****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Morning ladies!!
I was in bed for 9 last night :S
Wasn't a good sleep tho :/ got up to go to the toilet and nearly collapsed on the floor twice with a pain shooting through my belly :( then I just couldn't get settled and got up this morning with seriously bad back ache!
Think we are going to get the nursery empty today so my mum can wallpaper tomorrow :D
Morning ladies!!
I was in bed for 9 last night :S
Wasn't a good sleep tho :/ got up to go to the toilet and nearly collapsed on the floor twice with a pain shooting through my belly :( then I just couldn't get settled and got up this morning with seriously bad back ache!
Think we are going to get the nursery empty today so my mum can wallpaper tomorrow :D
A quick P.S...
Has anyone else had the return of the metalic taste from 1st Tri??? its SOOO string this morning! just tipped most of my coffee away, and couldnt stand teh taste of my toast before! its HORRID!!!!!!

Yup me to but more like I've burnt my tounge feeling.Though i was going cuckoo!

Morning ladies!!
I was in bed for 9 last night :S
Wasn't a good sleep tho :/ got up to go to the toilet and nearly collapsed on the floor twice with a pain shooting through my belly :( then I just couldn't get settled and got up this morning with seriously bad back ache!
Think we are going to get the nursery empty today so my mum can wallpaper tomorrow :D

Rest up missy!
Hi all, thanks for all the answers. The pain in really really low in my stomach, or around my pubic bone... Its definitely not stretching... And its mostly to my left side... Decided to try get some sleep lastnight as the pain sort of calmed a little. Woke at 4.45 in agony again. :( Tried logging on here as i didnt see any answers lastnight but my stupid computer has been acting up and i couldnt get next or near babyandbump... :( So today, the pain is still there sort of niggling away constantly but not as bad, still bends me over when i get the really sharp pains and brings tears to my eyes... :cry: I really dont know what to do... :shrug: :nope: Ooh, and just to top things off, i now have (TMI) diahoria... :cry:
Hi all, thanks for all the answers. The pain in really really low in my stomach, or around my pubic bone... Its definitely not stretching... And its mostly to my left side... Decided to try get some sleep lastnight as the pain sort of calmed a little. Woke at 4.45 in agony again. :( Tried logging on here as i didnt see any answers lastnight but my stupid computer has been acting up and i couldnt get next or near babyandbump... :( So today, the pain is still there sort of niggling away constantly but not as bad, still bends me over when i get the really sharp pains and brings tears to my eyes... :cry: I really dont know what to do... :shrug: :nope: Ooh, and just to top things off, i now have (TMI) diahoria... :cry:

i'd phone the doc's hunn and see what they say sounds to me your body maybe ready or getting ready for your baby now they say you get diahoria just before hand :hugs:
well b and b was down for me yesterday so couldn't catch up with everyone

mercy i 2 have the metal taste now and again it drives me crazy :wacko:

eoz how you been hun hows pupp's

i'm chilling today getting pains all morning had back ache for 2 days tried hot baths lavender pillows and paracetomal but it was still there hubby gave my a back rub and it appears to of worked but pain's now in the front not the back now they are irregular tho i'm relaxing as hubby has gone fishing and is an hours drive away that and i'm not ready for baba yet having my walls paper'd today :blush: so gonna chill and hope niggle's stop lol
morning ladies.............................

feeling a little deflated if im honest.... :cry: but thats a whole long emotional rant for another day i suppose.... x

anyway, bump hurting alot today, muscle wise..... :( think i tidied too much. x

jst gettin ready to go see my beautiful friend and her beautiful 2 day old baby <3

love to mums n tum n toddlers n hubbies n anyoneeeeee else mwah x
Seems like theres afew of us feeling the pain this weekend!
Daniellelk Take care of yourself today, sounds like you've had quite a night!
Aisling, Hope your feeling ok?? I'd giv your Doc a quick call hun, cant do any harm! sounds like maybe your body is gearing up for labour perhaps??

Glad its not just me getting the wierd tastes in my mouth lol, I thought I was just odd!
I have just bwoke from a 2hr sleep lol. Hubby went upstairs to hoover the landing and bathroom, and I went up too! Riley was playing in his new room, and I decided to lie down "just for a second" hahaha! YEAH RIGHT!!! 2Hrs later I wake up hungry and confused as to why I am on my own lol!

Went down stairs and hubby had done 2 loads of washing and was just making lunch!
YUMMMY ham and cream cheese bagels!!!!

Still cant seem to close my legs lol, every time I try I have shooting pains up my "lady bits" and down my thighs! and the back still aches like hell but not too bad, I have my full tum and a naughty glass of coke lol! so its all good!
A quick P.S...
Has anyone else had the return of the metalic taste from 1st Tri??? its SOOO string this morning! just tipped most of my coffee away, and couldnt stand teh taste of my toast before! its HORRID!!!!!!

Yup me to but more like I've burnt my tounge feeling.Though i was going cuckoo!

