****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Lliena, LO is keeping you on your toes then!! Hopefully no more bleeding for you...
Congratulations to Kaila, thanks for letting us know Jetters :)
Flutter it's grim here, certainly take some manky Northern Irish weather away from me and Nik - we are forecast one dry day in the next fortnight - not impressed!! My tan is fading!!
LadyMaMa your wee man is gorgeous! When do you think he'll be coming home?
Rainbows, keep those knees together and your LO cooking a little longer!!
Hayzeb, feeling pretty good I think, tired as usual, but physically no major gripes right now :)

Just back from dining chez mes parents - delicious lemon meringe pie for pud (M&S food rocks!). It's so nice just going next door and Charlotte still asleep in her own bed :)
Off to kip now... nighty night:sleep:

Oh and shooing the :rain: your way ladies...
:rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain: :rain:
ladymama he is beautiful, hope you are both doing well.

Does anyone else agree with me, that they put so much rubbish on tv at the mo, i just want something good to watch, and veg out with lots of sweets.

what is everyones baby movements like at the mo? mine just feel like bubba is moving from one side to another, dont really get many kicks now, but sometimes its few and far between, do you think i should be worried, i dont wanna get my self in a tizz about it, about i dont want to do the wrong thing by bubba

All I feel of my lo is like he's rubbing his foot or something against top of my bump! It's not often I get a proper kick now..I miss them :( tho when I do, it's a painful kick, usually in my side :/
i agree danielle, very much slower squirms now not kicks... LO has been pretty quiet today, but just as I get to bed is normally when I get a battering, so we'll see what happens now!!
I really am going to bed now, honest!! I'll keep trying to anyway but keep seeing posts I want to read!!
Thanks girls, you have put my mind at rest, I sort of told the mw and doc but they look at you like your mad, and that you should know whats going on, but its my first so i dont know whats the norm etc

do you go for hours without feeling you lo kick/move?

you should go to bed and get some rest, or have a major lay in tomorrow until at least 12 :D
Night :)

I can go that long with out feeling anything and then start thinking "OMG! I haven't felt him move today" :S sit thinking for age's then remember I did a couple of hour's ago or something x
Thanks girls, you have put my mind at rest, I sort of told the mw and doc but they look at you like your mad, and that you should know whats going on, but its my first so i dont know whats the norm etc

do you go for hours without feeling you lo kick/move?

you should go to bed and get some rest, or have a major lay in tomorrow until at least 12 :D

darnit I'm still here! why do i do it, i'm shattered!!
little chance of a lie in, DH away for the weekend, and Charlotte excelled herself by sleeping til 8 today, so not much hope of that happening again!
This time I'm switching off as soon as i post this, not even looking at other threads!
oh and I can hear thunder now i think...
please send the thunder down my way, i sooooooooooo want some rain.

Have a lovely nights sleep, and I hope Charlotte stays in bed till a nice time tomorrow. night x
ooo I want a thunder storm!!!

I also want chocolate but I seem to have a pig living with me that like's chocolate and can get in the fridge :/
Night :)

I can go that long with out feeling anything and then start thinking "OMG! I haven't felt him move today" :S sit thinking for age's then remember I did a couple of hour's ago or something x

I always then think, did I feel them, is my mind playing tricks, it will be nice to have my normal brain back soon. lol
ladymama he is beautiful, hope you are both doing well.

Does anyone else agree with me, that they put so much rubbish on tv at the mo, i just want something good to watch, and veg out with lots of sweets.

what is everyones baby movements like at the mo? mine just feel like bubba is moving from one side to another, dont really get many kicks now, but sometimes its few and far between, do you think i should be worried, i dont wanna get my self in a tizz about it, about i dont want to do the wrong thing by bubba

My LO moves so much less than it was doing! I have been quite worried a few days this week as I am not feeling much at all! then just as I get to the "worried enough to call the MW" point. he or she has a good old wriggle and sets my mind at rest lol! No real kicks these days, just squirms and wriggles!

