****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

hey ladies. just wanted to say thanks for the replies. i read up on the 4/5 pp to brim and it says that basically thats the head just getting into the pelvic area. so i guess that when im 1/5-0/5 then the baby is engaged.
erm not sure about the womb thing though, it does feel like its got no more to grow, theres no more room to grow, other than coming into my chest/throat lol. my fundal height was 38cm when i was 32weeks and it was 43cm when i was 34weeks 3days. i read up on it and it says that you take a few cm off because the midwife can not get it accurate, and that its normally the same number as how far gone you are (e.g. 32weeks = 32cm), but they do say you can get a accurate reading for the height when you have a scan, so when the sonographer told me at 32weeks that my womb was at full height then i believe it must be there. she showed me and my OH where the top was and it shocked me that it was up there so soon, but nevermind. baby is well so thats all that matters.
now im 35weeks today and i feel heeeavy :( baby keeps pushing out and pushing down. i feel weird when sitting because it feels like im sitting on something. strange.
anyway just thought i'd post this pic of my bump at 34weeks 4days, was taken by my fiance on my birthday. (16th) i love this pic. :D
Danielle don't worry, my EDD is August 18th with my first so I plan on being here a while longer yet. =)
Have swelled up like a puffa fish! Boo to water retention!

After saying to hubby yesterday that I was SO lucky not to have had hardly any swelling, WELL Fate has bitten me on the butt for tempting it!

Just had to fight with my wedding and engagement rings to get them off, and that made my finger purple!
I was sat leaning on my lower leg just now and have left a bit puffy dent in my shin area! arrgh!
My feet look like sausages and Its made me MEGA grumpy!

Hubbs has just popped in a few little party sized sausage rolls to cheer me up tho haha! at THIS time of night too! lol. Bless him!

heard from a friend earlier that "apparently" a few of my friends were talking about me and slaggin me off for not knowing that all the pains I have been getting were just Braxton Hicks! I wouldnt mind but I have never moaned about them!
I feel like punching them all in the face! I dont moan, and I have got on with things for weeks making sure I kept running their bloomin mums and tots group and thats the thanks I get!

I am so cross, but dont wanna say anything cos the mood i am in i bet I would just rant like a banshee! grrrrr sorry for offloading! just upset me a lot tonight!
Just a quickie as off to snooze :sleep:

Just had update from Yas (Jetters) - beautiful baby K born 6.52pm weighing 6lb 5oz she has sent a beautiful pic and says he is perfect :cloud9:

Well done Yas so pleased for you! :hugs:
Hurray for jetters.... can someone phonetically spell the name for me? I don't want to get it wrong

Mercy never mind them. If you let it bug you it will. As for swelling get those feet up!
Congrats Jetters!!! :D

I think hubby is trying to grow his own belly :haha: tonight he ate four (yes four!) hamburgers and a big plate of fries. He's a pretty big guy (not fat but beefy) so he usually has quite the appetite but even this is a lot for him!!!
Just thinking of 4 burgers and a plate of fries makes me want to barf... not cause of the food but because of the quantity! I don't think my DH could pack away that much but he does have a big appetite for a little guy.
Yas he is gorgeous - text came and was in bed but had a peep and he is beautiful. Glad you won the name you wanted cant wait to hear all about it. Great weight for a little boy firstborn, only 1oz different to Mogster. Rest up :hugs:
Nik (Mercy) I too am swollen but do you know what F**k EM! You will have a lovely bubba in your arms in a couple weeks and they will still be stuck with smarmy comments in their throats - may a big berry eating birdie poop on them from height on your behalf and may they be wearing a pale colour thats difficult to clean the stain off or even worse if theyre very vain may it poop in their hair!

Keep the rings off and for the feet cold water does help a bit as does putting them up but TBH nothing makes it go away it just moves :dohh: for the hands please keep your rings off, I tried putting one back on and it got stuck, felt wrong with no wedding ring but ended up at local jewellers with hands in iced water whilst they removed it :oops: Fortunately they are lovely in there as theyre the only place in town you can get batteries to fit Mogsters favourite plane! Try runining hands in warm water in the morning if theyre stiff - discovered it yesterday after weeks of agony and it gets them moving but they will still fel like you have ski gloves a size to small on or those funny chem suit gloves on - bet MrB has a pair...? OH put his on to eat dinner one night to make me laugh, wish Id known he was gonna do it as would have made spaghetti or something harder to eat!