Morning ladies!!
I was in bed for 9 last night :S
Wasn't a good sleep tho :/ got up to go to the toilet and nearly collapsed on the floor twice with a pain shooting through my belly :( then I just couldn't get settled and got up this morning with seriously bad back ache!
Think we are going to get the nursery empty today so my mum can wallpaper tomorrow :D

Rest up missy!

By we btw, I mean my OH :D
Im going to be sat at the dining room table making alphetbet stencil's and number's :D
So I have them done ready for when I can draw them onto the nursery wall :)
I couldn't get on BnB last night either... Aisling, could you call the labour ward and speak to a MW there even if you can't call a community MW? Sorry you're still suffering..
Rainbowstarz, thanks for letting us know, FX there will be good news on Monday!
Mumma, things not go well with Olly?:hugs:
Nik, Koi is good!! Sounds like Mat is looking after you - listen to him and get some well earned rest!

As for me, I could do with nesting, our house is a shit hole. Just can't find it in myself to do anything about it right now - I want DH to help, but I want him to start if that makes sense! He's just slounging watching gold - DULL!

Have been to Nero for Mocha Frappe Latte, and free go at soft play (6th visit :))... Charlotte sleeping, I'm going to put my head down for 40 mins, then shoe shopping (for her and DH). Her feet haven't grown in 3 months, but the shoes are worn out! I hope the Clarks sale is sitll on!

Can't believe I'm 38 weeks now - that means that in 4 weeks come what may, baby will be here!! Charlotte at childminder tomorrow so I'm packing up my hospital bag - it's all gathered, but not packed yet... and there was something esle I wanted to do while she was out of the ohse, but cna't remember what right now! It'll come to me! (I hope!)
I have had those sharp shooting pains too, the mw thought i had a uti too, but only sent the stuff on on fri, so i wont know for definate until tomorrow, i think......... but i definatly feel your pain!

I have had that taste back in my mouth too espically wen i drink coke

I must pack my bag at some point tomorrow............. Got a scan tomorrow, followed by a consultants appointment....... not really sure why I am having a scan at 37 weeks, buy hey ho............ the mw on fri was on about they might induce me because of my bp, but i see a mw, a consultant for my thyroid and a consultant for my gd, so i dont know who is top dog and gets the final say in what happens to moi......
Oh well, that's nearly all of upstair's sorted :)
Mum's coming Tuesday to wallpaper, hopefully this time next weekend it will all be painted :D Then it will just need the skirting putting on which will prob's have too wait until OH's parent's get back from France..second week in August (finger's crossed my little man's stay's put until they are back!)
I so can not wait until it's done now.
Afternoon ladies, hope your all ok :)

Have spent today having a lazy day, had a yummy cooked breakfast this morning then just been pottering about at home. Re-sorted my hospital bags so now just have one for me with OH bits in too and baby's bag, much easier. Also gonna leave a carrier bag in the car with extra stuff in just in case I have to stay in longer than a night when time comes.

Just waiting for dinner now and watching Finding Nemo on tv with LO, I love this film :D
well b and b was down for me yesterday so couldn't catch up with everyone

mercy i 2 have the metal taste now and again it drives me crazy :wacko:

eoz how you been hun hows pupp's

i'm chilling today getting pains all morning had back ache for 2 days tried hot baths lavender pillows and paracetomal but it was still there hubby gave my a back rub and it appears to of worked but pain's now in the front not the back now they are irregular tho i'm relaxing as hubby has gone fishing and is an hours drive away that and i'm not ready for baba yet having my walls paper'd today :blush: so gonna chill and hope niggle's stop lol

Funny you ask hunny.It was doing so well but today it's flared up very bad :nope:

Afternoon ladies, hope your all ok :)

Have spent today having a lazy day, had a yummy cooked breakfast this morning then just been pottering about at home. Re-sorted my hospital bags so now just have one for me with OH bits in too and baby's bag, much easier. Also gonna leave a carrier bag in the car with extra stuff in just in case I have to stay in longer than a night when time comes.

Just waiting for dinner now and watching Finding Nemo on tv with LO, I love this film :D

Yup we have it on as well.Although i have to go do the bedtime routine as it's school tomorrow.Hope you're feeling better xx

Well what a day for me! Went in to town with OH and kids to see a man lying on the side of road.Looked like he was resting as his bike was next to him.Several people walked past him.We went to but we heard gurgling and when i looked at him his lips were blue.I went straight to him and started trying to get him to respond.He was all mumbled and very delirious.All of a sudden his breathing stopped and then his pulse dropped.I am first aid trained but haven't used it for yrs.I started massaging his chest and he gasped so kept doing this whilst OH rang 999.By then a few people came over to help.I got him in the recovery position but for some odd reason it made his breathing worse.So got him on his back and tilted his head back.I carried on massaging his chest whilst the other lady was trying to keep him conscious.I did smell drink on him but i really can't see that was why he was that ill.He kept gasping for breath and moaning then he went floppy.I worried then as i really did not want to do mouth to mouth at 37 weeks pregnant on a stranger.Luckily he gasped again and started taking little breaths.I heard sirens and thought thank god for that but oh no it was the fire brigade!The ambulance was out on call so they sent the fire crew.They gave him oxygen and almost immediately he responded.We still rubbed his chest and kept gently shaking him but he was coming round.Then a paramedic turned up.By then the man was starting to talk .The ambulance finally arrived and I went on my way.I nearly had kittens! Not how i intended on spending my afternoon lol

Well my back ache is still bugging me and now I have hip pain great!

