****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

I'm on my last box!!! :shock: that means only about a month to go!!!! (wouldn't mind if it were a bit less ;))
Wow ladies!!! Sounds like some of you are going to be meeting your babies soon! I am sooooo jealous. I think my bub is nice and comfy in there and doesn't have any plans for moving out. I have the horrid feeling he will need to be evicted nearing September! I have all of my fingers crossed that he either stays on schedule or makes an early appearance because I don't know if I can handle another 8 weeks!

That's such shit about the car guy, I don't think bird poo would be big enough, maybe if it was an ostrich... I understand how you feel about plans changing last minute, that is one of my biggest pet peeves. :hugs:

Nothing really new here. Our doc appointment is tonight, if I have any news I will share. Hubby wants them to send us for a scan, he is cute he just wants to see the baby again. We may be going for a 3d scan on the weekend though, so he is just being greedy. :haha:

:hugs: to all
me today in my lovely comfy jumpsuit from ebay :)

still feel like an elephant tho !! lol xx

Liking the look!! You're no elephant...

Hwm, the guy is a complete knob I believe in karma and he will totally get yours. This just means the car you actually buy will be 'the one'!

Excellent a berry eating ostrich will be out to get him!!

Well what a morning/afternoon. Growth scan is showing bubs to be a little fatty! 6lb 9!!!!!! How the hell am i going to push him out if he keeps growing at this rate????

Bub is fully engaged now, doc thinks the pain and other things i'm having could be the start of early labour. He very much doubts i will make it to the last scan in 2 weeks. However if i do make it that far i can be induced at 37 weeks. Meaning bub maybe here in 2 weeks 5 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 and a bit weeks, wow!! Seems like a lot of big babies!!

Wow ladies!!! Sounds like some of you are going to be meeting your babies soon! I am sooooo jealous. I think my bub is nice and comfy in there and doesn't have any plans for moving out. I have the horrid feeling he will need to be evicted nearing September! I have all of my fingers crossed that he either stays on schedule or makes an early appearance because I don't know if I can handle another 8 weeks!

That's such shit about the car guy, I don't think bird poo would be big enough, maybe if it was an ostrich... I understand how you feel about plans changing last minute, that is one of my biggest pet peeves. :hugs:

Nothing really new here. Our doc appointment is tonight, if I have any news I will share. Hubby wants them to send us for a scan, he is cute he just wants to see the baby again. We may be going for a 3d scan on the weekend though, so he is just being greedy. :haha:

:hugs: to all

Here's hoping bubs knows your schedule :) I think being prepared now though that it may be later is so much better than being disappointed at 40 weeks that nothing has happened... I was so dismayed last time, had focused on getting to 37 weeks to use the birth pool as they won't let you pre-term, never occured to me they wouldn't let me I was so late!!

Anyway, had great plans to see Eclipse this week, hadn't twigged that it was only previews at the weekend and not released until Friday - a friend and I both happen to have child free day this Thur with nursery/childminder, so we're still going to treat ourselves to a matinee, and maybe Eclipse next week!!

As for me, woke up from nap with a barking cough, runny nose, sore throat and sore head - the joys!!
I wanna meet my man that soon! But if he doesn't come before the 13th he HAS to stay put! As my doc won't be back from holidays till the 3rd of aug. Knowing my luck I'l deliver sometimes inbetween. I am also "suppose" to be having a slightly larger then average baby, OB think between 8-9 pounds but I am measuring 35cm fundal at 36+3 so go figure. Scan on the 15th so should have a better idea then. I hope he's average or small.
I wanna meet my man that soon! But if he doesn't come before the 13th he HAS to stay put! As my doc won't be back from holidays till the 3rd of aug. Knowing my luck I'l deliver sometimes inbetween. I am also "suppose" to be having a slightly larger then average baby, OB think between 8-9 pounds but I am measuring 35cm fundal at 36+3 so go figure. Scan on the 15th so should have a better idea then. I hope he's average or small.