Thanks girls, you have put my mind at rest, I sort of told the mw and doc but they look at you like your mad, and that you should know whats going on, but its my first so i dont know whats the norm etc

do you go for hours without feeling you lo kick/move?

you should go to bed and get some rest, or have a major lay in tomorrow until at least 12 :D

darnit I'm still here! why do i do it, i'm shattered!!
little chance of a lie in, DH away for the weekend, and Charlotte excelled herself by sleeping til 8 today, so not much hope of that happening again!
This time I'm switching off as soon as i post this, not even looking at other threads!
oh and I can hear thunder now i think...

I heard thunder too lucy! and I think I saw a little lightening! :wacko:
nothin like a few weeks of nice weather to make us feel worse when the rain kicks back in hey lol. I think we've been spoiled lately over here!

Night Night hun!
Mrsp You'll the thrilled to know I officially started my hospital bag... well baby's portion of it anyway, got 10 diapers packed 3 sleepers in different sizes, some mitts and a tuque and some breast pads for myself. Thats it, but it's a start! Will still post photo evidence once it is done.

37 Weeks for me! Full term!!!!!!!! Still don't think I'll be in labour for a couple more weeks.

Happy 37 weeks hon, good news on the bag. i am loving that. I shall await my picture evidence! :rofl:

Mrs P another mad one for you then.Rest up tomoz.As for cake master ha ha nutter and yes I am mad doing it agin.All 4 were up ill last night.Not fun!And oh my god ^am on the comp mad woman!

BabyFranceNo baking involved!Just lot's of licking spoons and eating maltesers!

Kelly9 Sorry hunny.Did the thunder clear the air?We need it here badly!Wahooo to full term!

Carolyn Are you the next August mummy yet?

Mercy So glad you had fun.Boo to the pains! I get the stabbing ones.Not nice x

Flutterbaby Not sad hun perfectly normal.Huggles x

Well I'm ok.The rash has almost gone so I do not feel so yucky.My hips have gone missing inaction and for some odd reason I can't walk more than ten mins now or my foo foo goes all numb and my leg gives away! Indigestion has done one wahoo! Raspeberry tea is now my new friend and it's very refreshing in this heat.

What do we have planned for the day?Me just ploding about the house doing odd jobs.Kids are going in the pool so a easy day x

No time for resting chick, far too much to do. I've put my self on mat leave in doors as of 23rd which is Friday.

Decorator finished yesterdsay so need to get all the rooms straight and has to be done by tomorrow as the man is coming to clean all the carpets.

Glad the rash has cleared up, that looked nasty and very uncomfortable. :hugs: How's the girls being today?

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Lliena, lovely pics, particularly the 2nd one :)
Carolyn exciting stuff, sounds like you won't need that induction after all!!
Lollipop hope your BP ok?!
Nik, poor you and Mat, hope you feel better for letting off some steam! Sounds like you had a great night out as well - I was just getting up for my first pee of the night when you got home!!
Zoe, cheesecake looks yum!!
Philly, busy day yesterday, give them hell over the pram please, nothingworse than that!!
Flutter, hope your mum's OK :)
Kelly, full term, wow, that'll be me tomorrow, but fairly sure I've got another 5 weeks!!

AFM, i'm sititng here while I should be getting dressed, we're going to see a car at 10, then to W5 (a bit like Science Museum)... need to shower, dress, dress C, packlunch - and leave in 20 mins - oops!!
Well C gave me a lie in until 8 which was appreciated, but to start my first morning on my own with her I got a nose bleed - just what I needed when trying to get her breakfast!!

Might of missed itb ut how did you get on with the car hunting?

Morning gang.

MrsP they have till monday to find me one, if not Mart is going up to sort them out. At least he put the pram up yesterday, it looks so cute! Just really want bub in there now!

As for being induced i will hopefully get my date a week wednesday. Gona sit down with the allthe docs and mw's and see what plan we can come up with. Although is it normal to suddenly become nervous???

hwm, good luck with the car hunt. We are going to look at one later today. I doubt if it will come to anything as they are asking abit too much for it. we'll see though.

Was late coming back from Twilight last night. Great film. Mart treated me to the posh seats so i was surrounded by my sweeties, nachos, Celebrations and muffins! (you get those 3 free). Didn't get back in till 12.30! Dirty stop out! lol

Stopped in bed till 10am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Woke up at 9 but couldn't be arsed to roll out so i just lay there watching the birds....

