****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

oh yeah i know what i was going to say, we seem to have a phantom potty pooper in the house.
Charlotte sat down on potty earlier while I was at the loo, trousers down but nappy on... she's never used the potty before, sits on it lots, never does anything in it.... so anyway up she gets, and there's a poo in the bottom!! "poo ina potty" she says delightedly... nappy still on?! So i have NO idea how it got there!!
I'm not always up for it either but orgasm helps too! Cause it releases oxytocin which makes your uterus contract so you can always have some solo fun? :rofl:

:blush: yeah I can see that being a little more likely :) oxytocin you say!?

hey ladies. just wanted to say thanks for the replies. i read up on the 4/5 pp to brim and it says that basically thats the head just getting into the pelvic area. so i guess that when im 1/5-0/5 then the baby is engaged.
erm not sure about the womb thing though, it does feel like its got no more to grow, theres no more room to grow, other than coming into my chest/throat lol. my fundal height was 38cm when i was 32weeks and it was 43cm when i was 34weeks 3days. i read up on it and it says that you take a few cm off because the midwife can not get it accurate, and that its normally the same number as how far gone you are (e.g. 32weeks = 32cm), but they do say you can get a accurate reading for the height when you have a scan, so when the sonographer told me at 32weeks that my womb was at full height then i believe it must be there. she showed me and my OH where the top was and it shocked me that it was up there so soon, but nevermind. baby is well so thats all that matters.
now im 35weeks today and i feel heeeavy :( baby keeps pushing out and pushing down. i feel weird when sitting because it feels like im sitting on something. strange.
anyway just thought i'd post this pic of my bump at 34weeks 4days, was taken by my fiance on my birthday. (16th) i love this pic. :D

Love the pic!!

Have swelled up like a puffa fish! Boo to water retention!

After saying to hubby yesterday that I was SO lucky not to have had hardly any swelling, WELL Fate has bitten me on the butt for tempting it!

Just had to fight with my wedding and engagement rings to get them off, and that made my finger purple!
I was sat leaning on my lower leg just now and have left a bit puffy dent in my shin area! arrgh!
My feet look like sausages and Its made me MEGA grumpy!

Hubbs has just popped in a few little party sized sausage rolls to cheer me up tho haha! at THIS time of night too! lol. Bless him!

heard from a friend earlier that "apparently" a few of my friends were talking about me and slaggin me off for not knowing that all the pains I have been getting were just Braxton Hicks! I wouldnt mind but I have never moaned about them!
I feel like punching them all in the face! I dont moan, and I have got on with things for weeks making sure I kept running their bloomin mums and tots group and thats the thanks I get!

I am so cross, but dont wanna say anything cos the mood i am in i bet I would just rant like a banshee! grrrrr sorry for offloading! just upset me a lot tonight!

Nik, boo to backstabbing friends... and boo to swelling too... hopefully this cooler weather means it's not as bad as it might be!

Just a quickie as off to snooze :sleep:

Just had update from Yas (Jetters) - beautiful Kiaraad born 6.52pm weighing 6lb 5oz she has sent a beautiful pic and says he is perfect :cloud9:

Well done Yas so pleased for you! :hugs:

Congratulations Yas! How exciting :)

Zoe y
oure worrying me now, my growth scan had bubs big! Another one week on Friday though if we get that far, hoping they overestimated like they did with Mogster!

Morning Yas - your first morning waking up as a Mummy!

Moggy, I have a scan on 30th too - do you think either of us will make it!? i'm fairly certain I will...

morning ladies !!!!!!! congrats yas !!!! everyones having bubbas early !! must be my turn soon eh !! x

ok... quick update while my bath is running....

