****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

I know what you mean cos I felt a little daft after my and OH DTD and was sat in the hospital but we felt so much better knowing it wasn't anything! You'll have to let us know how you get on! Do you get BH? I've never had them before so I don't know what they feel like and if that could be what the pain is?
I know what you mean cos I felt a little daft after my and OH DTD and was sat in the hospital but we felt so much better knowing it wasn't anything! You'll have to let us know how you get on! Do you get BH? I've never had them before so I don't know what they feel like and if that could be what the pain is?

Yeah I have had braxton hicks it doesnt feel like them as its in my back and BH's are normally all tight in the front of my tummy. I'll make sure I keep you all updated :) Just gonna sit on my ball and roll for a bit!
Hello! My twins arrived at 35 weeks gestation on 28th June by natural (induced) delivery!

Noah Alexander born at 10.07pm weighed 4lb 7oz and Heidi Francesca followed at 10.29pm and weighed 4lb 10oz.

Good luck everyone xx
Mrs P is it sunny in your nursery at the moment? I had doubts over our yellow walls until i saw them in sunlight and now in early morning it looks magical on the walls, we have a simple jungle border and then jungle accessories so not too in your face IYKWIM.

Boo to being landed on just when you wanted to have a rest, my family do the same and then they say oh well you can sit down we will run around etc and then I end up shattered as theyre all chatting whilst Im making tea/drinks etc! Sometimes feel like cos we live halfway in between we get used as a halfway house!

Mogster is dry in the day but havent tried nights yet, am inclined not to until we see how he copes with Moglets arrival....in the meantime I have one of his pampers bedmats on my side of our bed in case something decides to leak at night, much comfier than plasticy sheet or waterproof mattress protector IMO. HV says boys should aim to be dry in the day 2.5-3.5 and dry at night by 4 so plenty of time, girls it would seem are slightly more advanced with dry in the day 2-3 and dry at night by 3.5 so E has ages yet, if they arent ready it is a real chore but if they are ready then it seems to go much more smoothly. Will keep you posted when we start nighttimes but doubt it will be for a good few months unless he asks to...

Mogster is a little under the weather today, had a major meltdown after lunch and finally crashed on my lap for a snooze, 400 mins later he woke up screaming and finally got him to tell me his tummy hurt - think he is avoiding doing a no 2 :shrug: he is running around in just his pants now and much calmed, have fed him some nectarine and given him one of Daddy's gym water bottles so hes drinking plenty, hopefully he will go before bed or if not be a mucky nappy :wacko: Made me laugh cos as I read your post he came running to me waving his pants and saying need a wee! :rofl:

Seems like we are all nearing the end now, hope we will have a post preggers thread as it would be good to keep up with folks once the bubbas are here.

Gonna catch up with the rest of todays posts now :hugs:

We have a jungle theme too, Sunshine Safari from M&P's. And yes the sun has been beaming in there all day. I said to Si we need to have a look when the sun goes down.

I'm not giving into my Grandma, I'm ready to give up now, just wanna get the decorator out and the house back to normal and thats me done, not having them over. They live in Bristol but will stay with family close by, she said she'd stay for just an hour but we dont see them often enough just to do that, besides she has nothing else to do.

E always tells me she needs a wee or a poo so I get the potty out, she sits and then she gets up and does it on the floor!! :dohh:

I'm in no rush, think will worry once baby is here, but I try and keep her nappy off and potty about as much as I can, I dont think it will be long till she is ready.

Poor little Mogster. E had her bottle tonight and was sick all over Si and the kitchen floor. Heat knocks them doesnt it?


i feel rubbish today ...

feel fat, uncomfortable and swollen. Cant stop peeing. im feet hurt. my pelvis is in AGONY after the mammonth (sp) walk to the dr's surgery yesterday. Not being able to afford a car sucks i can barely stand without supporting myself tonight :( abby refusing dinner again and im really struggling to cope with her sudden dislike of all foods :shrug: I hate being skint :( my boobies have started leaking.
Im feeling so unprepared for what i know is coming... being a single mum sucks :nope: i am struggling to even lift Abby at the moment and she refuses to walk anywhere....no doubts health visitor will have something to say about that as she is now nearly 20months. I keep getting shooting pains in my thighs and lower tummy (not contractions lol just bubs getting ready to make a move me thinks) kept feeling wobbly and faint today :( and i just want a decent nights sleep :(

rant over. x


You'll be ok hon. Hard I am sure, but the fact you will be starting alone with two do you think that maybe easier as you will be like it from the start?

you sound like you get a lot of support from your mum and sister :kiss:

Ladymama, congratulations!! wow :) please keep us updated!
Carolyn, :hugs: don't let the HV get you down, Abby is probably asking for carrys more since she knows something is changing, but doesn't make life easier for you knowing that when you're body is physically not up to it :(
And good luck to dumbo tomorrow!!