I liked having a bigger baby, Charlotte was 9lb 3oz and never felt that fragile I suppose you say; she still seemed tiny to me, but substantial and had great head control from quite an early age :)

HOLLYWOODMUM ive got you on my photoshop :) x

woohoo!! that's a slightly scary thought somehow!!
oh feck it, just wrote a huge reply and it's gone. :hugs: etc and good news on scans, arse i'm really cross.
not starting again, so i'm going to just post what i wrote on my private journal last night as I can't be bothered with the edited version again. I was too furious last night to post here...

jesus fucking christ, lying twats, agreed on phone on thursday night a price for this skoda, bloke gives mobile number to text to get bank details, never replies, try all day friday to call him, no answer, text him, he sends another number to call him on which is 'unavailable'

try calling again on saturday. give it a rest on sunday. call again this morning, nothing. DH calls tonight finally and evenentually gets through to the wife who says the fucking car is sold!! wtf - yeah to us!! she says her husband is in England now (duh how silly couldn't possibly answer his phone there...) and that he tried to call us on Friday and we didn't answer - not true - no calls from him - unless DH is lying to me and he didn't pick up a call, which might explain later reactions, I'll check his phone in a minute.

Anyway, dickhead aside, I'm rather too overwraught about the whole thing, and I realise my reaction is not entirely rational, but I really needed to let off steam about this, as the whole car situation is really having a bad effect on me, like today I was meant to have our car but last minute he had to drive as Joanne's hubby had to have her car or some shite, and managed to borrow dad's car but I hate being in that situation of thinking something then having plans changed beyond my control and being beholden to dad and putting him out too.

So I walked out, sat outside for a while and came back to try again to talk as I really just wanted to get things off my chest, didn't need an answer, didn't want a solution, just to release it all.

I started to talk, about how I needed to express emotions, anxieties and concerns and that if I couldn't talk to him who could I talk to, but before I'd said barely half that he was on his feet and walking out of the room, so I started swearing and screaming after him (mature yeah?). He said he was going out, and I told him good to get the fuck out and now he's gone, and I've no idea where, and I'm finding it hard to even care.

It's so stupid for me to be so wound up about the car thing, I know that, I know it's not his fault it's gone wrong (unless of course he did fail to take a call on Friday) but I just wanted to talk and he point blank refused and now I'm sitting here in a miserable sobbing heap on the sofa and I don't know what to do.

I want to make myself sore, to heighten something in me, but I'm too wimpish. I want to jab my fingernails in to the back of my hand. I want to throw things around the room and leave a god awful mess for him to come home to, if he ever comes back. I want to lock him out so that he really suffers tonight, but I won't do that. But also I want to tidy up, make up the sofa bed for him (nothing new there, nothing to do with this, all to do with snoring) and make it nice for him when he does come back and I want to apologise, but I can't do that cos I don't know where he's gone.

I'm a miserable heap here.

I want to trust him that he didn't have a call on Friday that he missed. But part of me wants to check his phone too seeing as he's left it here. I've never gone behind his back like that before. I really don't know how I'll feel if the former is the case.

Well I looked... three calls from blocked number on Friday, but they didn't appear on the missed calls list, so I'm guessing that makes the guy selling the car in to the lying twat.

OK, so that's the f*cked up inside of my head for last night; he came back and I apologised, and that was OK but it still took ages to get to sleep, just crying. Then awake and fitful during the night, couldn't rest for being upset about the car and then upset about my reaction.
So today I'm shattered

Right hun :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hope you are feeling better today, I totally understand how you seem to have been feeling! I have had times recently where I could have easily caused myself pain to make the emotional strain easier to cope with! Somehow physical pain seems to be more manageable than emotional pain!
I am So glad he came back and you managed to talk! I think some TLC for yourself for a few days is in order! :hugs:

Just had a scan- Bean weighs 6lb 3oz!!! Omg! After all those threats of preterm labour and measuring soooo small, here I am at 35 weeks with a bigger than average baby :rofl:

WOOHOO check out your little baba! lovely to hear baby is a great weight tho hun, and not measuring small.

I'm on my last box!!! :shock: that means only about a month to go!!!! (wouldn't mind if it were a bit less ;))

WOOPWOOP!!!! I am excited about hitting the final box!!! cant wait!!!

