to just post what i wrote on my private journal last night as I can't be bothered with the edited version again. I was too furious last night to post here...

jesus fucking christ, lying twats, agreed on phone on thursday night a price for this skoda, bloke gives mobile number to text to get bank details, never replies, try all day friday to call him, no answer, text him, he sends another number to call him on which is 'unavailable'

try calling again on saturday. give it a rest on sunday. call again this morning, nothing. DH calls tonight finally and evenentually gets through to the wife who says the fucking car is sold!! wtf - yeah to us!! she says her husband is in England now (duh how silly couldn't possibly answer his phone there...) and that he tried to call us on Friday and we didn't answer - not true - no calls from him - unless DH is lying to me and he didn't pick up a call, which might explain later reactions, I'll check his phone in a minute.

Anyway, dickhead aside, I'm rather too overwraught about the whole thing, and I realise my reaction is not entirely rational, but I really needed to let off steam about this, as the whole car situation is really having a bad effect on me, like today I was meant to have our car but last minute he had to drive as Joanne's hubby had to have her car or some shite, and managed to borrow dad's car but I hate being in that situation of thinking something then having plans changed beyond my control and being beholden to dad and putting him out too.

So I walked out, sat outside for a while and came back to try again to talk as I really just wanted to get things off my chest, didn't need an answer, didn't want a solution, just to release it all.

I started to talk, about how I needed to express emotions, anxieties and concerns and that if I couldn't talk to him who could I talk to, but before I'd said barely half that he was on his feet and walking out of the room, so I started swearing and screaming after him (mature yeah?). He said he was going out, and I told him good to get the fuck out and now he's gone, and I've no idea where, and I'm finding it hard to even care.

It's so stupid for me to be so wound up about the car thing, I know that, I know it's not his fault it's gone wrong (unless of course he did fail to take a call on Friday) but I just wanted to talk and he point blank refused and now I'm sitting here in a miserable sobbing heap on the sofa and I don't know what to do.

I want to make myself sore, to heighten something in me, but I'm too wimpish. I want to jab my fingernails in to the back of my hand. I want to throw things around the room and leave a god awful mess for him to come home to, if he ever comes back. I want to lock him out so that he really suffers tonight, but I won't do that. But also I want to tidy up, make up the sofa bed for him (nothing new there, nothing to do with this, all to do with snoring) and make it nice for him when he does come back and I want to apologise, but I can't do that cos I don't know where he's gone.

I'm a miserable heap here.

I want to trust him that he didn't have a call on Friday that he missed. But part of me wants to check his phone too seeing as he's left it here. I've never gone behind his back like that before. I really don't know how I'll feel if the former is the case.

Well I looked... three calls from blocked number on Friday, but they didn't appear on the missed calls list, so I'm guessing that makes the guy selling the car in to the lying twat.

OK, so that's the f*cked up inside of my head for last night; he came back and I apologised, and that was OK but it still took ages to get to sleep, just crying. Then awake and fitful during the night, couldn't rest for being upset about the car and then upset about my reaction.
So today I'm shattered

Oh princess!! :kiss:

How you feeling in your self now?

I said to Si the other day I can talk to my ladies and they know more about me than you do and they aint bloody met me!! :growlmad:

HWM :hugs: hope you're ok!!

Philly, I hope your scan goes ok today!:thumbup:

Mercy that is so crap at not being able to sleep..especially after all your hard work. I wish I had your energy, my house is currently a mess but with Jacob at nursery and my maternity starting I might be able to get something done!

Hope everyone is ok and well. I'm 35 weeks today :happydance: can't believe how fast its gone. I've done a deal with baby though that its not allowed to come until I'm past 39 weeks this time - I'm on holiday for the weeks at 37 weeks and at 38 weeks going out for a meal with all my girly friends! Just hope the little munchkin agrees.

Have a good day

Lou x

Happy 35 weeks Lou :happydance:

Eoz the Pupps thingy sounds awful, you poor thing, can't believe how tough you've had it this pregnancy! He's really making you work for it, :hugs:

Moggy I can't believe mogster is measuring so big! You're gonna pop soon- how exciting is that? It must be a bit overwhelming but at least he's hung on till his lungs are all ready and stuff, xxx

Total little bugger this one ha ha.I have had a few losses to say the least and from tests we gathered there were boys and indeed my son was a very difficult pregnancy and labour so maybe males don't like me!

How you feeling?

Moglet was measuring about 3 weeks-4 weeks ahead most of the way and now all of a sudden yesterday hed shot 3 weeks extra and he was engaged so youd figure it would have reduced :wacko:

MW spent ages looking at my notes then said to book in again for next week :shrug: Chatting to OH last night am gonna call her today and request a scan to check baby size, my notes book thing says they should if the gradient is very steep on the curve and it is!