olly arrived ! saturday bout 3 he got here... i wasnt ready, had jst stepped out the bath and answered the door looking a wreck i felt so uncomfortable.... all fat n preggers i wanted to look my 'best' but it just didnt happen..... :(

he didnt really acknowledge that i was pregnant just sort of wandered round the house mumbling bout work n his mum n dad n whatever he was doing on the plane n stuff.... i felt so awkward, like he didnt wanna look at me :(

that was saturday, he didnt kiss me or anything... didnt hug me or touch me or try to ! it was really getting me down tbh.... made me feel horrible. like it must be coz of the girls he sees all the time over there, that he came back to this big fat preggers girl with no make up on lol in sum ratty old dressing gown n he just thought 'nah'........... x

well last night he said he felt really uncomfortable round me.. and i felt horrible !! i didnt know what to say i was like, what dya mean, what did i do.......

he said nothing... he said he thought id gone off him... because i didnt look happy to see him saturday ! but course i felt uncomfortable myself, he said we'd been apart for so long he felt like we needed to be friends again n i cried.... said id been his friend all year didnt wanna be his friend anymore :(

n he said why dont u ever kiss me then u idiot....... were both as shy n stubborn as each other... waiting for each other to make the first move....... was so nice when he put his arms round me finally !!!!!!!!! even got to have an early night **wink wink** babys still where he left her tho lol didnt kick start anything......

but god do i feel so much better !! so hopefully things will be better now !! we can both relax more..... and try abit harder to no be shy........ its silly isnt it eh x

were meeting his mum n dad for lunch today :) while harrys at nursery then i have midwife at 4.20 to sort out this induction...... x

ill update you all later.... sorry i havnt read the million pages that have appeared since yesterday morning lol... hope your all well...

love to mum babies and bumps... <3

me + three

x x x x

Mumma, glad you finally both mamnaged to talk to each other - tis not good when you're both hoping the other will make the first move!

Wow, i don't come on for one day and look at the action i miss out on!?!?

Jetters so pleased for you hun. Big congratulations! And there was you thinking you would be one of the last to give birth.... Wonderful news xxx

So yesterday me and Mart cleaned like a biatch! Mostly Mart but giving orders was hard work too. Everything is so clean and tidy now. It's wonderful. I feel at ease now.

Can't get rid of these horrid pains though. They are really starting to hurt, back has given out so don't know what's up with that. Am seeing mw this afternoon so i'm hoping he can shed a little light on the subject.

As for me i'm treating myself to getting my hair washed at the salon this morning then in for a leg wax before mw. Trying to get myself looking abit decent just incase they tell me i'm in this week. I really hope they do!

Love to everyone


Leg wax - ouchie!! Hope you get some good news on induction :)

As for us, C still not great, happy enough but so hot, temp not coming down so we're off to docs in half an hour - she's been on the calpol/nurofen for 3 days now...

Poor little C hope she gets better real soon :flower:

Nik (Mercy) I too am swollen but do you know what F**k EM! You will have a lovely bubba in your arms in a couple weeks and they will still be stuck with smarmy comments in their throats - may a big berry eating birdie poop on them from height on your behalf and may they be wearing a pale colour thats difficult to clean the stain off or even worse if theyre very vain may it poop in their hair!

Keep the rings off and for the feet cold water does help a bit as does putting them up but TBH nothing makes it go away it just moves :dohh: for the hands please keep your rings off, I tried putting one back on and it got stuck, felt wrong with no wedding ring but ended up at local jewellers with hands in iced water whilst they removed it :oops: Fortunately they are lovely in there as theyre the only place in town you can get batteries to fit Mogsters favourite plane! Try runining hands in warm water in the morning if theyre stiff - discovered it yesterday after weeks of agony and it gets them moving but they will still fel like you have ski gloves a size to small on or those funny chem suit gloves on - bet MrB has a pair...? OH put his on to eat dinner one night to make me laugh, wish Id known he was gonna do it as would have made spaghetti or something harder to eat!

Big :hugs: to all it cant be too much longer now especially if the October babies are starting to come!

