****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Is anyone else SICK OF GOING TO THE LOO, feeling like theres a tonne and just doing hardly anything!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGHHHH!

I feel like I live in the place! I went 5 times again last night and have been about a MILLION times today haha! I feel I am ranting now so shall stop lol!

here here!!! :growlmad: i hate it!!! xx
My OH isn't really a fan of chick flick's, but i still make him watch them! He said i'd never make him watch Grease...but I have!!

I have such a active baby tonight :D
I watched a bit of grease, how i love that film!

We had a roast dinner tonight, havent had one in like 4 months, and it was so yummy espically mayo with my roast potatoes :D
Is anyone else SICK OF GOING TO THE LOO, feeling like theres a tonne and just doing hardly anything!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGHHHH!

I feel like I live in the place! I went 5 times again last night and have been about a MILLION times today haha! I feel I am ranting now so shall stop lol!

here here!!! :growlmad: i hate it!!! xx

I am with you two on that one too!!!!!!
Is anyone else SICK OF GOING TO THE LOO, feeling like theres a tonne and just doing hardly anything!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGHHHH!

I feel like I live in the place! I went 5 times again last night and have been about a MILLION times today haha! I feel I am ranting now so shall stop lol!

here here!!! :growlmad: i hate it!!! xx

so frustrating! I can go, get up and wash hands then could quite easily go again straight away! Um whose idea was this preggo lark :dohh:
Well what a day for me! Went in to town with OH and kids to see a man lying on the side of road.Looked like he was resting as his bike was next to him.Several people walked past him.We went to but we heard gurgling and when i looked at him his lips were blue.I went straight to him and started trying to get him to respond.He was all mumbled and very delirious.All of a sudden his breathing stopped and then his pulse dropped.I am first aid trained but haven't used it for yrs.I started massaging his chest and he gasped so kept doing this whilst OH rang 999.By then a few people came over to help.I got him in the recovery position but for some odd reason it made his breathing worse.So got him on his back and tilted his head back.I carried on massaging his chest whilst the other lady was trying to keep him conscious.I did smell drink on him but i really can't see that was why he was that ill.He kept gasping for breath and moaning then he went floppy.I worried then as i really did not want to do mouth to mouth at 37 weeks pregnant on a stranger.Luckily he gasped again and started taking little breaths.I heard sirens and thought thank god for that but oh no it was the fire brigade!The ambulance was out on call so they sent the fire crew.They gave him oxygen and almost immediately he responded.We still rubbed his chest and kept gently shaking him but he was coming round.Then a paramedic turned up.By then the man was starting to talk .The ambulance finally arrived and I went on my way.I nearly had kittens! Not how i intended on spending my afternoon lol

Well my back ache is still bugging me and now I have hip pain great!

How are we all xxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh my goodness hun you are a HERO!!! Good for you for helping someone out even while pregnant....sounds like you may have just saved him!!

Is anyone else SICK OF GOING TO THE LOO, feeling like theres a tonne and just doing hardly anything!!!!!!!!!!!! ARRRGHHHH!

I feel like I live in the place! I went 5 times again last night and have been about a MILLION times today haha! I feel I am ranting now so shall stop lol!

ME!!!! I am sooooo sick of it!!! A lot of the times I'll feel like I can't hold it in any longer and then it's hardly worth my time....plus the baby has been nudging up against my bladder more often now, I think she's getting lower.

im going to leave it here because im waffling on.....
oh erm, does anyone suffer from Braxton Hicks?? i have had them on/off since i was 28weeks. first load was at 2:30am and were painful (mainly at top of stomach). then i didnt have any pain from then, i just had the hard stomach. but then from 32weeks i was having "period" like pains low down in my pelvic area, my midwife said they were B/H but theyre completely different pains from the first ones at 28weeks.....so i was confused. my mum said the period pain was probably just baby getting engaged.....i think that sounds more right than what the midwife said. i stopped having those period ones around a week ago. but then last night i had those really sharp bad pains again in top of my stomach, working down and all over. i couldnt concentrate on anything other than the pains, i tried sitting at an angle and breathing deep....didnt help, i tried standing up.....didnt help, i even tried leaning against my stairs banister and rocking a little but even that didnt help. eventually they went, so i knew it was Braxton Hicks. but its doing my head in that im being told different things so i was wondering what you ladies thought......from experience. i know each pregnancy is different but surely someone should understand me. are those sharp pains the actual B/H or are the "period" pains B/H?? how are you supposed to know the freaking difference lol. :dohh:

sorry for long post. im off now. :D x

My BH are not really painful but they do have to make me stop in my tracks sometimes as my heart will get going a little faster and it's tough to move when the uterus is as hard as a rock!!! Mine don't feel like period pains at all....haven't had period pains since 1st tri...I've had cramps before from gas and they are PAINFUL!!! Those have been in the top of my bump (where the stomach is) and would come in waves...TUms helped cure those.
I would say the first cramps where you're uterus would go hard were the BH, the "period type" pains were your baby engaging and the other sharp pains at the top of your tummy were from gas/bloating....But I'm no expert!!!