I was thinking about our thread can we have it moved over to Baby once the babies are all here? Then we can all keep in touch :)

So had a lovely chlid free day, lunch out, cinema, shopping - bliss!! Got some post-baby jammies from Primark which was pretty much the last thing that I wanted for my hossie bag!!

Also relishing the fact that DH is on bedtime duty tonight :muahah:

Not looking forward to the fact he's away for the weekend - informed my mum and dad that they're my on-call this weekend if something happens - all agreed unanimously that mum would be on Charlotte duty and Dad come to hospital - mum would panic!!

Yes I can ask for it to go to baby club, plus we have our facebook page too which can be used. Would be nice to stay in touch xxx
Hello! My twins arrived at 35 weeks gestation on 28th June by natural (induced) delivery!

Noah Alexander born at 10.07pm weighed 4lb 7oz and Heidi Francesca followed at 10.29pm and weighed 4lb 10oz.

Good luck everyone xx

Congratulations xxx
For some reason I cant multiquote.. grrrr!!!!!!

SO, hugs for HWM on your friend leaving!
Lliena I guess it may have been water??? you'll have to keep us posted on any other happenings.
Carolyn, sending tonnes of hugs to you too!
Congratulations on the new arrivals too! SO exciting that we've started to have some births! Making it VERY real that we're all almost there x x

Happy birthday Mumma!

SORRY if I have missed people out! I tried to remember all!

AFM, Had a tough day with being MEGA emotional! and Riley pushing me to my limits, I seem to be crying at the drop of a hat!
Still getting period type pains, and backache too! Kinda feels like theres pressure in my "lady bits" too! so i think that wee one is engaging properly for definate!

Its good tho, as I have never had the stage of discomfort where baby hits your ribs, like I had with Riley!

Had a little roll on my ball just now, which has eased the pain in my hips slightly! so thats good!

Hope everyone is ok x
Nik x x
:hugs: hormones are such bitches sometimes but at least we dont feel like that everyday :)

I'll def keep you all up to date, still got backache and feeling abit sickly I dunno it was just the biggest gush ever but had nothing since, very very odd!
Lliena might be best to check in with Mw as if it was waters there is risk of infection once theyve gone, would want to wish the trauma of the antibiotics baby boxing glove on your little one, i hated Mogsters when he was found to have GBS on him. Best to be safe I reckon and get checked!

I wouldnt introduce a boy to a potty before theyre 2 and most of them arent ready til well into the 2's, girs are quicker to learn and earlier but think thats cos of the fact they just have to sit and it flows with gravity, no aim etc

MrsP we have Jenny Giraffe - think Sunshine Safari was the theme that replaced it for M&P. Good choice:thumbup: and agree about standing firm re relatives. You wont get a chance to rest just thre 3 of you after bubs arrives but nows the chance once the decoraters are out. Was reading the baby name book just now and saw Henry and thought oooh MrsP is having a Henry :wacko:

Congrats to those who have had babies and :hugs: to those who want to have them NOW - I certainly am ready now. Requesting next Thursday please if anyone knows who to request to? Tuesday or Wednesday would also be acceptable - my ankles are getting too sore and I have to type with one finger now cos cant feel my fingers/thumbs. Carpal tunnel is so cruel! Splints arent doing enough just need the excess fluid gone now :cry:
Lliena might be best to check in with Mw as if it was waters there is risk of infection once theyve gone, would want to wish the trauma of the antibiotics baby boxing glove on your little one, i hated Mogsters when he was found to have GBS on him. Best to be safe I reckon and get checked!

Whats the boxing glove thing hun? Never heard of that? x
Boxing glove is the IV they attach to bubs to allow them to inject stuff when they need to, if bubs needs antibiotics etc they will put the glove on and it looks so huge makes it hard to dress over etc. Think its cos difficult to have canula like adult would have, so plastic glove protects it and keeps it in bubs hand. Zoe might explain it better as she has had the gbs issue too. Please get MW to check just in case...
Boxing glove is the IV they attach to bubs to allow them to inject stuff when they need to, if bubs needs antibiotics etc they will put the glove on and it looks so huge makes it hard to dress over etc. Think its cos difficult to have canula like adult would have, so plastic glove protects it and keeps it in bubs hand. Zoe might explain it better as she has had the gbs issue too. Please get MW to check just in case...

Ok I know what you mean now, You have just reminded me Ffion had to have it after she was born as she had some kidney problems for a while and they needed to give her some medicine through it. Not nice at all :nope: I'll go and see them first thing in the morning I promise, or sooner if anything happens overnight x
hey girls

well im here finally sitting down lol

and im working on llienas pics right now :) xx
Hello! My twins arrived at 35 weeks gestation on 28th June by natural (induced) delivery!

Noah Alexander born at 10.07pm weighed 4lb 7oz and Heidi Francesca followed at 10.29pm and weighed 4lb 10oz.