You a fantastic way with words hun lol! I hope those birds are pooping as we speak! heehee! My swelling has subsided slightly this morning, but is still there! I had a heck of a night but will fill in on that at the bottom. Thankyou hun, x u always make me smilie x

morning ladies !!!!!!! congrats yas !!!! everyones having bubbas early !! must be my turn soon eh !! x

ok... quick update while my bath is running....

olly arrived ! saturday bout 3 he got here... i wasnt ready, had jst stepped out the bath and answered the door looking a wreck i felt so uncomfortable.... all fat n preggers i wanted to look my 'best' but it just didnt happen..... :(

he didnt really acknowledge that i was pregnant just sort of wandered round the house mumbling bout work n his mum n dad n whatever he was doing on the plane n stuff.... i felt so awkward, like he didnt wanna look at me :(

that was saturday, he didnt kiss me or anything... didnt hug me or touch me or try to ! it was really getting me down tbh.... made me feel horrible. like it must be coz of the girls he sees all the time over there, that he came back to this big fat preggers girl with no make up on lol in sum ratty old dressing gown n he just thought 'nah'........... x

well last night he said he felt really uncomfortable round me.. and i felt horrible !! i didnt know what to say i was like, what dya mean, what did i do.......

he said nothing... he said he thought id gone off him... because i didnt look happy to see him saturday ! but course i felt uncomfortable myself, he said we'd been apart for so long he felt like we needed to be friends again n i cried.... said id been his friend all year didnt wanna be his friend anymore :(

n he said why dont u ever kiss me then u idiot....... were both as shy n stubborn as each other... waiting for each other to make the first move....... was so nice when he put his arms round me finally !!!!!!!!! even got to have an early night **wink wink** babys still where he left her tho lol didnt kick start anything......

but god do i feel so much better !! so hopefully things will be better now !! we can both relax more..... and try abit harder to no be shy........ its silly isnt it eh x

were meeting his mum n dad for lunch today :) while harrys at nursery then i have midwife at 4.20 to sort out this induction...... x

ill update you all later.... sorry i havnt read the million pages that have appeared since yesterday morning lol... hope your all well...

love to mum babies and bumps... <3

me + three

x x x x

MASSIVE hugs for you hun, hope things turn out better now x x bless you eh? x x

Wow, i don't come on for one day and look at the action i miss out on!?!?

Jetters so pleased for you hun. Big congratulations! And there was you thinking you would be one of the last to give birth.... Wonderful news xxx

So yesterday me and Mart cleaned like a biatch! Mostly Mart but giving orders was hard work too. Everything is so clean and tidy now. It's wonderful. I feel at ease now.

Can't get rid of these horrid pains though. They are really starting to hurt, back has given out so don't know what's up with that. Am seeing mw this afternoon so i'm hoping he can shed a little light on the subject.

As for me i'm treating myself to getting my hair washed at the salon this morning then in for a leg wax before mw. Trying to get myself looking abit decent just incase they tell me i'm in this week. I really hope they do!

Love to everyone


YEY for treats and for feeling all clean and tidy! and BOOO to pain! hope you're feeling better soon!

Congrats again to yas, its so exciting now that our little ones are arriving x x

WELL.... AFM. Last nigth I was sat with my usual aches and niggles and just as Mat was cooking the little sausage rolls to cheer me up lol, I was struck with the MOST HORRENDOUS pains in my upper chest and accross my back! I didnt think it was anything to do with bump, but it was so bad that it made me collapse on the bathroom floor! then i started vomitting like crazy! Mat tried to run me a bath and I just couldnt find a comfy position, I tried for a hour or two, then I had tightenings (which I think were more related to the stress than "proper£ contractions), So mat rang the labour ward and they told me i had to go straight in!
SO... Poor Riley gets dragged out of bed at 2am and (still in his little duvet) put in the car and we went off! I told Mat to leave me there so Riley could get back home to bed but I was sobbing when i was left on my own!

They seemed quite worried about me at first, found all sorts of protein, keytones,leucosites and nitrates in my urin, so there is rob an infection "somewhere".
The pain started to ease after I had been sick maybe 8-10 more times! and they put me on the monitor.

I had an internal and I am starting to dialate but she didnt record exactly "how" much! So I am guessing its was only VERY slightly! Baby's head was 3/5's palpable so not fully there yet!
I had tonnes of discharge so she took a swab, and there was bleeding around my cervix!

