****August 2010 Babies & Buddies**** - 108 Babies Born

Morning girls, your all awake so early!

Eoz,I hope all goes ok at the docs.

I would do anythng, to get out of seeing my MIL, she drives me round the bend, fancy a swap danielle?
Maybe your cats are sensing something, supposedly they are meant to be good at picking up that kind of stuff, like they know when you are preggars before you do....... my two just sit on the sofa and sleep all day and give me a filthy look if i wanna steal their space, or wake them up from their sleep!

You made me all hungry now Steph,what with Tesco's being delivered, I amnot going there until Sat, and then I cant find anything nice to buy/I fancy to eat, so I end up buying ice creams, we have a whole frezzer drawer full of them at hope. lol

What are all you girlies having for meals at the mo? i could really do with some insipration on some meal ideas

My MIL is great :D So is my FIL, they do my head in sometimes tho but who doesn't!
Their going away at the weekend for 2week's! Then come back for 2week's and go again...over my due date! Which I don't mind :)
My cat's knew I was pregnant! At first, they would always have to lay near my belly, and gave nasty look's at anyone who came near me, infact one used to scratch and bite my OH if he went to hug me and she was sat with me :haha:
Then for a few month's they got face on with me and wouldn't come near me, now there just being bloody strange and being as awkward as possible.
My dog, that lives with my mum and dad must sense me being pregnant aswel, she's a little tw*t when she's off her lead in the field for my mum, but I took her last night and she wouldn't leave my side, even when my OH was shouting her, She kept waiting for me if she realised I'd dropped behind. Then when I put her lead on her, I held the chain bit out to bend down to put it on, and she put her head in it her self so I didn't have to bend down :D
Oh and as for food, I usualy have what ever I fancy in the day...usually something every half hour at the min lol nah usually just have a sandwhich or soup or something for dinner. Then I'll cook something for tea for Mike getting home from work :)
Not sure what to do today, frying steak, pork or chicken with new spud's or chip's :/
Nope I have to get checked as i am now getting period pains x

Speak later ladies xxx

Fingers crossed all is well hun, and its just that baby is nestled down and not able to kick/move as much x I am hardly getting anything these past couple of days, just the odd bulge sticking out and wobbling in the smae place all the time! On the scan the doc said thats bubs's BUM lol!

I have my 36 week appointment today so fingers crossed all is ok for me please girls :) xx

Hope all goes well hun x x

Nope I have to get checked as i am now getting period pains x

Speak later ladies xxx

good luck hun keep us posted!!

mumma - your up and about early this morning!!

AFM - got MW at 12, after all my carry on last weekend im going to badger her to give me a sweep and get things going... this spd is getting silly! i keep diving out of bed at night with cramp and making it worse! I can manage stairs in the morning but by evening time im in agony, getting in and out of the bath is interesting to say the very least and it takes me about 15mins to get out of bed in the morning as my pelvis seems to seize up over night :(

and its raining today so a friend giving me a lift... for once i wanted it to be a nice day so i could walk lol...normally i wouldnt think twice about accepting a lift but i wanted to take my new buggy out to play hehe, oh well another day xxx

Fingers crossed for the sweep for you hun x x Let us know how you get on x

dont laugh Zoe but do you have a water pistol? Fill it with very cool water and get squirting the bump around your belly button, makes Moglet leap around if hes been quiet.

My Mum coming again today to take the strain, as long as she can keep coming to give a boost/help am thinking I could actually make this.

So much for docs etc saying he would have been here by now though, think hes happy in there! Saying that if he is in there dont have to worry about him overheating outside - so muggy last night!

Let me know what MW says Zo :hugs:

:hi: everyone else, lets hope we all get a sunny day with a nice breeze, feet up time for those who can and chilled out park/garden time for the rest of us!

LOL at you with your water pistol :haha: Good idea tho lol!

Morning all....

So went to be last night not speaking to Mart. He made some horrible comment about me having big granny arms which kinda upset me especially in front of our friends. Then his bro rang about the wedding and wanted to know things straight away. So of course Mart jumps to attention. Then i find out there is no where for me to get changed once we have checked out of the hotel in the morning. How am i supposed to do my make-up and look half decent???? So i say this and of course i was accused of being a miserable cow and not to bother going. So i'm not! I hope this baby comes whilst he is at the stupis wedding, will serve him right!!!!