Just doing some washing then it's off to Argos for a loo roll holder! Yay!!!! I'm living the dream folks! lol

Enjoy your saturday all


Good, what wankers!! Especially when they have probably had so long to sort it :growlmad:

And yes Sat tv is crap and it makes the evening long. Thank god we all have each other to keep us sain!!

Hey ladies how are we all?? I spent last night in hospital again as I'd had more bleeding and not noticed bean moving as much and because im R- they kept me in as precaution just to make sure there were no more problems and I needed another anti d injection. Home again now but have had my scan+clinic date moved to Tue instead of a week Tue. They said my cervix is closed but arent sure where the bleeding keeps coming from :shrug: so want me to keep an eye on it and if I get more I have to go back in as i've had it 3 times now.

Im now currently at home eating orange ice lollies and relaxing as have been told to not do anything strenuous, not like I was anyway. I guess at the most its only 6 weeks to go now unless consultant says diff at my clinic app on Tue, but mummy would quite like you to come on time bean, do you hear me??

Hey chick, look after your self. Glad all seems to be well though :kiss:

Hi guys! i got back home yesterday. I cant believe that my lil boy wanted to make an early appearance lol. Here is a pic of Jorge III born on 7/7/10. This pic was taken today.https://www.babyandbump.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=97906&stc=1&d=1278791233

On 7/5 I lost my mucus plug. On 7/7 at 2:30 am my water broke which I did not know was my water and immediately started to feel back pain and cramping. Went to L&D and doctor said I was 1-2cm dialated and 100% effaced. Doctor gave me steroids for his lungs and medicine to stop/slow down contractions just to give time for the steroids to kick in. After 3 shots I started to feel them again in 2 hours then I was given oral mediciation to do the same thing which was suppose to last 24hrs and only lasted 3 hours. Nothing was stopping him from coming. By 9pm I was 5cm and doctor gave me pitocin so he can come that day since the doctor was satisfied that he was able to keep him in for a while. By 930 I was 8cm and by 1045 I was fully dialated. I pushed for like 15 min and he was born at 11:03pm. My lil lucky baby born on 7/7. It has been pretty tough to leave in him in the hospital but nice to know that he is getting better. I am so in love with him and on :cloud9:.

Good Luck to all u ladies and cant wait to hear stories about ur babies.

Congratulations hon, he is gooooooooooooooorgeous!!

oooo last i saw there was only 3August Babies born! congratulation's to you all who have had their babies hope they are all doing well x
I don't come in here much as I find it way to hard to keep up, i keep meaning to start coming in but then I feel like i'd be an outsider intruding :(

We dont have intruders here hon, only nutters!! :haha:

All welcome no matter how often you post xx

I haven't been on here in so long!

Hoping everyone is okay and congratulations to all the early August mummys!

I am expecting little one sooner than we hoped, went into hospital at 32+3 with contractions, they gave me a drip to stop them and had steroids for little ones' lungs.
Almost two weeks on and she's staying put! :thumbup:
Last week I was 3/5 engaged, they dont expect me to make it to 37 weeks but I am determines to prove them wrong.
MW on Monday, so hoping she can give me positive news!


Keep your legs crossed sweetie, baby may just stay there for you x

Thanks girls, you have put my mind at rest, I sort of told the mw and doc but they look at you like your mad, and that you should know whats going on, but its my first so i dont know whats the norm etc

do you go for hours without feeling you lo kick/move?

you should go to bed and get some rest, or have a major lay in tomorrow until at least 12 :D

I do, I think its cos the are more wriggles and rolls than full blown kicks, only till I sit down for a minute do I notice them.

AFM - I am well and truely f*cked!!! We have had a busy day. Took Toby (dog) to consult his stylist. Been and ordered the new carpet that comes on Thursday. Got all of the baby's stuff ready, moses basket is drying on the line as we speak and so are the double pram covers. Just need to unpack dummies & bottles and load steriliser ready to go.

Nursery is nearly done minus 1 clock and 3 pics which will go up in the morning and then I shall pop some pics up. Have to say I am pretty chuffed with it and looks better than I though considering the room size.

Just catching up with you lot and then off for a date with my pillow ready for round 2 tomorrow.