Baby seemd happy on the monitor, but the doctor was also concerned by the level of fluid in the iterus, she kept asking was i "sure" I hadnt had my water break or leak? I dont think I have!

Eventually after a few hours of being kept an eye on they let me come home! and I was so relieved to get back into bed and finally sleep! The pain has almost gone now which is crazy! She said she thinks it must have been some sort of tummy or gastro intestinal bug that started things in the first place (hence all the vomitting), but just to take it easy and that she thinks bubs is heading for freedom in the near future lol!

I feel like a Zombie today from lack of sleep. But Riley slept in until 10am, and he has nursery for 3 hours this afternoon so I am heading back to bed then!

Sorry for waffling on, I just had so much to fill u in on x x

Oh my goodness, what are you like. You'll send us all into an early labour having nights like that worrying about you. Hon you really need to ensure you are resting up. I know you dont need us to tell you but the big day will soon be upon you and you'll be wacked!!! I'm glad you're feeling much better but PLEASSSSE take it easy chick xxx

Congrats Yas!

I would love to be next............ gotta pack my hospital bag first though, lol

Lollipop, I shall add you to my hounding list along with HWM for no bag packing!!! :trouble:
Sorry Moggy left you off.

Thats so different as to how I was induced with E. I had an appointment with the consultant on the Friday and they booked us in. Gave me a sweep and checked how far dialated and favourable and all the rest of it. Sweep didnt work so I went in 8.30am on the Wednesday morning, monitored, 11am they gave me the first pessery and told me to stay put for 30 minutes, my contractions came by 2pm, I had my waters broke at around 5pm and I was about 5cm's then at about 8pm I was put on a drip as I couldnt dialate the last cm quick enough for what E wanted to come.

I cant believe how many hospitals do it so differently. And all this time or at any stage was it mentioned that Si would have to go home or anything.

You'll be fine. My induction was a good experience, I was quite worried as most people are normally quite set against the idea :hugs: xx
I think DH only got sent home cos I was still in induction bay, not on labour ward, and they did let him stay until 11pm...
Aww Yas yext me and said " Can't believe I actually have a baby" I am so pleased for her.Odd though that my bump and due date buddy had hers so suddenly!

How are we all.Will go back and re read but hugs to you all anyway xxxxxxxx
Sorry mrs P :-(

I will do it tonight/tomorrow promise! I only started maternity leave yesterday, and currently I am washing all the bubbas things and waiting for the nesting to kick in............

they said with inductions here, they give you something 3 times, every 6 hours, and then if it doenst work try again in 24 hours time, but you are not allowed to leave the hospital at all
nursery almost wallpapered :D Im knackered and all i'v done is watch!! Hopefully can paint it Thursday/Friday....Mum said she will come help, which mean's her mate will be aswel. So we might have the main color done by the weekend :D
My dad's not too well, but he said him and mike (my OH) will have ago at doing the skirting boared, so finger's crossed, this time next week, we will be finished! Except for finishing touch's
hope you are all ok x
Congratulations Yas!!! Can't wait to hear and see pictures!:thumbup:

Mercy I was thinking that all sounded like preclampsia you had me worried, glad to hear your feeling better now though!:thumbup:

Mumm gald you and Ollie got on the same page!:thumbup:

MrsP glad I can make you laugh cause it's pretty much the only thing that gets me through the days now is laughing. I just get sat down and DH calls come here, he does this to me about 50 times a night, getting very sick of it all. Finally told him if he wants to talk to me then he needed to bring it to me!

Moggy how are you doing???? Induction isn't too bad, depends though on how your body reacts. GL!:thumbup:

So many to remember sorry about not getting to each of you it's my attention span these days.

afm sewing the curtains for little man O tonight as it look very bare in the room without anything on the windows. DH should be finished with touch ups tonight after work. He still has to take the tape off the floor as we have hard wood floors and they are still covered in plastic to not get any paint on them. DD is busy finishing her room so it's not such a mess when my dad and stepmother gets here. I need to get the rest of the house in baby order seems like it's getting really close and I'm not nearly ready :nope: don't even have my hospital bag packed yet or a outfit to bring him home in ARGH!!! I go this afternoon for another u/s so will update you all when I get back. It will be late for those of you across the pond. Hope your all having a great Tuesday!