Big :hugs: to all it cant be too much longer now especially if the October babies are starting to come!
I love the fact that Yas had her growth scan and they were pretty bang on with weights.He'd been at least 8lb if he had cooked more.Once again babe he is adorable xx

Morning ladies xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
morning ladie's!!

My neighbour's are driving me mad! The women was shouting until some daft time, I managed to get to sleep once, then she woke me up! It didn't even sound like anyone was arguing back with her :/ I was getting ready to get up and shout out the window to her.
Wouldn't surprise me if she was arguing with the dog's tbh and telling the dog's she didn't care!

Well this morning I have headache...again :( and all under my rib's is killing :( I think babys wore him self out tho with all the kicking and wriggling he was doing last night, wouldn't stop!!

Danielle don't worry, my EDD is August 18th with my first so I plan on being here a while longer yet. =)

Mine's 31st, that's age's away!!
Zoe youre worrying me now, my growth scan had bubs big! Another one week on Friday though if we get that far, hoping they overestimated like they did with Mogster!

Morning Yas - your first morning waking up as a Mummy!
Congratulations Wiganlass!!

Erm, what was I going to say!? Oh I dunno, DH has gone to bed, Charlotte is poorly, he had to put her to bed tonight while I was at yoga, he had no patience, nor did she, but's she ill and only 2 years old flip sake! So I went to give her cuddles cos she was still crying when I came in, and I think he thinks she's just got to suck it up or something... poor wee mite, she's roasting, but wouldn't let me take any clothes off her. Asleep now though, but if she wakes again it's time for a dose of nurofen, and I'm stripping her down. it's muggy here tonight.

I'm almost feeling jealous of you ladies with pains, not that I want to be in pain, but it at least seems to be a sign that something is happening, whereas here I am just plodding along sameold sameold. Harrumph!

Oh poorly bubba, how is C this morning. Its horrid isnt it when they are not well. I sit and :cry: when E is poorly, I feel so helpless. Hope she gets better soon :kiss:

I give it up to DH at least twice a week or he's crabby :blush: My cervix is probably so used to the sperm it wont do a darn thing to it when it comes time, but I've read it takes quite a lot of sex or sperm deposits to get things rolling.

Keep us posted on Yas and Jasmik please!

Sounds like a bunch of you ladies are well on your way!:thumbup:

:haha: You do make me laugh!

hey ladies. just wanted to say thanks for the replies. i read up on the 4/5 pp to brim and it says that basically thats the head just getting into the pelvic area. so i guess that when im 1/5-0/5 then the baby is engaged.
erm not sure about the womb thing though, it does feel like its got no more to grow, theres no more room to grow, other than coming into my chest/throat lol. my fundal height was 38cm when i was 32weeks and it was 43cm when i was 34weeks 3days. i read up on it and it says that you take a few cm off because the midwife can not get it accurate, and that its normally the same number as how far gone you are (e.g. 32weeks = 32cm), but they do say you can get a accurate reading for the height when you have a scan, so when the sonographer told me at 32weeks that my womb was at full height then i believe it must be there. she showed me and my OH where the top was and it shocked me that it was up there so soon, but nevermind. baby is well so thats all that matters.
now im 35weeks today and i feel heeeavy :( baby keeps pushing out and pushing down. i feel weird when sitting because it feels like im sitting on something. strange.
anyway just thought i'd post this pic of my bump at 34weeks 4days, was taken by my fiance on my birthday. (16th) i love this pic. :D

:thumbup: Great pic

Have swelled up like a puffa fish! Boo to water retention!

After saying to hubby yesterday that I was SO lucky not to have had hardly any swelling, WELL Fate has bitten me on the butt for tempting it!

Just had to fight with my wedding and engagement rings to get them off, and that made my finger purple!
I was sat leaning on my lower leg just now and have left a bit puffy dent in my shin area! arrgh!
My feet look like sausages and Its made me MEGA grumpy!

