****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Wow! Congratulations on the birth of your baby!! Hope everything is ok!

Happy Birthday Mumma, hope you have a nice relaxing day!

Hope everyone and bumps are ok x
Congratulations LadyMaMa!!!! Another August baby turned July baby! wow!
Hope baby grows nice and healthy :) Can't wait to see pics!!!
Congrats on your little man LadyMama, fab weight and excellent to hear he is breathing on his own, cant wait to see your pics and hear the full story :hugs:
Quick question for the ladies drinking RLT or taking the capsules, do you get quite strong braxton hicks,I mean to the point you sometimes have to breathe them away? or is it just me?

I never had BH with E so nothing to compare them too and dont seem to get too many this time.

Evening mummies,

Mumma love then dress x

Hope everyone has had a good day.

I have but now however feel like shit. Dan is packing his room up and I cant deal with it all too well.

Feel like a right wally sitting here crying but cant help it. Feel terrible.

:hugs: Hope you're ok!!

Mercy - sometimes you make me tired just reading all the stuff you get up too! And I think if you've got any extra energy I wouldn't mind it...my kitchen is just gathering more and more dust everyday from all the work thats been done on it!!! And everytime I wipe it down within minutes its got a film on it again :growlmad:

Hope everyone has had a good day and that babys are fine!! Can't believe how close some of you are to meeting your LO's already, I'm quite happy for a few weeks yet!

AFM I spoke to my big boss today about the arse thats been my boss for last 4 weeks and told him about things that have happened etc... I think he didn't realise how serious some things that happened were and couldn't believe I walked out on Monday without even telling people I weren't coming back til May!! So he's going to "sort him out" apparently!

Kev is just putting up our dining chairs and I can't wait to see them with the new table!! And mini me is tucked up in bed (after being awake at 5 this morning). So bed for me soon!

Lou x

Glad all went well with the boss Lou, just hope he sticks to his word and kicks some ass :grr:

hey girls.... i got a new dress delivered today..... i bought it for £9 on newlook and the postage was free at the time, i wasnt sure if it'd fit over my bump but it does !! so ill get lots of use out of it ((see attatched))

also.... i got a blue ruffle maxi from there last week for £20... well its £9 now so buy one !! i just bought it in purple !! lol... i get loadsa compliments on the blue one x

im not feeling very good today :( thought i was ok this morning... but no... not so good :(

off to browse new look website, love that dress! I have one the same cut but plain colour but size of my bump now makes it a bit indecently short at the front!!
Sorry you're still feeling crappy :(

Evening mummies,

Mumma love then dress x

Hope everyone has had a good day.

I have but now however feel like shit. Dan is packing his room up and I cant deal with it all too well.

Feel like a right wally sitting here crying but cant help it. Feel terrible.

MrsP, cry away, it's going to be strange for all of your when Dan moves out, but like Zoe said he'll still be around :hugs:

whats up mumma? loooooverly dress...

i had midwife today - all looking good, babba engaged and not back to back anymore... ive lost my plug. She has made me an appointment in 2 weeks time but she doesnt think i will go that far :D as abby was such a quick labor she has told me to ring them as soon as my contractions start.... its just a waiting game now...

Abby has been as good as gold today and is off to bed for an early night so i can rest and put my feet up!! Im still nesting but going to have to stop for tonight as my pelvic area is quite achy and sore....

hows everyone else doing this evening? xxx

Ooh Carolyn, 2 weeks you reckon?! I'll still be waiting...

Carolyn ooh you will be meeting your baby soon, I so reckon Im gonna go over again this time but I really hope I dont!

Eoz sounds like a nice day :D

I'm the same Lliena I'm sure I'll go over again too :(

WELL.... after starting the day feeling so comfy and that I was going to be in less pain! NOPE SILLY ME!!!! the pelvic pain and the sore lady bits kicked in around lunch time lol. and for some reason my legs have felt really heavy like lead today too! And then to top it all off my feet swelled up like balloons while I was at my mums and tots group this afternoon! could have done without that TBH! :growlmad:

BUT, on the plus side, We're having a massive clear out at my tots group, cos we're moving premises and getting new things bought for us, SOOOOOOOO I have managed to bag myself, a little tikes outdoor playhouse, a little tikes picnic bench AND a Fisher price vibrating musical bouncer/rocker chair!!!!!! YEY!!! The bouncer cover all comes off so have washed and tumbled it this morning, and given it a good detox clean on the metal and plastic parts! and it looks sparkling like new!!!!!1 :happydance::thumbup:

SO that means now that all I have left to buy is the car seat that fits with my travel system! I do have rileys old car seat so its not a necessity but i would like the one that slots onlo my pram frame! :thumbup:

I feel very prepared now and less panicky than last months when all I had bought was some bibs and vests hahaha!