AFM I'm hungry....what to eat?
pepperoni pizza 1-0 carolyn :( MAJOR HEARTBURN!!

you would think 38 weeks later i would have learnt my lesson!!

thought i would share some good news with you ladies... we have been worrying about abbys lack of walking.... as she has just turned 20months...

she decided a couple of days that walking was much easier than going around on her knees and has been walking/running and dancing since :D im so proud of her!!! Will be easier on my back ache too :)
going to take her to get her feet measured 2moro and buy her a nice new pair of shoes :D xxx
OMG whats wrong with me! i have just slept for 2 and a half hours!!!!

Today i had one 2 hr nap, one half hour nap and one 2 and a half hr nap!
and I STILL feel exhausted! i feel like someone has filled my limbs with sand or something! I am just heavy and feel like crap!

I could seriously go straight back to sleep but i have made myself get up in case i cant sleep tonight!
Anyone else sharing the feeling??
Glad its not just me gettin cross with the Pee'ing situation! its so annoying! lol
Check you out Zoe with your CPR - good for you!! Can't believe some people just walked past!
Philly, sounds like Mart had a great time, did you go for McDs or KFC in the end!?
Nik, I had to pee in town earlier, so ducked in Nero, and for once in my life it was a decent wee!! Was so gratifying, nothing worse than going for just a trickle...
As for the heavy limbs thing, I only tend to get that in the morning, an hour or two afrter I get up - no fun - if you're that tired though it's your body telly you something - get some rest!
Angel, is 4/5 not mean 4/5th palpable, ie 1/5 engaged?! I have no idea really, I'm not engaged at all! Also what's with womb being fully developed?! I've never been told anything like that... Confusing ey! Sounds like a good birthday (apart from your dad) though, chinese good!
Carolyn, Rennies at the ready!! I've nearly run out, must re-stock tomorrow :) Yay for Abby walking!! Clarks sale still on - so get you down there!!

Well, we went out after nap and managed to get Charlotte some shoes in the Clarks sale :) And then DH and I got shoes too - he was looking for some, I wasn't, so even more chuffed! Lovely converse :)
Charlotte had a wee temperature today, but has been on great form considering, and fierce appetite on her too!! Just a snotty wee nose, but encouragingly she's asking to blow it now (despite that still being mostly ineffective!)
Anyway, after nearly pissing myself laughing at Top Gear tonight, I've been reading, posting on here and now need to sleep.
DH has to drive again tomrrow, so my childfree day is now housebound, so don't konw what I'm going to do... I don't want to go anywhere in particular, but I'd like to be able to pop out if the notion takes me - grrrr
Good job on abby walking! Now you'll be busier chasing her around the house.
Eoz thats nuts! I'm a nursing student and am scared of situations like that in case I panic and don't know what to do! In the hospital it's easy but when you're out on your own yikes!

I thought 4/5 was palpable to so only 1/5 engaged. Out here they do it by negatives so if you're -4 you're just starting to engage if you're -3 you're more engaged and once you hit 0 baby is right at opening of cervix and you're ready to push, then it goes positive so +1 is just out of cervix and +4 means coming out of vaginal canal and being born.
Morning ladies, sorry for delay posting, got a text from Yas aka Jetters last night at 2245 - her waters broke! :wohoo:
pepperoni pizza 1-0 carolyn :( MAJOR HEARTBURN!!

you would think 38 weeks later i would have learnt my lesson!!

thought i would share some good news with you ladies... we have been worrying about abbys lack of walking.... as she has just turned 20months...

she decided a couple of days that walking was much easier than going around on her knees and has been walking/running and dancing since :D im so proud of her!!! Will be easier on my back ache too :)
going to take her to get her feet measured 2moro and buy her a nice new pair of shoes :D xxx

yay well done little one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check you out Zoe with your CPR - good for you!! Can't believe some people just walked past!
Philly, sounds like Mart had a great time, did you go for McDs or KFC in the end!?
Nik, I had to pee in town earlier, so ducked in Nero, and for once in my life it was a decent wee!! Was so gratifying, nothing worse than going for just a trickle...
As for the heavy limbs thing, I only tend to get that in the morning, an hour or two afrter I get up - no fun - if you're that tired though it's your body telly you something - get some rest!
Angel, is 4/5 not mean 4/5th palpable, ie 1/5 engaged?! I have no idea really, I'm not engaged at all! Also what's with womb being fully developed?! I've never been told anything like that... Confusing ey! Sounds like a good birthday (apart from your dad) though, chinese good!
Carolyn, Rennies at the ready!! I've nearly run out, must re-stock tomorrow :) Yay for Abby walking!! Clarks sale still on - so get you down there!!