Hi ladies just to let u no i had my baby girl Jasmine on sat 17th july 5 weeks early weighin a healthy 5lb 10oz she doin really well in special care at the mo.Hope everyone is ok and having happy and healthy pregnancys xx
Hi ladies just to let u no i had my baby girl Jasmine on sat 17th july 5 weeks early weighin a healthy 5lb 10oz she doin really well in special care at the mo.Hope everyone is ok and having happy and healthy pregnancys xx

congratulation's hun x
Gah thought I felt damper than usual downstairs and am bleeding again, so not going back to hospital 4 days after getting out :nope: Im just gonna see if it stops as it tends to in hospital. If it doesnt I'll go in.
oh yeah i know what i was going to say, we seem to have a phantom potty pooper in the house.
Charlotte sat down on potty earlier while I was at the loo, trousers down but nappy on... she's never used the potty before, sits on it lots, never does anything in it.... so anyway up she gets, and there's a poo in the bottom!! "poo ina potty" she says delightedly... nappy still on?! So i have NO idea how it got there!!

YEY Charlotte, we've had a few hints in the direction of toilet training with riley lately, I just dont want to push him what with baby coming too! Sounds like she is almost ready tho hun! Well done little lady x

Congratulations Yas!!! Can't wait to hear and see pictures!:thumbup:

Mercy I was thinking that all sounded like preclampsia you had me worried, glad to hear your feeling better now though!:thumbup:

afm sewing the curtains for little man O tonight as it look very bare in the room without anything on the windows. DH should be finished with touch ups tonight after work. He still has to take the tape off the floor as we have hard wood floors and they are still covered in plastic to not get any paint on them. DD is busy finishing her room so it's not such a mess when my dad and stepmother gets here. I need to get the rest of the house in baby order seems like it's getting really close and I'm not nearly ready :nope: don't even have my hospital bag packed yet or a outfit to bring him home in ARGH!!! I go this afternoon for another u/s so will update you all when I get back. It will be late for those of you across the pond. Hope your all having a great Tuesday!


I was thinking the same at one point with the Pre eclampsia, but thankfully BP was down, and althought my urine had some protein in they werent too worried.
Sounds like you're keeping busy there hun! you'll be all sorted before you know it x

Hi ladies just to let u no i had my baby girl Jasmine on sat 17th july 5 weeks early weighin a healthy 5lb 10oz she doin really well in special care at the mo.Hope everyone is ok and having happy and healthy pregnancys xx

Congrats hun! lovely name too! sending hugs for you all x x

Lliena, Keep an eye on the itching, like Lucy says, It can be a warning sign, I have had some itching at night time along my sides and down my legs, feels a bit like something crawling on me, but never too bad! and usually with an itch and a wriggle it goes away!

I have had a good 3 hours sleep this afternoon while riley was in Nursery so am feeling a little more human again now!
Lots more rest ahead for tomorrow i think! Mats gunna cook dinner in a mo so I can get some proper food in me. I have eaten like a sparrow all day thus far!

Hugs and hope we've all had fab days x
Nik x x
Gah thought I felt damper than usual downstairs and am bleeding again, so not going back to hospital 4 days after getting out :nope: Im just gonna see if it stops as it tends to in hospital. If it doesnt I'll go in.

Aww hun, BIG hugs x Hope it stops asap x x :hugs:
hi ladies,
im really sorry but im really tired after a busy day so i cant muster the energy to read back on all the posts!
hope everyone doing! a massive congrats to jetters and all the other proud august mummies :D im jealous!!

i got my buggy today - a icandy peach blossom in tomato :D took it for a test drive this afternoon and i LOVE it!! just need a baby to put in it now!!
Abbys walkign is coming on so quickly - im so proud of her!

hugs x x x
Gah thought I felt damper than usual downstairs and am bleeding again, so not going back to hospital 4 days after getting out :nope: Im just gonna see if it stops as it tends to in hospital. If it doesnt I'll go in.