How are we all xxxxxxxxxxxx
Evening all....

I would reply to everyone but i'm that tired i really don't know what to say. So :flower: and :hugs: to everyone.

Back from Silverstone. What a day! Mart loved every minute of it, he really was like a child at christmas. We even had to get the dvd and photos of his driving. Then he got his score sheet and was given A+'s for nearly everything. Gotta say i was a little proud :).

Just back home now and deciding on KFC or Maccies. Think it's defo an early night tonight. I'm pooped!

Is anyone else SICK OF GOING TO THE LOO, feeling like theres a tonne and just doing hardly anything!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGHHHH!

I feel like I live in the place! I went 5 times again last night and have been about a MILLION times today haha! I feel I am ranting now so shall stop lol!
BnB was down for me all night to last night. Had a big reply done up and it disappeared.

I have the lower pelvic pain to and something else I discovered last night before bed (when I couldn't get on arg!) is my fundal height had dropped! I am pretty sure baby has dropped as nothing else would explain that right? I now have a lot more space between boobs and fundus and put that in with the pain and discomfort it's all I can come up with. I can't wait to take my next bump pic to compare them.
hey all, not been online for abit. have i missed any births? how is everyone?
well i had my midwife appointment on 15th and it went well. baby is fine, heartbeat is still good, and hes nearly fully engaged (4/5). my womb is fully developed, but its been that way since 32weeks.......my scan showed it was fully done. suprises me though because i was only 32weeks at the time. :wacko: makes me wonder just how long he will go for, if my womb is done already then doesnt that mean that theres not much more room for him to grow?! :shrug: i dont know. my OH asked the midwife if theres a chance that he'd come early because hes measuring 2weeks ahead and because of my womb.....she said that on my next scan (3rd august) they will see how much hes grown etc, if hes measuring full term then theres a chance they may induce me. but we'll see. well other than that, shes sending me for physio, im not sure when i'll get the appointment though. i have been getting bruise like aches in my pelvic area and it also cracks alot, which hurts. plus ive been suffering with my legs, so the physio may help me. i hope so.
anyway, it was my birthday on 16th. i turned 22. it was pretty good i suppose. my mum paid for me to have my hair cut, then i went to visit my sister. i got a few cards and presents/money. was sweet of people, as i know these are the ones who are low on money. i was p*d off with my dad though, i havent had anything from him for 4 years, not even a cheap card, i dont mind not getting presents from people but it doesnt cost too much for a card. its the thought that counts, even last year he didnt even text "happy birthday" to me, my mum had to text him first. hes acting more and more like a prick each day, im not saying that just because he didnt get me anything for my birthday, its other stuff, years of crap....but thats a loooooong story. :growlmad: he makes me so angry, and sad to be honest.
well it was a good day really, had hair done, got visits from sisters, had a lovely nap with my fiance then we got a take away :D lovely. i love chinese food.

im going to leave it here because im waffling on.....
oh erm, does anyone suffer from Braxton Hicks?? i have had them on/off since i was 28weeks. first load was at 2:30am and were painful (mainly at top of stomach). then i didnt have any pain from then, i just had the hard stomach. but then from 32weeks i was having "period" like pains low down in my pelvic area, my midwife said they were B/H but theyre completely different pains from the first ones at 28weeks.....so i was confused. my mum said the period pain was probably just baby getting engaged.....i think that sounds more right than what the midwife said. i stopped having those period ones around a week ago. but then last night i had those really sharp bad pains again in top of my stomach, working down and all over. i couldnt concentrate on anything other than the pains, i tried sitting at an angle and breathing deep....didnt help, i tried standing up.....didnt help, i even tried leaning against my stairs banister and rocking a little but even that didnt help. eventually they went, so i knew it was Braxton Hicks. but its doing my head in that im being told different things so i was wondering what you ladies thought......from experience. i know each pregnancy is different but surely someone should understand me. are those sharp pains the actual B/H or are the "period" pains B/H?? how are you supposed to know the freaking difference lol. :dohh:

sorry for long post. im off now. :D x
mmm another take away for me! Back to cooking tho tomorrow!

Just made OH watch grease, not that he like's it.
Next door have just started drilling or sumat :/ x
i've never had bh with the boy's and this one i have tonnes well at least i think they sre i know labour is more painful than them i trhink it will come when you have children you just know it's the not knowing that it scary and drives you crazy sorry if i'm waffeling:hugs:

i make my hubby watch pretty woman but i think he'd draw the line at grease ........scrub that no he wouldn't he loves chik flicks legally blone being number1 :blush: he will kill me for telling you that lol i let it slip to his mate once he wasn't happy lol funny tho and he loves she's all that lol:haha:

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