I know most of this is hormones but come on, i'm supposed to be the important one at the mo. Surely i'm his family now?!?!

Add to the stress of the hospital appointment this afternoon and i'm buzzing!!! Really don't know what they are going to say. I know that the amnio fluid will be increased but just want a date now! I'm not leaving till i get one! lol.

Eoz, hope all is well at the docs and it's just LO being naughty for his mommy!

Oh and i don't have a bump buddy in the August group so if something does happen those who are my friends on Facebook will have to keep people updated!


BIG hugs hun! I would feel the same as you in this situation :hugs:

Morning girls, your all awake so early!

Eoz,I hope all goes ok at the docs.

I would do anythng, to get out of seeing my MIL, she drives me round the bend, fancy a swap danielle?
Maybe your cats are sensing something, supposedly they are meant to be good at picking up that kind of stuff, like they know when you are preggars before you do....... my two just sit on the sofa and sleep all day and give me a filthy look if i wanna steal their space, or wake them up from their sleep!

You made me all hungry now Steph,what with Tesco's being delivered, I amnot going there until Sat, and then I cant find anything nice to buy/I fancy to eat, so I end up buying ice creams, we have a whole frezzer drawer full of them at hope. lol

What are all you girlies having for meals at the mo? i could really do with some insipration on some meal ideas

I am having tonnes of carbs!!! all I seem to want to eat id Rice.pasta.potatoes and bread lol. I dont know if thats my body craving things that release energy slower in prep for labour, or just that I am comfort eating lol!

lliena i wish all your bleeding would go away you do worry me !! x

Me too missus! I wish the bleeding would stop for you! I know how stressful it can be and I am not Resus Neg, must drive you bonkers x x

AFM, well, Riley is being an angel for me today! He has propped me on the sofa with his blanket and said "it make mummy better" now hes taken himself off to draw me a picture lol! hes too sweet x

I am gettng more period cramping this morning, so hopefully a sign that little one is wriggling a little further down!
Still got this horrid taste in my mouth driving me bonkers!

Has anyone else (this bits a bit TMI and gross), noticed that their body odour seems to have increased!??? I am showering like a crazy woman but no matter how clean i am and how much deodorant I am wearing, i still think i smell a bit yukki!
Oh the joys and the glamour of pregnancy! lol
ladies has anyone got any energy going spare that i can have? its a horrible day. ive got the midwife in an hour, house is a tip, abby just wants to play today and i can barely keep my eyes open :( just want to go back to bed :(

oh dear, just cried at the bill! :(
The Strawberry cheese cake in the firdge is calling me, but it's too early and it's nearly dinner time so trying to ignore that it's there :/