Sat here now with HORRID period type pains, and keep getting the urge to go the bathroom for a No2 (sorry if thats TMI) but when I get there I do nothing! I think baby is head butting me down there again! and thats where its all comin from! :wacko:

Hope everyone is ok x
Nik x x :hugs:

Yay for all those freebies!! Jealous much!

Quick question for the ladies drinking RLT or taking the capsules, do you get quite strong braxton hicks,I mean to the point you sometimes have to breathe them away? or is it just me?

Mine are quite intense now, concrete belly, my MIL said she had the same when carrying DH!! Don't know if it's RLT related!

Well, I had a half day off from C today while she went to mum and dad's... checked out a car (mis-advertised - grrr) rented some DVDs and got a mocha frappe latte from Nero - delish!
So have just painted my toes (yoga style again) for what I think will be the final DIY manicure, just too uncomfy! and watched New Moon :) Bed now, my toes have had two hours to dry so hopefully OK!

I think I've done my final one too. I am having a mummies and babies day on 23rd July instead of a baby shower and my lady is coming over and doing us all pamper sessions.

My BH's have subsided in this trimester? lol, or maybe I don't notice them with all the work and projects I've been getting up to. Have my first clinical day (8 hour shift) on that Maternity ward tomorrow so I bet I'll be noticing them again soon.

Wow another august baby born, I have a feeling I'll be right around my due date somewhere so don't expect to go for another 3 weeks at least. Which is good cause that hospital bag needs packing still... I'm working on getting it done mrs p, it's made my list of things to do! The list that I want done within a week to 2 weeks so soon!!!

I'm not engaged at all as per last apt on monday but apparently engaging doesn't mean I still can't or won't go early apparently. I've been doing all the "fun" things to get labour going now so hopefully some of that helps!

Don't forget my photo evidence! :haha:

hey girls just popping in quickly... tidyin up and taking hj nursery, and then waiting for tesco delivery and that dress i bought from new look sale online.....

its ma bday :) grand old age of 23 today... yay me lol xx

nothing exciting going on. mum n bro round for a takeaway later..... :) x

but for me, today... more work !! lol xx

Happy birthday chick xxx

Hi ladies! Just want to report that my journey ends here with u guys. We have been embarking on this journey since november but wanted to let u know I delivered a wonderful 4 lbs 15 oz Baby boy last night at 11:03 pm on lucky number seven. It was very unexpected my waters broke at 230 in the morning and doctor kept giving me medication to stop/slow contractions just so the steroid shots can kick in and help his lungs which ended up working. He is breathing on his own so far so very glad about that. Thank u ladies for all ur support over the months. Good luck to all u august mommies. Never thought I would be a July mommy but I'm so in love with him he's absolutely gorgeous. I will post pics later on today.

Congratulations to you hon. Will update the front page.

Moggy - is mogster completely nappyless now or just day time?

As for me, banging head ache and hot fat and tired. Wasnt going to take E to toddler group but decided it would be good for us both to get out for a bit. Which it was.

Had my grandma on the phone being a pain in the bum wanting to come visit in the next week or so, so I agreed the 20th with mum now she wants to come the week before baby is due. I said no, am I being unfair?

I have two full weeks between now and then and obviously other than baby deciding to come early I wanted to take that time and chill and do not very much?

Anyways had hospital, had another scan to check to see if they can see where the bleeding is coming from, its definately the cervix which is good. 100% not the cord or anything and nothing in the way for baby to come in terms of vessles or anything. Baby weighs approx 6lb 4oz. E was 7lb 7oz so hopefully we're in for the same size baby.

Wee was clear yesterday this morning it was protein+ and blood+++ oops!

So I have to go back in 3 weeks (39) and if I am still bleeding then they will discuss booking an iduction, tbh I'd be happy with that if baby isnt here already, least I know I can be prepared so we'll see what happens.

Painter has been intoday and my bedroom I have to say is looking fabulous, nursery however I dont like but it will grow on my, its a lemon room, how much can I expect?!?! Just me being me.