Good luck everyone xx

OMG Hope, congratulations :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: that's made my day that they've both arrived safely- you were the very first person I chatted to on BNB!! Love to all of you xxx
my ankles are getting too sore and I have to type with one finger now cos cant feel my fingers/thumbs. Carpal tunnel is so cruel! Splints arent doing enough just need the excess fluid gone now :cry:

I feel your pain. :cry::cry:
Keep waking throughout the night in tears, and can only internet for five minutes at a time, can't cook or wash up or clean or do anything properly, feel so frustrated :hugs:
Congratulations Hope, beautiful names :)

I hope everything is going well for you x
Yeah me too, and mumma no worries :D

Now completley random question from me and maybe a bit tmi :blush: but earlier DH and I did the deed and during it I had an almighty gush I mean huge, now before I was pregnant I used to be able to ahem squirt(female ejaculation I think its called?!) but havent since. I was just wondering do you think it could have been that or possibly my waters and if it was my waters would there have been more than just that one big gush?? Sorry I know its very random its just the amount of fluid was loads an loads but it came out in like a big pressured gush and theres been nowt since. I feel so daft asking :blush:

Could it have been a wee? I've had leaks like that a couple of times recently when we've been getting frisky, completely out of my control, way more than I'd have thought even if I'd just been to the loo before, but definitely wee...

:hugs: Carolyn, hope you're feeling better! I think a soak in the bath, chocolate and early night is in order!! :hugs:

:shrug: Lliena, that sounds a little bit strange...do you have any other pains, felt the baby move and that? When my waters went my was a massive gush and there was loads, but I know that everyone is different. I'd consider ringing your midwife just to be on the safe side? Even if they ask you to go in and double check at least you'd be sure? In my last pregnancy after me and Kev DTD I bled quite a bit and was asked to go in?

Mrs P/Moggy when did you start introducing the potty? We've got a couple around the house and try Jacob sitting on it (he's weed in it twice) but I know he doesn't know what its for. When did you start making a real effort with it or do you just know IYKWIM? :shrug:

Hope everyone and bumps are ok

Lou x

Wow, Jacob ony 14 months and has wee'd in potty?! Charlotte sits on there but does nothing...

Hello! My twins arrived at 35 weeks gestation on 28th June by natural (induced) delivery!

Noah Alexander born at 10.07pm weighed 4lb 7oz and Heidi Francesca followed at 10.29pm and weighed 4lb 10oz.

Good luck everyone xx

Congratulations on your twins!! 6 babies born now!

For some reason I cant multiquote.. grrrr!!!!!!

SO, hugs for HWM on your friend leaving!
Lliena I guess it may have been water??? you'll have to keep us posted on any other happenings.
Carolyn, sending tonnes of hugs to you too!
Congratulations on the new arrivals too! SO exciting that we've started to have some births! Making it VERY real that we're all almost there x x

Happy birthday Mumma!

SORRY if I have missed people out! I tried to remember all!

AFM, Had a tough day with being MEGA emotional! and Riley pushing me to my limits, I seem to be crying at the drop of a hat!
Still getting period type pains, and backache too! Kinda feels like theres pressure in my "lady bits" too! so i think that wee one is engaging properly for definate!

Its good tho, as I have never had the stage of discomfort where baby hits your ribs, like I had with Riley!

Had a little roll on my ball just now, which has eased the pain in my hips slightly! so thats good!

Hope everyone is ok x
Nik x x

Nik, hope Riley gives you an easier time tomorrow :hugs:

my ankles are getting too sore and I have to type with one finger now cos cant feel my fingers/thumbs. Carpal tunnel is so cruel! Splints arent doing enough just need the excess fluid gone now :cry:

I feel your pain. :cry::cry:
Keep waking throughout the night in tears, and can only internet for five minutes at a time, can't cook or wash up or clean or do anything properly, feel so frustrated :hugs:

I've had cubital tunnel before, but never carpal can't be any fun though - hugs for you both

Well, I've just watched 3 films in 2 days which is very unlike me!! Killers at the cinema today, New Moon on DVD last night and the lovely Bones tonight :)
Congrats Hope!!! Sounds like they're doing well, you must be so happy :hugs:
Wow, Jacob ony 14 months and has wee'd in potty?! Charlotte sits on there but does nothing...

I think it is only by chance! Once was before he got in the bath he did a mini pee, then stood up walked off and while I was singing and dancing like a loon that he'd done a pee pee in his potty - he did both on the floor in front of me! :haha:

The second time, he was having naked bum time and he sat on it and just weed. He was watching tv at the time and think it was the fact he was sat on it when it came. He does fill his nappy by crouching though IYKWIM? It has been more like luck but was just wondering when people made the decision to start on the potty? We took him off his dummy about 3 weeks ago, we thought it'd be harder to do when the baby comes so?

Lou x
wow more august babies born...well done hope..and very big congrats

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