I have energy today, but nothing to do to use it on!
Hi all, sorry to be such a moaner, but iv had it really horrible this past week and just gotta talk to someone. :cry: As you all know i was at the docs on Friday for a urinary track infection and yeast infection... Well the antibiotics i got for the uti wasnt working quick enough and it turned into a major kidney infection, had to be rushed to out of hours doc by my partner on Sunday and got sent straight to a&e... He thought i had kidney stones !!! (Lab results havnt come back yet so still may be kidney stones but hospital thinks bad kidney infection) Had to stay in hospital Sunday night on antibiotics through my arm, painkillers(pain was WORSE than labour) and iv drips... :( Was told monday i could go home if i felt up to it... Maternity was VERY busy. I could go home on the promise of 3 things... 1- I keep taking my painkillers and antibiotics for the next 6 days, 2- I keep my next clinic appointment and 3- that i keep stress-free and take it extra easy until bubz arrives. I thought perfect, no bother. :happydance: Arrived home(still in pain) and was told that my supposed best friend iv known for 18 years(shes seeing partners brother) had done some tidying for me while i was away in hospital. I didnt get anything done for a few days before i was put in hospital as i didnt feel well, so yea, the place was a MESS !!! Anyways, she barely talked to me when i came in the door of Oh's mum and dads house. Then as we were leaving she followed us(us been me, oh and daughter Kaitlyn). She said that the place better be kept tidy from now on, if social services were to call, then Kaitlyn would be taken from us and that we were a total fuckin disgrace !!! :growlmad: Her words, not mine. :growlmad: I immediately walked away, slamming the door and broke down as i walked away. Oh narely had me going to the hospital again as he thought i was taking a panic attack i was crying that much. :cry: I mean how dare she say somthing like that. :growlmad: You wouldnt say that to your worse enemy never mind your best friend ! She kept trying to talk to me yesterday, without even an attempt of an apology... To top that off, we then got the word that oh's grandfather isnt well and needs a blood transfusion ! Then yesterday, i went to feed our pet hamster Bonkers, only to find that he had passed away. More tears as my emotion got the better off me, i cry at everything anyways but this pregnancy has been unreal with tears... Our daughter kept saying Bonkers, whats wrong, or bonkers sleeping... :cry: Its been such a bad week so far and i cant help but think that things wont get any better... :nope: Sorry bout the really long post... Just needed to get it off my mind... :wacko:
Hi all, sorry to be such a moaner, but iv had it really horrible this past week and just gotta talk to someone. :cry: As you all know i was at the docs on Friday for a urinary track infection and yeast infection... Well the antibiotics i got for the uti wasnt working quick enough and it turned into a major kidney infection, had to be rushed to out of hours doc by my partner on Sunday and got sent straight to a&e... He thought i had kidney stones !!! (Lab results havnt come back yet so still may be kidney stones but hospital thinks bad kidney infection) Had to stay in hospital Sunday night on antibiotics through my arm, painkillers(pain was WORSE than labour) and iv drips... :( Was told monday i could go home if i felt up to it... Maternity was VERY busy. I could go home on the promise of 3 things... 1- I keep taking my painkillers and antibiotics for the next 6 days, 2- I keep my next clinic appointment and 3- that i keep stress-free and take it extra easy until bubz arrives. I thought perfect, no bother. :happydance: Arrived home(still in pain) and was told that my supposed best friend iv known for 18 years(shes seeing partners brother) had done some tidying for me while i was away in hospital. I didnt get anything done for a few days before i was put in hospital as i didnt feel well, so yea, the place was a MESS !!! Anyways, she barely talked to me when i came in the door of Oh's mum and dads house. Then as we were leaving she followed us(us been me, oh and daughter Kaitlyn). She said that the place better be kept tidy from now on, if social services were to call, then Kaitlyn would be taken from us and that we were a total fuckin disgrace !!! :growlmad: Her words, not mine. :growlmad: I immediately walked away, slamming the door and broke down as i walked away. Oh narely had me going to the hospital again as he thought i was taking a panic attack i was crying that much. :cry: I mean how dare she say somthing like that. :growlmad: You wouldnt say that to your worse enemy never mind your best friend ! She kept trying to talk to me yesterday, without even an attempt of an apology... To top that off, we then got the word that oh's grandfather isnt well and needs a blood transfusion ! Then yesterday, i went to feed our pet hamster Bonkers, only to find that he had passed away. More tears as my emotion got the better off me, i cry at everything anyways but this pregnancy has been unreal with tears... Our daughter kept saying Bonkers, whats wrong, or bonkers sleeping... :cry: Its been such a bad week so far and i cant help but think that things wont get any better... :nope: Sorry bout the really long post... Just needed to get it off my mind... :wacko:

Oh but on the plus side !!! Im full term today !!! :happydance: :wohoo:
Hi all, sorry to be such a moaner, but iv had it really horrible this past week and just gotta talk to someone. :cry: As you all know i was at the docs on Friday for a urinary track infection and yeast infection... Well the antibiotics i got for the uti wasnt working quick enough and it turned into a major kidney infection, had to be rushed to out of hours doc by my partner on Sunday and got sent straight to a&e... He thought i had kidney stones !!! (Lab results havnt come back yet so still may be kidney stones but hospital thinks bad kidney infection) Had to stay in hospital Sunday night on antibiotics through my arm, painkillers(pain was WORSE than labour) and iv drips... :( Was told monday i could go home if i felt up to it... Maternity was VERY busy. I could go home on the promise of 3 things... 1- I keep taking my painkillers and antibiotics for the next 6 days, 2- I keep my next clinic appointment and 3- that i keep stress-free and take it extra easy until bubz arrives. I thought perfect, no bother. :happydance: Arrived home(still in pain) and was told that my supposed best friend iv known for 18 years(shes seeing partners brother) had done some tidying for me while i was away in hospital. I didnt get anything done for a few days before i was put in hospital as i didnt feel well, so yea, the place was a MESS !!! Anyways, she barely talked to me when i came in the door of Oh's mum and dads house. Then as we were leaving she followed us(us been me, oh and daughter Kaitlyn). She said that the place better be kept tidy from now on, if social services were to call, then Kaitlyn would be taken from us and that we were a total fuckin disgrace !!! :growlmad: Her words, not mine. :growlmad: I immediately walked away, slamming the door and broke down as i walked away. Oh narely had me going to the hospital again as he thought i was taking a panic attack i was crying that much. :cry: I mean how dare she say somthing like that. :growlmad: You wouldnt say that to your worse enemy never mind your best friend ! She kept trying to talk to me yesterday, without even an attempt of an apology... To top that off, we then got the word that oh's grandfather isnt well and needs a blood transfusion ! Then yesterday, i went to feed our pet hamster Bonkers, only to find that he had passed away. More tears as my emotion got the better off me, i cry at everything anyways but this pregnancy has been unreal with tears... Our daughter kept saying Bonkers, whats wrong, or bonkers sleeping... :cry: Its been such a bad week so far and i cant help but think that things wont get any better... :nope: Sorry bout the really long post... Just needed to get it off my mind... :wacko:

Awh hun sorry your having such a bad time :hugs: That was so cruel for your friend to say!! and sorry to hear about the hamster :(

Congrat's on reaching fullterm :)
Hi all, sorry to be such a moaner, but iv had it really horrible this past week and just gotta talk to someone. :cry: As you all know i was at the docs on Friday for a urinary track infection and yeast infection... Well the antibiotics i got for the uti wasnt working quick enough and it turned into a major kidney infection, had to be rushed to out of hours doc by my partner on Sunday and got sent straight to a&e... He thought i had kidney stones !!! (Lab results havnt come back yet so still may be kidney stones but hospital thinks bad kidney infection) Had to stay in hospital Sunday night on antibiotics through my arm, painkillers(pain was WORSE than labour) and iv drips... :( Was told monday i could go home if i felt up to it... Maternity was VERY busy. I could go home on the promise of 3 things... 1- I keep taking my painkillers and antibiotics for the next 6 days, 2- I keep my next clinic appointment and 3- that i keep stress-free and take it extra easy until bubz arrives. I thought perfect, no bother. :happydance: Arrived home(still in pain) and was told that my supposed best friend iv known for 18 years(shes seeing partners brother) had done some tidying for me while i was away in hospital. I didnt get anything done for a few days before i was put in hospital as i didnt feel well, so yea, the place was a MESS !!! Anyways, she barely talked to me when i came in the door of Oh's mum and dads house. Then as we were leaving she followed us(us been me, oh and daughter Kaitlyn). She said that the place better be kept tidy from now on, if social services were to call, then Kaitlyn would be taken from us and that we were a total fuckin disgrace !!! :growlmad: Her words, not mine. :growlmad: I immediately walked away, slamming the door and broke down as i walked away. Oh narely had me going to the hospital again as he thought i was taking a panic attack i was crying that much. :cry: I mean how dare she say somthing like that. :growlmad: You wouldnt say that to your worse enemy never mind your best friend ! She kept trying to talk to me yesterday, without even an attempt of an apology... To top that off, we then got the word that oh's grandfather isnt well and needs a blood transfusion ! Then yesterday, i went to feed our pet hamster Bonkers, only to find that he had passed away. More tears as my emotion got the better off me, i cry at everything anyways but this pregnancy has been unreal with tears... Our daughter kept saying Bonkers, whats wrong, or bonkers sleeping... :cry: Its been such a bad week so far and i cant help but think that things wont get any better... :nope: Sorry bout the really long post... Just needed to get it off my mind... :wacko:

Awh hun sorry your having such a bad time :hugs: That was so cruel for your friend to say!! and sorry to hear about the hamster :(

Congrat's on reaching fullterm :)

Thanks hunny, well now ex-friend, what she said is unforgivable... I got my last post in just before you... lol. :) :hugs:
oh dear, just cried at the bill! :(
The Strawberry cheese cake in the firdge is calling me, but it's too early and it's nearly dinner time so trying to ignore that it's there :/

I have energy today, but nothing to do to use it on!

can i have your energy then?? lol

im almost in tears now. :( Abby needs a nap but there is no point putting her down now as i have to be at the MW in less than hour. Yesterday was such a good day and today i just want to give up and go to bed and its not even midday yet!!!! :nope:
Hi all, sorry to be such a moaner, but iv had it really horrible this past week and just gotta talk to someone. :cry: As you all know i was at the docs on Friday for a urinary track infection and yeast infection... Well the antibiotics i got for the uti wasnt working quick enough and it turned into a major kidney infection, had to be rushed to out of hours doc by my partner on Sunday and got sent straight to a&e... He thought i had kidney stones !!! (Lab results havnt come back yet so still may be kidney stones but hospital thinks bad kidney infection) Had to stay in hospital Sunday night on antibiotics through my arm, painkillers(pain was WORSE than labour) and iv drips... :( Was told monday i could go home if i felt up to it... Maternity was VERY busy. I could go home on the promise of 3 things... 1- I keep taking my painkillers and antibiotics for the next 6 days, 2- I keep my next clinic appointment and 3- that i keep stress-free and take it extra easy until bubz arrives. I thought perfect, no bother. :happydance: Arrived home(still in pain) and was told that my supposed best friend iv known for 18 years(shes seeing partners brother) had done some tidying for me while i was away in hospital. I didnt get anything done for a few days before i was put in hospital as i didnt feel well, so yea, the place was a MESS !!! Anyways, she barely talked to me when i came in the door of Oh's mum and dads house. Then as we were leaving she followed us(us been me, oh and daughter Kaitlyn). She said that the place better be kept tidy from now on, if social services were to call, then Kaitlyn would be taken from us and that we were a total fuckin disgrace !!! :growlmad: Her words, not mine. :growlmad: I immediately walked away, slamming the door and broke down as i walked away. Oh narely had me going to the hospital again as he thought i was taking a panic attack i was crying that much. :cry: I mean how dare she say somthing like that. :growlmad: You wouldnt say that to your worse enemy never mind your best friend ! She kept trying to talk to me yesterday, without even an attempt of an apology... To top that off, we then got the word that oh's grandfather isnt well and needs a blood transfusion ! Then yesterday, i went to feed our pet hamster Bonkers, only to find that he had passed away. More tears as my emotion got the better off me, i cry at everything anyways but this pregnancy has been unreal with tears... Our daughter kept saying Bonkers, whats wrong, or bonkers sleeping... :cry: Its been such a bad week so far and i cant help but think that things wont get any better... :nope: Sorry bout the really long post... Just needed to get it off my mind... :wacko:


As for your 'so called' best friend. Tell her to piss off! If she doesn't like a bit of mess she doesn't have to come round. I would tell her how you feel hun. Don't bottle it up and give you the stress!!!!

Just think 1 good thing hun. You're full term today!!! :flower:

Hi all, sorry to be such a moaner, but iv had it really horrible this past week and just gotta talk to someone. :cry: As you all know i was at the docs on Friday for a urinary track infection and yeast infection... Well the antibiotics i got for the uti wasnt working quick enough and it turned into a major kidney infection, had to be rushed to out of hours doc by my partner on Sunday and got sent straight to a&e... He thought i had kidney stones !!! (Lab results havnt come back yet so still may be kidney stones but hospital thinks bad kidney infection) Had to stay in hospital Sunday night on antibiotics through my arm, painkillers(pain was WORSE than labour) and iv drips... :( Was told monday i could go home if i felt up to it... Maternity was VERY busy. I could go home on the promise of 3 things... 1- I keep taking my painkillers and antibiotics for the next 6 days, 2- I keep my next clinic appointment and 3- that i keep stress-free and take it extra easy until bubz arrives. I thought perfect, no bother. :happydance: Arrived home(still in pain) and was told that my supposed best friend iv known for 18 years(shes seeing partners brother) had done some tidying for me while i was away in hospital. I didnt get anything done for a few days before i was put in hospital as i didnt feel well, so yea, the place was a MESS !!! Anyways, she barely talked to me when i came in the door of Oh's mum and dads house. Then as we were leaving she followed us(us been me, oh and daughter Kaitlyn). She said that the place better be kept tidy from now on, if social services were to call, then Kaitlyn would be taken from us and that we were a total fuckin disgrace !!! :growlmad: Her words, not mine. :growlmad: I immediately walked away, slamming the door and broke down as i walked away. Oh narely had me going to the hospital again as he thought i was taking a panic attack i was crying that much. :cry: I mean how dare she say somthing like that. :growlmad: You wouldnt say that to your worse enemy never mind your best friend ! She kept trying to talk to me yesterday, without even an attempt of an apology... To top that off, we then got the word that oh's grandfather isnt well and needs a blood transfusion ! Then yesterday, i went to feed our pet hamster Bonkers, only to find that he had passed away. More tears as my emotion got the better off me, i cry at everything anyways but this pregnancy has been unreal with tears... Our daughter kept saying Bonkers, whats wrong, or bonkers sleeping... :cry: Its been such a bad week so far and i cant help but think that things wont get any better... :nope: Sorry bout the really long post... Just needed to get it off my mind... :wacko:

Awh hun sorry your having such a bad time :hugs: That was so cruel for your friend to say!! and sorry to hear about the hamster :(

Congrat's on reaching fullterm :)

Thanks hunny, well now ex-friend, what she said is unforgivable... I got my last post in just before you... lol. :) :hugs:

Lol yeh I edited :p

oh dear, just cried at the bill! :(
The Strawberry cheese cake in the firdge is calling me, but it's too early and it's nearly dinner time so trying to ignore that it's there :/

I have energy today, but nothing to do to use it on!

can i have your energy then?? lol

I'll send you some over :D

Is anyone else constantly hungry? Or am I just a pig..
Hi all, sorry to be such a moaner, but iv had it really horrible this past week and just gotta talk to someone. :cry: As you all know i was at the docs on Friday for a urinary track infection and yeast infection... Well the antibiotics i got for the uti wasnt working quick enough and it turned into a major kidney infection, had to be rushed to out of hours doc by my partner on Sunday and got sent straight to a&e... He thought i had kidney stones !!! (Lab results havnt come back yet so still may be kidney stones but hospital thinks bad kidney infection) Had to stay in hospital Sunday night on antibiotics through my arm, painkillers(pain was WORSE than labour) and iv drips... :( Was told monday i could go home if i felt up to it... Maternity was VERY busy. I could go home on the promise of 3 things... 1- I keep taking my painkillers and antibiotics for the next 6 days, 2- I keep my next clinic appointment and 3- that i keep stress-free and take it extra easy until bubz arrives. I thought perfect, no bother. :happydance: Arrived home(still in pain) and was told that my supposed best friend iv known for 18 years(shes seeing partners brother) had done some tidying for me while i was away in hospital. I didnt get anything done for a few days before i was put in hospital as i didnt feel well, so yea, the place was a MESS !!! Anyways, she barely talked to me when i came in the door of Oh's mum and dads house. Then as we were leaving she followed us(us been me, oh and daughter Kaitlyn). She said that the place better be kept tidy from now on, if social services were to call, then Kaitlyn would be taken from us and that we were a total fuckin disgrace !!! :growlmad: Her words, not mine. :growlmad: I immediately walked away, slamming the door and broke down as i walked away. Oh narely had me going to the hospital again as he thought i was taking a panic attack i was crying that much. :cry: I mean how dare she say somthing like that. :growlmad: You wouldnt say that to your worse enemy never mind your best friend ! She kept trying to talk to me yesterday, without even an attempt of an apology... To top that off, we then got the word that oh's grandfather isnt well and needs a blood transfusion ! Then yesterday, i went to feed our pet hamster Bonkers, only to find that he had passed away. More tears as my emotion got the better off me, i cry at everything anyways but this pregnancy has been unreal with tears... Our daughter kept saying Bonkers, whats wrong, or bonkers sleeping... :cry: Its been such a bad week so far and i cant help but think that things wont get any better... :nope: Sorry bout the really long post... Just needed to get it off my mind... :wacko:


As for your 'so called' best friend. Tell her to piss off! If she doesn't like a bit of mess she doesn't have to come round. I would tell her how you feel hun. Don't bottle it up and give you the stress!!!!

