Hi Ecstatic and congrats! I can totally empathize you, this is my first preg too I found out on fri and I'm in complete denial I'm not believing it's real anf going to the loo to check af not appeared-I'm so scared all this happiness is gonna go away! And getting bloody cramps doesn't help so I'm glad to hear that's normal. I'm been on folic acid so jus continuing that and also read (my sis gave me a really useful booklet!) that now preggers should start taking 10 micrograms of vitamin D a day so popping to Boots later, apart from that I'm trying to eat lots of fruit and veg and avoid shellfish, blue veined cheese and of course alcohol. Also not gonna be able to change the cat litter anymore my DH will have to start doing that lol! I also haven't got sickness or tiredness yet and like u I'm 5 weeks, though I reckon it will kick in by a couple of weeks time though hoping not! X