Last baby was 6lb 6oz - hes 3 on Monday! Ooh and GD test was all clear 7/8 weeks ago :shrug:

This time am suffering with carpal tunnel and odema, leg odema is quite bad now even in the mornings, hard to manouver around for Mogster which isnt fair on him and surely his needs should come into the equation....hoping they will take it into account and if scan is agreed and bubs is big they will consider an early induction.

Just want to be home with both my boys and OH and all be happy and healthy! Not much to ask really I dont think....just got to wait and see....

:rofl: @ Mercy cleaning at 1am, I do that these days, get up to pee in the bathroom and get the bathroom wipes out to give the bath/shower a quick going over, have been working on the shower tiles and really is noticable when you get up how easy it is to miss buits in the dark/moonlight!

Zoe how you doing this morning? Did they offer any cream etc to ease the itch? I got badly stung on nettles in the garden a while back and aquaeous calomine cream did a fab job and less annoying to apply than calomine lotion!

Wish i could shit a diamond - be useful at the moment, cant see me buying a new mattress though as washing machine brought ours up a treat, even plan to pass it on to my sister after we use it AGAIN!!!! My personal preference would be a money tree in the garden - one that doesnt drop coins on my head though! :haha:

Have a great day all :hugs:

Well the E45 itch relief cream is amazing.I have applied the steroid cream twice,took my anti histamine and smothered in cream and i do feel a little better.Bit fed up of having no loose clothes though as jeans make it worse.

As for money a tree would be fab wouldn't it.

I do hope they listen and induce you but i will be uber jealous :haha:

Mercy bloody hell calm down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Flutterbaby keep an eye on it hunny.I think mine went a while back but have resealed them selfs.It's common in back waters x

Mrs P can't wait for pics.How you doing hun x

Today I feel very sick and major period pains but at leastthe rash seems to be under control.I also feel like baby has gone lower if possible as i feel lighter.

Anyone want to swap houses with me?I love love my house but having a downstairs bathroom is driving me cuckoo :wacko: !Fab in the day very shite at night!

Well Plum does not have a room as such just a corner here a few pics x

Hugs to everyone else xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lovely Zoe, looks really brill. Saw your pram too thats fab.

I'm ok, bit harrassed with everything but you know me I wouldnt be MrsP if I wasnt stressing about something.

I could rattle off a long list but wont bore you with it, nothing major you know me I prefer to stress about the smaller things well pretty much everything in life.

Pregnancy wise, other than been a hormonal emotional old cow I'm great. Just a bit tired.

Bet you cant wait for it all to be over now? :hugs:

I love Dominos!!!

Well asked MW about size, measurements etc and got myself sent up to day assessment unit.

They measured, prodded and scanned me, I have lost weight whilst pregnant and now have huge bump and just shy of 7lb baby in there but I weigh 1lb less than before pregnancy started! :shrug: How wierd is that!!!

They have booked me another scan for 30 July :wacko: in case he isnt out but have to discuss induction with MW next week, if weather stays cool odema should sort itself out a little but if it gets hot we may have a case :shrug: I guess if we dont ask we dont get but at least we have a maybe....guess we best get :sex: to persuade him out!

Sounds promising though hon, like they are prepared to do something.

Wahoo go yas!!!

George get bonking ha ha

Wahoooooooo my pram has arrived!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Looks like my que for the dust

aye a bit more mellow about the whole thing. knackered though, C and I going for a snooze now :)
me today in my lovely comfy jumpsuit from ebay :)

still feel like an elephant tho !! lol xx


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Mercy i'm waiting for bub to arrive so Mart can finally take a break. I hate the shift patteresn he's on at the mo. I know it's nothing like your hubbys but i feel for you missing him!

Hwm, the guy is a complete knob I believe in karma and he will totally get yours. This just means the car you actually buy will be 'the one'!

Eoz, i'm loving the room. So cute!!!

Well what a morning/afternoon. Growth scan is showing bubs to be a little fatty! 6lb 9!!!!!! How the hell am i going to push him out if he keeps growing at this rate????

Bub is fully engaged now, doc thinks the pain and other things i'm having could be the start of early labour. He very much doubts i will make it to the last scan in 2 weeks. However if i do make it that far i can be induced at 37 weeks. Meaning bub maybe here in 2 weeks 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mart is now crapping his pants. He was very pale and quiet on the journey home! Even let me use his bank card to pay for the Twilight tickets for friday!!! Bonus!

Treated us to TGI Fridays which was very, very yummy! Have cheesy nachos to share and boy they were good!

I'm buzzing now thinking i'm going to see bub very soon! Happy days indeed!

Hope everyone is well today!!!


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