Just think 1 good thing hun. You're full term today!!! :flower:


I have done exactly that ! :thumbup: Oh and I have agreed that we want absolutely nothing to do with her. Unfortunately she has messed it up for Oh's brother too as we were going to ask him to be godfather to our bubz, but with the chance of them Maybe getting married in the future we have changed our minds and he will not be godfather. Stresses us to think that if anything happened to us then bubz would go to him and unfortunately her which we do not want... :nope:
:happydance: Woooooppppppeeeeee to been full term !!! :) :hugs:
Hi everyone!!! Thanks for amazing messages of love and support- especially you Moggy for all your help! Can't believe I have a baby!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Me and Baby K are home and survived our first night, breastfeeding incredibly tough but persevering. He is tiny but gorgeous and perfect, will put photos up later and birth story.

Just a quick request- am paranoid of the internet and as his name is so rare as soon as you google it, it comes up to BnB- so i'll only be referring to him as K online. Please can those of you who have mentioned him by name edit your posts! Thanks xxx
Hi everyone!!! Thanks for amazing messages of love and support- especially you Moggy for all your help! Can't believe I have a baby!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Me and Baby K are home and survived our first night, breastfeeding incredibly tough but persevering. He is tiny but gorgeous and perfect, will put photos up later and birth story.

Just a quick request- am paranoid of the internet and as his name is so rare as soon as you google it, it comes up to BnB- so i'll only be referring to him as K online. Please can those of you who have mentioned him by name edit your posts! Thanks xxx

Congratulation's hun glad everything is good :)
Just a quick request- am paranoid of the internet and as his name is so rare as soon as you google it, it comes up to BnB- so i'll only be referring to him as K online. Please can those of you who have mentioned him by name edit your posts! Thanks xxx

Sorted hunny - looking forward to your birth story :flower:

ETA - argh it has let me update the post I made with the name but it is still showing where people have replied with the quote - will the people who replied need to edit those ones??? Sorry Yas I never thought hun :hugs:
AislingMcM :hugs: your friend sounds like a right cow, high fives for us reaching full term though :happydance:

Yas good to see you home cant wait to see pics and read your story :D

Mercy totally with you on the body odour thing seems no matter how much I wash its still there or comes back within the hour. Have bought some perspirex to see if it helps was nearly £10 though :s
Morning all, have read all of the posts but having a bit of a morning and brain wont keep up with it all.

Sorry going to be totally selfish and talk about my self, just having a panic whilst waiting for mum to arrive.

Had mw this morning, she wants me to go to the hospital and be checked. Blood still +++ in urine & protein but we know that is from the bleeding, although bleeding not worse in content its more consistant, reduced movements and these stabbing pains she wants me to go in and be checked over and fight for them to bring the induction forward to sooner rather than later. Baby is fully enaged and I'm now 38 weeks so she said they may agree to it.

I dont mind going to be checked if she wants me too, but they've scanned everything and said all looks well and the bleeding is just because... I dont wanna sit up there for 3 hours to be told the same and sent home.

Mum is on her way to look after E and Si is on another course in London, he can get back if I really need him to but told him to stay there for now.

Right off to reply to you all properly now.

Do me a favour girls, if you are on my fb please dont put anything, just dont want people kowing least of all if they do book me in or people then to start fussing. Just thought if i went off quietly you'd shoot me upon my return. xx
Fingers crossed the queue is short and the wait brief and you either get to come home straight away or they tell you the plan and then let you come home and prepare before heading back with all under control at home - nowt worse with a little one than having no say over whats gonna happen next before you have all the info :hugs:

Yas so pleased you are back on, did you make the call? :friends:

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