Hubbs has just popped in a few little party sized sausage rolls to cheer me up tho haha! at THIS time of night too! lol. Bless him!

heard from a friend earlier that "apparently" a few of my friends were talking about me and slaggin me off for not knowing that all the pains I have been getting were just Braxton Hicks! I wouldnt mind but I have never moaned about them!
I feel like punching them all in the face! I dont moan, and I have got on with things for weeks making sure I kept running their bloomin mums and tots group and thats the thanks I get!

I am so cross, but dont wanna say anything cos the mood i am in i bet I would just rant like a banshee! grrrrr sorry for offloading! just upset me a lot tonight!

:hugs: sweety. Hope the sausage rolls helped!

As for the so called friends :grr: Like you say you have kept the group going but you know what women will be women but hold your head high hon as I am sure there are plenty that have appreciated the work you have out in throughout the last few weeks of your pregnancy :hugs:

morning ladie's!!

My neighbour's are driving me mad! The women was shouting until some daft time, I managed to get to sleep once, then she woke me up! It didn't even sound like anyone was arguing back with her :/ I was getting ready to get up and shout out the window to her.
Wouldn't surprise me if she was arguing with the dog's tbh and telling the dog's she didn't care!

Well this morning I have headache...again :( and all under my rib's is killing :( I think babys wore him self out tho with all the kicking and wriggling he was doing last night, wouldn't stop!!

Danielle don't worry, my EDD is August 18th with my first so I plan on being here a while longer yet. =)

Mine's 31st, that's age's away!!

Si and I both woke up with a banging headache today, dont know about where you are but there was just no air whatso ever last night here is was horrid.

Is mum coming today to do the wallpapering?

Congratulations Yas - How exciting! Welcome to the best job in the world! :kiss:

Mumma - Where are you, you've been ever so quiet!!! :dohh: I forgot Olly is back!

AFM - Not much to report. E is still asleep so just enjoying a quiet :coffee: and the chance to catch up with you lovely ladies.

Just a bit of ironing for me today and thats about the excitement. Mum is over today too.

Lil'P has been sooooooooo quiet, was going to go in and be monitored but cant get a good strong consitant HB on doppler so have decided to stay put. Have mw in the morning anway. I think what with these stabbing pains baby is just sitting down and low ready for kick off.

Went to bed at 10pm last night. Trying to make it a bit of a rule to get to bed early encase things kick off, least I would have had a couple of hours :sleep:

Not getting fed up being pregnant, just feeling impatient and cant take the not knowing of when :baby: will appear. Put it this way I know it wont be any more than 16 days, unless the decide not to induce me after all so that is a bonus.

For some reason I have decided this baby is :pink: now, think I have thought about it too much and just cant imagine a :blue: one! Well time will tell.

Hope you're all ok xxx
I'v had it past few day's think my OH has aswel, so prob's just the weather causing it!

Yup mum and her friend are coming to do the wall papering today :D she said 8, tho me and her friend both know she will only just be getting dressed.
Need to go and get a bit more wallpaper, but I cba to walk round to there's to get my car!
Had to leave it there last night so it wasn't parked on our road while we have our drive widened.
morning ladies !!!!!!! congrats yas !!!! everyones having bubbas early !! must be my turn soon eh !! x

ok... quick update while my bath is running....

olly arrived ! saturday bout 3 he got here... i wasnt ready, had jst stepped out the bath and answered the door looking a wreck i felt so uncomfortable.... all fat n preggers i wanted to look my 'best' but it just didnt happen..... :(

he didnt really acknowledge that i was pregnant just sort of wandered round the house mumbling bout work n his mum n dad n whatever he was doing on the plane n stuff.... i felt so awkward, like he didnt wanna look at me :(

that was saturday, he didnt kiss me or anything... didnt hug me or touch me or try to ! it was really getting me down tbh.... made me feel horrible. like it must be coz of the girls he sees all the time over there, that he came back to this big fat preggers girl with no make up on lol in sum ratty old dressing gown n he just thought 'nah'........... x

well last night he said he felt really uncomfortable round me.. and i felt horrible !! i didnt know what to say i was like, what dya mean, what did i do.......