WELL.... The bump has DROPPED even more! :wacko:
I was walking past a friends house this evening and she leaned out of her window and (in a VERY classy fashion) she hollered, " OIY Mrs B..... you sure that baby isnt poking out the bottom of that bump" haha

Even the people I see on a daily basis keep pointing it out! I am a little scared as I would rather reach 37 weeks!! and be more assured that bubs will be ok!
My back and my bump ache like hell today! I dunno what to think! Everyone is trying to convince me bubs will arrive early! but I bet anything I go 2 weeks over hahaha! I dont want to start thinking it will happen early, esp as early as 34 weeks, because It will be so much harder if I DO then go overdue x

But the way I am feeling, is exactly how I felt during the last week before I had Riley! ARRRGHHH!!!!!!!:cry:
Just been out to take our little one to her swiiming lesson, I say little but shes 6 in a few weeks :D Had a Mcdonalds for tea and it was well yummy! Dipping chips into milkshake is the best *drools* Also popped to asda and picked up this for bean:


It's so cute and while I was there I got some hairdye and one of those tiny bottles of wine that do a glass so gonna do my hair and tan tonight while enjoying a small drink...bliss :happydance:
Just been out to take our little one to her swiiming lesson, I say little but shes 6 in a few weeks :D Had a Mcdonalds for tea and it was well yummy! Dipping chips into milkshake is the best *drools* Also popped to asda and picked up this for bean:


It's so cute and while I was there I got some hairdye and one of those tiny bottles of wine that do a glass so gonna do my hair and tan tonight while enjoying a small drink...bliss :happydance:

cute outfit!! enjoy your wine :)

nik, thanks, it's hard sometimes :dohh:

well we were going to look at another car tonight but it's sold, but we planned to eat pizza hut after but now no car no pizza hut so i'm sitting here hungry DH digging the garden. thought he'd be watching football. he went out an hour ago while I had dd in bath, didn't say where he was off to, so called him at 7.10 said he'd be in a few mins still there now at 7.50 i'm hungry!
Also popped to asda and picked up this for bean:


It's so cute and while I was there I got some hairdye and one of those tiny bottles of wine that do a glass so gonna do my hair and tan tonight while enjoying a small drink...bliss :happydance:

That's gorgeous, I can't wait to see whether its a boy or girl...so many cute outfits! Although the not knowing has saved me a fortune! I've got a big family so the baby would be on about 6 outfits a day if we'd found out.

Oooh Mercy, I hope my bump drops soon! I feel like I can't breathe. I can't believe how many of you have scans or whose OB estimate early arrivals. I'll prob still be sat here in 7 weeks time. I'm not doing too bad at the minute but I'm sure I'll be ARGH soon enough!

Hope everyone and bumps are ok x
I want a smaller baby, I was told my pelvis curves inward on the inside and don't want to risk a c section cause baby won't fit. I am purely thinking of myself here :rofl: the smaller he is the less it will hurt perhaps?
I think it's only the head that hurts so just hope your baby has a small noggin!!! haha :rofl:

I want my baby to be around average or even a bit bigger like 7-9 lbs, I don't think I want her too small, I don't want to feel like I'm going to break her by changing her outfits (which I will be doing often!!! haha).

I thought I read somewhere that your baby engaging has nothing to do with when it will arrive :shrug:
Abby engaged at 34 weeks and was 4 days late... lol.... she also weighed 9lbs 10oz... my eyes still water thinking about it hahaha xx
I think it's only the head that hurts so just hope your baby has a small noggin!!! haha :rofl:

I thought I read somewhere that your baby engaging has nothing to do with when it will arrive :shrug:

:rofl: Small noggin...:rofl:

Jacob was engaged last time at 34 weeks, but I was induced at 39+1 so couldn't tell you if it quicken things up?!

As for weight, I was told it was supposed to be easier the bigger you're baby was?
Gonna say it in here cos if I say it out on the forum I might get lynched (I might do in here too!) but omg Im so fed up of some of the women on here asking stupid questions or over googling and then panicking themsleves and then expecting us lot to know the answers. I know we are all hormonal and worry about our babies but sometimes i think sitting at home all day online doing nothing but googling about things and scaring yourself silly if no way to spend your days! Sorry rant over...
^ I feel like that- I often just wanna say "step away from googing and stop scaring yourself" :dohh:
Gonna say it in here cos if I say it out on the forum I might get lynched (I might do in here too!) but omg Im so fed up of some of the women on here asking stupid questions or over googling and then panicking themsleves and then expecting us lot to know the answers. I know we are all hormonal and worry about our babies but sometimes i think sitting at home all day online doing nothing but googling about things and scaring yourself silly if no way to spend your days! Sorry rant over...

know what you mean!!

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