Well, we went out after nap and managed to get Charlotte some shoes in the Clarks sale :) And then DH and I got shoes too - he was looking for some, I wasn't, so even more chuffed! Lovely converse :)
Charlotte had a wee temperature today, but has been on great form considering, and fierce appetite on her too!! Just a snotty wee nose, but encouragingly she's asking to blow it now (despite that still being mostly ineffective!)
Anyway, after nearly pissing myself laughing at Top Gear tonight, I've been reading, posting on here and now need to sleep.
DH has to drive again tomrrow, so my childfree day is now housebound, so don't konw what I'm going to do... I don't want to go anywhere in particular, but I'd like to be able to pop out if the notion takes me - grrrr
Got to do what you got to do i guess but still scared me.Love top gear!
Good job on abby walking! Now you'll be busier chasing her around the house.
Eoz thats nuts! I'm a nursing student and am scared of situations like that in case I panic and don't know what to do! In the hospital it's easy but when you're out on your own yikes!

I thought 4/5 was palpable to so only 1/5 engaged. Out here they do it by negatives so if you're -4 you're just starting to engage if you're -3 you're more engaged and once you hit 0 baby is right at opening of cervix and you're ready to push, then it goes positive so +1 is just out of cervix and +4 means coming out of vaginal canal and being born.

I must admit i was pleased i knew a little if i didn't then what? Baby may drop last minute so don't worry!

Morning ladies, sorry for delay posting, got a text from Yas aka Jetters last night at 2245 - her waters broke!

OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! So not far :hissy: She wasn't allowed to beat me lol Oooo Yas darling 37 weeks today full term and in Labour wahoo!!!
Woohoo. Watch this space. Good luck Yas xx

Hope you're all ok?

Tiff I'm with you on this one I was 4/5 2 weeks ago baby was just in then the Thursday I was 2/5. Once you get to 1/5 or 0/5 normally game over, well when baby decides obviously.

AFM - nothing to say really. Just having fights with double buggys. Who needs one and what you using?

I was awake in the night with BH's for 2 hours then pee'in so tired this morning. Si & I :sex: last night so thats what done it. Cant say I'll be rushing back for more, was so uncomfortable. But think its cos these stabbing pains I've been getting. Oh well all be over in 2 weeks. xx
Morning ladies not really read the page's i'v missed, still not fully awake!
Can tell my OH as been off all weekend :/ house is abit untidy, so I guess it's a morning of tidying for me. Even tho I have been following him around tidying up...I have got to be nesting! I'm never this tidy :/
Then I think i'm going to try crack on with my course, need to get it in before last week of August, and got loads to do on it, I just can't keep focused on it :(
No updates yet this morning....will keep you posted when I hear owt though...

MrsP we have a Phil and Teds DASH - I love it but as yet have only played with it in the shop and around the house. Bit more padded than the classic and sport models and has none of the shininess of the vibe. Also have a loola travel system with carrycot etc and buggyboard attached now for Mogster to go to school etc on.

Last day of term for Mogster today then just footie on Friday and we are officially on summer holidays :wohoo:

MW this afternoon and gonna have another grovel, find myself reaching the point where it is a toss up as to whether I want to meet Moglet or just to not be pregnant any more :shrug: My hands, legs, back, hips etc all hurt, i cant sleep and i live on the loo, add to that I feel like an overinflated whale and the prospect of another 4 weeks is killing me! I just want to be able to hug my boys :cry: Yas I am so jealous!
Moggy it's a good thing you are around I have proven myself to be the worlds sleepiest bump buddy and slept through the text and most of this morning :haha:

Yours will be here soon hun - he's probably just making up for Mogster being so early last time!

She is a monkey though 3 weeks early the lucky lady I hope she is doing okay!!!!
WOW Yas, Jealous Much?? lol. SO excited for her tho! and I know how she was struggling too! we're all really getting there now arent we? before long that number of babies born will be rising and rising!!!

I feel Fantastic today for all my sleeping yesterday, and (except for my 5 pee trips) I slept all night from midnight untill 8am! WOOPWOOP!!!!

My mums and tots group is moving today to a new community centre and I wont be in charge of running it any more! YEY!!!! its being taken over by the armys youth workers so no more shifting and huffing things around for Me!!!! YEY!

I do have some very interesting lower tummy pains tho, and the usual pelvic pain and stabby "lady bits" pains. BUT after all that glorious sleep NOTHIN is gettin to me today haha

Have a lovely morning everyone x
Nikki x x
haha mercy im jealous too lol!!!

anyone heard from yas?? im so excited for her!!! xxx

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