Oh Hun I hope it eases.If not you get your butt in that Hospital xxxxx

hi ladies,
im really sorry but im really tired after a busy day so i cant muster the energy to read back on all the posts!
hope everyone doing! a massive congrats to jetters and all the other proud august mummies :D im jealous!!

i got my buggy today - a icandy peach blossom in tomato :D took it for a test drive this afternoon and i LOVE it!! just need a baby to put in it now!!
Abbys walkign is coming on so quickly - im so proud of her!

hugs x x x

:hissy: :hissy: :rofl: I so wanted that pram you lucky thing.It is stunning!

Mrsreynolds Congrats babes.Hoppe you and little one are well xxx

Wahoo I can see again!! I finally have my new glasses.

I have decided Plum is staying in now till August.I feel like crap and the back ache is awful but just know i'll get to 39 weeks minimum x

How are we ladies? I can't believe the rate that these babies are popping out!

Anyone heard on Tina?(Jasmak) I am a bit worried as i know she had a while yet and nothing has been updated anywhere x
Congrats MrsReynolds! Glad she is doing well, hopefully she is ready to come home shortly. :hugs:
Lliena it sucks that you're having all this bleeding so close to giving birth. I wouldn't wanna go back in either though. Hope it stops soon for you.

carolyn i got the icandy peach in blackjack. I'm so in love with the pram. Can't wait to use it!!!! lol

So had my legs waxed and i'm now covered in bruises. Must be really sensitive now. Went to see the mw this afternoon. Bubs is on his side with his shoulder digging into my back, naughty boy. Booked into seeing him next tuesday but he doubts i will still be preggo by then. I really hope he is right! Bub is still fully engaged and my fundal height is 40 weeks now so i'm guessing he's fully cooked now.

He told me the pains i've been having are pre labour pains and usually the beginning of the end. Again really hope so.

So to cheer myself up me and Mart treated ourselves to the biggest takeway pizza! Washed down with a few chicken nuggets! lol

Getting a bit nervous for the appointment tomorrow though. I really hope they give me a date to come in. I'm desperate to meet LO now!

I did my own brazillian wax last night with the help of DH holding the hand mirror so I could see where I was putting the strips! I did a pretty good job to, gonna get in there again tonight and get one or two small spots i missed. Then I have to do my legs just in a few spots though. It's so nice to take a shower and not have to shave!!! Def worth the pain.

I thought i would post a bump pic as I took it this morning. Is it weird that I feel smaller? It feels like baby hasn't grown at all I've even lost a pound!

Congrats mrsreynolds on the baby! WOw our aug numbers sure are getting high. No one has heard from aiimee either hey? Anyone have her on FB?


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Lliena it sucks that you're having all this bleeding so close to giving birth. I wouldn't wanna go back in either though. Hope it stops soon for you.

carolyn i got the icandy peach in blackjack. I'm so in love with the pram. Can't wait to use it!!!! lol

So had my legs waxed and i'm now covered in bruises. Must be really sensitive now. Went to see the mw this afternoon. Bubs is on his side with his shoulder digging into my back, naughty boy. Booked into seeing him next tuesday but he doubts i will still be preggo by then. I really hope he is right! Bub is still fully engaged and my fundal height is 40 weeks now so i'm guessing he's fully cooked now.

He told me the pains i've been having are pre labour pains and usually the beginning of the end. Again really hope so.

So to cheer myself up me and Mart treated ourselves to the biggest takeway pizza! Washed down with a few chicken nuggets! lol

Getting a bit nervous for the appointment tomorrow though. I really hope they give me a date to come in. I'm desperate to meet LO now!


I thought you were being induced hun? Or does your midwife not think you will last till then after checking you today? What are your pains like that they said are pre labour? I have horrendous lower backache and bad braxton hicks again tonight. A friend on facebook reckons Im gonna have had bean by Sat, I said I wish :haha:

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