Tesco shopping is coming so planning to do a huge cook up and then get it all in the freezer, saves cooking (well not every night) over the next couple of weeks and after baby is born.

Hope you are ok and able to get some sleep tonight. We have fans on everywhere, poor little E wouldn't/couldn't settle tonight, there is just no air.

LadyMaMa your wee man is gorgeous! When do you think he'll be coming home?

Thank u ladies!!! Hopefully if he does well he will be home within 10 days worse case senario is 1 month. Hope that he gets stronger each day. Its sad seeing him like that :cry: but I know its only temporary.
Ladymama is he precious! I hope he can come home soon!

Send me the thunder and lightening and rain I love it! Well it's been raining here all day but I want a good storm!
Morning all...

Hope everyone has woken up well today. Mart kept me awake will 2.30am with his bloody reading, grrrrrr. Then i was up at 7ish to sort Brian out. Feel like punishing him and demanding he take me to the carboot i wanna go to. I'll see how i feel in a bit.

:cake: 35 weeks today for me! Another week closer to seeing our LO! I feel like a kid counting down the days till christmas morning!!!

Just going to make a brew then have a think of what to do with myself.

wow 7 born makes me really excited as i am 6th aug so not long left at all

my friend is due 5th and she is being induced due to spd next week

cant wait now
Wow 7 August Babies born already!! My fingers are well and truly crossed that they will all be allowed home very soon. I have 3wks til my EDD of 01/08!!! Bags are packed and OH is frantically decorating. Here's to a slightly cooler day today in the southeast.
Morning all...

Hope everyone has woken up well today. Mart kept me awake will 2.30am with his bloody reading, grrrrrr. Then i was up at 7ish to sort Brian out. Feel like punishing him and demanding he take me to the carboot i wanna go to. I'll see how i feel in a bit.

:cake: 35 weeks today for me! Another week closer to seeing our LO! I feel like a kid counting down the days till christmas morning!!!

Just going to make a brew then have a think of what to do with myself.


haay i'm 20 and still count down the day's untill Christmas morning:blush:

Igot hardly any sleep last night! :growlmad: next door was out on there garden drinking untill 2ish, being loud I was getting ready to shout out the window at them!
morning all!!
Charlotte managed til 7.45, so not too bad... she's now spinning in circles singing the wheels on the bus, adn letting me get on the computer! ah, now lying down singing twinkle twinkle :) less dangerous!
Car was lovely yseterday MrsP, but DH has blinkers about Vauxhalls and anything french, so the vauxhall badge will put him right off!
Just looking again now, few new ones over the weekend... here's hoping it's sorted soon! if we had 2 grrand more we'd have so much more an easier time!
just wondering what to do with ourselves today, DH away until some time this afternoon, need to get charlotte and i out of the house methinks...
holywoodmum Good luck car hunting.I have no car any more boo hoo x

daniellelk Grrrrr! When baby is here stand outside when he/she is screaming assholes.My neighbour does it here every day at 6am banging crashing and shouting really winds me up.

Philly Happy 35 weeks!!!!! HAve a nice day once you have decided!

Mrs P Can't wait for pics.And looking forward to seeing you sitting on your but! The girls haven't been so bad as Meg and Dan have been here.If I could sell Megan and Madison the house would flow so much better.Dan is adorable and him and Abi have a fabulous bond.Poor Smell bet she is struggling in this heat.

tessica123 Good luck to your friend x

Lady mama Little man looks fab for so early.Such a peachy looking little guy x

shmoo75 Wow 3 weeks are you all ready?

Well nowt to report from me really.Apart from sharp pains in my back and pelvis and my god I struggle to do a single thing anymore.OH has turned in to a lazy git and I'm starting to get very pissed off.I have sterilised all bottles and boob pump.Washed the pram.Double checked my bags.Half done my birthing plan.I'm all ready now.I met 3 girlies at my little one's new school last week and we are going to a playgroup together which is so unlike me as i hate socialising but think I should.We will meet up in holidays etc so at least I have someone to talk to and the kids get playmates.Well off to have another day of pain as the house nice a few bits doing to it today.

Oo we prob have covered this but what names have we all hit on?

Have a nice day hunnies :hug:

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