he said nothing... he said he thought id gone off him... because i didnt look happy to see him saturday ! but course i felt uncomfortable myself, he said we'd been apart for so long he felt like we needed to be friends again n i cried.... said id been his friend all year didnt wanna be his friend anymore :(

n he said why dont u ever kiss me then u idiot....... were both as shy n stubborn as each other... waiting for each other to make the first move....... was so nice when he put his arms round me finally !!!!!!!!! even got to have an early night **wink wink** babys still where he left her tho lol didnt kick start anything......

but god do i feel so much better !! so hopefully things will be better now !! we can both relax more..... and try abit harder to no be shy........ its silly isnt it eh x

were meeting his mum n dad for lunch today :) while harrys at nursery then i have midwife at 4.20 to sort out this induction...... x

ill update you all later.... sorry i havnt read the million pages that have appeared since yesterday morning lol... hope your all well...

love to mum babies and bumps... <3

me + three

x x x x
ooo how exciting!! So i guess we know what you will be doing from now till the weekend?!! Babys room by any chance!!
morning ladies !!!!!!! congrats yas !!!! everyones having bubbas early !! must be my turn soon eh !! x

ok... quick update while my bath is running....

olly arrived ! saturday bout 3 he got here... i wasnt ready, had jst stepped out the bath and answered the door looking a wreck i felt so uncomfortable.... all fat n preggers i wanted to look my 'best' but it just didnt happen..... :(

he didnt really acknowledge that i was pregnant just sort of wandered round the house mumbling bout work n his mum n dad n whatever he was doing on the plane n stuff.... i felt so awkward, like he didnt wanna look at me :(

that was saturday, he didnt kiss me or anything... didnt hug me or touch me or try to ! it was really getting me down tbh.... made me feel horrible. like it must be coz of the girls he sees all the time over there, that he came back to this big fat preggers girl with no make up on lol in sum ratty old dressing gown n he just thought 'nah'........... x

well last night he said he felt really uncomfortable round me.. and i felt horrible !! i didnt know what to say i was like, what dya mean, what did i do.......

he said nothing... he said he thought id gone off him... because i didnt look happy to see him saturday ! but course i felt uncomfortable myself, he said we'd been apart for so long he felt like we needed to be friends again n i cried.... said id been his friend all year didnt wanna be his friend anymore :(

n he said why dont u ever kiss me then u idiot....... were both as shy n stubborn as each other... waiting for each other to make the first move....... was so nice when he put his arms round me finally !!!!!!!!! even got to have an early night **wink wink** babys still where he left her tho lol didnt kick start anything......

but god do i feel so much better !! so hopefully things will be better now !! we can both relax more..... and try abit harder to no be shy........ its silly isnt it eh x

were meeting his mum n dad for lunch today :) while harrys at nursery then i have midwife at 4.20 to sort out this induction...... x

ill update you all later.... sorry i havnt read the million pages that have appeared since yesterday morning lol... hope your all well...

love to mum babies and bumps... <3

me + three

x x x x

Oh bless you chick. Glad all is sorted now. Like you say must be strange when you spend some time apart, but on a positive he came home to you like he said he would and he still thinks you're a sexy mumma! Enjoy honey!!! xxx

Good luck at appointment xxx :kiss:
Mumma - So glad all is ok with you and Olly now hun.

MrsP - I have boring housework to do today too. Not so much fun.

AFM - Well, I could smell paint fumes quite bad upstairs last night so, I didn't take the chance and I slept downstairs on a mattress on the floor of our dinning room(which is where OH sleeps due to my really bad snoring which has gotten worse since pregnancy and hayfever kicking in)was not fun getting up 3 times to pee in the night I can tell you!!! Wont be doing that again tonight!! Baby decided to have proper wriggles last night at 1:45 and again at 4:45 not happy as, took me ages to ignore them and get back to sleep. Well, I'd better get dressed, sort the ferrets out, hang washing out then do a bit of shopping, tidy bedroom up and get some ironing in!!!! Think tomorrow I will relax abit.

Hope you all have good days and I hope some more August babies start arriving soon.

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