Hot here, what is everyone elses weather like? xxx
Mrs P is it sunny in your nursery at the moment? I had doubts over our yellow walls until i saw them in sunlight and now in early morning it looks magical on the walls, we have a simple jungle border and then jungle accessories so not too in your face IYKWIM.

Boo to being landed on just when you wanted to have a rest, my family do the same and then they say oh well you can sit down we will run around etc and then I end up shattered as theyre all chatting whilst Im making tea/drinks etc! Sometimes feel like cos we live halfway in between we get used as a halfway house!

Mogster is dry in the day but havent tried nights yet, am inclined not to until we see how he copes with Moglets arrival....in the meantime I have one of his pampers bedmats on my side of our bed in case something decides to leak at night, much comfier than plasticy sheet or waterproof mattress protector IMO. HV says boys should aim to be dry in the day 2.5-3.5 and dry at night by 4 so plenty of time, girls it would seem are slightly more advanced with dry in the day 2-3 and dry at night by 3.5 so E has ages yet, if they arent ready it is a real chore but if they are ready then it seems to go much more smoothly. Will keep you posted when we start nighttimes but doubt it will be for a good few months unless he asks to...

Mogster is a little under the weather today, had a major meltdown after lunch and finally crashed on my lap for a snooze, 400 mins later he woke up screaming and finally got him to tell me his tummy hurt - think he is avoiding doing a no 2 :shrug: he is running around in just his pants now and much calmed, have fed him some nectarine and given him one of Daddy's gym water bottles so hes drinking plenty, hopefully he will go before bed or if not be a mucky nappy :wacko: Made me laugh cos as I read your post he came running to me waving his pants and saying need a wee! :rofl:

Seems like we are all nearing the end now, hope we will have a post preggers thread as it would be good to keep up with folks once the bubbas are here.

Gonna catch up with the rest of todays posts now :hugs:
congratulations ladymama on your baby boy :hugs::cloud9:

just to let you ladies know dumbo1976 is being started off tomorrow her waters have broke off to start athread letting everyone know but as she was an aig mommy i thought i'd let you know 2 :hugs:

i feel rubbish today ...

feel fat, uncomfortable and swollen. Cant stop peeing. im feet hurt. my pelvis is in AGONY after the mammonth (sp) walk to the dr's surgery yesterday. Not being able to afford a car sucks i can barely stand without supporting myself tonight :( abby refusing dinner again and im really struggling to cope with her sudden dislike of all foods :shrug: I hate being skint :( my boobies have started leaking.
Im feeling so unprepared for what i know is coming... being a single mum sucks :nope: i am struggling to even lift Abby at the moment and she refuses to walk anywhere....no doubts health visitor will have something to say about that as she is now nearly 20months. I keep getting shooting pains in my thighs and lower tummy (not contractions lol just bubs getting ready to make a move me thinks) kept feeling wobbly and faint today :( and i just want a decent nights sleep :(

rant over. x
Congrats Ladymama!!!

Aww Carolyn I know the feeling, just keep on keeping on, we're so close to the end now :hugs:
And best of luck to dumbo1976 tomorrow!! Here come the babies!!!!!
congratulations ladymama
and good luck dumbo..xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ladymama, congratulations!! wow :) please keep us updated!
Carolyn, :hugs: don't let the HV get you down, Abby is probably asking for carrys more since she knows something is changing, but doesn't make life easier for you knowing that when you're body is physically not up to it :(
And good luck to dumbo tomorrow!!

I was thinking about our thread can we have it moved over to Baby once the babies are all here? Then we can all keep in touch :)

So had a lovely chlid free day, lunch out, cinema, shopping - bliss!! Got some post-baby jammies from Primark which was pretty much the last thing that I wanted for my hossie bag!!

Also relishing the fact that DH is on bedtime duty tonight :muahah:

Not looking forward to the fact he's away for the weekend - informed my mum and dad that they're my on-call this weekend if something happens - all agreed unanimously that mum would be on Charlotte duty and Dad come to hospital - mum would panic!!
Ladymama, congratulations!! wow :) please keep us updated!
Carolyn, :hugs: don't let the HV get you down, Abby is probably asking for carrys more since she knows something is changing, but doesn't make life easier for you knowing that when you're body is physically not up to it :(
And good luck to dumbo tomorrow!!

I was thinking about our thread can we have it moved over to Baby once the babies are all here? Then we can all keep in touch :)

So had a lovely chlid free day, lunch out, cinema, shopping - bliss!! Got some post-baby jammies from Primark which was pretty much the last thing that I wanted for my hossie bag!!

Also relishing the fact that DH is on bedtime duty tonight :muahah:

Not looking forward to the fact he's away for the weekend - informed my mum and dad that they're my on-call this weekend if something happens - all agreed unanimously that mum would be on Charlotte duty and Dad come to hospital - mum would panic!!

I was thinking about asking if we can move to baby club too as it would be fab to keep in touch with you girls, if they wont move this thread I guess we can make an Aug mummys thread in there? :)
lliena i havnt forgotton bout u... had a busy busy day :) u will get ur pics sometime today i promise !!!!

hey girls... jst popping in to say hey briefly x
Ladymama, congratulations!! wow :) please keep us updated!
Carolyn, :hugs: don't let the HV get you down, Abby is probably asking for carrys more since she knows something is changing, but doesn't make life easier for you knowing that when you're body is physically not up to it :(
And good luck to dumbo tomorrow!!

I was thinking about our thread can we have it moved over to Baby once the babies are all here? Then we can all keep in touch :)

So had a lovely chlid free day, lunch out, cinema, shopping - bliss!! Got some post-baby jammies from Primark which was pretty much the last thing that I wanted for my hossie bag!!

Also relishing the fact that DH is on bedtime duty tonight :muahah:

Not looking forward to the fact he's away for the weekend - informed my mum and dad that they're my on-call this weekend if something happens - all agreed unanimously that mum would be on Charlotte duty and Dad come to hospital - mum would panic!!

I was thinking about asking if we can move to baby club too as it would be fab to keep in touch with you girls, if they wont move this thread I guess we can make an Aug mummys thread in there? :)

well if they've moved us from 1st tri > 2nd tri > 3rd tri, i guess we might be lucky!! I love the fact that all the posts are here, all our history!
Yeah me too, and mumma no worries :D

Now completley random question from me and maybe a bit tmi :blush: but earlier DH and I did the deed and during it I had an almighty gush I mean huge, now before I was pregnant I used to be able to ahem squirt(female ejaculation I think its called?!) but havent since. I was just wondering do you think it could have been that or possibly my waters and if it was my waters would there have been more than just that one big gush?? Sorry I know its very random its just the amount of fluid was loads an loads but it came out in like a big pressured gush and theres been nowt since. I feel so daft asking :blush:
:hugs: Carolyn, hope you're feeling better! I think a soak in the bath, chocolate and early night is in order!! :hugs:

:shrug: Lliena, that sounds a little bit strange...do you have any other pains, felt the baby move and that? When my waters went my was a massive gush and there was loads, but I know that everyone is different. I'd consider ringing your midwife just to be on the safe side? Even if they ask you to go in and double check at least you'd be sure? In my last pregnancy after me and Kev DTD I bled quite a bit and was asked to go in?

Mrs P/Moggy when did you start introducing the potty? We've got a couple around the house and try Jacob sitting on it (he's weed in it twice) but I know he doesn't know what its for. When did you start making a real effort with it or do you just know IYKWIM? :shrug:

Hope everyone and bumps are ok

Lou x
:hugs: Carolyn, hope you're feeling better! I think a soak in the bath, chocolate and early night is in order!! :hugs:

:shrug: Lliena, that sounds a little bit strange...do you have any other pains, felt the baby move and that? When my waters went my was a massive gush and there was loads, but I know that everyone is different. I'd consider ringing your midwife just to be on the safe side? Even if they ask you to go in and double check at least you'd be sure? In my last pregnancy after me and Kev DTD I bled quite a bit and was asked to go in?

Mrs P/Moggy when did you start introducing the potty? We've got a couple around the house and try Jacob sitting on it (he's weed in it twice) but I know he doesn't know what its for. When did you start making a real effort with it or do you just know IYKWIM? :shrug:

Hope everyone and bumps are ok

Lou x

I've got a bit of backache that seems to be coming and going and my tummy feels weirdly lighter :shrug: I'll just feel so daft if its not anything at all. Think Im gonna give it tonight and see if I leak anymore or if the pains get worse/beans movements change and if i have any concerns Il ring first thing in morning :)

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